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"Which factor most influenced the context in which people made decisions about family life in the years from 1600-1700? A. Multi-generational households were more common than in earlier centuries B. Parents paid less attention to child-rearing practices than they id in earlier generations C. Religious leaders discouraged couples from having large families D. The Reformation caused the structure and purpose of the family to change"


"This declaration (of the rights of man and citizen) is most similar in meaning and intent to which of the following? A. The English Bill of Rights B. Machiavelli's The Prince C. The American Declaration of Independence D. Burke's reflection on the Revolution in France"


"This passage best demonstrates which of the following about scientific thinkers in the 17th century? A. They continued to hold religious worldviews as they pursued scientific inquiry B. They received substantial support from political authorities C. They developed mathematical models to prove scientific ideas D. They rejected the role of divine forces in the universe"


"What can be inferred from the passage about one of Napoleon's central motivation for over hauling the French education system? A. He wanted more citizens who could run the operations of the empire B. He wanted more candidates from the class of nobles C. He wanted exams to focus more on literature and philosophy D. He wanted women to have equal access to education"


"What do the two figure on the right who appear to be fighting probably symbolize? A. The king and the common people B. France and the HRE C. Protestants and Catholics D. The nobles and clergy"


"What shift in society and economics enable art such as this to appear at this time? A. The patronage of commercial elites B. The patronage of monarchs and nobles C. The influx of gold and silver into Poland and Eastern Europe D. The ability of the Catholic Church to withstand Protestant encroachment"


"What was the "new alliance" made by the king of Navarre that is referred to in the passage? A. A marriage between the Protestant king and a Catholic princess B. A treaty between the French monarch and Swiss mercenaries C. A pledge by the royal family to grant more power to each region D. An agreement between the king and nobles to end religious toleration"


"Which attempted cure for small pox does Montagu describe? A. a procedure similar to Jenner's cow pox inoculations B. A plan to bring the less-deadly Turkish small pox to England C. A series of check-ups with doctors D. A treatment of wounds using shells"


"Which best describes the context in which these passages were written? A. Political debate took place in civic institutions and commercial sites B. The Catholic-Protestant conflict was growing more violent C. Governmental power was becoming more decentralize. D. People were moving out of cities and into rural area"


"Which country's colonial activities in East Asia most resembled the British practices described in the passage? A. Netherlands B. France C. Spain D. Portugal"


"Which statement about Protestants best supports the authors' argument in the second paragraph? A. Their emphasis on marriage and obedience by wives B. Their decision in many countries to legalize divorce C. Their support for primary education for both boys and girls D. Their rejection of Papal authority"


"Which statement would Rousseau most strongly support? A. Improvement of the self would lead to a better society B. Improvement of education would make government better C. Improvement of child-rearing would result in great economic stability D. Improvement of women's right would strengthen marriage"


"A historian could best use this painting (Carnival) as evidence of which of the following features of 16th-century life? A. the communal nature of leisure activities in preindustrial Europe B. Growing tensions between religious and secular authorities C. Efforts by religious reformers to challenge Catholic Church doctrine D. The breakdown of the social and religious order"


"Compared to Bruni's view of education in the 15th century, intellectuals in the 18th century tended to: A. Emphasize intuition more than formal education B. Be less reliant on a classical sources of knowledge C. Reject education as a means of social progress D. Place more faith in religious authorities"


"The emergence of Baroque an Mannerist artistic styles were different than the style that influenced the above painting in which of the following ways? A. The depiction of landscapes rather than people as the focal point B. The inclusion of more dramatic and exaggerated human forms C. The rejection of religious subjects and symbols D. The use of abstract shapes ad colors to convey the artist's vision"


"The historians' statement most directly supports which interpretation? A. The most important causes of the Reformation were economic and political, rather than religious B. the Reformation idea of spiritual equality failed to spark a profound and social transformation C. The Reformation primarily expanded the power of the existing elite and state authorities D. The ideas of the Reformation were rooted in earlier efforts to reform the Catholic Church"


