AP H.G. Ch3 test

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The crude death rate A) is the sum total of infant mortality rate, youth mortality rate and the elderly mortality rate. B) typically declines as overall levels of economic development go up. C) is typically higher in core countries than in periphery countries. D) is not considered a useful measure by most population geographers.


If 1,500 people migrate into Goodhue, MN and 1000 people move out, gross migration is A) 2500. B) 1500. C) 1000. D) 500. E) negative 500.


As the Baby Boom ages and the elderly cohorts get larger, the dependency ratio in the United States will A) drop. B) rise. C) disappear. D) stay the same. E) fluctuate more and more.


Crude death rates refer to the annual ratio of A) deaths to every 1000 live births. B) deaths to every 1000 people. C) accidental deaths to deaths from natural causes D) deaths from preventable diseases to deaths from natural causes. E) deaths to births.


Currently the global population is about A) 2.5 billion. B) 6.8 billion. C) 7.5 billion. D) 8.7 billion. E) 12 billion.


For countries of similar area and population, the one with the greatest amount of ________ is most likely to have the highest nutritional density. A) forest land B) farmland C) desert lands D) lakes, rivers and swamps E) mountains


In general, a geographer would least expect to find population clusters A) in areas with fertile soils. B) in mountainous interiors. C) along navigable rivers. D) around seaports.


In providing millions of migrants to the world's economic core, countries like Mexico and Turkey benefit greatly from the resulting A) brain drain. B) remittance payments. C) beaten path. D) eco-migration. E) structural adjustment programs.


In recognition of the complex and changing population of the United States, the 2000 census included a new category with which respondents could choose to identify: A) Latino/Latina B) multiracial C) transcendental D) polyglot E) world citizen


In the second wave of internal voluntary migration within the United States, African-Americans moved from the A) Frostbelt to the Sunbelt. B) rural South to cities. C) eastern cities to rural areas in the West. D) rural South to New York City and Boston.


International voluntary migration A) is insignificant now compared to prehistoric times. B) is most likely to be from the periphery to the core. C) is done typically for religious reasons. D) is usually coordinated by the United Nations. E) is a combination of all of the above.


Malthus argued that the factor limiting population size was A) money. B) food. C) housing. D) land. E) environmental pollution.


Most demographers and policy makers think that the best way to control population is to A) hold annual conferences hosted by the UN. B) educate women and give them equal status with men. C) increase the power of religious institutions that preach abstinence and celibacy. D) pass laws that limit families to one child. E) let HIV/AIDs, tropical diseases, plagues and epidemics run freely.


People who share Thomas Malthus' perspectives on population growth are known as A) Proto-Malthusians. B) Neo-Malthusians. C) Neoliberals. D) Thomasians. E) Malcontent Malthusians.


The baby boom refers to people who were born between the years of A) 1928 and 1945. B) 1946 and 1964. C) 1965 and 1990. D) 1990 and the present.


) One of the primary concerns raised over advances in the use of GIS and Google Earth is A) the erosion of privacy. B) the decline in quality demographic data. C) a growing inability to link people with landscape. D) that it will be replaced by PPGIS.


A measure of the economic impact of the young and old on the more economically active and productive members of a population is known as the A) dependency ratio. B) expectancy ratio. C) youth-elderly cohort. D) infant mortality rate. E) crude death rate.


A population density map of the world shows that the distribution of people is most obviously affected by A) environmental factors such as natural resources, climate, water availability, topography. B) political and economic factors such as development, types of government, trade history. C) cultural factors such as language, cuisine and religion. D) preferences for places with tropical landscapes. E) all of the above


According to our text, free trade agreements A) make it more difficult for countries like India and Thailand to make HIV/AIDS drugs available to their people. B) lower the cost of HIV/AIDS drugs for people and governments in the world's periphery. C) lead to new opportunities in the treatment and care of HIV/AIDS patients in sub-Saharan Africa. D) help reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS by offering economic alternatives to women.


Age-sex pyramids are graphical representations of A) the structure of population at a moment in time. B) the distribution of a population over space. C) birth rates and death rates of a country. D) the rankings of countries around the world. E) a hierarchy of core-periphery relationships.


