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Based on the line graph, what percentage of people surveyed attended church weekly in 1990 ?


Which of the following would have the greatest impact on an individual's political socialization?

A father comments on political news while driving his daughter to school.

Which of the following best describes an exit poll?

A poll that asks voters at randomly selected voting places whom they voted for so that election results can be predicted more quickly

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates political socialization?

A young teenager hears her parents discussing politics around the dinner table, which influences her own views.

Which of the following is a criticism of the viewpoint expressed in the quote?

A. Cutting taxes decreases government revenue in the short run, and there is no guarantee that tax cuts will generate government revenues in the long run.

The cartoon represents which of the following viewpoints?

A. Government spending has gotten too big, at the taxpayers' expense.

Which of the following best represents a conflict between liberty and order?

A. Providing due process to criminal defendants and protecting the rights of crime victims

Which of the following is true about church attendance based on the line graph?

About 54% of people surveyed in 2010 attended church once a year or less.

Which of the following public policies is best supported by the notion of free enterprise?

After a review, the Federal Trade Commission approving a corporate merger of cable providers

Which of the following best describes the viewpoint expressed in the quote?

American core values inspire citizens throughout the world

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the process of political socialization?

An individual takes a civics course in school and develops opinions about politics.

The graph supports which of the following statements?

B. China and Japan are the largest international owners of U.S. government debt.

The Civilian Conservation Corps, shown in the poster, was a New Deal program employing young men to work on projects to conserve and manage natural resources. This program is an example of which economic theory?

B. Keynesianism

Which of the following best describes how the generations view themselves in regards to the idealistic trait?

Baby-Boomer respondents are more likely to consider themselves idealistic than Generation X respondents.

Select the pair that best represents the ideological positions and f the two major parties

C. Dem: Protect the rights of the accused; Rep: Ban abortion

The graph supports which of the following conclusions?

C. Mandatory spending increased from 1965 to 2010.

Which of the following describes how the Federal Reserve System influences the economy?

C. The Fed increases the reserve rate in an attempt to raise the amount of money banks keep in deposits.

Which of the following is a constitutional criticism of tuition vouchers?

C. They violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment because tax dollars go to support religious schools.

The experience of those who lived through 9/11 needs to create which of the following outcomes, according to the author of the passage?

Citizens should not let their fear of another terror attack override the country's ability to adhere to the civil liberties protections outlined in the Constitution.

Which of the following represents the most likely way the information in the table will be used?

Congress will use the data to suggest that there is support for their legislative proposals.

The quote is most consistent with which policy?

D. Supply-side economics

Which of the following is NOT a core value of United States political culture?

Economic equality

Which of the following is likely true about the 2018 midterm elections based on the data in the line graph?

Economic issues are less likely to be discussed in the 2018 midterm elections than in the 2012 presidential elections.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of an exit poll and a tracking poll?

Exit Poll: Responses can be used to judge election results before the official count is obtained. Tracking Poll: The poll is conducted over time to obtain information about changes in public opinion.

Which of the following is generally the most important agent of political socialization?


Which American core value is addressed in the cartoon?

Free enterprise

Based on your knowledge of United States government and politics, with which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?

Free market principles influence American political culture as well as the cultures of other countries.

Which of these political science concepts is reflected in the quote?

Generational Effects

Which of the following statements describes the viewpoint about globalization expressed in the quote?

Globalization provides the United States with an opportunity to spread its economic and political values.

Based on the line graph, which of the following statements about church attendance in 1972 is true?

In 1972, more people surveyed reported attending church weekly than reported attending rarely or never.

A person loses his job and refuses to accept any government assistance to get back on his feet, instead relying on savings and seeking a new job immediately. Which of the following core values would this person most relate to?


On November 2, 2014, a Gallup poll reported that 51 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana, while 47 percent oppose legalization. The reported margin of sampling error was +/- 4 percent. Which of the following inferences can be made from the poll?

It is unclear whether more people support marijuana legalization than oppose it.

In May of 2015, a federal appeals court ruled that the National Security Agency's collection of Americans' phone records was in violation of the USA PATRIOT Act. Which of the following core values are involved in the national debate regarding the surveillance program referred to in this scenario?

Liberty versus stability and order

Which of the following serves as an explanation for the differences between generations in voting patterns?

Major political events affecting political attitudes

The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints?

Older generations benefited from a system that allowed them to get wealthy, while millennials are burdened with debt.

The graph above supports which of the following statements?

People with higher incomes are more likely to think of themselves as conservative than are those with lower incomes.

The passage is most related to which of the following concepts?

Political socialization

Which of the following best describes the viewpoint expressed in the cartoon?

Politicians change their stance on the issues based on polling results.

Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint expressed in the cartoon?

Polls purport to measure political attitudes, but most Americans don't trust the validity of polling data.

Which of the following views about public opinion is conveyed in the quote?

Public opinion plays a powerful role in shaping the policy agenda.

Which of the following is a likely public policy result of the data on the line graph?