"The passage represents the continuation of which view of women that was commonly held prior to the French Revolution? A. The wife can take over the family business if the husband dies B. The wife is economically dependent of the husband C. The wife is at the level of a slave in the family D. The wife is an equal economic partner in marriage"


"The poem's themes are a response to which development? A. Peasant movements to revive communal agriculture B. The growth of industrialization and urbanization C. Demands for suffrage and Parliamentary reform D. Rising literacy rates among the working class"


"The writer viewed the practice of vaccines as which of the following? A. Barbarous and frightening B. Effective and worth emulating C. Interesting and amusing D. Effective only in Turkey"


"This image(Peter the Great) is best understood within the context of which of the following developments in Russia? A. Urbanization and rapid population growth in Eastern Europe B. Military reform and growth of mercantile trade C. Educational reform to revise Russian traditions D. The spread of Slavic independence movements"


"This passage most clearly demonstrates the influence of which of the following developments? A. Christian humanist interest in original translations of the Bible B. The Scientific Revolution;s promotion of reasoning and experimentation C. Renaissance thinkers' reliance on classical Greek and Roman sources D. The Protestant Reformation's emphasis on the authority of scripture"


"What effect on the practice of religion did the settlement shows on the map have in Europe? A. The Habsburg rulers were successful in restoring Catholicism throughout Europe B. Princes, bishops, and other local leaders within the Holy Roman Empire were granted control over religion C. Religious tolerance was granted to Muslims in the Holy Roman Empire D. Freedom of conscience was guaranteed in lands of Eastern Orthodox"


"What is the context in which the cartoon was drawn? A. The Bastille symbolized the member of the Third Estate B. An attack on the Bastille marked the start of the French Revolution C. The king had moved into the Bastille for safety D. The Bastille was where the reign of Terror was carried out"


"The change in tariff rates supports the argument that between 1820 and 1880 the British moved toward a plicy advocated by A. Physiocrats B. mercantilist C. supporter of free trade D. Supporters of socialism"


"The excerpt best supports which conclusion about the Spanish conquest of the native people of Americas? A. Nearly all leaders of Catholic Church opposed the practices of the conquistadors B. The conquistadors converted the native people through their practice of Christianity C. Some Spaniards believed that the Spanish used barbaric practices to control the native populations D. The Spanish faced great difficulty conquering the native people"


"Which best describes the context in which the passage was issued? A. Economic change threatened the power of English religious leaders B. Several countries had already established a national church C. Reformers on the continent were challenging the Catholic Church's power D. Europeans were becoming more tolerant of religious diversity"


"Which best describes the historical context for understanding the creation of the document(code Napoleon)? A. Napoleon thought women should have the same property rights as men, but not the same political rights B. Napoleon hoped to overturn advances in women's right mad during the Revolution C. Napoleon believed that granting rights to women would undercut positive changed made in the revolution D. Napoleon planned to push for rapid progress in gaining rights for French women"


"Which is the most likely change to demographic patterns How did changed in the average age of first marriage affect demographic patterns in Western European before 1750? A. It caused a migration to towns and cities B. It led to the continuation of serfdom C. It tended to increase birth rates D. It increased the occurrence of births to unmarried parents."


"Which of these individuals would most likely have agreed with Thomas More? A. An owner of textile manufacturing company B. An entrepreneur in commercial agriculture C. A peasant who depended on subsistence agriculture D. A noble who gained control of more land because of an enclosure"


"The author's point of view is most similar to A. A mercantilist's critique of capitalism B. John Locke's theory of natural rights C. Adam Smith's support for free trade D. Mary Wollstonecraft's criticism of traditional gender roles"


"The conditions on the slave ship described by Equiano were most directly a result of which of the following developments? A. The economic and geographic isolation of the African continent B. The ideas of the Enlightenment and the ban on the slave trade C. African demand for New World products such as tobacco and sugar D. European conquest and colonization of Africa and the Americas"