Among these countries, which is the only one expected to increase in population by 2050? A) United States B) Greece C) Finland D) Japan E) Switzerland


Being wasted, stunted, micronutrient deficient and underweight characterize someone who is A) undernourished. B) HIV positive. C) internally displaced. D) nutritionally dense.


Businesses and marketers use Geographic Information Systems to A) match demographic data with specific locations. B) coordinate the shipment of goods around the world. C) calculate exchange rates of currencies around the world. D) forecast national population growth rates. E) Geographic Information Systems are used for all of the above.


Critics of demographic transition theory argue that the theory A) is not very relevant for countries on the periphery. B) does not work for European countries. C) has a Marxist ideological bias. D) birth rates and death rates have nothing to do with each other.


Demography is the study of population A) characteristics. B) politics. C) attitudes. D) pressures. E) distribution.


Emigration A) refers to a move from a place. B) is the same as gross migration. C) does not involve push factors. D) is equal to the difference between voluntary migration and forced migration.


Generally, internally displaced persons (IDPs) suffer more than international refugees because A) their own governments are unable or unwilling to help. B) foreign governments don't care. C) foreign governments don't know about the IDPs. D) their own governments do not have the military might to protect the IDPs. E) the world community treats refugees so well.


If an age-sex pyramid is asymmetrical, lopsided from one side to the other, it means that A) males experienced events differently than females of the same cohorts. B) generation gaps are evident. C) the rate of natural increase is declining. D) the population is in the middle of the demographic transition. E) the demographer needs to redo the pyramid, they should always be symmetrical.


In a healthy population, the left and right sides of a age-sex pyramid are symmetrical. Of the following, which is most likely to create an asymmetrical pyramid, i.e., to affect the shape of one side differently than the other. A) war B) baby boom C) baby bust D) birth control E) plague


In a population with a TFR of 2, the A) CBR = CDR. B) doubling time = 0. C) life expectancy = 0 D) IMR = 0. E) demographic transition is in full swing.


In general, ________ has the highest crude death rates. A) Africa B) South America C) Europe D) North America E) China and India


In general, the world region of Sub-Saharan Africa is highest for all of the following except A) life expectancy at birth. B) birth rates. C) death rates. D) rate of natural increase. E) infant mortality rates.


Infant mortality rates are lowest in which of the following areas? A) Western Europe B) Africa C) Asia D) South America


Largest population cohort in U.S. demographic history. A) baby boom B) baby bust C) Net Generation D) the middle cohort E) migrants


Most international population policies at the end of the 20th century have emphasized A) reduced birth rates. B) economic development. C) increased opportunities for women. D) increased health care for children. E) increase death rates.


Nearly all of the world's inhabitants live on ________ of Earth's land. A) 10% B) 25% C) 50% D) 75% E) 90%


Since the start of the 21st century, ________ has annually received more global voluntary migrants than any other country. A) the United States B) Germany C) Russia D) China


The ________ developed the census as a way of obtaining information to help with tax collection. A) Romans B) Vikings C) British D) Puritans E) first Continental Congress


The best explanation for the third internal voluntary migration wave in the United States is A) the pursuit of greater economic opportunity. B) the high degree of racism in the United States. C) the environmental problems in large cities. D) the romantic longing for a simple country life.


The combination of the CBR and the CDR is (the) A) rate of natural increase. B) infant mortality rate. C) dependency ratio. D) life expectancy. E) net migration.


The country in the Americas with the greatest number of internally displaced persons -- around 2 million -- is Columbia. ________ has the most in the world, approximately 6 million. A) Sudan B) Bosnia and Herzegovina C) Afghanistan D) Burma (Myanmar)


The most widely used tool to assess the size, distribution and characteristics of a population are A) censuses. B) geodemographic analyses. C) geographic information systems. D) demographic transitions. E) keeping vital records.


The youth cohort A) are not fully active in the labor force. B) are between the ages of 16 and 30. C) have little effect on the dependency ratio. D) refers to the Net Generation.


To a demographer, a group of people that begin something at the same time is known as A) a cohort. B) a team. C) a dependency ratio. D) a transnational migrant. E) a baby boom.