Public policies that create jobs but increase the deficit, such as tax cuts or infrastructure spending, will likely be prioritized over paying down the national debt.

Which of the following most likely explains the difference in result of the two polls?

Question format

Based on the outcome of the polls, which of the following is likely true about questions that use the agree-disagree format?

Questions that use the agree-disagree format increase the percentage of respondents who agree with the primary statement.

Select the response that matches the American core political value with the appropriate example.

Rule of law- Impeachment Process

A polling firm tried to predict the results of an election by sampling 1,000 adults within a state for two days prior to the election, using landline telephones of likely voters. After the election, the firm found that their poll results were not close to the actual election results. Which of the following recommendations would be the best for the firm to follow in the future?

Sample people who have cell phones, in addition to those with landlines.

Which of the following is most important for getting an accurate measure of public opinion in a survey?

Selecting a random sample

Which generation group is most likely to oppose a protest of national symbols or ceremonies?


Which of the following statements draws an accurate comparison from the information graphic?

The Ford/Carter "Boomer" generation has voted more consistently Republican than has the Bush/Obama "Millennial" generation.

Which of the following is the best example of the core value of limited government?

The United States Constitution delegating specific powers to Congress

Which of the following is the best example of the "McWorld" phenomenon described in the passage?

The United States engages in free trade agreements, which leads to the export of American businesses and influences the culture of foreign countries.

A critic of the cartoon would make which of the following arguments?

The cartoon overstates the possibility that the United States would become a socialist country, because the United States favors a free-market economy.

In a public opinion poll, a polling company used an online survey tool to randomly contact respondents who did not have telephone lines in addition to contacting people over the phone. Which of the following best explains this decision?

The company wanted to ensure that the sample of the population was truly random.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the excerpt?

The core value of individualism leads Americans to turn away from their communities

Which of the following is a limitation of the data when drawing a conclusion about the most important problem facing the country in 2017 ?

The data were collected in a short time frame, which does not reveal full-year trends.

Which of the following best explains the data in the line graph?

The economy is likely the most important issue because it is a broader category that is more open to individual interpretation than both jobs and the budget deficit.

Which of the following best describes a trend in the data?

The older the respondents, the more likely they are to identify as patriotic.

The cartoon illustrates which of the following?

The race to the bottom

The screen capture is from an online polling organization. Which of the following best describes the validity of the results from this poll?

The results of this online poll are more reliable than results from a telephone poll.

A 2013 YouGov poll question asked, "President Obama says the 1975 Public Affairs Act should be repealed. Do you agree or disagree?" The results showed that 13 percent of Democrats agreed and 39 percent of Republicans disagreed. However, the 1975 Public Affairs Act is fictitious. Which of the following is illustrated by the scenario?

The type of information given in a poll question can affect how individuals respond.

Which of the following is the best summary of the author's argument?

The world is becoming more globally united but also more aware of cultural differences, which may lead to conflict.

Which of the following best explains how the passage relates to the political process?

There are important political and cultural events that can cause the development of lasting political beliefs across groups of people in society.

Which of the following is the best conclusion a polling group might draw from the results of the two polls?

Using an agree-or-disagree format encourages respondents to agree with the position.

Which of the following is a criticism of the poll shown in the graph?

a.It does not identify the aspects of the economy that concern respondents the most, such as unemployment or inflation.

A media organization is interested in reporting election results in a congressional election prior to the final tally of votes which will not occur until later in the evening. The organization randomly selects several polling places across the district asking voters whom they voted for. The type of poll being used in this scenario is known as

an exit poll

Which of the following best describes a trend shown in the poll results?

b. The percentage of people who mention the economy as the nation's most important problem has declined from 2014 to 2017.

Candidates for political office use public opinion polls for all of the following purposes EXCEPT to

bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the candidate

Which of the following poll questions is most likely to lead to a valid result, assuming the poll is taken using scientific methods?

c. Do you agree or disagree with the way Donald Trump is doing his job as president?

In an effort to measure Americans' views on the death penalty, students in a high school government class take a poll of every fifth person entering the local coffee shop from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on a Saturday. Which of the following statements best describes the validity of the poll results?

c. The poll results are scientific, as long as the sample size was large enough.

Which of the following best explains why it was more difficult for the polls to predict the outcome of the 2016 presidential election than it had been in the past?

c. The voters surveyed were not representative of those who voted.

The bar chart supports which of the following conclusions?

d. Democrats and Republicans have starkly contrasting viewpoints on transgender issues.

All of the following are traditional political values held by most Americans EXCEPT

equality of outcome

Party identification in the United States is most successfully transmitted by which of the following?


When a child's parents both identify strongly with the same political party, the child will most likely

identify with the parents' party

An important change in political culture since 1950 is that United States citizens have become

less trusting of governmental institutions and leaders

Children are most likely to adopt the party identification

of their parents

Political socialization is the process by which

political values are passed to the next generation

Of the following, the most important role in the political socialization of children is played by

the family

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