AP Comparative Government: China

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Which of the following is the most important policy making organization in a Communist country? a. the National People's Congress d. the Party Congress b. the Politburo e. the primary party organization c. the Secretariat


Which of the following statements about subnational government in China is NOT true? a. China is a unitary state with provincial and local governments. b. There have been serious efforts to reduce party interference in the administrative work of subnational governments. c. Over the last two decades, government administration in the country has become more decentralized. d. Although subnational legislatures (people's congresses) meet infrequently, they have become increasingly active. e. Subnational executives are more accountable to party authorities than to subnational legislatures.


All of the following have resulted from the economic reforms carried out in China since the early 1980s EXCEPT a. a reduction of income, regional, and gender inequalities. b. a deeper integration of China into the international economy. c. a dramatic improvement in the standard of living for most people in China. d. transition from ideological to technocratic leadership e. serious negative environmental consequences, including air and water pollution.


In the spring of 1989, Tiananmen Square in Beijing was the site of a. huge demonstrations by students and others demanding political change that were violently crushed by the Chinese army. b. the resignation of Deng Xiaoping. c. the declaration of the founding of the People's Republic of China. d. gatherings of millions of Red Guards declaring their loyalty to Chairman Mao. e. public celebrations of the awarding of the Summer Olympics to China.


Since 1978 the majority of Chinese Communist Party Leaders have been a. technocrats d. college professors b. industrial capitalists e. nobles c. people of peasant background


The mass line in China is best described as a. a way in which the party mobilizes and structures political participation b. part of a Soviet effort to undermine the Chinese Communist party c. an example of spontaneous political participation d. an example of local government lobbying with national government leaders e. an example of interest-group behavior in a communist political system


The organ of the party which acts for congress, elects the Politburo, the general secretary and the Secretariat is the a. Central committee d. Party Organizing committee b. Standing committee of the Congress e. chairman c. premier and his staff


Which of the following is a significant change in membership of the CCP in recent years? a. Capitalists may now be party members. b. Fewer technocrats are leaders of the party c. The percentage of party members in the Chinese population has increased. d. Membership is now open to Chinese non-nationals. e. Most party members now come from the peasantry


Which of the following is true of both China and Russia? a. Both have weak legislative branches compared with the executive branch b. Both place more emphasis on ideological correctness than on technical expertise within the public bureaucracy c. Both have proportional representation electoral systems d. Both have moved from nationalism to multiculturalism as a central plank in state legitimacy e. Both have developed strong independent militaries


China and the USSR both conducted elite recruitment though a. civil service exams d. direct popular elections b. nomenklatura e. ethnic preference c. horizontal supervision


Democratic centralism is best illustrated by which of the following? a. Free and fair elections of top leaders of a nation followed by strict control of the media b. Open debate allowed among policy elites prior to a decision, no toleration of dissent after decisions have been made c. A system of government in which only one party is allowed to govern d. A system of government with free elections at multiple levels that routinely restricts civil liberties of its citizens e. Dictatorship that allows civil society groups, an independent free press, and freedom of association


Which of the following is NOT true? a. China's one-child policy, along with other factors, has led to a low population growth rate relative to the country's level of economic development. b. Because China still has the largest population in the world, China's one-child policy must be described as unsuccessful. c. China's one-child policy, along with other factors, has produced a surplus of young, unmarried males. d. China has made exceptions to its one-child policy, notably in cases involving ethnic minorities. e. China's one-child policy has been especially resisted in the rural areas of the country.


