AP euro his. CH 15

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henry the navigator

(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa. (p. 425)

Henry Navarre

A politique whose rise to power ended the French Civil Wars; converted to Catholicism to gain loyalty of Paris, but privately remained a Calvinist and issued Edict of Nantes

Ferdinand I (HRE)

Habsburg Austrian Emperor who promised reforms and a liberal constitution after the Hungarian revolt. He abdicated his throne to Francis Joseph.

Bach , johann Sebastian

wrote religious works for organ and choirs and sonatas for violin and harpsichord,Germany


(1451-1506) Italian explorer in the service of Spain who discovered islands in the Caribbean in 1492. Although traditionally credited as the discoverer of America, he never actually sighted the North American continent.

Francis I ( France)

(1494-1547, r. 1515-1547) House of Valois. Francis's early military victories (like the Battle of Marignano), his lavish court, and his support of luminaries like Leonardo da Vinci augured a splendid reign. His rivalry with Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire spelled his doom, however. He was captured in battle in 1525 and held for a humiliating ransom. Wars continued after his release, but bankruptcy and religious strife laid France low.

general history of the indies

(1547) a book by Spanish chronicler Fernando de Oviedo, providing an informed and reliable account of plants, animals, and peoples; widely read in Europe.

henry of guise

(1550-1588) He led the Catholic League. Subsidized by Philip II of Spain, he vowed to fight until Protestantism was completely driven from France. He wanted to be the heir to the throne instead of Henry of Navarre or Cardinal de Bourbon. He was assassinated by his own bodyguards shortly before Christmas 1588 planned by the Valois king.

defenestration of Prague

(1618) The throwing of Catholic officials from a castle window in Bohemia. Started the Thirty Years' War

john II (Portugal )

(1920-2005) Archbishop of Krakúwin, Poland. He was elected in 1978, succeeding John Paul I. He had a three-pronged policy: 1. maintaining traditionalist doctrine, stressing the authority of the papacy and attempted to limit experimentation. 2. Anti-communism, which clashed with the government. 3. Encouraging growth of the church and stressing the need for social justice. He was the first pope to be elected from Poland.

Francis II (France)

(ruled 1559-1560) He was the son of Henry II and inherited the throne when he was 15 after his father died. He was planned to be kidnapped from the Guise clan. His wife was Mary Stewart, queen of Scotland. Religious war in France broke out when he, as duke of Guise (1519-1563), ordered the execution of Huguenots who had been found worshipping on his land. He died after a stormy reign of only eighteen months, succeeded by his ten-year-old Charles IX.

charles IX (France)

(ruled 1560-1574) He succeeded his father, Francis II, at the age of 10. He and his two brothers didn't were childless so there was no clear heir to the French throne which created more tension between the quarreling noble families in France. He was Catholic.

cabal, Pedro alvares


de Albuquerque Alfonso


diaz ,bartholomew


four phases of the thirty years war

1. Bohemian (1618-1625), Catholic victory (Ferdinand II). 2. Danish (1625-1629), Catholic victory, Danish king Christian IV interfered, Albert of Wallenstein crushed him, Edict of Restitution (restored all Catholic properties) 3. Swedish (1630-1635), Gustavus Adolphus (Lutheran king of Sweden), Protestant win. 4. French (1635-1648), France intervened, burned stuff, Protestant win.

concordat of bologna

1516 - Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the supremacy of the pope over a council and obtained the right to appoint all French bishops and abbots.

Hernando cort

A brash and determined Spanish adventurer, Hernando Cortez crossed the Hispaniola to mainland Mexico with six hundred men, seventeen horses and ten canons. Within three years, Cortez had taken captive the Aztec emperor Montezuma, conquered the rich Aztec empire and found Mexico City as the capital of New Spain. (p.508-510)


A small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic

de Montaigne,Michel

A very influenticial writer of the French Renaissance and best known for popularising the essay writing format.


A weapon which uses an iron ball as a projectile and gunpowder as the blasting agent.

Cartier, Jacques

Cartier led Frances major exploration of North America. He sailed to what is now Canada, he sailed into the Saint Lawrence river and traveled to present day Montreal, calling all the areas he explored for France.


