Ap Euro part 1. Chapters 12-20

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Frederick II "The Great"

"First servant of the state" Made a few innovations in the administration. Eliminated the use of torture except in treason and murder cases. Granted limited freedom of speech and press and complete religious freedom. Social conservative who made Prussian society even more aristocratic. Enlarged the Prussian army.

"Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite"

"Freedom, Equality, brotherhood"

Motives of Exploration

"God, gold, and Glory" A. Technological advances 1) Improved navigation methods. 2) Improved ship design 3) Improved weapons B. Desire for wealth 1) Gain access to the spice trade 2) find new sources of gold + silver C. Growth of Nation-states 1) centralized power at home allowed for outward push + colonization. D. Religious devation/crusading spirit 1)Desire for convesion 2) Strikes a blow against muslims. E. Renaissance spirits + values. 1) Desire to learn about the world. 2) Desire for adventure, glory, fame.


"Prince of Humanists" Looked after by the Brotherhood of Common Life, Dutch humanist and friend of Sir Thomas More. Perhaps the most intellectual man in Europe and widely respected. He believed the problems in the catholic church could be fixed: did not support the idea of a reformation. Wrote praise of Folly.


"The father of Italian Renaissance humanism". •Promoted the mistaken belief that medieval culture was ignorant of classical antiquity. •(1304-1374) • A quest for latin manuscripts. • He set in motion a ransacking of monastic libraries throughout Europe. After he began to search for lost (forgotten) latim manuscripts

John Locke

"Two treatises of government" argued against the absolute rule of 1 man. Like Hobbes, began with the state of nature before human existence became organized socially. But, believed that humans lived then in a state of equality and freedome rather than a state of war. In this state of nature, humans had the certain inaliable rights - to life, liberty, and property. So they mutually agreed on a government to ensure protection of these rights.

William of Orange

"William the silent" -Dutchman , was the most prominent leader of his country's revolt-against spanish rule in the late 16th century.


(1377-1446) Drew inspiration from the architectual monuments of Roman antiquity. Medici commissioned him to design the church of San Lorenzo. -Created a different environment that was not overwhelming. -showed emphasis on the reinissances focus on a human-centered world.

Jan Van Eyck

(1390-1441) Among the first to use oil paint, which allowed fine detail. "Giovanni Arnolfini and his bride". - His work further demonstrates the difference in northern Renaissance painters and Italian Renaissance painters, which is that for immatting nature they used empirical observations of visual reality and accurate portrayal of details Vs . mastery of laws of perception.

Prince Henry the navigator

(1394-1460) -1419, founded a school for navigator on the south westen coast of Portugal. Portugal took the lead in the European age of expansion when it began to explore the coast of Africa under his sponsorship. His motives were a blend of seek a Christian kingdom as am ally against the Muslims, acquiring trade opportunities for Portugal, and extending Christianity.

Prince Henry the navigator (1394-1460)

(1419) Founded a school for navigations on the Southwestern coast of Portugal. Portugal took the lead in the European age of expansion when it began to explore the coast of Africa under his sponsorship. His motives were a blend of seel a Christian kindgdom as an ally against the muslims, acquiring tradr opportunities for Portugal, and extending Christianity.

Charles VII

(1422-1461) King of reims, established a royal army composed of calvary and archers, received the right to levy the taille. After he received the right to levy tax on property the parliament had less power.


(1423-1520) painter -acclaimed for his Madonnas, which he attempted to achieve an ideal beauty surpassing human standards. -Raphael's paintings demonstrated ideas of perfrctions in the world. EX: 'Madonnas' , 'School of Athens' which shows a world of balance.

Pope sixtus IV

(1471-1484) Made 5 of his nephews cardinals and gave them an abundance of church offices to build up their finances. Was a prime ex of a pope who used nepotism as a meams of promoting family interest.

Albrecht Durer

(1471-1528) -Northern artist -Was greatly affected by the Italians -"Adoration of Magi' -He tried to incorporate minute details into his works like those of the Italian High Renaissance artist.


(1475-1564) - Giant of the high Renaissance, sculptor, architect. -Influence by Neoplatonism. His artwork showed an ideal type of human being with perfect proportions. Michelangelo created art with an ideal type of human being that inspires divinity of human in art.

Ferdinand Magellin

(1480-1521) 1519, after passing through the straits named after him at the southern tip of South America, he sailed across the Pacific ocean and reached the Philippines where he met his death at the hands of the natives. Magellan's name is still associated with the first known circumnavigation of the earth.

Ignatius Loyola

(1491-1556) spanish churchman and founder of the jesuits (1534)., This order of the Roman Catholic priest provrd an effectiveness force for reviving catholicism during the Catholic reformation.

Ivan IV (the terrible)😯

(1533-1584) the first ruler to take the title of Tsar. Expanded Russiam territories eastward after finding westward expansion blocked by the powerful swedish + polish states. Extended the autocracy of the Tsar by crushing the power of the Russian nobility (the boyars) Ivan's dynasty came to an end in 1598 and was followed by a resurgence of aristocratic power in a period of anarchy.

Thomas Hobbes

(1588-1679) claimed that in the state of nature, before society was organized human life was "poor and nasty". To save themselves from destroying each other people formed a commonwealth. "The Great Leviathan". Tbus common wealth placed its power in a sovereign authority. Subjects may not rebel, if they do they must be suppressed.

Baron paul d'Hobech

(1723-1789) preached a doctrine of strict Aheism and materialism. System of nature. Argued that everything in the universe consisted of matter in motion. Human beingd were simply machines, God was a product of the human mind and was unecessary for leading a moral life. People needed only reason to live in this world. Shocked his fellpw philosophes with his uncompromising atheism.

War of Austrian succession

(1740-1748) -After charles VI's death the pragmaic sanction was lost and Fredrick II of Prussia took adv of Maria Theresa to invade Austria Silesia. Maria made an alliance with GB who feared french hegemony over continental affairs. The Austrian succession started a worlwide conflagration. In Europe where Prussia seized Silesia , France occupied the Austrian Netherlands, and in the East where France took Madras in India from the British.

The seven years war

(1756-1763) Britain and France over colonial empires and Austria and Prussia over Silesia. Therr were 3 major areas of conflict:Europe, India, and NA. Europe witnessed the clash of the British and Prussians against the Austrians, Russians, and French. The Euro conflict was ended by the peace of Huterburg in 1763. All occupied territories were returned, and Austria officially recognized Prussias permanent control of Silesia. Under Robert clive the brits one because they were more persistent.

Charles III

(1759-1788) during this reign the catholic church was also brought under control when charles banished the jesuits + circumscribed the activities of the inquisition.

Old regime👎

(Ancien Regime) one of the first things the Na focused on was removing relics of Fuedalism or aristocratic privileges. 1799 the NA voted to abolsih seigneural rights as well as thr fiscal privleges of noblew, clergy, towns, and provinces.


(Helio-centric) argued that the universe consisted of 8 spheres with the sun motionless in the center and the spheres of the fixed stars at rest in the 8th sphere. He felt that Ptolemy's egocentric system was too complicated and failed to accord with the observed motions of the heavenly bodies. Raised questions about Aristotles astronomy and the human role in the universe and gods location.

Catherine de Medici

- Italian noblewoman, was a queen in the late 16th century who played an important role behind the thronges of her 3 sons when they ruled France. Her main objective was to keep the throne in the Valois family and to bring an end to the destructive conflict between France's Catholics and Protestants.

War of the Roses (Lancaster/Yorks)

-1450's civil war -The ducal house of Lancaster (red rose) vs. the ducal house of york (white rose) . Many aristocratic families of England were drawn into the conflict. Because Henry Tudor, duke of Richmond defeated the Yorkist king Richard the III, Henry established the new Tudor dynasty.

