AP Euro Chapter 13

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Anne Boleyn (second wife)

- "bewitched" Henry - Henry excommunicated - child - Elizabeth (one of the greatest rulers) - Thomas More refused to acknowledge Anne so he was beheaded - Anne declared guilty of adultery (with brother and court musician) - Anne was beheaded

Anne of Cleves (fourth wife)

- Cromwell wanted Henry to marry again - arranged political marriage - does not see her until the wedding - Henry said, "Her face was repulsive, her breath foul. She is a great mare! I will not have her nor hitch her to my carriage!" - divorced anne

Henry VIII's significance

- Head of the Protestant church - made England a world power - English navy

Catherine Parr (sixth wife)

- Henry was now looking for a companion. - Catherine was a widow, pious, loved music, and learning. - she brought all the children together. - at age 56 Henry died - Catherine survived and remarried

What were the three disorders of the 16th century church associated with the clergy?

- clerical immorality - clerical ignorance - clerical pluralism

Catherine of Aragon (first wife)

- daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella - married to Arthur, Henry's older brother - 7 children, 6 died - Mary lifted (Bloody Mary) - Henry believed he had angered God - Pope denied their divorce - Henry became head of the church - divorced Catherine

Jane Seymour (third wife)

- had a son! - Edward (sickly) - Jane dies - Henry cursed God - Henry became a great, slobbering vicious hulk - 33-51 inch waist in 4 years

Henry VIII

- larger then life character - his driving force was desire for a son - leader of the Church of England - established navy (greatest navy until WWI) - despot under the law (absolute monarch limited by the parliament)

Catherine Howard (fifth wife)

- met during a palace move. Love at first site. - Henry age 49. Catherine age 17. - Catherine was unfaithful with at least 3 men (confirmed) - treason - beheaded

Results of the Council of Trent

1. Scripture and tradition were equal sources of religious truth 2. Reaffirmed the seven sacraments and transubstantiation (the Eucharist and wine are the body and blood of Christ) 3. Bishops had to reside in their dioceses 4. Clerics had to give up their concubines. 5. Every dioceses had to establish a seminary 6. Tridentine decree - marriage had to be done before a priest and witnesses

Why did reconciliation with the Protestants fail?

1. Scriptures could be the sole basis of discussion 2. Charles V avoided alienating the Lutheran nobility in the empire. 3. France wanted Catholics and Lutherans to stay divided for German instability.

Who was Teresa of Avila?

A Spanish nun who founded new convents with strict asceticism and poverty.

Edict of nantes

A document issued by Henry IV of France in 1598, granting liberty of conscience and of public worship to Calvinists, which helped restore peace in France.


A document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins.

What characterized witchcraft trials in Europe from the 1480s to the 1680s?

All secular and religious authorities were eager to prosecute witches.

What was the "Diet of the Worms"?

An assembly called by Charles V to get Luther to recant but Luther refused.

What characterized the Reformation in Norway and Iceland during the sixteenth century?

An unwilling populace only gradually accepted Lutheranism.

Henry VIII second wife

Anne Boleyn

Henry VIII fourth wife

Anne of Cleves

How did the Reformation of the sixteenth century similarly affect prostitutes and nuns?

Both were targeted by Protestant reformers as symptoms of corruption and immorality.

Why did the German Peasants' War of 1525 greatly strengthen the authority of lay rulers?

By producing fear among church and political rulers, the war encouraged order.

What reforming activity that the Renaissance popes resisted was finally begun by Pope Paul III in 1545?

Calling a general council of the church. Fearing attacks on their own corruption or loss of control of the church, the Renaissance popes resisted calling a general council like the one established at Trent by Pope Paul III.

Calvin's church served as a model for what three churches in other countries?

Calvin's church served as a model for the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, the Huguenot Church of France, and the Puritan churches of England.

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

Calvin's formulation of Christian doctrine, which became a systematic theology for Protestantism.

Henry VIII Fifth Wife

Catherine Howard

Henry VIII sixth wife

Catherine Parr

Who dominated the 3 weak sons of Henry II?

Catherine de' Medici (their mother)

Henry VIII First wife

Catherine of Aragon


Catholic and Protestant moderates who held that only a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse.

What was the St.Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

Catholics massacred Huguenots at the wedding of Margaret of Valois and Henry of Navarre. - led to 15 year civil war

The Catholic Church said there were _____ sacraments. Luther said there were ______.

Church - 7 Luther - 2 (baptism and the Eucharist)

When it came to the sacrament of the Eucharist, the church believed in the dogma of _________ and Luther believed in the dogma of ___________.

Church - transubstantiation (body and blood of Christ) Luther - consubstantiation (Christ is present in the bread and wine)

What was the Union of Utrecht?

Declared independence for seven northern provinces led by Holland (Netherlands)

The word "Protestant" came from what meeting of German princes?

Diet of Speyer


Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived

Luther believed that salvation came through _______.