"The creation of this document (English Bill of Rights) resulted most directly from which of the following? A. Demands for Parliamentary representation by British American colonist B. The spread of Enlightenment ideas during the French Revolution C. The decline in power of the British aristocracy relative to the monarchy D. The overthrow of James 2 during the Glorious Revolution"


"The economic activity reflected in this painting (French woman buying from a merchant) was largely a result of which of the following? A. Enlightenment debates over women's role in society B. the exclusion of women workers from urban guilds C. The passage of the Le Chapelier Law in France D. The increased availability of products from overseas trade and colonies"


"The topic of the excerpt was a sign of which development? A. The creation of new monarchies in Europe B. The decline in power of Oliver Cromwell C. The increasing religious turmoil in Scotland D. The ongoing struggle for power between monarchs and other groups"


"This painting (a wealthy man with Mary and Jesus) reflects which of the following developments in the Northern Renaissance? A. The portrayal of individuals interacting with nature B. The portrayal of the everyday life of common people C. The portrayal of subjects from classical mythology D. The portrayal of religious content as the subject matter"


"To what extent was the event shown in the painting (London Fire) a problem in London in the 17th century? A. Fires were unusual because public services were strong B. Fires were more of a concern in smaller communities than in cities C. Fires were more common in other cities than in London D. Fires were one of several problems faced by residents"


"Unlike many Enlightenment thinkers, Rousseau believed strongly in A. logic and reason B. Absolutism and divine right C. The scientific method D. Feeling and sentiment"


"What type of government does the excerpt (English Bill of Rights) reflect? A. Democratic republic B Enlightened despotism c. Absolute monarchy D. Constitutional monarchy"


"What was the context in which this passage (Council of Trent) was written? A. Roman Catholics were rejecting earlier positions and adopting the ideas proposed by Protestants B. Roman Catholics were attempting to find compromises that would persuade Protestants to accept papal authority C. Roman Catholics were trying to explain that they and Protestant actually agreed on most issues D. Roman Catholics were defending their views against the challenges posed by Protestants on how to interpret the Bible"


"What was the relationship between the events of 1572 described in the passage and the Edict of Nantes issued in 1598? A. Both were examples of deadly religious persecution B. Both were examples of greater religious toleration C. Reaction against the events of 1562 led to more persecution in 1598 D. Reaction against the events of 1572 led to more toleration in 1598 "


"Which of the following contributed to reduced support for the practices described in the excerpt? A. Recognition by the British government of the principle of self-determination B.New theories in biology that challenged racial inequality C. An increase in the migration of Europeans to the Caribbean D. A decline in the profitability of the sugar industry"


"Which statement best describes the context in the 16th and 17th centuries for the events described in the passage? A.Tension between France's central government and local government B. an alliance between Roman Catholics in France and Ireland C. Emigration from Europe to North and South America D. Violent conflict between Roman Catholics and Protestants"


"Which statement provides the strongest counter evidence to the authors' argument in the first paragraph? A.Women preaching in Protestant sects such as the Anabaptist B. Protestant women serving as assistants i religious schooling C. Luther's opposition to clerical celibacy D. The closing of convents in Protestant countries"


"Which was a long-term consequence in urban areas of the conditions reported by Holinshed? A. The formation of joint-stock companies B. The development of more powerful gentry class C. The emergence of Genoa. London, and Amsterdam as financial center D. The increase in wages for workers"


"With which statement would the writers of this declaration (National Assembly) most agree? A. No king or legislative body can truly recognize the right of man B. Christians will respect religious leaders who address the rights of man C. Kings and legislatures must respect the right of men and women equally D. citizens will respect a government that recognizes the right of man"


"Who would have most strongly supported this Act of Parliament? A. Critics of the Monarch B. Roman Catholics C. People who owed taxes D. Members of the clergy of all denominations"


