AP Euro Midterm

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The image could best be used to illustrate which of the following general aspects of the initial encounters between Europeans and Native Americans?

Advances in military and maritime technology usually gave Europeans an advantage over Native Americans

According to the pie chart below, what types of people were primarily executed by guillotine?

All types, from commoners to nobles

The painting of Napoleon shown above portrays him as which of the following?

An imperial ruler

"To Versailles like bragging lads We brought with us all our guns We had to show, though we were but women, A courage that no one can reproach us for. Now we won't have to go so far When we want to see our King. We love him with a love without equal, Since he's come to live in our Capital." Song of the poissardes (Paris market women), October 1789 The women and other participants in the events described in the song were motivated most strongly by which of the following?

Anger brought about by widespread food shortages.

Why did the French people allow Napoleon to become a dictator?

Belief he would bring peace and prosperity

Base your answer to the following question on this selection: "The National Assembly, considering that it has been summoned to establish the constitution of the kingdom, to effect the regeneration of the public order; and to maintain the true principles of monarchy..." (Tennis Court Oath, 1789) According to this excerpt from the Tennis Court Oath, the National Assembly believed its job was to:

Create a constitution

The features of seventeenth century Dutch life reflected in the painting were largely a result of which of the following?

Dutch financial innovation and overseas trade

The French Revolution and other political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries were inspired by the ideas of the:


The French Reign of Terror is most closely associated with the:

Establishment of the Committee of Public Safety

The image provides the most reliable information about which of the following?

European attitudes toward non-European peoples.

The Reign of Terror occurred when:

Extremist politicians took control of France.

"Peter the Great was allowed to engage several English engineers into his service, as he had done in Holland; but, over and above engineers, he engaged likewise some mathematicians, which he would not so easily have found in Amsterdam. Ferguson, a Scotchman, an excellent geometrician, entered into his service, and was the first person who brought arithmetic into use in the exchequer in Russia, where before that time, they made use only of the Tartarian method of reckoning, with balls strung upon a wire [an abacus]....He took with him two young students from a mathematical school, and this was the beginning of the marine academy.... Peter made himself proficient in astronomy, [and] he perfectly well understood the motions of the heavenly bodies, as well as the laws of gravitation, by which they are directed. This force, now so evidently demonstrated, and before the time of the great Newton so little known, by which all the planets gravitate towards each other, and which retain them in their orbits, had already become familiar to a sovereign of Russia, while other countries amused themselves with imaginary theories, and, in Galileo's nation, one set of ignorant persons ordered others, as ignorant, to believe the earth to be immovable." -Voltaire, History of the Russian Empire Under Peter the Great, 1759, discussing Tsar Peter I's Grand Embassy, which traveled to western Europe at the end of the seventeenth century Based on the passage and historical context, which of the following explains Peter the Great's motivation for visiting England and Holland?

He wished to modernize his empire.

Which of the following is the historical significance of the Battle of Waterloo?

It ended Napoleon's attempt to control Europe and led to his exile.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Napoleonic Code?

It upheld equality of males.

Which political party represented the lower classes, held radical views, and was led by Marat, Danton, and Robespierre?


At the Congress of Vienna, France:

Lost all territories conquered by Napoleon.

Source 1 "Let London manufacture those fabrics of hers to her heart's content; Holland her chambrays [a fine lightweight woven fabric]; Florence her cloth; the Indies their beaver and vicuña [wool]; Milan her brocades; Italy and Flanders their linens, so long as our capital can enjoy them. The only thing it proves is that all nations train journeymen for Madrid and that Madrid is the queen of Parliaments, for all the world serves her and she serves nobody." -Alfonso Núñez de Castro, nobleman, Spain, 1675 Source 2 "The Spanish nation today possesses the greatest wealth and the largest income of all the Christians. But the love of luxury and the comforts of civilization have overcome them, and you will rarely find one of this nation who engages in trade or travels abroad for commerce as do the other Christian nations such as the Dutch, the English, the French, the Genoese and their like. Similarly, the handicrafts practiced by the lower classes and common people are despised by this nation, which regards itself as superior to the other Christian nations. Most of those who practice these crafts in Spain are Frenchmen who flock to Spain to look for work and in a short time make great fortunes." -Muhammad al-Ghassani, Moroccan ambassador to Spain, circa 1690 Which of the following statements would the Moroccan ambassador have most likely agreed with?

Manufacturing products is better than resource extraction for economic development

Which idea was stated in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?

Men are born free and equal.

What was the major cause of Napoleon's defeat in Russia?

Napoleon's army could not tolerate the harsh Russian winter.