Father of Sebastian Cabot; explorer who made the first verified English-sponsored contact with North America in the mid 1490s; citizen of Venice of Genoese extraction who lived in Bristol; convinced Henry VII that he could locate a western route to the East; arrived in Newfoundland in 1497 aboard the Matthew

edict of restitution

Ferdinand of Bohemia ordered the return of all Catholic property seized by Protestants since 1552. Nullified by the Treaty of Wesphalia.


French Protestants. The Edict of Nantes (1598) freed them from persecution in France, but when that was revoked in the late 1700s, hundreds of thousands of them fled to other countries, including America.


French government agents who collected taxes and administered justice.

Charles V (Spain & HRE)

Holy Roman Emperor and Carlos I of Spain, tried to keep Europe religiously united, inherited Spain, the Netherlands, Southern Italy, Austria, and much of the Holy Roman Emperor from his grandparents, he sought to stop Protestantism and increase the power of Catholicism. He allied with the pope to stamp out heresy and maintain religous unity in Europe. He was preocuppied with struggles with Turkey and France and could not soley focus on the rise of Protestantism in Germany.

Christian IV (Denmark )

Lutheran king of Denmark who took up the sword for the Protestants and entered Germany, but was pushed back by Maximilian.

de gama, vasco

Portuguese explorer who discovered an ocean route from Portugal to the East (India).

Henry II (France)

Son of Francis I. His wife was Catherine de Medici. He had three sons. His mistress was Dianne de Poitiers.


Style in art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700, emphasizing dramatic, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts. Associated with Catholicism.

Henry III (France)

The last of Henry II's sons to wear the French crown. Henry III began his reign as a politique enacting such measures as the Peace of Beaulieu, but later allied himself with the Protestant ruler Henry of Navarre against the Guise dominated Catholic League. Before the Henrys could attack the Guise stronghold of Paris though, Henry III was assassinated by an enraged Dominican friar.

age of discovery

The time where technology was increased enough for cross-ocean exploration to be possible; sparked by trying to find new trade routes, but evolved into colonies and newly discovered lands being conquered and enslaved.

Elizabeth I (england)

This queen of England chose a religion between the Puritans and Catholics and required her subjects to attend church or face a fine. She also required uniformity and conformity to the Church of England

de las casas, Bartolome

Time-1550's Place- Spain Context- Missionary and reformer, disliked the way that conquistadors ruled in the new america's. significance- Eventually 1st archbishop in America, later canonized as saint. Eventually led to Spanish reforms passed around 1550.

Catherine de Medici

Wife of Henry II, influenced her sons after the end of there father's rein. She placed an alliance with the ultra-Catholics (the militant Catholics), which was led by the second most powerful family in France, The Guise Family. She permitted the Guise Family their own independent army,which they would use to take out the other religions residing within the French Borders. This led to the civil wars in France and also the St. Bartholome's Day Massacre.

admiral Gaspard de Coligny

Worked closely with Conde to further Huguenot power in France. Allied with Catherine de Medici. After the death of Conde, Coligny became the Huguenot leader. Used his position of influence to win the king of France over to a planned French invasion of the Netherlands in support of Dutch Protestants. Killed during the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

edict of nantes

a 1598 declaration in which the French King Henry IV promised that Protestants could live in peace in France and could set up houses of worship in some French cities

Dutch east Indian company

a company founded by the Dutch in early 17th century to establish and direct trade throughout Asia


a long, low ancient ship propelled by oars; the kitchen of a ship or airplane


a short piece of nonfiction prose that examines a single subject.


an instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the position of the stars and planets

catholic league

formed by ultra-Catholics in 1576 with the goal of exterminating heresy and putting a true Catholic champion (Henry, duke of Guise) on the French throne


hearing, formal interview with imp. person

Albert of wallenstein

leader of the Catholic imperial army in the Danish Phase of the 30 Years' War; used his wealth to build an army that was only loyal to him; more interested in making his own empire than in helping out the Catholics

columbain exchange

the exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds

golden century of spain

title given to 16th century Spain, because of its enormous power and influence in Europe, a power that rested on Mexican and South American gold and silver

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