AP gov unit 3 and supreme court test

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Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) used which clause as the basis for their claim? a)Free Speech Clause b)Free Press Clause c)Free Exercise d)Establishment Clause

a)Free Speech Clause

Marbury v. Madison (1803) established which of the following principles? a)Judicial Review b)Commerce Clause c)Establishment Clause d)Free Press Clause

a)Judicial Review

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Second and Eighth Amendments? chart, second amendment v eighth amendment (A) Assures due process / Mandates equal protection (B) Guarantees the right to bear arms / protects individuals from cruel and unusual punishment (C)Protected with District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) / Assured in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) (D) Upheld in schools with Tinker v Des Moines (1969) / Limited in Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)

(B) Guarantees the right to bear arms / protects individuals from cruel and unusual punishment

Which of the following is a chief argument in James Madison's Federalist No. 10? A Bill of Rights is necessary to secure liberty. Free Speech should be added to the Constitution. Judicial review will prevent harsh laws against the citizenry. A large, diverse republic will tame factions.

A large, diverse republic will tame factions.

"The Congress has the power-to create all laws that are necessary and proper" can be found where in the Constitution? Article I Article II Article III The Bill of Rights

Article I

Which of the following statements accurately describes federalism? Governing system that places a national authority above regional authority. Ranks the sovereignty of states over the power of the national government. Federalism is a balance of powers between state and local governments. Federalism is a sharing of powers between national and regional governments

Federalism is a sharing of powers between national and regional governments

This position in the House schedules legislation, organizes legislative plans, consults with members on issues, and more House Majority Leader House Majority Whip House Minority leader House Minority Whip

House Majority Leader

Which is the most democratic institution of government that represents the framers' commitment to a limited republic? U.S. Senate Supreme Court House of Representatives Electoral College

House of Representatives

Shay's Rebellion highlighted which of the following weaknesses of the national government under the AoC? Lack of power to declare peace and war Lack of power to regulate interstate commerce Lack of power to tax the people directly Lack of power to keep a standing army

Lack of power to keep a standing army

This Speaker of the House was elected to the HOR in 1987, and first elected as Speaker in 2007. Kamala Harris (D-Ca) Nancy Pelosi (R-Ca) Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) Barbara Mikulski (D-Md)

Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca)

Which of the following may Congress do in order to limit the president's power? Refuse to spend money that the president has appropriated Raise taxes on the president's supporters Name new Cabinet secretaries that differ politically from the president Override a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote.

Override a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote.

Which statement about impeachment under the Constitution is true? An impeachment is the removal of a president. The Senate has the sole power of impeachment. The House can impeach officials for "high crimes or misdemeanors." The House can impeach presidents but not other federal officials.

The House can impeach officials for "high crimes or misdemeanors."

Which of the following options represents the majority opinion in United States v. Lopez? Individuals have the right to own and carry guns. The power of the federal gov't in relation to state gov't is limited Commerce clause gives Congress powers to decide constitutionality of laws Even small, local events ultimately have an effect on interstate commerce.

The power of the federal gov't in relation to state gov't is limited

Baker v. Carr (1963) was concerned with which two issues? a)Political Questions b)Incorporation c)Right to Privacy d)Justiciable Issues

a)Political Questions and d)Justiciable Issues

Which of the following is protected by the First Amendment? a)Political speech b)Obscenity c)Gun Ownership d)Eminent domain

a)Political speech

Shaw v. Reno (1993) and Wesberry v. Sanders (1964) both were concerned with ...? a)Redistricting and Gerrymandering b)Free speech and Free Press c)incorporation and Devolution d)Judicial Review and Establishment Clause

a)Redistricting and Gerrymandering

Which of the following is the likely action this federal judge will take based on the scenario... " A U.S district judge in Alabama has a court dispute in his court in which an employee is suing her employer over improper termination. The Ninth circuit court of appeals and the U.S District court of Kansas have both been ruled on highly similar cases under the same law and sided with the employee." a)The judge must rule in the same way because of binding precedent. b)The judge will read the other two courts' opinions and consider them. c)The judge will ask the Justice Department for guidance. d)The judge will refuse to hear the case.

a)The judge must rule in the same way because of binding precedent.

