AP European History 5x5: 1815-1914

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1815-1914: Napoleon III

-AKA Louis Napoleon Bonaparte -First leader of Second Emp in Frc (b/c chosen by ppl, follow ppl's wants) -Help econ w/: banks and RR-> Indust (SUEZ CANAL) -W/ Haussmann, rebuilt Paris -Fail w/ Franco-Prussia, leave throne and begin Third Regime

1815-1914: Conservatism

-AKA Traditionalism, oppose Liberalism -Resist change and want old ways -Against Enlightenment and Sci Rev -Ex.) Aristoc, peas (b/c love relig), and kings -Ex.) Metternich, Tallyrand, Castlereagh, and Alex I

1815-1914: Romanticism

-Artistic movement that went against rationality through expressing emotion -German "Strum and Drang" (Storm and Stress) -Delocroix: Liberty leading the Ppl -Wordsworth: Daffodils Chopin and Beethoven

1815-1914: Anti-Semitism

-As Jews gain rights and emancipation (excl Russia), Jewish ppl thrived and received great jobs -When hard times came or ppl saw their own poor living conditions, blaim jews -Russian pogroms: attacks against Jews

1815-1914: Bourgeoisie/ Proletariat

-Bourgeoisie were working class ppl who owned business (gained status w/ Industrial Rev) -Bourgeoisie were classic lib (free mark) -Proletarians: work w/o property (want reg mark) -Marx claim Proletariat would rise and overthrow Bourgeoisie to create an equal society (lol never happened)

1815-1914: Bismarck

-Chancellor- Unified Germany under Prussian rule alongside Will I (w/ violence: "Blood and Iron", Aust and Frc Wars) -a/f 1870: peace maker (Berlin Conference and Balkins) -install Reichstag, ally w/ Lib -Battle Kulturkampf against Pope Pius IX (Cath) -Bad econ-> Protectionism -Growth of working class/ socialism-> soc security -Fired under Will II b/c insecure

1815-1914: Liberalism (classic)

-Come from John Locke ideals -Equal rights and freedom, oppose Conservatism -Believe ppl are responsible for their own actions, so inequality is fine -Like constit, but not democ -Ex.) Middle class, business owners

1815-1914: Men and Women (roles)

-Decrease women's sphere because men and women no longer equal contributors to family's econ unit and excl from govt -Men work and women b/come house wives -women depend on man for support -Men deemed brutes and women dainty

1815-1914: Urbanization

-Effect of the Industrial Revolution, ppl leave rural for cities (need job) -Inc: filth, pop/crowding, disease, crime -Reform: Chadwick health reform, Nap III city replanning, Lister/Pastuer, Robert Peal's "Bobbies", transp, running water

1815-1914: Metternich

-Extremely conservative Austrian diplomat (nostalgic) -Mediate the Congress of Vienna (contributing w/ conservative ideals) -Helped form Holy Alliance b/w Aust, Prus, and Russ -Help with Concert of Europe

1815-1914: Concert of Europe

-Idea initially created by Metternich -Conservative power feared Liberalism and combine forces into the Concert of Europe -Holy Alliance (Aust, Prus, and Russ), Frc and Brt join later -Karlsbad Decrees stopped ppl from speaking of liberalism -Austr cover Itl/ Rus cover Pol/ Frc cover Spn

1815-1914: Science and Realism

-Increased rationality -Comte: Positivism (pply sci meth to errything) -Darwin: evol and competition -Spencer: survival of the fittest -Jenner/Smallpox, Germ Theory, antiseptic, thermodynamics, electricity -Change: Science discoveries affect erryday life contributing to realism -Art: Courbet's "Stone Breakers" and Millet's "Gleaners" show real ppl -Manet's "Lunch in the Forest" show prostit

1815-1914: Children

-Industrial Revolution and reforms push children out of workforce and into education sys -Decrease child mortality cause increase child love -Yet decrease birth rate to care for each kid -Kids used to increase parents' social status -No swaddle, wet nurse

1815-1914: Marx/ Engels

-Marx was the founder of communism "Communist Manifesto" -Engels: "Condition of the Working Class in Eng" -Use Darwin's theory for social interactions -Believe proletarians would revolt against bourg, but they feared radical change -Marx: First international and Engels: Second International

1815-1914: Imperialism

-Mostly English and French expansion into Africa, China, Pacific Islands, and Japan (dominating) -Made possible by telegraph/telephone, machie gons, steam boats, and steel -Motive: White Man's Burden, profit w/ colonies, religion and Crab Bucket

1815-1914: 1848 Revolutions

-Occur in Euro where rulers either expelled or compromise -But w/ time ppl turned on each other and revert to original leaders -Louis Phillipe and Guizot outlaw meetings and support bourg. -Frc Changes a/f LP fled: Univ male suff, decre hours, Blanc workshops, abolish slavery -Frc sneezes and Euro gets a cold -Hung and Czech Rep (Boh indie) form -Franz Joe take over Habs' Vienna and elim serf

1815-1914: Industrial Rev 1 (to 1840s)

-Origin (Brt): Agri Rev create disposable income, global market, $, transp, org, PROLETARIAT -Steam engine (Savery/Newcomen-> Watt) powered by coal, made of iron (Cort) -Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney) -Locamotive -Effect: Increase pop, filth, disease -Cheaper prod, Change work to fit schedule

1815-1914: Utopian Society

-Origin: Thomas More's "Utopia" -Believe in a society of total equality w/o possessions -Ex.) St Simon, Fourier, and Owen -Taken to a more violent extreme w/ Marx

1815-1914: Industrial Revolution 2 (1840s-1914)

-Still use steam and steel -Communication Rev w/ telegragh and telephone -Internal Combustion -More factories and trans (RR, ships, and Canals), expand to bigger audience (global econ) -Contribute to wealth gap

1815-1914: Labor Unions

-The drastic change in labor conditions due to the Industrial Rev cause laborers to band together into Labor Unions -Fight for decrease hours, increase wages, better work conditions -Do not risk lives for radical change, baby steps my little grasshopper -Goes against Marx's want for radical change

1815-1914: German Unification

-Unification driven by nationalism of Prussia -Will I (later keiser) and Bismarck (future chancellor) work together (against lib, which was against army reform, demo parlia) REALIST ACK NAT -Bismarck gain $ illegally and use nat. to cover tracks -Schleswig-Holstein (Den): ppl begin supporting nat. actions -Aust-Prus War: Push Aust to join them -Frc-Prus War: Give up Alsace Lorraine

1815-1914: Nationalism

-Unity of ppl by lang or race. -Huge source of pride and revolution (excl Frc) causing countries to split -Excl.) Itl and German unification

1815-1914: British Reform Bills 1, 2, 3

-Unlike Frc violent and extreme changes, gradual shift to univ male suff -First (1832): small step to increase demo (pushed by whigs), king push b/c fear Frc Rev of 1830 -Second (1867): Increase educ (Gladstone propose, Disraeli finish) -Third (1884): Most men vote w/ little exception

1815-1914: Italian Unification

-REALIST ACK NAT -Victor Emmanuel (king of Sardinia) and Cavour (chief minister) ally w/ Frc to attack Aust (gain Milan) -Garibaldi (Romantic) and Red Shirts in Sicily go against Pope Pius IXgive V. Emmanuel a unified Itl -Left w/ problem of culturally unifying the North and South

1815-1914: Russian Great Reforms

-Sorry guys, not really that great -Under Alex II's reign -Motive: a/f Crimean War defeat and Nick replaced, need fixer upper -Changes: ELIM SERF, legal sys, SEMSTVO (local govt) -Limits: No parliament, constitution or ya know freedom

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