AP Euro 5x5

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Allied US and 9 others such as Britain and Canada against Communism.

Phillip II

Charles V's son in Spain who was Catholic and a New Monarch. Left Spain bankrupt after the Inquisition which exiled many workers and loss of the Spanish Armada to England.


Europe became a destination for immigrants, but this did not often turn out well due to clashing cultures. (Ban of headscarves in French schools)

End of USSR

Free election in which communists lost and countries began revolting. USSR ended. Boris Yeltsin ruled Russia.


Movement in Poland to get rid of Communism led by Walesa and dock workers (Jack's dad ) John Paul II became pope.

70s-80s recession

Oil crisis and not enough jobs


Religious based between Muslims and other religions. The IRA


Ruler of Russia and the Soviet Union who created Glasnost and Perestroika to reform the economy and free speech. Also used democratization for a new legislature.

1989 Revolutions

Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Communism was ended.

British/French Rivalry

7 Years War over American territory for resources such as tobacco and furs. The French and Native Americans lost to Britain.


After the Vilmer Republic Hitler took over the German labor party which eventually became the Nazi party. Began to blame Jews and others for WW1 and eventually was made chancellor of Germany with the Enabling Act. Started the Nazi party and began to invade Europe under the belief that Germans were a master race and began WW2 and the Holocaust

Youth Culture

Baby boomer youths became more rebellious with music sex and drugs. Started going to college and being tired of a normal life.

Congress of Vienna

Balanced powers outside of France to make sure it could not become too powerful again after Napoleon was defeated.


Belief in the free market and competition (Adam Smith) and that everyone should be equal under the same laws.


Belief that Kings could rule with the right of God and rule over everything without restrictions from Parliament.

Witch Craze

Belief that women who didn't marry and old women were witches who cursed people and ate delicious babies. Caused by religious reforms.


Believe that people of different race should be their own countries. Led to Italy and Germany unifying.

Utopian Socialism

Believed that a perfect society could be created through sharing wealth. Started by Blanc, Owens, and Fourier.


Between the Allies and the Axis Powers. Fought after Germany, Japan, and Italy tried world domination. Eventually the US entered the war and rekt everyone. Hitler took the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and then attacked Poland.

30 Years War

Bohemian Phase, Danish Phase, Swedish Phase, French Phase. Started with the Defenestration of Prague and was a large holy war between Catholics and Protestants. Ended with Peace of Westphalia in which Germany was devastated from battle and France became powerful.

Joseph II

Catherine's son who freed serfs in Russia which did not work well. Most of his reforms were reversed as they were disliked by nobles.


Catholic Austrian rulers who also ruled the HRE. Ruled Spain and parts of Italy. Were weakened in the 30 years war. Later ruled over Italy and the Netherlands


Catholic attempts through art and education to stop Protestantism. Made the Index to ban books. Started at the Council of Trent and also used the Jesuits to spread Catholicism.


Child beating and swaddling decreased as parents began to love their children. The Mine and Factory Acts helped give children more rights such as not dying in an accident.


Communist ruler of Russia who killed any opponents of his. Began to work Russia to modernize it in his 5 year plan but living standards went down.


Conservative Austrian who tried to stop the unification of Germany and started the Concert of Europe. He used the Carlsbad decrees to rid Austria of dirty Liberals.

Gadget Revolution

Creation of household gadgets such as washing machines, televisions, etc


Destroyed noble powers such as armies and castles to give the French monarchy power. Raised Louis XIII and created Generalities ruled by officials called Intendants.


Developed the theory of Universal gravitation which summed up all the theories of the Scientific Revolution.

Iron Curtain

Divided Eastern and Western Europe and was represented by the Berlin Wall.

Protestant Reformation

Efforts by Calvin, Luther and others to reform the church away from corruption such as the selling of indulgences. (Read Luther, Calvin, etc.)


Encouraged rational thought over religious beliefs and developed the scientific method and the idea of progress. The philosophes followed reason, progress, and natural laws.


End of Cold War tensions and Russia became friends with the US

Charles I

English king who never called Parliament. Had to call Parliament when Scotland attacked him which led to the English Civil War.


Formed by Loyola to educate people on Catholicism through schools and missionary work during the Catholic counter-reformation


Formed the idea of Predestination in the Protestant Reformation. French Calvinists were Huguenots.

German Unification

Germany unified under Bismarck and beat Austria and France. Took the Alsace-Lorraine.

Henry VIII

Had 6 wives and ruled England. Severed ties with the Catholic Church in order to divorce Catherine and created the Anglican Church.


Hatred of Jews was common as revealed in the Dreyfus Affair. This was because of jealousy for their wealth and power. Obviously shown in the Holocaust.