Which of the following is the best explanation of congressional oversight? a)Congress opens a legislative session on a legally scheduled day b)Congress oversees the executive branch's implementation of policy c)Congress oversees the management of national election d)Congress members monitor the well-being of their district

b)Congress oversees the executive branch's implementation of policy

Which of the following statements about congressional reapportionment and redistricting is true? a)The federal government redraws districts maps every 10 years b)Districts must be drawn so that every person's vote is roughly equal c)The Senate, unlike the House, is reapportioned every 20 years d)States with no major change in population do not draw new district lines

b)Districts must be drawn so that every person's vote is roughly equal

Which of the following constitutional principles coincides with the topic of this cartoon? (cartoon or a scale) a)Due process b)Equal Protection c)Citizenship d)Free Expression

b)Equal Protection

Brown v. Board of Education used which clause as the basis for their claim? a)Free Speech Clause b)Equal Protection Clause c)Due Process Clause d)Establishment Clause

b)Equal Protection Clause

Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) used which clause as the basis for their claim? a)Establishment Clause b)Free Exercise Clause c)Free Speech Clause d)Equal Protection Clause

b)Free Exercise Clause

New York Times v. United States (1971) used which clause as the basis for their claim? a)Free Speech Clause b)Free Press Clause c)Equal Protection Clause Commerce Clause

b)Free Press Clause

Which of the following best describes the information in the infographic? (Miranda Warning) a)It is required reading before the police can conduct a lawful search b)It requires law enforcement to protect civil liberties c)It must be read to a defendant at the beginning of a trial d)It results from the state's police powers

b)It requires law enforcement to protect civil liberties

This position acts as the presiding officer of the senate should the Vice President be absent. (picture of old white man in green tie) a)President of the Senate b)President Pro Tempore c)Senate Majority Leader d)Senate Minority Leader

b)President Pro Tempore

Which of the following is an accurate summary of the selective incorporation doctrine? a)Gov't policies can involve religion as long as they are decided selectively b)States must protect most rights in the BoR based on the Due Process Clause c)The Supreme Court is cautious about which civil liberties it accepts d)The framers of the Constition were selective about which rights to include

b)States must protect most rights in the BoR based on the Due Process Clause

Which of the following is most likely to happen based on this scenario... "When the Senate Judiciary Commitee pases a proposed crime bill by a vote of 11 to 10" a)The Supreme Court will review the bill for constitutionality. b)The full Senate will consider the bill. c)The House of Representatives will take up the bill. d)The president will sign the bill.

b)The full Senate will consider the bill.

Which of the following may the president do to limit the power of Congress? a)The president can veto particular items or language in a bill b)The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed Congress c)The president can refuse to spend money that Congress has appropriated d)The president can impeach selected members of Congress.

b)The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed Congress

Which is the most likely action the relevant House committee will take first based on the scenario... " A federal agency has been accused of not enforcing laws it is charged with enforcing" a)Fire and replace the director of the agency. b)Repeal the law that creates and governs the agency. c)Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem d)increase the federal appropriation for the agency.

c)Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem

United States v. Lopez (1995) called into question which clause of the US Constitution? a)Free Speech Clause b)Free Exercise Clause c)Commerce Clause d)Equal Protection Clause

c)Commerce Clause

Based on this scenario, the senator is following which model of representation... "A senator realized a vote on an immigration bill is coming up. The senator examines the public opinion polls on the issue and carefully reads her inbox for constituents' views on the bill and the issues." a)Trustee b)Politico c)Delegate d)Partisan


Which of the following statements best describes how the balance of liberties and safety has been interpreted over time? a)The balance has been interpreted consistently over time b)The balance always leans more towards liberties than safety c)Different courts in different times have found different balances d)Stare decisis requires similar findings in similar cases

c)Different courts in different times have found different balances

Which of the following Supreme Court cases is most related to the topic of the cartoon? a)New York Times Co. v. United States (1971) b)Schenck v. United States (1919) c)Engel v. Vitale (1962) d)Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)

c)Engel v. Vitale (1962)