"This painting (random dudes) represents a shift from paintings of earlier eras because its subject matter A. Emphasized religious themes more B. Focused more on everyday life C. Reflected a more idealized view of the world D. Portrayed things and people more realistically"


"Who would most strongly disagree with the passage (Council of Trent)? A. Charles 5th B. John Calvin C. The pope D. King Henry 8th"


"The passage most clearly shows the influence of which development? A. The use of the scientific method to critique traditional knowledge B. The Development of mandatory systems of public education C. A renewed interest in the classical Greek and Roman texts among humanist thinkers D. The increase of publications questioning Papal authority"


"Which best identifies the trend in early modern Europe described in this passage? A. Discontinuation of the church enforcing communal norms B. Resistance by the urban poor against abolishing celebrations C. Influences of the Little Ice Age on Europe's climate D. Spread of pandemic illnesses such as the Great Plague"


"Which contributed most to the change described in the excerpt? A. The court contributed to the start of the Anglican Church B. The court contributed to the start of the French Wars of Religious C. The court oppressed the monarch's enemies D. The court oppressed the monarch's supporters"


"Defoe's plan is best understood as a response to which developments? A. The cottage industry system that developed in Western Europe B. The expansion of the market economy in rural areas C. The Enlightenment debate over women's rights and education D. The implementation of new technology in textile factories"


"How do the ideas in this passage compare to those of Martin Luther? A. This passage focused on the power of the monarch over a church, while Luther focused on theology and doctrine. B. This passage wanted church leaders to eliminate errors in belief, while Luther did not think Christians should criticize each other C.This passage thought profits and commodities of a church belonged to its leader, an idea Luther agreed with D. This passage described a national church for English Christians, and Luther rejected the idea of a single, universal form of Christianity"


"On what basis did David Hume reject the existence of miracles? A. Miracles are too unusual to be true B. the permanent laws of nature contradict miracles C. Miracles are a product of an attempt to deceive people D. Miracles are based of religion, not science"


"As described in the above passage, what other author developed a new political model based on rules of natural rights? A. Thomas Hobbes B. Voltaire C. John Locke D. Denis Diderot"


"The map most directly shows the results of which agreement? A. The Peace of Augsburg B. The Concordat of Bologna C. The Edict of Nantes D. The Peace of Westphalia"


"Which of the following is the historical context in which the theory of sovereignty expressed in the passage emerge? A. The defeat of the Spanish Armada B. The Fronde uprisings in France C. The Peace of Westphalia D. The fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire"


"Why was the event shown in the painting so destructive? A. Cramped housing conditions made fire spread easily B. Damages to the Parliament building prevented the House of Commons from meeting C. The destruction of warehouses led to an economic collapse D. Fear of fires discouraged people from starting businesses"


"The entertainment discussed in the passage came about most directly because of which of the following? A. the end of the plague B. The commercial revolution C. The french revolution D. Changes in marriage patterns"


"The most significant reason among the following for the decline of Portuguese influence in India was A. French interest in expanding their trade in Asia B. the establishment of British East India Company C. The location of a Portuguese trading center in Antwerp D. The inclusion of Bombay in the dowry of a Portuguese princess to England's king"


"What characteristic do coffeehouses and salons have in common? A. They were intended only for entertainment B. They were designed for all people to attend C. They were important aspects of the Enlightenment D. They were focused only on political discussion"


"The poem best exemplifies which intellectual trend of the 18th century? A. The spread of deism and atheism among elites B. The belief in the outdoors as a source of truth about the world C. The use of satire to criticize political authorities D. The emphasis on individual emotion as a challenge to rationality"


"Which best describes France's system of laws just before the implementation of the Napoleonic Code? A. A disorganized set of laws and regulations based on feudal traditions B. A compromise set of laws and regulations that maintained special rights and privileges for the monarch C. An organized system of laws and regulations based on Revolutionary principles D. A system of laws and regulation that recognized the complete equality of men and women in France"