French calvinists

Why did the Holy Roman emperor Charles V abdicate in 1556?

Frustrated by his failure to unite the empire under one faith, he sought peace in a monastery.

What was the Concordat of Bologna?

Gave the French crown the right to appoint bishops and abbots.

Why did Henry VIII dissolve the monasteries?

He wanted the monastic wealth (land).

After Henry III was assassinated, who became king?

Henry IV of Navarre - converted to Catholicism for the crown

Who opposed the reconciliation efforts at the Council of Trent starting in 1545?

Holy Roman emperor Charles V, who opposed efforts to reconcile at the outset of TrentConcerned about alienating the Lutheran princes of the empire, Charles V opposed reconciliation efforts.

What were French calvinists called?


Thomas a Kempis, in the book ____________, urged Christians to take Christ as their model.

Imitation of Christ

Why did Philip II assemble the Spanish Armada in 1588?

In 1587, Mary, Queen of Scots, became implicated in a plot to assassinate Elizabeth I, a conspiracy that had Philip II's full backing. Philip was angered by Mary's execution and was urged by the pope to retaliate against Elizabeth.

What was remission for the penalties of sins called?


What was the Edict of Nantes?

It granted liberty of conscience and public worship to Huguenots.

Henry VIII third wife

Jane Seymour

Who was accused by Martin Luther for abusing the sale of indulgences?

Johann Tetzel

Who was John Knox?

John Knox led the Presbyterian reformation in Scotland and ended papal authority and the rule of bishops.

What happened during the reign of Mary Tudor?

Mary restored Catholicism and executed many Protestants.

What happened to Elizabeth's cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots?

Mary was executed after being caught in a plan to assassinate her causing Queen Elizabeth.


Members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignacio's Loyola, whose goal was the spread of the Roman Catholic faith.

How did the English church become Protestant?

Pope Clement VII didn't give Henry VIII an annulment.

What is predestination?

Predestination is the teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals based on his will and purpose, not merit or works.

What happened during the reign of Edward VI in religion?

Protestant ideas had a significant influence on religious life.

How might Catholics have argued that reforming Protestants undervalued marriage?

Protestants denied that marriage was a sacrament.

What did the treaty of Cateau-Cambresis fail to resolve?

Religious conflict across Europe

How did Queen Elizabeth I approach the church problem?

She chose a middle course between Catholics and Puritans.

What council laid the basis for the spiritual renewal of the Catholic Church?

The Council of Trent

This agency was established to combat heresy and had jurisdiction over the Inquisition.

The Holy Office established by Pope Paul III

What was the Council of Blood initiated by the Duke of Alva?

The Inquisition in the Low Countries (Netherlands)

In what work did John Calvin express his religious ideas?

The Institutes of Christian Religion.

In __________, Erasmus condemned the superstitions and excessive rituals of the church.

The Praise of Folly

What was the Spanish Armada and what happened to it?

The Spanish Armada was a fleet sent by Philip II to England as a religious crusade against Protestantism. Weather and the English fleet defeated it.

What two new religious orders were established as a result of the Catholic Reformation?

The Ursuline order of nuns and the Jesuits

Union of Utrecht

The alliance of seven northern provinces (led by Holland) that declared its independence from Spain and formed the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

What were long-term consequences of the sixteenth-century Council of Trent?

The doctrines and reforms proclaimed at the council served as the basis of the Catholic faith and church organization for centuries to come.

Spanish Armada

The fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 1583 against England as a religious crusade against Protestantism. Weather and the English fleet defeated it.

What caused the great witchcraft trials of the 16th and 17th centuries?

The heightened sense of God's power and divine wrath.

Holy Office

The official Roman Catholic agency founded in 1542 to combat international doctrinal heresy

What role did material considerations play in the success of the Reformation in sixteenth-century Germany.

The opportunity to confiscate valuable church lands led some local rulers to endorse Martin Luther's ideas.

Why did demonologists of the early modern era believe that women were particularly prone to becoming witches?

The powerful sexual desires of women were thought to make them vulnerable to demonic seduction.


The teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals based on his will and purpose, not on merit or works.

Why did the sixteenth-century reformers Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli argue that they should be released from their clerical vows of celibacy?

They believed that celibacy went against both human nature and God's command.

Why did most Renaissance popes fear reform in the Catholic Church?

They would lose power, revenue, and prestige.

What was the goal of the duke of Alva's "council of Blood"?

To exterminate religious and political dissidents

What treaty ended the Habsburg-Valois Wars?

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

Who introduced the reformation to Switzerland?

Ulrich Zwingli

What does the conduct of the pope during the initial wars of religion in Germany that began in 1546 indicate about the nature of such conflicts?

What does the conduct of the pope during the initial wars of religion in Germany that began in 1546 indicate about the nature of such conflicts?


opposition to the clergy

Which Catholic religious order played a prominent role in establishing a particularly staunch form of Roman Catholicism in Poland by 1650?

the Jesuits

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