"I traveled to Montpellier [in southern France] and associated there with several Protestants who have close contacts with Spain in order to learn if they ship books to Spain or know any heretics there. In order to gather this information...I pretended to be a heretic myself and proposed to take some books, such as the works of John Calvin and Theodore Beza, to Spain....A bookseller and a merchant volunteered to bring the books secretly to Barcelona to the home of one of their friends who was, as they said, of their faith. A thousand deceptions were necessary to gather this information....I learned the names of all [Protestants] from the merchant, for he told me that they were of his religion. I am staying here . . . in the service of God and Your Majesty." -Report by an agent of the Spanish Inquisition to King Philip II, 1566 Which of the following is best supported by the passage?

Owning and reading Protestant religious literature was illegal in Spain.

"I traveled to Montpellier [in southern France] and associated there with several Protestants who have close contacts with Spain in order to learn if they ship books to Spain or know any heretics there. In order to gather this information...I pretended to be a heretic myself and proposed to take some books, such as the works of John Calvin and Theodore Beza, to Spain....A bookseller and a merchant volunteered to bring the books secretly to Barcelona to the home of one of their friends who was, as they said, of their faith. A thousand deceptions were necessary to gather this information....I learned the names of all [Protestants] from the merchant, for he told me that they were of his religion. I am staying here . . . in the service of God and Your Majesty." -Report by an agent of the Spanish Inquisition to King Philip II, 1566 How did Philip II's religious policies illustrated in the passage compare to the policies pursued by other fifteenth- and sixteenth-century European monarchs?

Philip's policies controlling religious beliefs and practices were similar to the policies of most other monarchs at the time.

Which of the following best explains the changes in wages for unskilled laborers indicated by the data in the table? *I can't post the table

Population growth in a relatively stagnant economy

"I traveled to Montpellier [in southern France] and associated there with several Protestants who have close contacts with Spain in order to learn if they ship books to Spain or know any heretics there. In order to gather this information...I pretended to be a heretic myself and proposed to take some books, such as the works of John Calvin and Theodore Beza, to Spain....A bookseller and a merchant volunteered to bring the books secretly to Barcelona to the home of one of their friends who was, as they said, of their faith. A thousand deceptions were necessary to gather this information....I learned the names of all [Protestants] from the merchant, for he told me that they were of his religion. I am staying here . . . in the service of God and Your Majesty." -Report by an agent of the Spanish Inquisition to King Philip II, 1566 The events described in the passage best illustrate which of the following aspects of the religious conflicts in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Protestants made effective use of the increased availability of printing technology to spread their ideas.

The Third Estate:

Realized it was being crushed by taxes, manorial dues, and requirements of free labor.

he cartoon above illustrates which of the following?

Social inequalities in France prior to the revolution

Source 1 "Let London manufacture those fabrics of hers to her heart's content; Holland her chambrays [a fine lightweight woven fabric]; Florence her cloth; the Indies their beaver and vicuña [wool]; Milan her brocades; Italy and Flanders their linens, so long as our capital can enjoy them. The only thing it proves is that all nations train journeymen for Madrid and that Madrid is the queen of Parliaments, for all the world serves her and she serves nobody." -Alfonso Núñez de Castro, nobleman, Spain, 1675 Source 2 "The Spanish nation today possesses the greatest wealth and the largest income of all the Christians. But the love of luxury and the comforts of civilization have overcome them, and you will rarely find one of this nation who engages in trade or travels abroad for commerce as do the other Christian nations such as the Dutch, the English, the French, the Genoese and their like. Similarly, the handicrafts practiced by the lower classes and common people are despised by this nation, which regards itself as superior to the other Christian nations. Most of those who practice these crafts in Spain are Frenchmen who flock to Spain to look for work and in a short time make great fortunes." -Muhammad al-Ghassani, Moroccan ambassador to Spain, circa 1690 Which of the following best describes the impact that the economic and political processes described in the passages would have in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Spain would fall behind England, France, and the Netherlands in economic development.

The pattern shown in the table was partly an effect of which of the following changes in the economy of western Europe? *I can't post the table

The breakdown of traditional economic systems and the increasing commercialization of agriculture

One reason for the French government's financial troubles was:

The cost of helping with the American Revolution.

"Peter the Great was allowed to engage several English engineers into his service, as he had done in Holland; but, over and above engineers, he engaged likewise some mathematicians, which he would not so easily have found in Amsterdam. Ferguson, a Scotchman, an excellent geometrician, entered into his service, and was the first person who brought arithmetic into use in the exchequer in Russia, where before that time, they made use only of the Tartarian method of reckoning, with balls strung upon a wire [an abacus]....He took with him two young students from a mathematical school, and this was the beginning of the marine academy.... Peter made himself proficient in astronomy, [and] he perfectly well understood the motions of the heavenly bodies, as well as the laws of gravitation, by which they are directed. This force, now so evidently demonstrated, and before the time of the great Newton so little known, by which all the planets gravitate towards each other, and which retain them in their orbits, had already become familiar to a sovereign of Russia, while other countries amused themselves with imaginary theories, and, in Galileo's nation, one set of ignorant persons ordered others, as ignorant, to believe the earth to be immovable." -Voltaire, History of the Russian Empire Under Peter the Great, 1759, discussing Tsar Peter I's Grand Embassy, which traveled to western Europe at the end of the seventeenth century Voltaire's discussion of Peter the Great's acceptance of Newtonian physics is best understood as a critique of which of the following?