Which of the following is the best description of the PRC's relationship to the city of Hong Kong? a. Hong Kong operates under a fully independent government but its citizens pay taxes to mainland China b. Hong Kong is now under Chinese rule and it continues to be a major trading port c. Hong Kong's people are supportive of Chinese rule and the relationship between its political leaders and the Chinese government is very tense d. Hong Kong is still part of the commonwealth of Great Britain but it trades freely with mainland China e. Hong Kong is now fully intergrated into the market-socialism system of China


Which of the following is the best description of the government structure of the People's Republic of China? a. The government structures has executive and legislative branches, but does not have a judicial branch b. The government structure has three branches, but all branches are controlled by the Communist Party c. The government has three branches that check and balance political power d. The government structure is composed of only one branch, with no legislature or judiciary e. The government structure does not allow for local or state level organizations


All of the following are accurate statements about China's ethnic minorities EXCEPT: a. An Independence movement is active in Tibet. b. Most live on or near China's borders. c. Few of China's ethnic minorities are Muslim. d. Most live in sparsely populated areas. e. China has officially recognized many ethnic minority groups.


All of the following occurred under Deng Xiaoping's leadership EXCEPT a. Codification of Private Property Rights b. Privatization of SOEs c. Abolition of the Hukou d. Crackdown on prodemocracy protests in Tiananmen Square e. Establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)


The phrase "breaking the iron rice bowl" means a. beginning to provide socialist benefits for all all citizens b. ending state-funded subsidies to provide children with school lunches. c. implementing policies that reduce state-guaranteed benefits in order to increase the motivation to work harder. d. increasing Chinese trade by improving the quality of products made for export. e. ending state policies that forced farmers to grow rice.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the office of president in China and Russia? a. Presidents in both Russia and China are directly elected by the people b. Presidents in both Russia and China are appointed by party leaders c. The Russian people is directly elected by the people, but the Chinese president is appointed as a senior party official d. The Russian president is limited to two terms in office but the Chinese president is not e. The office of president in both Russia and China is ceremonial with no real policymaking powers


Which of the following reforms has significantly increased collective ownership of businesses through local government in China since 1978? a. people's communes d. Special Economic Zones b. open door policy e. household responsibility systems c. town and village enterprises


Which of the following was Deng Xiaoping's most important contribution to Chinese politics? a. use of five-year plans to foster industrialization b. role of the collective farms in economic development c. economic liberalization d. role of peasantry in building socialism e. mass line to politically mobilize the people


A similarity between Russian and Chinese political cultures before communism came to either country is that in both a. societies were completely closed to outside civilizations b. Confucianism strongly influenced political thought c. democratic institutions were strong d. authoritarian rule was historically accepted e. peasants had traditionally been a political agent for change


All of the following are major public policy concerns in China EXCEPT: a. Corruption that takes away the legitimacy of the ruling Communist Party b. Lack of a cohesive pension, social security, or health system to deal with an aging population c. Lack of students with college degrees entering the labor force d. Economic growth has possibly created a bubble that may lead to a crash in the economy e. Inequalities between urban and rural populations


Chinese citizens participate in politics by voting in elections for the a. president of the PRC b. general secretary of the Communist party c. representatives to the National Party Congress d. representatives to the local People's Congress e. premier of the national government


The Chinese Communist Party has about 80 million members, which means that a. it is open to any Chinese citizen who wants to join, which is why it is the world's largest political party. b. it is not only the world's largest political party, but also that the vast majority of China's population belong to the party. c. it includes many ethnic minorities d. it is the world's largest political party, but less than 10% of China's population belong to the party. e. it has lost tens of millions of members since the party came to power in 1949.


The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were both a. an effort to wrest control of China from control of the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek b. efforts by Chairman Mao to purge his political adversaries from the Communist Party. c. movements to promote rapid economic development in China relying on mass mobilization and ideological incentives. d. radical utopian movements launched by Chairman Mao in order to achieve his ideological objectives for China. e. policies implemented by Deng Xiaoping to bring great economic and cultural freedom to China.


The National People's Congress, China's legislature, a. is directly elected by voters and provides an important check on the power of the Chinese Communist Party. b. consists only of members of the Chinese Communist Party, none of whom ever dissent from the party line. c. has an equal number of men and women represented. d. has recently become more influential in the country's political process but is still basically a "rubber stamp" for policies decided by the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. e. has not met for several decades because the Chinese Communist Party considers it a threat.


