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Executive agreements have been cited as evidence that A modern presidents often try to avoid legislative checks and balances on their authority B the executive branch has become too large and bureaucratic C presidents have less power in handling foreign policy than in handling domestic policy D interest groups have too much power in the contemporary governmental system E the courts have few means of limiting presidential power


In 2012, after negotiations on a bill in Congress failed, President Obama issued an executive order that protected from deportation individuals illegally brought to the United States as children by their parents. The president took this action because A the executive order would require Congress to bring a bill regarding illegal immigration to the floor for a vote B disagreement between congressional leaders and the president on the issue meant that a compromise on a bill was not likely C the president was reacting to a Supreme Court decision that required him to do something to protect these individuals D the Constitution clearly gives the president control over the legal status of immigrants in the United States


In The Federalist 70, Alexander Hamilton states that "energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government." In this statement, Hamilton is arguing in favor of the need for A a single executive who can respond quickly to crises B a president who has a good understanding of public policy C an electoral college in the selection of the president D a president who is youthful and assertive


In selecting members of the White House staff, Presidents primarily seek people who A give the White House ideological balance B are personally loyal to the President C have extensive governmental experience D will help the President develop a good working relationship with Congress E can bring a nonpartisan perspective to policy deliberations


On February 9, 2016, President Barack Obama released his budget proposal for the 2017 fiscal year. Facing a Republican Congress, many declared the plan "dead on arrival." Among the cited issues was Obama's request for $582.7 billion in discretionary spending for defense, which many Republicans believed was not enough. Which of the following most accurately explains the interaction between the president and the Congress regarding the defense budget? A The Congress has the enumerated power to raise revenue, but it is forced to work with the president because the president has the power to determine spending for each department in the upcoming fiscal year. B The president can create a budget for defense spending, but Congress has the power to execute laws and operate the government, which can affect how much money is actually spent. C Congress passes a budget for the entire federal government, including defense, but it must consider the president's proposal because the president may veto the bill. D The president introduces a specific budget bill for defense spending, but Congress uses its power of legislative oversight to set up a negotiation process with the president.


Senate confirmation is required for which of the following presidential appointments? I. Secretary of state II. White House chief of staff III. Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) IV. Attorney general A I only B II and III only C II and IV only D I, III, and IV only E I, II, III, and IV


Shortly after the 2008 election, President Obama appointed outspoken and controversial House member Rahm Emanuel to lead his White House as chief of staff, the head of the Executive Office of the President. The selection drew criticism from Republican leaders, including House minority leader John Boehner, who remarked that the selection "is an ironic choice for a president-elect who has promised to change Washington, make politics more civil, and govern from the center." Which of the following explains how Congress could legitimately respond to the appointment? A The Senate could refuse to confirm the appointment. B The House of Representatives could filibuster the nomination. C The Rules Committee could refuse to release the bill that made the appointment. D Members of Congress could issue statements opposing the appointment but have no formal power to block it.


The Senate must confirm all of the following presidential appointments EXCEPT A United States attorneys B United States Supreme Court justices C White House staff D heads of executive agencies E federal judges


The data in the table illustrate which of the following about United States constitutional government? A Presidential foreign policy can be checked through the legislative power of Congress. B The president can declare war, but Congress can vote to block funding for wars. C Cloture procedures make it increasingly difficult to filibuster bills in the Senate. D Gerrymandering has intensified partisan divisions in Congress.


The expansion of the executive branch since 1939 has affected the separation of powers by A increasing presidential control over the legislative process B increasing the power of the media as a result of more frequent presidential press conferences C reducing the power of the Supreme Court through the use of executive orders D giving more power to interest groups than to parties E making senatorial approval of presidential appointees ceremonial


Congress adopted the War Powers Resolution to A give the president additional powers in case of military emergencies B delineate a clear chain of command in the event of nuclear war C criticize the president for declaring war without authorization from Congress D enable the president to commit troops to United Nations peacekeeping forces E limit the president's authority to commit troops overseas


A newly elected president faces a Senate controlled by the opposition party. Which of the following presidential appointments is the most likely to encounter difficulty with confirmation by the Senate? A Secretary of defense B Supreme Court justice C Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors D Ambassador to Germany


Which of the following statements is supported by the chart above? A Both Republican Presidents nominated a greater proportion of Latinos to the judiciary than did either Democratic President. B President Carter made more judicial nominations than President Reagan. C The percentage of nominees to the judiciary who were minorities was higher for Republican Presidents than for Democratic Presidents. D The percentage of nominees to the judiciary who were women was higher for Republican Presidents than for Democratic Presidents. E President Reagan nominated the smallest percentage of women to the judiciary.