In what way did the Seventeenth Amendment broaden democracy? a)It extended voting rights to women b)It allowed citizens to alter the Electoral College c)It gave citizens greater impact on lawmaking in the U.S. Senate d)It extended voting rights to African Americans

c)It gave citizens greater impact on lawmaking in the U.S. Senate

Which of the following is the most practical and lasting action Congress can take to address this issue? "Most members of congress believe the legal driving age should be 18, because statistics show that drivers under eighteen have many more accidents those 18 and under" a)Urge the president to issue an executive order requiring drivers be 18 b)Convince the Supreme Court that Congress, should regulate driving laws c)Mandate driving age at 18, withhold highway funds from states that refuse d)Distribute educational materials on the issue to state legislatures

c)Mandate driving age at 18, withhold highway funds from states that refuse

Which of the following interest groups works primarily to protect the rights enumerated in the Second Amendment? a)American Civil Liberties Union b)American Bar Association c)National Rifle Association d)National Council of State Legislatures

c)National Rifle Association

Which of the following methods is the most certain way to override a Supreme Court decision? a)Passing legislation the Court declared unconstitutional in a different form b)Appealing the decision c)Proposing & ratifying a constitutional amendment that counters the decision d)Convincing the president to veto the decision

c)Proposing & ratifying a constitutional amendment that counters the decision

Which statement best describes the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment? a)The 14th Amendment has restricted the application of judicial review. b)The 14th Amendment prevents states from taxing agencies of the gov't c)The 14th Amendment's due process clause makes most rights apply to states d)The equal protection clause assures equality for race, not gender

c)The 14th Amendment's due process clause makes most rights apply to states

In the McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) decision, which two provisions in the Constitution were upheld and strengthened? a)Congress's power to regulate commerce and to levy taxes b)The First and Tenth Amendments c)The necessary and proper clause and the supremacy clause d)The full faith and credit clause and the extradition clause

c)The necessary and proper clause and the supremacy clause

Which of the following statements would the cartoonist most likely agree? a)The government should be able to impose religion on its citizens b)Elected officials cannot be religious c)There is a constant struggle to define the separation of church and state d)The government should provide more help to churches

c)There is a constant struggle to define the separation of church and state

On which of the following issues did Federalists and Jeffersonians have most widely differing views? a)Declaring independence b)Writing the Constitution c)Ratifying the Constitution d)Creating a national bank

d)Creating a national bank

Engel v. Vitale (1962) used which clause as the basis for their claim? a)Free Exercise Clause b)Commerce Clause c)Free Speech Clause d)Establishment Clause

d)Establishment Clause

U.S. district court receives a case that parallels an already decided case from the circuit level, district court must.. a)Follow the established Binding Principle b)Examine the decision by the circuit court, but can establish new precedent c)Consult with the Supreme Court d)Follow the established Binding Precedent

d)Follow the established Binding Precedent

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) established which of the following principles? a)Establishment Clause b)Necessary & Proper Clause c)Supremacy Clause d)Necessary & Proper Clause, and Supremacy Clause

d)Necessary & Proper Clause, and Supremacy Clause

What was the effect of the ruling in Schenck v. United States? a)People can say or express anything as long as the nation is not at war b)Printed materials are protected as free speech, even in times of war c)During wartime, no person can criticize the U.S. Government d)Speech that presents a clear and present danger can be punished

d)Speech that presents a clear and present danger can be punished

Which of the following is true regarding the impeachment process? a)The House can impeach, but the Supreme Court determines removal b)The vice president and a majority of the Cabinet can impeach a president. c)Impeachment requires serious wrongdoing that no president has been d)The House can impeach, Senate can remove a president conviction

d)The House can impeach, Senate can remove a president conviction

Which of the following is an accurate implication of the McDonald v. Chicago ruling and selective incorporation? a)The ruling was based upon the Second Amendment only. b)The case overturned a gun-restriction policy in the District of Columbia. c)The case was first heard as an original jurisdiction case. d)The ruling prevented infringement of basic liberties.

d)The ruling prevented infringement of basic liberties.

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