Witchcraft craze

-16-17th century. Trials in England, Scottland, Switzerland, Germany, parts of France, low countries, and even in New England. Not a new concept. Came to be viewed as both sinister and dangerous when the medieval church began to connect witches to activities of the devil, so they had to go (DIE TERRIBLY).

Machiavelli said "the end justifys the means"

-A secretary to the Florence council of ten -Numerous diplomatic trip -Sent to exile. -Had to give up politics -Reflects on politics in his bools (the prince). - Believes rulers must be willing to do wrong if necessary. -set the tone as one of the first to abandon morality as the basis for political activity.


-After 1438 the Holy Roman Empire was in the hands of the Hasburg dynasty. The house of the Hasburgs became one of the wealthiest landlords in the empire. -Much of the Hasburg success in the 15th century was due to a well educated policy of dynastic policy.


-By the 1730's had begun to affect decoration and architecture all over Europe. Emphasized gracr smd gentle action. Rejected strict geometric patterns and fondess for curves (flowers + shells) highly secular, had the pursuit of pleasure, happiness, and love. Present in the work of Antoine Watteau whose views of aristocratic life revealed a world of upperclass pleasure + joy.

Jean-Baptiste colbert

-Controlled general of finances. -sought to increase the wealth and power of France through mercantalism. -Decrease the needs of imports and imcrease exports. -Improve communications and the transportation of goods -Decrease imports directly.

Louis XI

-Devious -Retained the taille as permanent tax imposed by royal authority. He was not completely succesful in repressing french nobility. - The proccess of developing a french territorial state was greatly advanced.

Lorenzo The magnificent

-Florence -leading citizen. -Contributed to art by funding renaissance artist.


-French scientist -sought to keep science and religion united. -Invented a calculating machine, devised a theory of chance of probability. -After a mysterious vision he devoted his life to religious matters. -In "Pensées" pascal tried to convert rationalists to Christianity by appealing to reason and emotion.

John Calvin

-French theologian who was the leading French protestant reformer and very important to the second generation of the Christian Reformation. He deeply influenced Protestantism elsewhere in Europe and in North America. The calvinist reform of Protestantism is and has had a great impact on the development of the modern world, and included the Huguenots. One thing he specifically believed was that God knows before a person is born whether they are going to heaven or hell.

Gottfried Kirch

-Husband to Maria Winklemann.

John Hus

-Led the ideas of a group of Czech reformers. -urged the elimination of the worldliness and corruption of the clergy and attacked the excessive power of the papacy within the catholic church. -Arrested and condemned. -His arrest and condemnation turned the unrest in Bohemia into revolutionary upheaval and the resulting Hussite wars racked the HRE until a truce in 1436.

Ferdinand of Aragon (1479-1516)

-Married Isabella of Castile in 1469. -A dynastic union of 2 rulers. Not political. -The 2 worked to strengthen royalcontrol of gov. -To replace the levies they inherited with a moral professional army they recognized the military forces of Spain. The development of a strong infantry force as the heart of the new spanish army made it the best in Europe by the 16th century.

Hanseatic league

-Northern German coastal towns. -Commerical + military -aka Hansa -By 1500 , 80 cities belonged to the league. -Monopoly on northern Euro trade (timber, fish? Grain, metals). Served as an economic crossroads during a time of economic recovery.

John Wyclif

-Oxford theologian -Disgust with cleregial practices (corruption) led him to attack (far-ranging) on papal authority and medieval Christians beliefs. -Urged the bible be made in vernacular languages so everyone could read it. -followers are known as "Lollards". -Overall he started one of the movements that threatened the church in the 14th-early 15th century.

Witchcraft craze causes👿🔮

-Religious uncertainties and poor social conditions -An explanation for something that needs an excuse such as bad harvests. -old women (mainly) who were vulnerable, some young women and men.

Isabella d'Este

-Renaissance ruling women. -Married Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua. -Well educated and their cort was an important center of learning. -Attracted artist and intellectuals to the mantuan cort. Isabella had great influence as a ruling women and because of her intellect she attracted artist and intellectuals to their court. Through this Isabella encouraged the characteristics of the Renaissance.


-Residence of the King -Reception hall for state affairs -office building for the members of the kings governement. -Home of thousands of royalists and aristocratic courtiers. -

Querelles des femmes

-arguments about women.

Frederick William the Great Elector

-laid the foundation for the Prussian state -Built a competent and efficient standing army. -By 1678 possessed a force that absorbed 50% of the state's revenue. -Established the General war commissary to levy taxes for the army and oversee its growth and training. -made a deal with nobility - if they dont challenge him they get unlimited power over pwasants, no tax, highest army ranks, -Followed the mercantalist policies.

Pope Julius II

-warrior -Endeavored to add to the splender of his pontificate by tearing down the Basilicia of saint Peter and beginning construction of the greatest building in christendom. A great patron of Renaissance culture, contrinuting to architecture of the 16th cent.

Charles I




English civil war


Francis Xavier


Glorious Revolution (William and Mary)


James II


Jean-paul Marat


Mary , Queen of scots


Oliver Cromwell


The Restoration (charles III)


Industrialization in the nonindustrial world.

...to cut this short because mah hand hurts from typing. Russia remained largely rural and agricultural, not much of a middle class. When India fell under the control of the British there was a British policy that encouraged Indians to export their raw materials while buying Brit-made goods.

Japan in exploration

16th century , a number of powerful individuals achieved the unification of Japan. Toku gawa Leyas- took the title of Shogun (general) in 1603. an act that initiated the most powerful and long-lasting of all Japanese Shogunate.


1714, A new dynasty was establoshed when the last stuart ruler Queen Amme died without an hier. The crown was offered to the protestant rulers of the German state of Hanover.

Congress of Vienna

1814, an arraignment of a final peace settlement. Leader was the Austrain foreign minister: Klemens Von Mwtternich- they wanted security after Napolean. 5 Great powers in this; Prussia,GB, Austria,Russia,and France. In making these territorial reareangments, powers at vienna believed they were forming a new balance of power thar would keep any country from dominating another

Crystal palace

19 acres, containrd 100,00 exhibits that showed the wide variety of products created by the industrial rev.

Three estates

1st: Clergy,10% of land, exempt from taille "voluntary"😂 contribution every 5 years. 2nd:Nobility, 25-30% of land,leading positions in gov, military, courts, high church offices. 3rd: commoners of society, 34-40%of land. Erbody else and dey mama😊 (peasants, artisans,shopkeepers, other wage earners in the cities.

Leonardo Bruni

A Italian humanist, one of the first to gain thorough knowledge of Greek. Wrote a bio that inspired Italian humanist.

Martin Luther

A catholic monk and theologian who noticed big differences between scriptures and church practices. He brought the publics attention to the hypocrisy he saw amongst high church officials, first with the 95 theses, and then with many other written works. German princes supported and protected him, because freedom from the Catholic church meant from the taxes, tax exemptions, and the power the church held over them. Pope leo X and Charles V ordered him to recant at the Diet of worms, but he refused.


A commitee that had become the leading policy-making body of the communist party.

Renaissance Humanism

A curriculum based on the study of the classics, rhetoric, and history.


A danish nobleman. Granted possession of an island near Copenhagen by Fredrick II and on it built an elaborate castle where for 20 years he collected data on astronomy that was most accurate at the time and allowed him to reject the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic system but also was unable to accept Copernicus' s idea that earth actually moved.

Constitutional monarchy

A form of democratic government in which a monarchy acts as a non-party political head of state within the boundaries of a constitution, whether written or unwritten.

Colbert (& mercantilism)

A french financer, observed that "trade causes perpetual conflict in war and in peace among Euro nations.

Totalitarian state

A government that aims to control the political , economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens

Pope Alexander VI

A member of the Borgia family. Raised 1 son, 1 nephew, and the brother of one mistress to the cardinate. He scandalized the church by encouraging his son to carvr a state in centralitaly for himself out of papal states.