Henry IV

Henry Navarre who won the War of Three Henry's. Issued the Edict of Nantes to give Protestants equal rights.

Industrial Revolution

Huge technological advances such as railroads and factories based off of steam power which was improved by James Watt. Many new inventions and factories were created which led to the growth of cities and 2 new social classes. Large production of iron and textiles. The Great Exhibition showed off these advances.

Northern Humanism

Humanism with a focus on Christianity and following Jesus instead of only the church and its rituals. Erasmus edited the Bible and taught Christian principles.

Science and medicine

Improvement in medicine and hygiene led to less deaths as the germ theory was developed and hospitals became cleaner. Began to show ordinary life and the monotony of it.

Frederick II

Invaded Silesia and sparked the War Of Austrian Succession and was also friends with Voltaire. Was an Enlightened Despot who promoted education and extended religious tolerance.


Italian ruler who believed in order and the military. Fascism is like totalitarianism and communism.

Italian Unification

Italy unified under Cavour in the North and Girabaldi in the South who led the Red Shirts. Met in the middle of Italy and Emmanuel was made ruler.


Leader of Germany who helped unify it. Was kicked out by William II who started WW1

Prussia 1700s

Les by the Hohenzollerns under Frederick the Great Elector who gave serfdom power to the Junker nobles and also spread education. Created a large military and took Silesia from Austria.


Letting Germany take territory as to not create another world war. Didn't work.

1848 Revolutions

Louis Phillipe's government collapsed and Louis Napoleon was elected ruler of the 2nd French Republic. Francis Joseph was crowned ruler of Austria. The reforms overall failed because of the lack of agreement between revolutionaries.

Concert of Europe

Metternich, Castlereigh, and Alexander I tried to keep Europe conservative and put down revolutions in Italy and Poland). Represented the balance of power in Europe.


Montesquieu developed the balance of power. Voltaire hated the Catholic Church and wrote about it. Rousseau founded the Romantic movement and said children should be valued and loved.

This is just the facts I'm not gonna write the paragraph for you


Glorious Revolution

Peaceful revolution against James II in England after Cromwell died. William and Mary took over and accepted a bill of rights.

Population Growth

Population grew because food became more available. Europe rose from 120 million to 190 million people.

French Religious Wars

Protestants vs Catholics and the War of 3 Henry's. St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in which Huguenots were slaughtered in France.

Italian Humanism

Rebirth of learning and studying human worth and achievement in Greek and Roman art/literature. Art was more realistic and literature focused on advancing in society.

Agricultural Revolution

Revolution in which nitrogen storing crops such as potatoes turnips and clovers were used for more efficiency instead of the fallow system. Enclosures and selective breeding were also used.

Scientific Revolution

Revolution that went against scientific beliefs of the Greeks by developing new theories of the universe. Brahe (lots of astronomical data) Kepler (planetary motion) Galileo (telescope) Newton (law/ of gravity) Copernicus (heliocentric theory).

Catherine the Great

Ruled Russia after staging the murder of her husband and was a new monarch. Reformed Russia but didn't free serfs. Also expanded Russia into Poland.

Peter the Great

Ruler of Russia who westernized it. Built St. Petersburg as a window to the Western World and reformed Russia by introducing etiquette and European customs.

Enlightened Despotism

Rulers who embraced Enlightenment ideas such as religious toleration and education. Promoted social justice in their society (Frederick, Theresa, Catherine)


Said government should protect life, liberty, and property. Believed in these natural rights and limited government as well as that people were tabula rasa, or a blank slate at birth.


Small group of people who ruled all aspects of government. Started fascism and the limiting of information to the citizens.

Spanish Decline

Spain went bankrupt after Phillip II lost the Spanish Armada and inflated currency due to silver mining. The Inquisition also drove out many Muslims and Jews who were part of the Middle Class and had jobs.


Started 4th and 5th French Republics during the Cold War. He also withdrew from NATO and made France a nuclear power.

Overseas Expansion

Started by the Spanish and Portuguese by using Caravels and compasses to explore outside of Europe. Found the Americas and many new crops and metals (potatoes, corn, silver)

Putting Out System

The Cottage System in which peasants made raw materials into finished goods to sell. Avoided the guild system and families worked together as a unit. Became obsolete with the Industrial Revolution.

French Revolution

The Estates General was called but the 3rd estate made up of commoners was underrepresented. They formed the National Assembly and the Oath of the Tennis Court until a constitution was written. Peasant revolts sparked fear in nobles. The Jacobins and Girondins were created during the new French Republic. However Jacobin Later Robespierre began to kill all who opposed the New Republic in the Reign of Terror until he was killed during the Thermidorian Reaction.


The Middle Class and Working Class created during the Industrial Revolution.

