AP Gov: Interest Groups and Campaigning
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
(BCRA) Prohibits soft money (Campaign contributions UNREGULATED by federal or state law) to national political parties and LIMITS financing to hard money. Later determined unconstitutional in Citizens United v. FEC
Directly influence policy, electioneering, educating the public
3 roles of interest groups in the political process
Citizens United v. FEC
A 2010 decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that corporations can donate UNLIMITED money as they want as long as they are independent of the candidate. Determined BCRA was unconstitutional.
Buckley v. Valeo
A case in which the Supreme Court of the United States upheld federal LIMITS on campaign contributions and ruled that spending money to influence elections is a form of constitutionally protected free speech. The court also stated candidates can give unlimited amounts of money to their own campaigns.
Political action committee
A committee established to raise money for expenses outside of campaigning (travel, polling, staff) Limited amount ($5,000 per individual) can be donated, but can be given to an unlimited amount of individuals
Issue ad
A political advertisement that focuses on a particular issue. Issue ads can be used to support or attack a candidate's position or credibility.
Federal Election Commission
A six-member bipartisan agency created by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974. The _____ (3) administers and enforces campaign finance laws.
A theory of American democracy contending that an upper-class elite holds the power and makes policy, regardless of the formal governmental organization.
Federal Election Campaign Act
A) Created Federal Election Commission B) Provided public financing for presidential elections C) LIMITED Presidential campaign spending (Citizens United vs FEC) D) Required disclosure--who and how much E) Limited contributions **1974
free rider problem
Benefits for each member decreases as group size increases Minority groups have the most power in intense beliefs than broad advocacy groups
Soft money
Campaign contributions UNREGULATED by federal or state law, usually given to parties and party committees to help fund general party activities.
Cannot be sent to candidates, parties, or political committees MUST disclose financial activity Can be outwardly political Can raise/spend unlimited amounts
SuperPACs & massive rise in amount of third party electioneering
Citizens United v. FEC led to what two things/events?
Revolving door
Employment cycle in which individuals who work for governmental agencies that regulate interests eventually end up working for interest groups or businesses with the same policy concern. **Are our representatives really working for the people?
independent expenditures
Expenses on behalf of a political message that are made by groups that are uncoordinated with any candidate's campaign.
Discounts, insurance, travel bonuses
Give 3 benefits of: material (money value) incentive (AARP, AAA)
Change in policy
Give a benefit of: purposive (feel good making changes) incentive
association, socializing, fellowship
Give a benefit of: solidary incentive (PTO)
Hyper pluralism
Groups are SO STRONG the government is weakened An extreme form of pluralism leading to gridlock
Mass mobilization, issue ads, grassroot movements
How interest groups affect the political process through educating the public
Directly influence policy
How interest groups affect the political process: Lobbying, insider strategies
How interest groups affect the political process: get a favorable candidate elected, outsider strategies
527 groups
Independent groups that seek to influence the political process Not directly involved in campaigning No direct contact with candidates Cannot say "Vote for/against, defeat, win..." the 6 magic words
Nominate and run elections
Interest groups and political parties are different in that political parties:
Politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies
FECA/FEC, Buckley v. Valeo, rise in PACs, McCain-Feingold/BCRA, rise in 527 groups, McConnell v. FEC, Citizens United v. FEC, rise in SuperPACs
Put the events in order for campaign finance reform after Watergate: Rise in PAC McConnell v. FEC Rise in SuperPAC McCain-Feingold/BCRA Buckley v. Valeo FECA/FEC Rise in 527 groups Citizens United v. FEC
Raise/spend unlimited amounts, no direct contact
Similarities between 527 and SuperPACs
Cannot be sent with a specific purpose
Similarities between PAC and SuperPACs
McCain-Feingold Act
The Bipartisan Campagin Reform Act is also known as ("3"), McConnell v. FEC included this; led to the rise in 527 groups
Independent expenditures Soft money PACs
Three major outcomes after Federal ELection Campaign Act: Rises in....
Help politicians, source of info, activate and reinforce supporters, campaign strategy
What are 4 roles of lobbyists?
Unlimited amount, not politically involved; limited amount, give directly to candidate for expenses outside campaigning
What are some differences between 527 groups and PACs?
Material, solidary, purposive incentives
What are the 3 primary reasons people join special interest groups like the AARP or National Teacher's Association?
Single issue, environmental, liberal, conservative, economic, ideological, public interest
What are the 7 most common interest groups?
Elitist, decrease our access to legislators
What are two criticisms of special interest lobbying?
Gilded Age, US v Harriss
What event kickstarted lobbying and which Supreme Court case upheld the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act (lobbying is constitutional)?
The higher the rating, the more money that is expected next election
What is the relationship between politician ratings from interest groups and money?
Public opinion will reach Washington. If they can get their opinion out in public which will help their reputation and cause
Why do special interest gorups go public?
More political parties, less representation, less interest groups
Why does America have more active interest groups?
McConnell v. FEC
the supreme court upheld all major elements of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, including those permitted regulation of soft money and issue ads