A philosopher who grew up in the relatively tolerant atmosphere of Amsterdam. He was excommunicated -unable to accept the implications of descartes ideas. -To Spinoza human beings are as much a part of God or nature of the universal order as other natural objects.

Olympe de Gouges

A playwright and pamphleter refused to accept this exclusion of women 👏from political rights. Echoing the work of the offical declaration, she penned a declaration of the rights of women and the female citizen, in which she insisted that women should have the same rights as men.


A religious outlook, built on the newtonian world- machine, implied the existence of a mechanic god who created the universe but has no involvement like the Christians believe.

Hasburg-Valois War

A series of conflicts from 1494-1559 between the leading European powers for control of the Italian states.


A system that permitted the conquering Spaniards to collect tribute from the natives and use them as laborers. In return, the holders of an encomienda were supposed to protect the Indians, pay them wages, supervise their spiritual needs. This meant that the settlers were free to implement the paternalistic system of government as they pleased.

Time of trouble

A time of anarchy, Muscovite society waa highly stratified. At the top was the Tsar, Russian society was dominated by an upper class of landed aristocrats who bound peasants to the land.

Dutch East India Company

A trading company established under government sponsorship.

John Cabot

A venetian seaman, explored the new England coastline of the Americas under a liscense from king Henry VII of England.

Texitle industry

A) James Hargeaves- Enabled spinners to produce yarn in greater quantities. B) Richard Arkwright- water fram spinning machine, powered by water or horse. C) Samuel Crompton's - so-called mule, which combined aspect of the water frame and the spinning jenny, increased yarn production even more D) Edmund Cartwright- power bom(1787) allowing the weaving of cloth to catch up with the spinning of yarn.


A) Shakespeare - In tragedies as well as comedies, shakespeare exhibited a remarkable understanding of the human condition. B) lope de vega - made no apologies for writing to please his audiences.

Efforts of change -Industrial Revolution

A) workers looked to the formation of labor organizations to gain decent wages and working conditions. B) As reports from civic-minded citizens and parliamentart commissions intensified and demonstrated the extent of poverty, degradation,and suffering, the reform efforts began to succeed.

Peter the Great

Accelerates the westernizing proccess. -Admired Euro technology and gadgets and desired to transplant these to Russia -Reorganization of the army + creation of navy. -Credited with forming the 1st Russian Navy. -Reorganized the central government, partly along western lines. -Divided Russia into 8 provinces, later 5o. Demanded that those in the landholding class serve in eithet military of civil offices. Sought to gain state control of the Russian Orthodox church.

The scandanavian states

After the battle of Poltava in 1709 swedish power declined. King Gustavus III was an enlightened monarch, freedom of religion, speech, + press, instituted a new code of justice that eliminated torture. He was assassinated. Denmark attempted enlightenment reforms by king Christian VII and his chief minister John Struensee. There was aristocratic opposition. Struensee died 1772.

Sir Robert Clive

An aggressive British empire-builder who eventually became the chief representative of the East India Company in India. Clive consolidated British control in Bengal, where the local ruler attacked fort williams and imprisoned the local british population.

Giorgio Vasari

An avid admirer of Italy's great artist. -wrote a series of brief biographies of them. -Helped create the image of artist during the Reinissance being "Creative geniuses" and with almost divine qualitites.

Emelyan Pugachev 😨

An illiterate cossack, succeeded in welding the desperate elements of discontent into a mass revolt. Beggining in 1773, Pugachev's rebellion spread across southern Russia from usals to volga river. He won the support of many peasants when he issued a manifesto in july 1774 freeing all peasants. Encouraged by Emelyan to seize their landlord's estate. They responded by killing more than 1500 estate owners + their fams. Captured, tortured, executed.

Maximilian Robespierre

An important member of the committee of public "safety". Robespierre and the committee worked to centralize the admin. of France and curb the excesses of the Reign of Terror. Obsessed with purifying the body politic of all corrupt, he was guillotined.

William the Pitt younger

Appointed by George III son of william the elder and prime minister. With pitts successes serious reform of the corrupt parliamentary system was avoided for another generation.

Declarations of the rights of man

Assembly adopts the Declarations of rights of man. Reflected ideas of the major philosophers of the french enlightenment and also owed much to the American Declaration of Independence and American state constitution. "The natural and imprescriptable rights of man" "Liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression" Ended exemptions from taxation. Monarchy restricted. Questions: "Do equal rights for "All men" include women? (nah but they should)

New social classes

At first the bourgeoisie, but then wealthy towns people boight land and everyone involved in commerce, industry, banking, lawyers,teachers,physicians, and gov. Officials were at various levels with master crafts people and shopkeepers. New industrial entrepreneurs came to gain a lot of wealth and play a major role alongside traditional landed elites of their society. The new classes brought great estates and acquired social respectability w/ seeking political power.


Became a freelance write so that he could study many subjects and read many languages. One of his favorite topics was Christianity, which he condemned as fanatical and unreasonable. Viewed Christianity as the worst religion. At the end of his life "The world is only a mass of molecules" -Contributed the "Encyclopedia" or classified dictionary of the sciences, arts, and trades.

William Pitt the elder

Became prime minister in 1757 and furtgered imperial ambitions by acquirimg Canada and India in the seven years war.


Began by reflecting the doubt and uncertainty that seemed pervasivr in the confusion of the 17th century and ended with a philosophy that dominated western thought. His work "discourse on method" proclaimed that he would only accept things his reason said we're true. He argued a separation of mind and matter.

30 yrs war B) Danish Phase

Began when King Christian IV of Denmark intervened on behalf of the Protestant cause by leading an army into northern Germany. Wallenstein , a bohemian noble, becomes the country's wealthiest landowner and he marched the imperial army, defeated the Danes and occupied N.germs. The end of Danish supremacy in the Baltic. Emperor Ferdinand II issues the edict of restitution. Prohibited Calvinist worship + restored catholic church property from protestants. This fear of the Habsburg Emperor caused many German princess to react by dismissing Wallenstein.

European pop.

Begant to grow around 1750 and experienced a slow but steady upward movement with regional variations. 190 mil by 1790. The most important cause of declime in the death rate= more food+transportation of food. Still had diesease + poor living conditions.

Spread of Industrialization

Beginning first in GB, Industrialization spread to the continental countries of Euro then the USA at different times and speeds during the 1800's. 1st to be industrialized on the continent were Belgium,France, and the German states; in NA it was the USA. Not until after the 1850's did the Industrialization soread to the rest of Europe and other oarts of the world.

Robert Walpole

Both George I and the II relied on walpole as their chief of prime minister. Served as a prime minister from 1721-1742 and pursued a peaceful foreign policy to avoid new land taxes.

Decline of the Dutch republic

Both local and national political affiars were dominated by the oligarchies thar governed the Dutch Republics towns. In the 18th century, the struggle continued between these oligarchies and the house of orange(headed execute branch of gov) the regents sought to reduce the power of the organist but soon divided when Dutch burghes who called themselves the Patriots (artisans, merchants, and shopkeepers)began to agitate for democratic reforms that would open up the municipal councils to greater participation. In the end the Patriots were crushed and the organist+regents reestablished the old order.

Differences between British and Continental industrialization

British industrial was not originally agrarian.

Lord McCartney

British statesman, colonial administrator and diplomat. Observational after the 7 years wars and treaty of pains.

Charles XI

Built the swedish monarchy along the lines of absolute monarch. He built up a bureaucracy, subdued both the Riksdag and the church, improved the army and navy left his son to Charles XII and organized swedish state.

Exploration in the Americas

By the beginning of the 17th century both Portugal and Spain found themselves with new challenges to their American empires from the Dutch, British, and French who increasingly sought to create their own colonies. In the second half of the 17th century competition from the English and French and years of warfare with those rivals led to the decline of the Dutch commericsl empire.