The efforts of religious and secular authorities to suppress scientific development.

Taken together, the two portraits best represent which of the following artistic developments of the Italian Renaissance?

The growing emphasis on naturalism and humanism

Source 1 "Let London manufacture those fabrics of hers to her heart's content; Holland her chambrays [a fine lightweight woven fabric]; Florence her cloth; the Indies their beaver and vicuña [wool]; Milan her brocades; Italy and Flanders their linens, so long as our capital can enjoy them. The only thing it proves is that all nations train journeymen for Madrid and that Madrid is the queen of Parliaments, for all the world serves her and she serves nobody." -Alfonso Núñez de Castro, nobleman, Spain, 1675 Source 2 "The Spanish nation today possesses the greatest wealth and the largest income of all the Christians. But the love of luxury and the comforts of civilization have overcome them, and you will rarely find one of this nation who engages in trade or travels abroad for commerce as do the other Christian nations such as the Dutch, the English, the French, the Genoese and their like. Similarly, the handicrafts practiced by the lower classes and common people are despised by this nation, which regards itself as superior to the other Christian nations. Most of those who practice these crafts in Spain are Frenchmen who flock to Spain to look for work and in a short time make great fortunes." -Muhammad al-Ghassani, Moroccan ambassador to Spain, circa 1690 Which of the following best accounts for Nunez de Castro's confidence in Spain's economic position?

The influx of resources from the Spanish colonies in the Americas

In France, which of the following was a major result of the French Revolution?

The middle class gained political influence.

The portrait of Heraclitus best reflects which of the following features of the Italian Renaissance?

The revival of interest in classical works

The image provides the clearest evidence for which of the following features of European expansion in the early modern period

The spread of Christainity as a justification for the subjugation of indigenous people

By the time the engraving was produced, the event portrayed has resulted in which of the following?

The transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas

The commissioning of Image 1 best represents which of the following trends of the Italian Renaissance?

The use of art to enhance the prestige of the elites

The image demonstrates which of the following regarding scientific advances in early modern Europe? *Image not in Quizlet bank, but it shows a body and the nerves

They used information obtained through dissection to reconceptualize the body as an integrated system.

Why was Louis XVI executed?

To prevent a return of the monarchy

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the Congress of Vienna?

To restore order and stability to Europe.

The painting reflects which of the following conflicts?

Traditional morality versus new consumerism

"Peter the Great was allowed to engage several English engineers into his service, as he had done in Holland; but, over and above engineers, he engaged likewise some mathematicians, which he would not so easily have found in Amsterdam. Ferguson, a Scotchman, an excellent geometrician, entered into his service, and was the first person who brought arithmetic into use in the exchequer in Russia, where before that time, they made use only of the Tartarian method of reckoning, with balls strung upon a wire [an abacus]....He took with him two young students from a mathematical school, and this was the beginning of the marine academy.... Peter made himself proficient in astronomy, [and] he perfectly well understood the motions of the heavenly bodies, as well as the laws of gravitation, by which they are directed. This force, now so evidently demonstrated, and before the time of the great Newton so little known, by which all the planets gravitate towards each other, and which retain them in their orbits, had already become familiar to a sovereign of Russia, while other countries amused themselves with imaginary theories, and, in Galileo's nation, one set of ignorant persons ordered others, as ignorant, to believe the earth to be immovable." -Voltaire, History of the Russian Empire Under Peter the Great, 1759, discussing Tsar Peter I's Grand Embassy, which traveled to western Europe at the end of the seventeenth century Which of the following best explains the point of view toward Peter the Great that Voltaire expresses in the passage?

Voltaire admired rulers who governed through principles of enlightened absolutism.

The basic goal of Napoleon's Continental System was to:

Weaken England economically

Which of the following was a long-term trend that emerged in response to the economic patterns represented in the table? * I can't post the table

Western European women began to delay marriage to limit the number of children they would have.

On June 17, 1789, members of the Third Estate proclaimed themselves the National Assembly:

With the power to make laws for all of France.

"From this moment...all Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the services of the armies. The young men shall fight; the married men shall forge arms and transport provisions; the women shall make tents and clothes and shall serve in the hospitals; the children shall turn linen into lint [for bandages]; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors and preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic." Decree issued by the republican government of France, August 23, 1793 The French government issued the decree primarily in response to

domestic unrest and foreign aggression against the radical Revolutionary government

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