"Which is the most likely explanation for the high percentage of enslaved people brought into Brazil and West Indies? A. Sugar plantations in those regions could profitably employ the greatest number of laborers B. Brazil and the West Indies were the ports closest to Africa C. People in other colonies were too poor to afford to purchase enslaved workers D. All other colonies already had a large supply of of labor"


"Which of the following best explains why the labor of enslaved Africans was established in the European colonies? A. Most Native Americans had succumbed to disease or overwork B. Native Americans had rebelled and refused to perform labor without compensation C. Europeans had found that the slave trade itself was a source of profit D. Europeans gave Native Americans the choice of whether to work"


"Which is the most important factor leading to the reduction of native populations that could be added to Las Casas' first-hand account? A. The conflicts among native populations over how to respond to the Spanish B. The introduction by the Spanish of nonnative diseases to the Americas C. the decision by native individuals to move to lands not controlled by the Spanish D. The employment by the Spanish of native peoples in wars against British colonists"


"Which of the following would best explain Frederick the Great's attitude toward the nobility? A. He believed that the peasantry had a sense of honor as strong as the nobility's B. He believed that the nobility had a sense of honor, but peasantry did not C. He supported the spread of Enlightenment ideals that undermined nobles' privileges D. He feared that oppressing the peasants would bring a revolution similar to France's"


"This image(Peter the Great) most clearly represents which of the following trends in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries? A. The consolidation of royal power and state sovereignty B. The persistence of medieval military organization and technology C. The development of scientific knowledge and new technology in Eastern Europe D. The growth in commercial wealth fueled by the Atlantic slave trade"


"What does involvement in theatrical performance indicate about eh middle class in the 19th century? A. They were focused on managing wealth B. They were generally poorly educated C. They had increasing leisure time D. They were politically rebellious"


"What emerging relationship between church and state is reflected in the Passage? A. Religious values were and essential part of the educational system B. The church and the state were equal partners in the educational system C. The state assumed primary responsibility for education D. Religious education was forbidden"


"What trend in marriage age from 1600 to 1700 does the table reflect? A. Marriage age for men increased B. Marriage age for women changed less than marriage age for men C. The age difference between men and women decreased D. Marriage age for men and women declined"


"Which English monarch did some Protestants perceive as a threat to reverse the action taken in this document? A. Henry 8th B. Edward 6th C. Mary 1st D. Elizabeth 1st"


"Which phrase best describes the form of British colonial activity that is referred to in the excerpt above(Letters to England from Mongols)? A. A case of crown monopoly B. An example of missionary colonization C. An investment by a private stock company D. A case of government-approved privateering"


"Which viewpoint about the role of God and religion developed as a result of Enlightenment rationalism? A. Agnosticism B. Romanticism C. Deism D. Skepticism"


"Which group or individual would agree most strongly with the political theories about sovereignty expressed in the passage? A. Catholics B. Huguenots C. Hugo Grotius D. Machiavelli"


"The context in which this passage was written (slave trade) was most influenced by A. Enlightenment ideas about natural rights B. The interest in African culture and history C. Socialist critiques of capitalism D. Liberal critiques of mercantilism"


"The ideas expressed in this passage best illustrate which of following 18th century trends? A. The application of scientific and rational principles to government B. The establishment of representative government based upon a social contract C. The conservative reaction to the French Revolution D. The expansion of the commercial economy"


"The painting best illustrates which of the following developments in the 18th century? A. Growing demand for consumer goods and services B. The employment of women as domestic servants C. The marketing of fashion to lower-class women D. The emergence of cottage industry in rural areas"


"What is context in which the event shown in the painting occurred (London Fire)? A. European cities were growing rapidly in population B. the Little Ice Age was making the problem of the fires worse C. Uprisings such as the English Peasants' Revolt were common D. The shift from monarchy to republicanism caused problems in providing public services."