Margaret Cavendish

Came from aristocratic background. A participant in crucial scientific debates of her time. Wrote a number of works. Ex "Observation upon experimental philosophy and groumds of Natural philosophy" critical of the belief that through science, humans would be masters of nature.

Child labor during the Ind Rev.

Child labor was exploited during the rev. Neglected kids were apprenticed as cheap labor sources. The child kabour legislation enacted in 1864 to get rid of these poor circumstances.


Christian boys who had been takem from their parents, converted to the muslim faith, and subjected to rigid military discipline for an elite core of 800 troops loyal to the sultan.

Commerical capitalism

Commerical expansion of the 16th and 17th century was made easier by new forms of commercial organization, especially the joint-stock trading company. Individuals bought shares in a company and received dividends on their investment while a board of directors ram the company and made the important business decisions. Enormous profits were also being made in ship building and in mining and metallurgy, where technological innovations, such as pumps and mew methods. Despite the growth of commerical capitalism most european economies still depended on agriculture.

Ottoman Empire

Conquests of Constantinople in 1453, the turks tried to compete their conquests of thr Balkams. The reign of Suleiman I the magnificent brought European attention back to the turks. Possesed a highly effective gov. System, a large capital population in Constantinople. Factions fought each other for influence and the throne. A well organized military system added to their strengths. They had Janissaries

Louis XIV🏰

Created a grand spectacle at the court of versailles. Came to set the standard for monarchies and aristocratics all over Europe. He was able to restructure the central policy making machinery of the government because it was part of his own court and house hold.

Mary Astell

Daughter of a wealthy English Merchant. Wrote: -A serious proposal to the ladies , woman meeded to be better educated. Believed men would resent her proposal. -Some reflections upon marriages, argued for equality in marriage. "If all men are born free, how is it thsr all womem are born slaves.

Kepler 🌌

Destined by his parents to be a Lutheran minister. Fell under the influence of an astronomer (Mästlin) Kepler abandoned theology and became a teacher of astronomy. His work demonstrates the thin line between magic and science. Theory that the universe was constructed on the basis of geometric figures. Used Brahes data to arrive at 3 laws of planetary motion.

Joseph II

Determined to make changes. Goal of enhancing Habsburg power w/n the monarchy and Europe. -Believed in reason, eliminated internal trading barriers, ending monopolies, and removing guild restrictions.

George III

Determined to strengthen monarchial authority and to wield the power of patronage personally.

French and British In India

During the first half of the 17th century the British presence in India increased. By 1650 British trading posts had been established. British success in India attracted rivals (Dutch + French) the french were persistent and established their own forts on the east coasts.

Dutch Realism

Dutch paintings: portraits of themselves, group portraits of their military companies and guilds, landscapes, seascapes, genre scenes, still lifes, and the interiors of their residences. Neither clasical nor Baroque, Dutch painters were primarily interested in the realistic portrayl of secular everyday life.


Dynasty that was eventually called the Brandeburg-Prussia.

Leonardo valla

Educated in Latin and Greek. Papal secretary. Wrote "the elegance of the latin language"

Emily by Rousseau👪👶

Education should foster rather than restrict childrens interests.


Emerged in the later period of High Renaissance and reflected the amxiety, uncertainty, suffering, and a yearning for spiritual experience. Italian Mannerist painters deliberately distorted the rules of proportions that gave a sentiment of suffering, anxiety, and confusion.

Factory system

Employers hired workers who no longer owned the means of production but who they had to pay wages. Workers were forced to work regular hours to keep the machine going.

Maris Theresa

Empress of Austria. Rival to Prussia. Although forced to accept the privileges of the Hungarian nobility and the right of her Hungarian subjects, she abolished the Austrian + Bohemian chancelleries and replaced them w/ departments of foreign affairs, justice, war, commerce, and internal affairs. Curtailed the role of the diets or provincial assemblies in taxation+ local admin.

Thomas More

English humanists, contemporary of Erasmus, and author of "Utopia", in which he condemned governments as corrupt. As the first lay chancellor of England, he was later executed by Henry VIII when he refused to agree that the king was the supreme head of the church (English church).

Mary Wollstonecraft 👏👏👏👏👏👏.

English writer. Viewed by many as the founder of modern European feminism. Pointed oit 2 contradictories in the views of women held by enlightenment thinkers. Women obeying their husbands was comtrary to the belief that arbitrary power monarchs over people or slaves was wrong. She is a strong independent women and she aint need no man 👏.

Peace of Westphalia

Ensured that all German states, including Calvinists ones, were free to determine their own religion. Made it clear that religion and politics were now separate worlds.


Entrepreneurs realized the need for more efficient means of moving resources and goods. Railways started in mining operations in Germs as early as 1500. By 1700 some entrepreneurs began to replacr wooden rail roads with cast iron. The development of the steam engine led to a radical transformation of the railways. A)Richard Trebithick pioneered the first steam powered locomotive on an industrial rail line in south Wales. George stephenson - his engine, Rocket was used on the first public railway line.

James I

Espoused the belief that kings recieve their power directly from god.

Maria Sibylla Merian

Established a reputation as an important entomologist by the beginning of the 18th century. Exact observations of insects and plants were demonstrated through her illustrations "Metamorphosis of the insects of Surinam".

Chapter 18

European states, international wars, and social change

The English Royal society and the French Royal Academy of sciences 🏰

Evolved out of informal gatherings of scientists at London and Oxford in 1640's. The French also had also been initiated with informal meetings. The Royal society created a committee to investigate technol8 imorovements for industry; The French Academy collected tools and machinery.



Ch. 19

FRENCH REV +Napoleon.

Isabella of Castille (1474-1504)

Ferdinand and Isabella recognized the importance of controlling the catholic church. -Also pursued a policy of strict religions uniformity. -They expelled all professed Jews from Spain. -Isabella issued a decree expelling all professed Muslims from her kingdom. Monarchs achieved their goal of an absolute religious authority.

Thirty years war. A) Bohemian phase

Ferdinand is controlling Bohemia and his Catholic Bohemia. Bohemia is prominently Protestant despite this. The protestant nobles rebelled (2 Habsburg governors were thrown out of a window by peasants). Ferdinand became HRE anyways and he confiscated land of the protestant nobles and Catholicism became the sole religion.

Gerardus Mercator

Flemish, cartographer. Came up with mercator projection used by mapmakers.

Michael Romanov

Followed the Time of Trouble, began a dynasty that lasted until 1917.


Founded by Ignatius Loyola. Aka Society of Jesus. As a teaching + missionary order to resist the spread of protestantism.

3 centers of Continental industrialization + their differences

France: the continental leader in manufacturing of cotton goods but still lagfed far behind GB. By mid 1840's Belgium had the mosy modetn cotton manufacturing system on the continent, unlike Britain, France, germs, and Belgium, had cotton manufacturing throughout the region.


French Calvinists.

Marie-Jean de condorcet

French philosphe. Madr an exaggerated claim for progress. The progress of the human mind while in hiding during the reigm of terror. Humans have progressed through 9 stages of history and were about to enter the 10th stage, human perception.

Jacques Bousset

French theologian, expressed his idead in a book called "Politics drawn from the very words of Holy scripture" Argued first that the government was divinely organized so that humans could live in an organized society. There was a large gap between the theory of absolutism as expressed by Bossuet and the practice of absolutism.


From French nobility, wrote "persian letters" (1721), critizes French institutions(catholic church + french monarchy). -Much of the French enlightenment is in this book: attack on traditional religion, the advocacy of religious toleration, the denunciation of slavery, and the use of reason to liberate human beings from prejudice. Most famous work:Spirit of the laws (1748). Distinguished 3 baic kinds of government: Republics, despotism, and monarchy.

Facism 💆

Glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dicator.


Greatest figure of the enlightenment. (Francis Marie Arouet). -achieved first succes as a playright. -Philosophic letters on the English(1733),Expressed a deep admiration of English life, especially its freedom of press, its political freedom, and its religious toleration. -foughy cases of intolerance in france.


