AP Gov

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Two interest groups are competing for influence in Congress. One group represents banking institutions, while the other advocates for consumer protections. A critic of the influence of interest groups would make which of the following claims? A The interest groups will nominate a slate of candidates for office to compete against each other in the next election in order to determine which interests prevail. B The consumer protection group will appeal only to Republican leaders, while the banking interests will appeal only to Democratic leaders. C The banking interest group likely has greater financial resources and access to policy makers than the consumer protection group. D The consumer protection group is prohibited by federal regulations from direct lobbying.


Which of the following explains how The Federalist 10 relates to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ? A Both regarded factions as destructive to liberty. B In both, a limited approach to government regulation was argued for. C In The Federalist 10, the author opted for stricter regulation of factions, whereas in Citizens United, petitioners argued that regulation was a violation of liberties. D The Federalist 10 supports free speech, whereas the Citizens United decision opposes free speech.


Which of the following is NOT a way in which the federal government regulates campaigns? A By requirements for disclosure of campaign donations B By establishment of federal agencies to regulate campaign finance activities C By limits on the distribution of soft money D By limits on individual donations to campaigns E By prohibitions on negative advertising


Which of the following represents a consequence of candidate-centered electoral campaigns? A A decrease in the role of political parties in campaign management B A decrease in the number of third-party candidates on the ballot C A decrease in the amount of money spent on political campaigns D A decrease in voter outreach and mobilization efforts


A chief executive officer (CEO) of a corporation believes that the Republican candidate for president will enact policies that are more beneficial to her business. The CEO donated the maximum amount allowed by law directly to the candidate's campaign fund. To increase the candidate's chances for election, the CEO also directed her corporation to donate funds to an independent political action committee to create ads criticizing the opposing candidate. According to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), which provision of the Constitution protects her actions? A Reserved powers in the Tenth Amendment B Due process clause in the Fifth Amendment C Freedom of association in the First Amendment D Freedom of speech in the First Amendment


A political science professor is researching the effects that the Fifteenth and Twenty-Sixth Amendments have had on the American political system. Which of the following is the most likely reason the professor is researching these amendments? A To study the expansion of the right to equal protection under the law B To study the expansion of voting rights C To study the expansion of due process rights D To study the expansion of federal authority over states


A primary election in which voters are required to identify a party preference before the election and are not allowed to split their ticket is called A an open primary B a blanket primary C a closed primary D a runoff primary E a presidential preference primary


An advertisement airs on television attacking a candidate running for office. The advertisement was produced and distributed by a group that was not affiliated with nor funded by any political campaign. Which of the following statements explains why this expenditure is not prohibited by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 ? A The press can freely criticize elected officials in their publications. B Political spending by groups not directly affiliated with a campaign is a form of protected speech. C The press can protect the confidentiality of their sources with regard to campaign funding violations. D Restrictions on individual contributions to political campaigns violate the First Amendment.


In 2002, Congress passed the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act in an effort to regulate campaign finance by limiting the ability of corporations and unions to spend their general treasury funds on election communications. In 2010, the Supreme Court invalidated this provision of the act. Which of the following statements accurately describes the majority decision of the case? A The First Amendment allows corporations and unions to make independent expenditures regarding candidates for office. B The Fourth Amendment protects political action committees from excessive searches by protecting their identities during election campaigns. C The First Amendment allows candidates to spend as much as they want on their own campaigns. D The Fourth Amendment grants professional consultants and other campaign staff immunity from disclosing donor information.


In response to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the United States Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), ruled that A limits cannot be placed upon candidates' contributions to their own campaigns B independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First Amendment C limits on issue advertisements 90 days before an election are unconstitutional D limits on campaign contributions by minors are constitutional under the First Amendment E requiring endorsement statements in campaign advertisements is unconstitutional


The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) did which of the following? A It created interest groups known as 527s. B It made it illegal for unions to donate to presidential campaigns. C It banned soft money donations to national parties. D It banned candidates from running negative advertisements. E It banned third-parties from federal funding.


The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? Incumbents receive more campaign contributions than do challengers. Incumbents are able to provide important services for individual voters. The government provides campaign funds for incumbents. The President usually endorses incumbents for reelection. Most American voters believe Congress does a good job. A I and II only B III and IV only C I, IV, and V only D II, III, and V only E III, IV, and V only


The agenda-setting function of the media refers to the power to A endorse specific candidates for political office B favor the position of one interest group over another C counter the censorship activities of media watch groups D mobilize economic interests in favor of a particular candidate E decide which issues are important enough to bring to public attention


The data in the table provide clear evidence that A Republicans were increasingly likely to defect from their party's candidate B the vote in the Midwest predicted the outcome rather consistently C the East has become a Republican stronghold D voters under the age of 30 were more likely than older voters to support the Democratic candidate E nonwhite voters showed no preference for one party over another


The vice of the groupist theory is that it conceals the most significant aspects of the system. The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent. Probably about 90 percent of the people cannot get into the pressure system. The notion that the pressure system is automatically representative of the whole community is a myth fostered by the universalizing tendency of modern group theories. Pressure politics is a selective process ill designed to serve diffuse interests. The system is skewed, loaded, and unbalanced in favor of a fraction of a minority. E. E. Schattschneider, The Semisovereign People, 1960 Which of the following activities would the author most likely be concerned about interest groups engaging in? A Educating and mobilizing citizens around their cause B Introducing legislation that limits the power of others C Representing broad segments of society and sparking emotional political debates D Forming iron triangles with bureaucratic agencies and congressional committees


Typically, presidential candidates implement their campaign strategies by A applying their resources evenly among the states, because they must win popular votes in a majority of the states to be elected B focusing on larger, competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college C focusing on small states, because these states have proportionally more electoral votes than more populous states have D ignoring the electoral college, because the popular vote determines the outcome of the election E ignoring the electoral college, because more states are moving away from the winner-take-all system


