Ap Euro Chapter 23

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How did Louis Napoleon believe that the people should be represented in government?

By a strong national leader whose reforms would aid all the people

What was the result of the Mexican War of 1848?

It exacerbated tensions between the northern and southern halves of the United States as debate erupted over the extension of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico.

What was the first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia?

Abolition of serfdom

Why did socialist parties become more moderate by the late 1800s?

As socialist parties attracted larger numbers of members, they looked more toward gradual change and less toward revolution.

Why did Prussia and Austria attack Denmark in 1864?

Denmark was attempting to bring two provinces that belonged to the German Confederation into a more centralized Danish state.

What did the notorious forgery 1 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 1d suggest Jewish elders were planning to do?

Dominate the globe

Louis Napoleon's great success with the economy included which of the following?

Encouraging new investment banks and railroad construction

Who were the Young Turks?

Fervent patriots who seized power in the revolution of 1908 in the Ottoman Empire

Who were the Red Shirts in nineteenth-century France?

Giuseppe Garibaldi's guerrilla army involved in the invasion of Sicily in 1860

In the 1890s, how did Sergei Witte seek to transform Russia?

He believed that Russia's industrial backwardness was threatening its power and greatness and implemented industrial policies to catch up with the West.

Why did the conservative Bismarck pioneer the creation of an expansive system of social welfare?

He sought to blunt the attraction of socialism to the working classes and give them a small stake in the existing political system.

Why did Bismarck enact high tariffs on grain from the United States, Canada, and Russia in 1878?

He sought to win support from both the Catholic Center and the Protestants Junkers, who had large land holdings.

What effect did the Dreyfus affair have on late nineteenth-century France?

It revived republican distrust of Catholicism.

Unlike other political parties, Marxist socialists

Organized themselves into an international organization

How did the expanding right to vote in the late nineteenth century affect national politics across Europe?

Politicians and parties became more responsive to the people they represented.

What was the greatest impediment to nation building in the United States?

Regional differences exacerbated by slavery

What event directly prompted the Great Reforms in Russia, including the emancipation of the serfs?

Russian defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-56

Ottoman reformers launched a series of radical reforms in the nineteenth century known as the


Which of the following is an accurate characterization of a socialist party in Europe prior to 1914?

The German socialist party talked revolution but practiced reformism.

When Hungary gained an independent status in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, how did it organize its domestic politics?

The Magyar nobility dominated both the peasantry and minority populations through the parliament.

Why did the possibility of a federation of Italian states under the presidency of a progressive pope disappear after the Revolutions of 1848?

The cautious support for unification that Pius IX had offered before 1848 turned into hostility after he was temporarily driven from Rome during the Revolutions of 1848

In the early twentieth century, why were extensive social welfare programs slow to form in Great Britain?

The conservative, aristocratic House of Lords resisted the formation of such programs until the king threatened to appoint new nobles who would support the programs.

How did Bismarck structure the North German Confederation in order to secure the authority of the Prussian emperor?

The emperor controlled the army and foreign affairs, and universal male suffrage permitted him to go directly to the people if middle-class liberals resisted his bills in the legislature

Who was Theodore Herzl?

The founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement

How did the process of Italian unification survive the French betrayal of Sardinia in its effort to unify Italy?

The nationalist leaders in central Italy overthrew their local princes and merged with Sardinia, despite the displeasure of the Great Powers.

How did the Ottoman Empire's efforts at reform in the latter half of the nineteenth century undermine the empire's stability?

The reforms created equality before the law for all citizens, which increased religious disputes and split Muslims into secularist and traditionalist camps.

How did labor unions in Germany change in the early 1900s?

They increasingly focused on bread-and-butter issues rather than dissemination of socialist doctrine.

How did German Social Democrats recover their losses in the 1907 election and become the largest party in the Reichstag in 1912?

They took on a more patriotic tone and broadened their base.

What was the political goal of creating free, compulsory elementary education in late-nineteenth-century France?

To act as a nation-building tool in which all children would be taught secular, republican values

What was the goal of the Prussian parliament in the 1850s and 1860s?

To establish that it held final political authority and that the army was responsible to it

Upon his election as president, why did Louis Napoleon sign conservative legislation increasing the power of the Catholic Church and depriving poor men of the right to vote?

To get the National Assembly to pay his personal debts and change the constitution so he could run for a second term

How did Sardinia and its monarch, Victor Emmanuel, gain the reputation of a liberal, progressive state?

Victor Emmanuel retained the liberal constitution 14and its substantial civil liberties 14that was forced on his father in 1848.

What was the long-established customs union among the German states?


The October Manifesto in the Russian Revolution of 1905 granted full civil rights and promised

a popularly elected Duma or parliament.

What was the Russian zemstvo?

an institution for local government established by the great Reforms

Otto von Bismarck's Kulturkampf refers to his

attack on the Catholic Church in the German Empire

In On the Inequality of the Human Races (1854), Count Arthur de Gobineau divided humanity into the white, black, and yellow races and

championed the "Aryan race" for its supposedly superior qualities.

After the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia

imposed a harsh peace on France

The Homestead Act, enacted during the Civil War, gave western land to settlers and reinforced the idea

of free labor in a market economy.

In nineteenth-century Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi was a

romantic nationalist.

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