He wrote the "book of the courtier". His work became popular throughout Europe, describes the 3 basic attributes of a perfect courtier. Castiglione's book set fundamental guidelines for European aristicrats, influencing their conduct and life style for centuries.

Anne Boleyn

Henry the VIII broke from the CC so he would be free to marry this women at hid court who promised to give him a son.

John Locke

His Theory of Knowledge especially influeced the philosophes. In his Essay concerning Human understanding Locke argued that every person was born with a tabula rasa, blank mind, "so that our knowledge is derived from our environment, not from hereditary; from reason not faith" by changing their surrounding world a new society could be created.

Henry II

Husband of Catherine de Medici, king during the end of the Hasburg-valois war. Catherine passed the edict of Chateaubriand.

Bartholomeu Dias

In 1488 he took advantage of westerly winds in the South Atlantic to round the cape of good hope but feared a mutiny and returned.

Bartholomeu Dias

In 1488 he took advantage of westerly winds in the south Atlantic to round the Cape of Good Hope but feared a mutiny and returned .

China in exploration

In 1514 a Portuguese fleet arrived off the coasts of China. By the end of the 17th century the English had replaced the Portuguese as the dominant force in European trade. Trade with China increased rapidly. To limit contacts the Qing gov. confined European trade contacts to a small island outside of canton. The Chinese would later pay for their rejection of British requests for open trade.

Herman cortes

In 1519, led a Spanish expedition, landed at vera cruz, on the Gulf of Mexico. Trouble eventually erupted between the Spaniards and the Aztecs. The Spaniards took Montezuma hostage and began to pillage the city. The local population revolted and drove the invaders from the city. but Cortes was supplied with allies and the Aztec empire fell.


In December 1530 Francisco Pizarro landed on the pacific caost of South America. Was lucky because the Inca empire had already succumbed to an epidemic of small pox. By 1535 Pizarro had established a capital at Lima for a new colony of the Spanish Empire.

king Affonso of Congo

In a letter to the king of Portugal in 1526 he complained "So great sire is the corruption and licentiousness that our country is being completely depopulated". Protests by Africans were ignored by Europeans and by other Africans.

Elector Frederick III/KING frederick I

In return for aiding the Holy Roman Emperor in the war of the Spanish succession he waa officially granted the title of king of Prussia.

Christain III

In the 1530's under Fredericks successor Christian III, a Lutheran state church was installed with the king as the supreme authority in all ecclesiastical affairs.

Standard of living in Ind Rev.

In the long run the Industrial rev. Improved living standards wages,prices, and consumption patterns are som of the criteria used to measure the standard of living. A mass market developed in cheap cotton goods.

The war of the 3 Henries

In this final conflict of the French wars of Religion, the leaders of the Valois, Bourbon, and Guise families (all with the same 1st name) vied for control of the French throne - the bourbons would win.

Agriculture🌾🌽+ Industry🌆

Increase of food production can be attributed to: More farmland, increase yields per acre, healthier/abundant livestock, improved weather. Potato + Maize from America. New techniques.


Industrial Revolution.

The oratory of Divine love

Informal group of clergy and laymen who worked to foster reform by emphasizing personal spiritual development and acts of charity.

Gottfried Leibriz

Invented calculus independent of Newton + praised Maria Winkelmann.


Invented calculus, began his investigations into light composition and his work on law of universal gravity. Wrote his famous Principle, made president of the royal society. In his major work Newton defined the basic concepts of mechanics by elaborating the 3 laws of motion (part 1). Book 3 he applies theories of mathematics to problems of astronomy.

Johannes Gutenberg

Invented the modern prining press (1452) -printed the Gutenberg bible. -took the bible to the world fair in 1455. -Bible completed in 1455 or 1456. Gutenberg of Maiz played a major role in the proccess of making the printing press happen. And because of him printing in Euro spread and became one of the largest industries. The printing of books encouraged knowledge.

Edict of Fontainebleau

Issued by louis, the new edict provided for the destruction of Huguenot churches and the closing of protestant schools.

Pope Paul III

Italian pope who excommunicated Henry VIII instituted the jesuits, appointed many reform minded cardinals and initiated the council of Trent and established the Holy congretion of the holly office. Immediately made his teenage grandson a cardinal. He also established an inquisition in the Papal states.

Cesare Borgia

Italian ruler, used cruel and rutheless tactics to achieve his goals, was used as an ex for Machiavelli.

Christopher columbus

Italian, convinced that the circumference of the earth was less than contemporaries believed and that Asia was larger than people thought. He felt that Asia could be reached by sailing west instead of around Asia. After being rejected by the portugese, her perusaded Queen Isabella of spain to finance his expedition. In his four voyages, columbus reached all the major islands of the caribean and the mainland of Central America. Other explorers realized that he had discovered a new world altogether.

Ivan III (146?-1505)

Ivan III annexed other Russian principalities and took advantage of dissention among the mongols to throw off the Yorke by 1480. A new Russian state was born during the Ivan III'S reign.

Pope clement VII

Joined forces with the king of France, Francis I. He did this because he feared charles V's power. Then Charles the V ransacked Rome in 1527 and he took most of Italy in return for leaving the pope alone.

Philip II

King of Spain. He wanted to secure his father's (Charles V) land, which included, Spain, Netherlands, parts of Italy, and parts of the New world. He then tried to achieve Catholicism in his empire and a strong monarchical authority. He tried to be the center of the gov. and fell behind in work. He had trouble stabilizing his empire as they all had an individual relationship with the king as opposed to all joined as one. Tried to make Spain a great power in Europe. Went into debt because they were in war. Aka "the most catholic king".

Isaac Newton

Large role in the scientific revolution with his laws of motion. The intellectuals of the enlightenment were convinced that by following newton's rules of reasoning they could discover the natural laws that governed politics economics, justice, religion, and the arts.

Pico Della Mirandola

Late 15th centurt (1400s) -friend of Ficino -Produced one of the most famous writings of the Renaissance "oration on the dignity of man" -Interest of Hermetic philosophy. -Pico's work reflected his belief of unlimited human potential, which he showed in his writings "oration on the dignity of man".


Lazy + weak, decided to rule after Fluery's death. Minister and misstreses began to influence the king and control affairs of the state. One mistress, Madame de pompdadour gained wealth ,power and made important gov. Decisions.

Suleiman the Magnificent

Leader of the ottoman turks who attacked charles V and had previously attacked and killed his brother and took his land: hungary.


Leader was Francois Quesnay. Claimed they would discover the natural economic laws that governed human society. 1) land constituted the only source of wealth and that wealth itself could be increased only by agricultural that syTes revenues should come from a single tax on land. 2) stressed the existance of natural economic forces of supply and demand made it imperative thst individuals should pursue their own economic interests.


Leaders of bands of mercenary soldiers in Renaissancr Italy who sold their services to the highest bidder. This served as a means of revenue for the Montefrltro dynasty who experienced poverty from Urbino.

30 yrs war C) Swedish phase

Led by Gustavus Adolphus (Protestant) , made it into a great Baltic Power. Gustavuses army gets rid of Ferdinand (HRE) and is able to push forward north to the heart of Germany. The Swedish Forces remained in Germany but proved less effective. The imperial army defeates the swedes at the Battle of Norlingen and drives them out of Germany, guaranteeing that souther Germany Remains Catholic. Peace fails to come.


Literally means to let people do as they choose. A doctrine by its french name.

Wars of louis XIV

Louos made war an almost incessant activity of his reign. To achieve the prestige and military glory befitting the sun king as well as to ensure the domination of his Bourbon dynasty over European affairs. Louis waged 4 wars between 1667 and 1713.