Which of the following trends is best supported by the information in the table? A The number of treaties has increased over time. B The number of treaties has decreased over time. C The number of executive agreements has increased over time. D The number of executive agreements has decreased over time.


Which of the following best explains a reason that a president might use a signing statement to express displeasure with a bill as opposed to issuing a veto? A The president may have objections to provisions of a bill but does not want to risk Congress overriding a veto. B Congress has severely curtailed the power of the president to withhold funds for bills that have been adopted. C The Supreme Court is hesitant to acknowledge the president's power to veto legislation. D The president wants to ensure executive agencies do not spend the money appropriated by Congress.


Which of the following best illustrates the point being made in the cartoon above? A The influence of presidents on the Supreme Court is limited because the Senate often rejects their nominees. B The terms of Supreme Court justices should be reduced from their current forty years. C Presidents can have an influence on public policy far beyond their terms of office. D The opinions of Supreme Court justices remain very similar over long periods of time. E Supreme Court justices seldom issue dissenting opinions.


Which of the following explains President Johnson's motivation for the speech in relation to his role as the head of the executive branch? A President Johnson believes that Congress will soon pass a bill on education reform, and he would like to be able to claim credit for it. B President Johnson is seeking to use the bully pulpit as a means of promoting his agenda on public education. C President Johnson is expecting the Supreme Court to soon rule on the constitutionality of a law passed by the previous administration. D President Johnson is issuing an executive order calling on local governments to increase training for teachers and address poverty among students.


Which of the following explains why the author believes presidential power has expanded? A Congress has passed legislation requesting that the president take on a stronger leadership role in foreign affairs. B The media has influenced public opinion to support the president's unrestrained control of foreign policy. C The United States has emerged as a global power, which has enhanced the power of the president in foreign affairs. D The chief executive's role as defender of freedom and democracy has promoted support for a more active presidency.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of checks on the legislative branch and checks on the executive branch?


Which of the following is an example of how the innovation of social media can influence presidential behavior? A The president holds a press conference to discuss midterm election results. B The president outlines the administration's legislative agenda in the State of the Union Address. C The president hosts a White House dinner with a foreign head of state. D The president announces the nomination of a cabinet secretary on the Internet.


Which of the following is the primary reason for the tensions that exist between the legislative and executive branches of the federal government? A Each branch sets and approves the other's budget. B The branches are staffed with many of the same people. C The branches have different constituencies with different interests. D The branches are responsible for the selection of Cabinet-level officials. E Each branch has the constitutional power to levy taxes.


Which of the following is true based on the data in the line graph? A The number of bills passed by Congress decreased under G. H. W. Bush. B The number of bills passed by Congress gradually increased under Nixon. C The number of presidential vetoes under Johnson decreased over time. D The number of presidential vetoes under Eisenhower increased over time.


Which of the following situations is an example of the president using the bully pulpit as a tool for agenda setting? A President Clinton invoking executive privilege in resisting a subpoena by the United States Senate during the Whitewater investigation B President Bush issuing a signing statement in the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 that considerably weakened its provisions C President Obama issuing an executive order delaying the deportation of at least five million undocumented immigrants D President Reagan delivering a televised address urging a reduction in federal taxes


Which of the following statements is most accurately supported by the data in the table? A President Clinton greatly reduced the use of presidential signing statements compared with his predecessors. B While President George W. Bush issued fewer signing statements than President Clinton, his included more objections than President Clinton's. C President Clinton's brief access to the power of the line-item veto allowed him to issue fewer signing statements that raised concerns about legislation. D President George W. Bush was forced to issue more signing statements as a direct result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

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