When party members meet to nominate a candidate for office, they participate in which of the following? A General election B Caucus C Blanket primary D Open primary E Closed primary


Which of the following best explains how most candidates are recruited to run for office? A Candidates for office usually first work as lawyers for political parties before running for office. B Most candidates who run for office are recruited by political leaders to do so because they are famous. C Political parties usually recruit and train people at the local level they believe are most fit to run for office. D Most candidates running for office are selected after earning merit working for the government.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison between the relative functions and electoral success of the two major political parties (Democratic and Republican) and third parties? A An important electoral function of the major parties is to sponsor primaries and caucuses during the nomination process.Third parties frequently displace one of the major parties in presidential elections and become a major party themselves. B The rules of the electoral college favor the major-party candidates in presidential elections.Winner-take-all voting districts hinder the electoral success of third-party candidates. C Major parties sometimes incorporate the issues promoted by third parties into the major-party platforms.Third parties usually receive public funding to finance their campaigns during presidential elections. D Presidential nominees of the major parties often choose a third-party member as a running mate to balance the ticket.Third-party candidates seldom experience electoral success, in part because voters do not believe they have a chance to win. A A B B C C D D


Which of the following is true of amicus curiae briefs? A They are used by interest groups to lobby courts. B They are used exclusively by liberal interest groups. C They are used exclusively by conservative interest groups. D They are now unconstitutional. E They are the means by which a litigant seeks Supreme Court review of a lower court decision.


"If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen: either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps deaths on both sides, or there will be total demoralization of the workers. "Nonviolence has exactly the opposite effect. If, for every violent act committed against us, we respond with nonviolence, we attract people's support. We can gather the support of millions who have a conscience and would rather see a nonviolent resolution to problems. We are convinced that when people are faced with a direct appeal from the poor struggling nonviolently against great odds, they will react positively. The American people and people everywhere still yearn for justice. It is to that yearning that we appeal. ". . . When victory comes through violence, it is a victory with strings attached. If we beat the growers at the expense of violence, victory would come at the expense of injury and perhaps death. Such a thing would have a tremendous impact on us. We would lose regard for human beings. Then the struggle would become a mechanical thing. When you lose your sense of life and justice, you lose your strength." César Chávez, "He Showed Us the Way," 1978 Which of the following best describes César Chávez' view on the use of violence versus nonviolence? A The use of violence should be the primary tactic as it will address the feelings of frustration and anger throughout the movement. B The use of violence will motivate the American people as people everywhere still yearn for justice. C The use of nonviolent actions, such as demonstrations and marches, does not bring honor to the cause and will negatively impact the movement. D The use of nonviolent actions allows more people to be involved in the movement and effect change.


The vice of the groupist theory is that it conceals the most significant aspects of the system. The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent. Probably about 90 percent of the people cannot get into the pressure system. The notion that the pressure system is automatically representative of the whole community is a myth fostered by the universalizing tendency of modern group theories. Pressure politics is a selective process ill designed to serve diffuse interests. The system is skewed, loaded, and unbalanced in favor of a fraction of a minority. E. E. Schattschneider, The Semisovereign People, 1960 Which of the following statements about interest groups would the author most likely agree with? A Interest groups play the important function of including more people in elections. B Interest groups undermine stability by creating too much conflict and polarization in politics. C Interest groups tend to over-represent elite interests. D Interest groups have less power in American government than political parties have.


There is an ongoing debate over the role of money in elections. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002 banned soft money and restricted advertisements in the weeks before an election. Parts of this act were challenged and struck down in the Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010). Which of the following was a consequence of that ruling? A The Federal Election Commission cannot place any restrictions on political advertisements because they are protected by the freedom of speech. B PACs may spend unlimited funds on advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign because they are protected by the freedom of speech. C Advertisements produced in coordination between campaigns and PACs cannot be restricted because they are protected by the freedom of speech. D The Federal Election Commission can place restrictions on all advertisements because they are not protected by the freedom of speech.


Which of the following describes the Twenty-Fourth Amendment? A It desegregated places of public accommodation. B It required elections for the United States Senate. C It reduced barriers to political participation on the basis of gender. D It eliminated poll taxes.


Which of the following is a type of primary election that requires registration as a party affiliate to vote? A Blanket B Closed C General D Open E Plebiscite


Which of the following makes a correct comparison between political parties and interest groups in the United States? A Political parties recruit and run candidates in elections.Interest groups seek to influence public policy. B Political parties have small constituencies and thus try to win elections by energizing their base to vote for them.Interest groups alert and educate voters regarding pending legislation. C Political parties have organizations that donate money to candidates for public office.Interest groups are barred by law from donating money to political campaigns. D Political parties achieve the bulk of the changes they seek through the use of the courts.Interest groups build relationships with congressional committees and the bureaucracy to form iron triangles. A A B B C C D D


Which of the following scenarios is most closely related to the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ? A A member of Congress establishes a political action committee to gain influence within the chamber. B A labor union spends millions of dollars to independently run negative advertisements about a presidential candidate shortly before the election. C A state senator receives a large cash donation from a corporate executive in exchange for specific political favors. D A lobbyist writes the language of a bill that is later introduced into both chambers of Congress.


Which of the following statements about voting patterns is best supported by the table? A Women were more likely than men to vote Democratic. B People who were young, White, and from the South were most likely to be Perot supporters. C Voters with low educational attainment were more likely to vote Republican than Democratic. D Voters in the South were more likely to vote Democratic than those in other regions. E Nonwhite voters were less likely to support Republican presidential candidates in 1992 than they were in 1980.

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