Cardinal Richelieu

Lous XIII's chief minister from 1624 - 1642, strengthened the power of the monarch. Eliminates the political and military rights of the Hugenots while preserving their religious ones. Transformed the Hugenots into more reliable subjects. Understood the influential role played by the nobles in the French state.


Massacio's cycle of Frescoes in the Brancacci chapel are regarded as the first masterpiece of early Renaissance art. -More realistic relationships between figures and landscapes. -monumental figures -visual representation of the laws of perspective. -A new realistic style of painting was born.


Meant that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by Divigne right.

Georges Danton

Minister of justic. Led Sanculottes who saught revengr on those who aided the king and resisted popular will.

Ch.13 The Reformation

Missed first 3 terms


Monasticism ,regeneration of religious order reformed and renewed.

Klemens Von Metternich

Most influential member at the congress of Vienna. Claimed he was guided by the principle of legitimacy. To reestablish peace+stability in Europe, it was necessary to restore legitimate monarchs who would preserve traditional institution. To maintain the new conservative oder after 1815,metternich espoused the principle of intervention,by which he meant that the great pow ers had the right to intervene in other countries to halt rev.movements against legit rulers.

Christain II

Of Denmark, ruler of 3 Scandinavian kingdoms, was overthrown by swedish Barons led by Gustavus Vasa. Also had been deposed as the king of nobility; he was succeded by his uncle who became Frederick I.


Old order, reformed and renewed -created through the efforts of Spanish priests - became an order of medicant friars in 1215.

Estates General

On the Verge of a complete financial collapse, the gov was finally forced to call a meeting of the Estates-General, the French parliamentary body that had not met since 1614. By calling the estayes general, the gov was practically admitting that the consent of the nation was required to raise taxes. Consisted of 1st estate (clergy),second estate(nobility), third estate (everyone else).

Gustavus Vasa

Overthrew Christian II of Denmark after Denmark, Norway, and Sweden were united, became king of independent sweden and took the lead in Establishing a Lutheran Reformation in his country. By the 1530's the swedish Lutheran nation church had been created.

Pope leo X

Patron of Renaissnace culture. Deeply involved -son of Lorenzo de medici. -Cardinal at 13. -Another pope whose sense of culture impacted the artistic center in the Renaissance.

Social impact

Pop. Growth was caused by a decline in death rates because famines,epidemics, and wat declined. Not just industrialization caused pop. growth although if did lead to severe congestion in the countryside. Cities grew from centers of courts, govs, and churches to places of manufacturing + industry. The sanitary conditions of the cities were pitiful. They were often used as sewers and drains. Urban reformers like Edwin Chadwick wanted to get rid of poverty. Fear of Cholera outbreak that killed many. Issues of disease brought attention to officials and them suppory fot health measures.

Petition of right (1628)

Prohibited taxation without parliaments consent, arbitrary imprisonment, the quartering soldiers in private houses, + declaration of martial law in peace time

Frederick William I

Promoted the evolution of Russias highly efficient civil bureaucracy by establishing the General directory. It served as the chief administrative agent of the central gov, supervising military, police, economic, and financial affairs. Strove to maintain a highly efficient bureaucracy of civil service workers. Rigid class stratification presisted.


Published "on the Fabric of the Human body. His anatomical treatises presented a careful examination of the individual organs and general structures of the human body

Thomas Muntzer

Radical early protestant leader broke from from Martin Luther and became a leader of the German Peasant Revolts, at the end of which he was executed.

Ch. 21

Reaction, Revolution, and Romanticism

Francis Bacon

Rejected copernicus and Kepler and misunderstood Galileo. Unfinished work "The Great Instauration". Bacon's new foundation was to be built on inductive principles from which logical conclusions could be deduced, he urged scientists to proceed from the particular to the general. From carefully organized experiments and thorough systematic observations, correct generalizations could be developed.


Rejected the work of Aristotle and Gale and attacked universities as centers of their moribid philosophy. According to his view, a human being was a small replics of the larger world. In favor of the idea that the poison thst caused a disease would be its cute if used in proper form and quantity.

Menno Simons

Rejuvenated Dutch Anabaptism. He advocated peaceful evangelical anabaptism that stressed separation from the world in order to truly be like jesus. He imposed strict discipline on his followers and baned those who would follow the rulers. Mennonites were his followers , modern day descendants - Amish and Mennonites.

Gustavus Adolphus

Responsible for reviving Sweden and making it into a great Baltic power. Brought the Swedish army to Northern Germany. Devout Lutheran, felt compelled to aid his co-religionists in Germany. Notable for flexibility of Tactica.

Destruction of Poland

Resulted from the rivalries of its 3 greatest neighbors; Austria, Prussia, Russia. They divided poland at poland's expense, loss of land+people. The remaining Polish state was obliterated.

Cardinal Mazarin

Richelieu's trained successor, an Italian, came to France. As a foreigner he was disliked. The 1st fronde, which broke out in paris and was ended by compromise. The second fronde was led by the nobles who were interested in over throwing Mazarin to increase their power and secure their position. Died 1661.


Rule by a few

Elizabeth I

Ruled England from 1558 to 1608 and was the last of the Tudor monarchs - her reign is remembered as a golden age in which English Culture Flourished, England began to emerge as I of Europes greatest powers, and a compromise settlement was secured between England's catholics and protestants.


Sailed into the harbor of Malaca on the Malay penninsula. Control would


Sailed into the harbor of Malaca on the Malay penninsula. Control would help destroy the Arab Spice trade and also provide the Portuguese with a way station on the route to the moluccas. Portuguese seized the city after a battle. This slaughter initiated a brutal struggle between the Portugese and the Arabs.


Scientific revolution

James watt and the steam engine

Scottish Engineer, asked to repair a Newcomen engine. Instead he added a separate condenser and a steam pump and transformed Newcomen's machine into a genuine steam engine. Power wad drived not from air pressure like with Newcomen's was, but from steam itself.

David Hume

Scottish philosopher, important figures in the history of philosophy "pioneering social scientist" Wrote "Treatisr on Human nature" Argued that observation amd reflection of common sense. Made a "science of man".

Adam smith

Scottish philosopher, published "Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the wealth of Nations" aka "the wealth of nations". 1) condemned mercantilism 2) labor theory, the real value of a nations wealth is in the labor of people. 3) The state should noy interfere in economic matters.

Social order

Social status was still largely determined by hereditary. Reformers argued these ideas of unchanging social order based on privilege was against the society's progress. Until revolutions at the end of the century things remained the same.

Henry VIII

Son of Henry VII and king of England from 1509-1547, his divorce with Catherine of Aragon resulted in his break with the Catholic church and his excommunication in 1538, leading to the start of the reformation. The wives : 6 total. Catherine of Aragon was his first wife, but she didn't produce a male heir and he wanted a divorce. His second wife Anne of Boles had an Elizabeth (Loved her). He grew tired of her an accused her of adultery and had her killed. 3rd wife produced a male heir but she died in childbirth. 4th was a German Princess but on the day of the wedding he first saw her and said she was too ugly for him to marry. 5th committed adultery and he beheaded her. His final one outlived him.

Edward VI

Son of Henry the VIII and Jane Seymour who was very sickly so the council of Regency governed England for him and the council repealed many repressive laws that persecuted protestants and catholics.

Decline of Spain

Spain continued to appear a great power but they were weakening. The defeats in Europe and the International revolts of 1640's ended any illusions about spains greatness. Dutch independence was formally recognized by the peace of West-Phalia in 1648, and the peace of the pyrenees with france in 1659 meant the surrender of Artois amd the outlying defenses of the spanish Netherlands as well as certain border regions that went to France.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Spanish explorer , led am expedition across the Isthmus of panama and reached the Pacific ocean in 1513.

Bill of Rights (1689)

Specifies the rights of Parliament and laid the foundation for a constitutional monarchy. The toleration act of 1689 did not mean complete religious freedom and equality but it marked a moment in European history.

Ch. 15

State-Building in the 17th century.