"What was the common attitude towards female participation in political discussions in England and France during the 17th and 18th century? A. Men in both countries often discouraged women from taking part in political discussions B. English women wanted to participate in public debates, while French women preferred expressing their opinion in writings c. French women were discouraged from taking part in political discussions, while English women were encouraged to do so D. Both English and French women hoped that organizing political events would lead to serving in public office"


"A historian could best use this source as evidence for which of the following feature of the early 18th century? A. The emergence of new class divisions between capital and labor B. The increase in tariffs passed by Parliament C. The improved standard of living brought about by new technology D. The development of new upper-class attitudes toward the poor"


"The importation of slave into the New World was part of a process known as A. Mercantilism B. the Treaty of Tordesillas C. triangular trade D. the Colombian Exchange"


"The passage (Thomas More's Utopia) describes developments resulting most directly from which trend in the 15th century Europe? A. The long tradition of subsistence agriculture B. The increase in peasant revolts in Western Europe C. The exploration of lands beyond Europe D. The beginnings of the commercialization of agriculture"


"The governing body that approved this declaration (of right of man and citizen) represented which sector of French Society? A. First estate B. Second estate C. Third estate D. estates-general"


What important function of Carnival does the painting (Carnival) show most prominently? A. Social and economic upheaval leading to accusations of witchcraft B. Conflicts between communal norm and popular folk rituals C. Enforcement of restrictions on celebrations by local authorities D. Emphasis of the religious idea of humans' multitude of sins"


"Comparing tariffs in Great Britain and France supports the argument that between 1820 and 1840 A. Great Britain relied more on imports than France did B. Great Britain protected its industries less than France did C. Great Britain was more concerned about providing low-cost food for consumers than was France D. Great Britain tariff policies help explain why it industrialized faster than France did"


"The methods of learning described in this passage contributed most directly to which change in thinking? A. Political revolutions based on the idea of natural rights B. The discovery of gravity and laws of motion C. New ideas about government and individual behavior D. The rediscovery of secular ideas from ancient Greece and Rome"


"Which Individual would probably be most supportive of the provisions of the English Bill o Right? A. James 1 of England B. Louis 14 of France C. Philip 2 of Spain D. Oliver Cromwell"


"The second paragraph of the excerpt bet reflects which characteristic of the governing philosophy of Frederick the Great? A. The ultimate decision-making must come from the monarch B. The ultimate decision-making must come from the honorable nobles C. Representatives of the peasantry should be involved in all important decisions D. All decisions should be arrived a democratically even if the monarch disagrees."


"As a result of the changes described in the passage, which of the following effects had the greatest impact on the rural population of Europe? A. Good harvest amidst abundant rainfall helped increase family size B. Subsistence farmers faced famine and malnutrition C. Ties to the land strengthened because of the open-field system D. Higher food production gave farmers independence from feudal ties"


"Based on the writer's view of an absolute monarch, which power of the ruler would the writer consider most important? A. To reflect the will of the people B. To issue laws C. To obey the Church D. To heed outside influences"


"Based upon the image and its intended audience, the inclusion of Rolin in the painting was most likely a reflection of... A. The portrayal of individuals interacting with nature B. The desire of secular rulers to control Church institutions C. The effort of elites to enhance their prestige by supporting the arts D. The use of art to promote civic virtue"


"How does the experience of Lady Montagu(vaccines) in Turkey fit in with larger trends in European history? A. the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau B. The enclosure movement C. Anti-epidemic campaigns D. The Colombian Exchange"


"Napoleon educational reforms most clearly tried to establish A. universal childhood education B. Higher education for the laboring class C. A system of schools for secondary and higher education D. Greater diversity in higher education"


"The inspiration for this poem is most similar to the inspiration for some of the music by which composer? A. Bach B. Mozart C. Beethoven D. Chopin"


"The philosophical theory that is the underlying basis of this passage is known as A. Absolutism B. Mercantilism C. Skepticism D. Humanism"


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