The most important single pressure for China to develop written, consistent legal codes has come from a. dissidents who criticize China from abroad b. the media, especially Xinhua and the People's Daily c. the need to punish protesters, especially in the western regions d. the need to have regulations in place for international trade e. mass organizations controlled through danwei


The most significant factor in the continuing decentralization of policymaking in China is a. state corporatism d. marketization/privatization b. guanxi e. democratization c. weak leadership


The primary goal of the Chinese Cultural Revolution was to a. establish a communist regime in China b. establish military rule in China c. seize power from Mao Zedong d. purify the party and country through radical transformation e. improve economic productivity


The term floating population refers to a. the large number of persons who are unemployed in China's increasingly capitalist economy. b. the large number of foreign migrant workers. c. those workers who transfer from state-owned enterprises to private enterprises. d. the increasingly large number of people migrating from rural to urban areas. e. those who move from job to job in China's increasingly capitalist economy.


Which of the following is an accurate statement about elections in China? I. Local officials are directly elected II. The deputies to the provincial people's congresses are directly elected. III. The representatives to the People's National Congress are directly elected. IV. The president and vice president are directly elected. a. I and II only d. I only b. II, III, and IV only e. III and IV only c. II and III only


According to the Chinese constitution, formal policy making power rests with the a. secretariat d. People's Liberation Army b. presidency e. National People's Congress c. Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party


All of the following are conditions that may help lead to greater democratization in China EXCEPT: a. Taiwan as an example of a liberal multi-party democracy b. Term limited leadership with new leaders that are more educated and worldly c. The increasing importance of the National People's Congress d. Economic growth with a growing middle class e. A long history of bureaucratic hierarchical rule


Compared to the British economy in recent years, the Chinese economy a. suffered a larger blow from the 2007-8 worldwide recession b. is growing at about the same rate c. has not benefited from pump-priming d. is characterized by a smaller gap between the rich and the poor e. is growing at a much more rapid pace


One of Mao Zedong's major contributions to Marxism-Leninism was the idea that a. oppressed peasants and workers didn't need a Communist Party to lead the revolution. b. the market could be combined with socialism to increase wealth and equality c. Communist revolutions could be nonviolent. d. Japan, rather than Germany or Russia, could be a good model for China's development. e. rural peasants guided by the Communist Party could be the leading force of a revolution.


The judiciary in the People's Republic of China a. bases its judgments on common law b. almost always follows the rule of law c. has responded to international pressure by loosening its harsh penalties for those found guilty of breaking the law d. has the power of judicial review, according to the Constitution of 1982 e. has no independence, but is controlled by the CCP


The recruitment system that emphasizes personal career ties among individuals as they rise in bureaucratic or political structures in China is called a. danwei d. unstinting service b. democratic centralism e. guanxi c. fang-shou


The term socialist market economy refers to the a. development of a stock market in China since the 1980s. b. fact that free market forces prevail in the industrial sectors of the Chinese economy while the agricultural sector is still operated collectively. c. gradual privatization of state-owned enterprises in China. d. collectivization of the rural market economy during the Maoist era. e. mixture of state control and capitalism that is being used to promote economic development in China.


Which of the following best describes the Falun Gong? a. a public university d. a pro-West interest group b. a Taiwanese secessionist group e. a banned Buddhist group c. a pro-Communism party


Which of the following countries formally divides its executive into two positions: the head of government and the head of state? I. Great Britain II. Russia III. China a. I and III only d. II and III only b. I only e. I, II, and III c. I and II only


Which of the following is true about the relationship between the central Chinese government and its regional government? a. the central Chinese government has restricted democratic expression in local governments b. China's economic policy has become more centralized since the transition to a socialist market system c. China is a federal system in order to manage a large and diverse population d. power at the national level is derived from and supervised by the local people's congresses e. China is a unitary state that centralizes most power and directs local and regional government


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