Iron industry

Still depended on Charcoal until Henry cort. A) Henry cort(pudding) - Developed a system called pudding in which coke was used to burn away impurities in pig iron to produce an iron of high quality.

The factory act of 1833

Strengthened earlier labor legislation, kids from 9-13 could work 8 hours a day and 13-18 work 12 hours a day. The coal mines act of 1842 eliminated the employement of boys under 10 and women in mines.

Growth of Monarchy in Sweden

Sweden had broken its ties with Denmark and emerged as an independent state. Denmark's and Swedens territorial ambitions in Northern Europe kept them in constant 17th century rivalry. Sweden's economy was so weak and the monarchy was still in conflict with the powerful swedish nobility. Sweden experienced a severe social crisis after the death of Gustavus Adolphus. Christina, his daughter abdicated in favor of her cousin, who became king Charles X. His succession defused potential peasant revolt. His successor was Charles XI .


Taught mathematics, the first European to make a systematic observation of the heavens by means of a telescope. Used his telescope to discover mountains and craters on the moon, 4 moons revolving around jupiter, the phases of venus and sunspots. Revalations published in the stary messanger.

What allowed the Ind. Rev. To happen?

The British,the steam engine, the cotton industry, the demands in all markets and the inadequitness of methods led entrepreneurs to invent new methods.

Ch. 17 1700's

The Enlightenment 🌅🌄

30 yrs war D) Franco-swedish phase

The French enter on the side of the Protestants. Swedes against the Catholic Hasburgs of Germany and Spain. French beat spain + victories over Bavarian armies. The war in Germany was officially over by the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659. Spain became a 2nd-class power. France became a dominant.

French Classicism

The French remained commited to the classical values of the High Renaissance. French late classicism, with its emphasis on clarity, simplicity, balance, and harmony of design (a version of High Renaissance style) . Rejected emotionalism and high drama + reflefted the French society's shift from chaos to order.


The Valois - (moderate catholics) The Bourbons - (Huguenots) The Guise - (arch Catholics) *these 3 primary families who vied for control over France during the French wars of Religion.

Great Fear

The agrarian revolts served as a backdrop to the Great Fear, a vast panic that spread like wildfire through francr between July 20 and August 6. Fear of Invasion by foreign troops, aided by a supported aristocratic plot, encouraged the formation of more citizen militias and permanent committees. The greatest impact of the agrarian revolts and the great fear was on the National Assembly meeting in Versailles.

Thomas cranmer

The archbishop of canterbury, helped to build Henry VIII'S case for breaking from the CC and annulling his marriage to Catherine of Aragon - during the reign of Edward VI he introduced major protestant reforms within the church of England and wrote the Book of Common prayer - he would be executed during the reign of marry I.

Legislative assembly

The assembly in which sovereign power was vested, sit for 2 years and consist of 745 representatives chosen by an indirect system.

Enlightened absolutism (despotism)

The belief in natural rights(equality before the law, freedom of religion, speech and press, assembly, propert and pursuit of happiness) Direction from an Enlightened ruler. Fairly enforce laws. Philosophers believed thst absolute rulers with some enlightened principles were the best hope of reforming societies.

Civil constitution of the Clergy

The church was secularised. In july 1890 the new civil constitution of the clergy was put into effect. Both bishops+priests of the Catholic Church were to br elected by the people and paid the state. All clergy were also required to swear an oath of allegiance to the civil constitution.


The councils of Elders elected 5 directors from a list presented by the council of 500 to act as the executive authority of Directory. The gov. Of the directory had to content with political enemies from both end of the political spectrum.


The coup that brought him to power occur exactly ten years after the outbreak of the French rev. Made commander of the French army in Italy 1796. Defeated the Austrians and dictated peace to them. In 1804 Napoleon restored monarchy to France when he crowned himself emperor.

Mary I "Bloody Marry"😅😱

The daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon restored the Catholic faith to England when she became queen in 1553. She would marry the future philip II of spain and she earned her the infamous nickname for having around 300 protestants executed for heresy during the reign.

Weakness of the Polish monarchy

The elective nature, to be elected to the kingship, prospective monarchs had to agree to share pwoer with the Sejm. The power of the Sejm had disastrous results for central monarchial authority. The acceptance of the liberum veto in 1652, where by the meetings of the Sejm could be stopped by a single dissenting member caused chaos. It was then a confederation of semi-independent states.

Family, Marriage, and Birthrate patterns

The family was more important than an individual. Mostly still thought of as patriarchal institutions w/ husbands dominating the wife and children. In the upperclass the house was more important than the individual. Parents still picked marriages. Childhood became more viewed as a stage of development. Infanticide remained a solution to the problem of too many children.

Henry VII (1485-1509)

The first Tudor king worked to reduce internal dissension and establish a strong monarchy. - Used diplomacy to avoid wars. -Henry won the favor of the middle class and his policies allowed him to leave England with a stable and prosperous gov. and an enhanced status for the monarchy itself.

Britains Great exhibition of 1851

The first organized industrial fair in London, 6 mil people visited in 6 months. The exhibition displayed Britians wealth to the world, it was a gigantic symbol of British success.

Caridnal Wolsey

The highest ranking English official and lord chancellor to the king, whom henry relied on to obtain from the pope clement VII an annulment of the kings marriage.


The house of Medici; at one poiny was the greatest bank in Europe, -15th century. -Expanded from cloth production into commerce, real estate, and banking. - Principlr bankers for the papacy. -Big profits and a sudden decline, due to poor leadership amd bad loans. Florence regained its superiority in banking mainly because of the Medici Family (15th)

Industrialization in the US

The initial application of machinery to production was accomplished by borrowing from GB. The transportation rev. Of the the USA turmed the USA into a massive market for manufactured goods of the Northeast. Labor fot the growing # of factories in this area came primarily from rural New England.

Storming of Bastile😏

The king increased the # of troops in paris +along Versailles which caused mob activity in paris. Persian leaders formed the so-called Permanent commitee to keep order. They captured the royal army, stormed Bastille (state prison). The became a sign of triumph over depotism. The fall of the Bastile saved the national assembly.

Thomas Cromwell

The kings principal secretary after the fall of Wosley. He advised the king to obtain an annulment of his marriage in Englands own ecclesiastical courts.

John Knox

The man who dominated the reform movement in Scottland so that ministries ran the church, not the bishop.

Tennis court oath

The meeting at the tennis court where they swore to continue meeting until they produced a French constitution.

Maria Winkelmann

The most famous female astronomer. Received advanced training in astronomy. Married Gottfried Kirch, Germany's famous astronomer. Original Contributions such as an undiscovered comet. Her difficulties with Berlin Academy reflect the obstacles women faced in being accepted in scientific work.

Impact of European expansion

The native American civilizations were destroyed. Devastating losses of populations from European diseases, ancient social + political structures were ripped up and replaced with European institutions, religions, languages, and culture. In central and south America, a new civilization arose aka latin america..It has a Multi racial society with less rigid attitudes about race. The ecology of conquered regions was affected.


The office of the pope and the authority they exercise. The religious and cultiral forces of the Catholic church.

Outcomes of the 30 years war :

The peace of Westphalia ensure that all German states including Calvinists ones, were Free to determine their own religion. France gained parts of Western Germany, Alsache, + 3 cities giving the french control of the Franco-German border area. Sweden + German states of Beandenburg and Bavaria gained some territory in German.

Pope Paul IV

The pontiface of pope paul IV proved to be a turning point in the reform of the papacy. He continued Renaissance papal practices by appointing his nephews as cardinals. Perceived need for change, formally recognized the jesuits and summoned the council.


The pope gained the right to depose French bishops,the state retained the right to nomimate bishops. Just by signing the concordat the pope acknowledged the accomplishments of the revolution.

John Tetzel

The pope who was present at the diet of worms, and excommunicated Martin Luther. Despite his powerful position he was unable to stop the reformation.