Louis XIV

The Sun King and ruler of France. Built the great palace of Versailles which was used to show French power over nobles. Was an absolutist who's economic advisor was Colbert. Revoked the Edict of Nantes as he believed in one king one law one faith.

Cold War

The US and others tried to stop the spread of Communism from Russia through the Truman Doctrine.


The belief that traditional values should still hold in Europe. Shown in the Concert of Europe and its leaders.


The connection to nature and God through literature and art. Idealistic views based around emotion. Religion was revived during this movement.


The creation of cities because of the Industrial Revolution led to overcrowding and filth.

2nd Industrial Revolution

The development of electricity, communication, chemicals, refrigeration, and transportation. Steel also allowed larger buildings. Happened in Europe and the US

Atlantic Trade

Trade between Americas and Europe of slaves gold crops and disease. Shifted power away from the Mediterranean.

Dutch Republic

Unified Dutch countries who started the large Dutch trading economy in India and a large fishing industry.

Labor Unions

Unions between workers wanting better wages and working conditions.


War between Germany and Austria vs Russia France and Britain. Serbians assassinated Austrian Francis Ferdinand which started the war .War was fought in trenches and with machine guns and vehicles. The Schlieffen Plan was Germany's plan to attack France, but they angered Belgium which made Britain enter the war.

Dutch Revolution

William of Orange led Protestant Revolution against Spanish Phillip II. Phillip II lost. Gave the Netherlands independence and their future economic success.

Treaty of Versailles

Wilson, Clemenceau, and Lloyd George made Germany pay for WW1 and took away some of its land.

Women's Movement

Women wanted equal rights to work and education and got rights to birth control and divorce. Led by Beauvoir.


Wrote the 95 theses and formed Lutheranism to stop Indulgences and start the Protestant Reformation. Believed in only the Bible and faith alone.


Wrote the Communist Manifesto and believed that violence was needed for the lower classes to overthrow the upper classes and balance the wealth and power.


Wrote the Prince and instructed people on how to lead effectively. Believed that people needed to be selfish and that leaders needed to be feared in order to succeed.

Elizabeth I

English Virgin Queen after Henry VIII. Used her bachelorette status to manipulate the political playing field.

Serfdom in Russia

Peasants who were tied to the land and had to work. Were used to build St. Petersburg.

Napoleon III

(Louis Napoleon) Ruler of the Second French Republic who rebuilt Paris to add wider streets and parks.


Overthrew the Directory and made himself Emperor of France. Began to take over other European powers and control them with a unified legal system. He was finally defeated when he invaded Russia and exiled to the island of Elba. However he again tried to take over Britain but lost at Waterloo and was sent to St. Helena.

English Civil War

Parliament revolted against Charles I and the English Monarchy. Parliament was led by Cromwell and the Roundheads who won and later took over Britain.


European countries began to conquer Asia and Africa in hopes of civilizing them and exploiting their resources.


European countries gave up their foreign territory.

Freud, Darwin, Einstein, Planck, Neitzsche, Pavlov

Existentialism and the human mind were explored. The universe and humans are uncertain and everything is relative.

Renaissance Art

Focused on the human form and realism in portraits. Had Greek and Roman scholars in art. (St. Petersburg Dome, Mona Lisa, David, School of Athens).

Printing Press

Made by Gutenburg and allowed religious texts to spread quickly without being suppressed by the Church. Was used by Luther in helping start the Protestant Reformation with his 95 theses. It also increased literacy.

Male/Female Roles

Males worked in factories while females stayed at home to raise the children.

Western Europe Economic Recovery

Marshall plan of the US gave Europe money to reform and begin economic growth.


Military Dictator of Britain after the English civil war.

New Monarchy

New Monarchs (Charles VII Louis XI Henry VII Ferdinand and Isabella) didn't rely on nobles, they had their own armies and source of income. Used taxes such as the taille and courts such as the Star Chamber to rule effectively. Spain also used the Inquisition.

Russian Revolution 1917

Nicholas II's soldiers revolted against him and Kerensky replaced him. Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Kerensky's government and Trotsky held off the white armies.


Over-stylized art that was used for the Counter Reformation and glorification of Absolute Monarchs.

Russian Great Reforms

Ended serfdom and gave Russia a modern legal system (zemstvos) but still no Parliament or Constitution.

British Reform Bills

Gave adult males of all social classes full voting rights.

Art since 1870s

Impressionism (captured a specific moment in time) cubism (jagged shapes and perspective), expressionism, and surrealism (Freudian inspired unconscious thought)

Charles V

Spanish Habsburg ruler and Holy Roman Emperor who began the Inquisition.


The European Committee became the European Union which allied European countries with a common currency and rules to abide by.

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