AP Exam 4

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Describe the direction of sensory input and motor commands relative to the spinal cord.

Sensory input travels toward the spinal cord and motor commands travel away from the spinal cord

Reflexes, controlled by the spinal cord, act by

motor output over spinal nerves to effectors.

The flexor reflex

moves a limb away from a painful stimulus.

what delivers the tears to nasal cavity?

nasolacrimal duct

what is myopia?


what is emmetropia?

normal vision, ciliary muscle is relaxed

Which of the following is not one of the main divisions of the adult brain?


Identify two major divisions of the ANS

sympathetic division and parasympathetic division

what are modified sebaceous glands that prevent eyelid from sticking?

tarsal glands

What delivers tears from lacrimal gland to space behind upper eyelid?

tear ducts, forms lacrimal lake, lacrimal puncta drains this lake

what is the thin semitransparent sheet that separates external ear and middle ear?

tympanic membrane

explain neuroglia(glial cells)

-major role in support/nutrition to brain but don't manipulate info -support,nourish,protect neurons

describe the retina layer.

-outermost pigmented layer absorbs light -thick inner neural layer contains photoreceptors(sensitive to light)

vascular layer functions?

-provides route for blood vessels/lymphatics to eye tissues -regulates amount of light entering eye -secretes/reabsorbs aqueous humor circulating in eye chambers -controls shape of lens essential for focusing

three layers of the eye?

-sclera: outer fibrous layer -choroid: middle vascular layer -retina: inner layer

what are the three parts to vestibular complex?

-semicircular ducts (stimulated by head rotation) -utricle and saccule (sensations of gravity and linear acceleration) -cochlear duct

what does the lacrimal gland produce?

-tears that lubricate nourish oxygenate and clean the cornea -contain lysozyme to attack invading pathogens

what are the functions of the aqueous humor?

-transport nutrients and wastes -forms fluid cushion -helps retain eye shape -stabilizes position of the retina

explain the photoreceptors in the retina.

-type/density vary by area -macula lutea has a high density of photoreceptors -fovea centralis(center of macula) has highest concentration of photoreceptors so point of sharpest vision

functions of outer fibrous layer?

1. support and protect eye 2.attachment site for extrinisic eye muscles 3. curvature of the cornea aids in the focusing process (light enters cornea first)

What is a reflex?

A reflex is a rapid, automatic response triggered by specific stimuli.

names of neuroglia cells

CNS: -astrocytes(BBB) -oligodendrocytes(myelin) -microglia(phagocytosis) -ependymal cells(CSF) PNS: -schwann cells(myelin) -satellite cells(support)

Neurons that use norepinephrine as a transmitter are called


which brain waves occur in healthy awake adults resting with their eyes closed and then disappear during sleep?


region in wall of ampulla with receptors?

ampullary crest

gelatinous structure extending through ampella with kinocilia and stereocilia?

ampullary cupula

what are the three tiny bones that connect the tympanic membrane to the inner ear?

auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)

which brain waves appear in people who are concentrating on a task and under stress?


Autonomic motor neurons

conduct impulses to smooth and cardiac muscles and glands.

what is the mucous membrane and epithelium lining eyelids and covering anterior eye? what are the two types

conjunctiva (palpebral - inner surface of eyelid, bulbar - anterior eye surface cont with cornea)

Peripheral adaptation ________ the number of action potentials that reach the CNS.


what brain waves are large amp, low frequency and are seen during sleep in all age groups and then in awake adults with a tumor?


what are the two pupillary muscles of the iris that regulate the amount of light entering?

dilator pupillae (sympathetic to make pupil larger), sphincter pupillae (parasympathetic to make pupil smaller)

what connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx and allows pressure equalization across tympanic membrane?

eustachian tube

what is the passageway in temporal bone that has cerumen?

external acoustic meatus (earwax)

what is hyperopia?


what is the small reddish body at medial angle of eye and what does it produce?

lacrimal caruncle - produces thick secretions sometimes appear after night's sleep

what is refraction?

light is bent when it passes from air to cornea bc of change in density

epithelial projections on tongue surface, contain taste buds(sensory structures with taste receptors)

lingual papillae

describe the auditory ossicles.

malleus - attaches to tympanic membrane incus - attaches malleus to stapes stapes- attached to oval window

Autonomic centers that control blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion are located in the

medulla oblongata

gap between upper/lower eyelids

palpebral fissure

The ________ division of the autonomic nervous system is known as the "rest and digest" division.


The cerebral area posterior to the central sulcus is the

parietal lobe

what is the liquid similar to CSF?


What structure is covered by many blood vessels and adheres tightly to the surface of the brain?

pia mater

what is conjunctivitis?

pinkeye, an inflammation of the conjunctiva that causes redness due to dilation of blood vessels

disorder of age related farsightedness due to loss of lens elasticity


explain rods and cones

rods- highly sensitive and allow vision in very dim light, provide black/white vision only, have opsin cones-color vision, sharper clearer images, requires more intense light, (blue,red,green cones) -they synapes with bipolar cells -detect photons

what is the visible spectrum?

segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the eye can view (wavelengths from 380-700 nm)

disorder where lens lose transparency

senile cataract

disorder caused by constant exposure to loud noise that damages the cochlea

sensorineural hearing loss

The anterior horns of the spinal cord contain mainly

somatic motor nuclei.

differ between general and special senses

special- vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell general - only sense of touch with no organs

another name for dorsal root ganglion

spinal ganglion, moves sensory info from PNS to CNS

what brain waves appear during sleep in normal adults and very frustrated awake adults?


The sympathetic division of the ANS is also known as which of the following?

thoracolumbar division

disorder of false perception of spinning


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