Pope Leo X

The pope who was present at the diet of worms, and excommunicated Martin Luther. Despite his powerful position he was unable to stop the reformation.

Columbian exchange

The reciprocal importation and exportation of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas. The European lifestyle was greatly affected by new products from abroad.

Steam Engine

The result of the need for more efficient pumps to eliminate water see page from deep mines. A) Thomas Newcomen- The need for more efficient pumps led Newcomen to develope a steam pump or "Atmospheric engine" thar was first used in 1712. It was still inefficient

Cosimo de' Medici

The ruler of Florence. Commissioned a translation of plato's dialogue by Marsilio Facino. Was successful in dominating the city at a time when Florencr was the center of cultural Renaissance. -requested the translation of the Hermetic manuscripts into Latin amd Greek and startef the Hermetic revival that offered a new veiw of human kind.


The rulers worked to creat a highly centralized territorial state. Francesco Sforza conquered milan and became duke. Succesful in systems of taxation. The Sforza rulers dominated one of the 5 major powers in Italy.

Grand tour

The sons of aristocrats completed their education by making a tour of Europes major cities. Young Englishmen in particular were usually accompanied by a tutor who educated them on the museums + history but couldnt prevent them from enjoying women +wine💏🍷


The style was welcomed by the Catholic reform movement. Artists sought to bring together the classcial ideals of Renaissance art with the spiritual feelings of the 1500's religious revival. Used dramatic effects to arouse emotions. Reflected the search for power.

National assembly📑📢

The third estate voted to constitute itself a "National Assembly" and decided to draw up a constitution. Moved to an indoor tennis court and swore to make a french constitution🎾🎾. First step in the FR.

African Slave Trade

The trade of slaves increased during the 16th century through the 18th century, hundreds of thousands of Africans were removed from their homes and forcibly shipped to plantations in the New World.

Golden Age of the Dutch Republic

The united province was an Atlantic power underlying the importance if the shift of political and economic power from the Mediterranean basin to the countries on the Atlantic seaboard. The united provinces of the Netherlands became the core of the modern Dutch state. -international dissension. Each province had an official stadholder who was responsible for leading the army and maintaining order. The states General, an assembly of Representatives from every province opposed the organist ambitions and advocated a decentralized or republican form of government. In the 17th century its economic prosperity was fueled by the role of the Dutch as carries of European trade.


The work of the Hohenzollen dynasty, 1609 -Hogenzollerns inherited some lands in the Rhine valley in western Germany; nine yrs later they received the Dutch of Prussia (east Prussia) by the 17th century the dominions of the house of Hohensollern now called Brandenburg-prussia, consisted of 3 discontented masses in western, central, and eastern Germany; only the person of the Hohenzollern ruler connected them.


These were the radicals and outcast of the protestant reformation who believed that only true believers could be members of the church and therefore - baptism should be delayed until one reached adulthood- they were persecuted by all govs from their assistance on the complete seperation of their communities from state control, refusing to pay taxes or serve in the military.

Henry III

This French king of the housr of Valois was the favorite son of Catherine de Medici - during the war of the 3 henries he had Henry de guise assasinated and as he himself was dying from as subsequent assassin's attack, named Henry of Navarre the heir to his throne.

Henry of Navarre aka. HENRY IV

This beloved French king From the house of Bourbon was long the leader of the Huguenots - with his accession to the throne in 1594 following the death of his rivals in the war of the 3 Henries, he decided to convert to Catholicism to better secure the loyalty of the French people.

The Guise

This french noble family was opposed to any compromise with the Huguenots and exerted great influence over the sons of Catherine de medici during their reigns- They even hoped to take the throne for themselves. The valois - This ruling french family - Italian noble woman Catherine de Medici had married into this family and become the queen of France. The Bourbons - This Prominent French noble family, which would emerge as the leaders of Frances protestants, ruled the small kingdom of Navarre and in the Late 16th century aspired to take possesion of the Frence throne.

Ulrich Zwingli

This man brought religion reform to Zurich, in the HRE. He believed that the church should try to get back to its early purity. He believed in equality of believers, justification by faith alone, and emphasized the scripture. He attacked indulgences and penance, clerical , and celibacy , praying to the virgins/icons/images/saints.

Catherine of Aragon

This spanish born women, the daughter of Ferdninand and Isabella, was the first wife of Henry the VIII. She failed to provide him with a son and so their marriage was annulled by the pope.

The Schmalkadic league

This was the name of the alliance of Lutheran states of the HRE that fought against the catholics in the wars of the Lutheran Reformation.

Treaty of Utrecht (1713)

Took away Italian territories and Netherlands away from spain. After this treaty Austria replaced spain as the dominant force in Italy in the 18th century.

Catherine the Great

Took over gov. After she had her husband arrested(she's a bad b****) -To "Westernize" Russia -shes a german princess. -introduced enlightened ideas. -proposed reforms to the legal code based on the ideas of Montesquieu -The commission accomplished none of her goals, did little to improve the lives of Russians, and gave nobles absolute power over the serfs who lost all freedom. Greatest contribution was land expansion.


Two major works:Discourse on the Origins of the inequality mind. Began with humans in their primitive condition where they were happy until people began to take property for themselves. Government was evil but necessary. The social contract (1762) Rousseau tried to harmonize individual liberty with government authority....and he also wrote Emile.

Philip V

Under Philip V of Spain the laws, admin. Institutions, and language of Castile were established in the other Spanish kingdoms, making the kingdom of Castile truly the king of Spain

Vasco de Gama

Under his command the fleet rounded the Cape of good hope and stopped at several ports controlled by muslim merchants along the coast of East africa. Then by Gama's fleet crossed the Arabian sea and reached the port of Calicution, the southwestern coast of India, may 18 1498. On arriving he announced he arrived im search of "Christians + spices".

Vasco de Gama

Under his command the fleet rounded the cape and stopped at several ports controlled by Muslim merchants along the coast of East Africa. Then de Gamma's fleet crossed the southwestern coast of India, May 18 1498. On arriving he announce he arrived in search of "christains and spices". His remaining vessels returned to Europe with ginger and cinammon. The Portuguese continued to return to this area.

Francis I

Was apart of the great power struggle between French and spanish dynasties. Apart of the new generation that continued the war. Was on the french side. In fear of charle's power in Italy, pope Clement VII joined the side of Francis I. Anti protestant.

Society under Peter the greats influence

Western culture only reached the upperclass and the real object of the reforms, the creation of a strong military, only added more burdens to the massrs of the Russian people.

Marie-Thérèse de Geoffrin

When the encyclopedia was supressed by the French authorities she welcomed them to her salom and offered them a chance to complete their work in secret.

Coup d'etat

With the coup of 1799 a new form of republic was proclaimed with a constitution that established a bicarmel legislative assembly elected indirectly to reduce the role of elections. Executive power in the new gov was vested in the hands of 3 consuls.


Wrote "On the motion of the heart and blood" Demonstrated that the heart and not the liver was the beginning point of circulation. His theory on the circulation laid the foundation for modnern physiology.


last independent ruler of the Inca Empire. Briefly united the Inca Empire after a period of war.

Peace of Lodi

•1454, Italian states signed the treaty. Ended almost half a century of war and gave proof that agression towards states by other states could end and set the path for an alliance system.


•14th century Worked thoughout italy but his most famous works were done in Padua and Florence. Giotto had a new kind of realism, a desire to imitate nature. Later known as classical art in the renaissance (the basic component) -3-D depth, expressive human qualities. Had no succesors (directly). But Florentine paintings in the early 15th century pursued the new direction of his works.

Leonardo da Vinci

•Italian Renaissance artist (1452-1519). Stressed the need to advance beyond such realism. -painted the last supper. -initiated the high Renaissance preoccupation w/ the idealization of nature, or the generalization from realistic protrayal to an ideal form.

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