Whereas Marx believed the equitable distribution would solve perceived imbalances between populations and food supply, Malthus argued for A) birth control. B) women's rights. C) colonialism. D) technology. E) emigration.


Which of the following cannot be TRUE at the same time as all of the others. A) TFR=2 B) doubling time = infinity C) demographic transition is complete. D) natural increase = 1 E) CBR = CBR


Which world region has the lowest rate of natural increase? A) Europe B) Oceania C) Latin America D) Asia E) North America


Writing on the eve of the Industrial Revolution, Thomas Malthus argued that population growth A) would exceed the ability of people to feed themselves. B) was insufficient to meet the needs of industry. C) presented numerous opportunities for technological innovation. D) was so low, and food so abundant, that people would become increasingly obese. E) and procreation were fundamental rights of human beings.


________ temporarily migrate to take jobs in other countries and send remittance payments to their home communities. A) Guest workers B) Refugees C) Voluntary migrants D) International forced migrants E) Transmigrants


The demographic transition is a model of population change used to explain high population growth rates. According to the theory, A) birth rates decline, eventually followed by a decline in death rates. B) death rates decline, eventually followed by a decline in birth rates. C) birth rates and death rates decline simultaneously. D) birth rates rise, eventually followed by a rise in death rates. E) death rates rise, eventually followed by a rise in birth rates.


The first wave of internal voluntary migration within the United States had two parts, westward expansion and A) the movement of Native Americans to reservations. B) a rural-to-urban shift. C) the shift of a large part of the population to the sunbelt D) the movement of Canadians to Florida and Arizona.


The rate of natural increase is a useful indicator for examining A) levels of economic development and growth. B) population growth. C) impacts of migration. D) access to nutrition and health. E) nutritional density.


Which of the following best explains a population pyramid (age-sex pyramid) that looks like an umbrella, with very narrow cohorts at the bottom that widen broadly near the top? A) The population pyramid is upside down. B) The population is a retirement village. C) The population is a college town. D) Migrants are dominant in the community. E) The population has an open-door migration policy.


Which of the following cohorts is the most economically productive? A) youth cohort B) middle cohort C) old-age cohort D) All three cohorts are about equally economically productive.


A Texan that moves to Canada ________ from Texas and ________ to Canada. A) immigrates/immigrates B) immigrates/emigrates C) emigrates/immigrates D) emigrates/emigrates


According to the demographic transition model, the rate of natural (RNI) at the beginning (preindustrial phase) is generally ________ than the RNI at the end (industrial phase). A) higher B) lower C) the same as D) cannot generalize -- it depends on the starting and ending birth and death rates


Baby boomers A) have less education than the previous generation. B) get married younger than any previous generation. C) are more likely to get divorced than any previous generation. D) have a lower standard of living than any previous generation.


Demographic transition theory holds that A) advanced industrial states will have high rates of population growth. B) preindustrial states will have both low birth rates and death rates. C) high levels of economic production will lower birth rates. D) periphery and semi-periphery states cannot become core states. E) their is a maximum population size for every place.


From an age-sex pyramid for the USA (2000), it is clear that the largest age group is ________ years old A) 0-15 B) 15-35 C) 35-55 D) 55-75


Generation X is (are) A) another name for the baby boom generation. B) the name given to the parents of baby boomers. C) members of the baby bust. D) the result of high birth rates. E) the children of migrants to the United States.


In 2008, Israel had a population of 7.5 million and Mexico had a population of 107 million. Both had a rate of natural increase (RNI) of 1.6. This means that A) Israel's population will double more quickly than Mexico's. B) Mexico's population will double more quickly than Ecuador's. C) Israel's and Mexico's populations will double in the same amount of time. D) Israel's and Mexico's populations will never double with such a low RNI.


In an age-sex pyramid for the United States (2000), the biggest cohorts in males and females is due to A) the sexual revolution of the 1960s/70s and the end of the Vietnam war. B) large families between the two World Wars. C) the baby boom. D) the baby boom echo. E) the baby boom bust.


In sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS primarily strikes A) homosexuals. B) drug users. C) heterosexuals. D) hemophiliacs.


In sub-Saharan African countries hit hard by HIV/AIDS, ________ have dropped most sharply. A) crude death rates B) crude birth rates C) life expectancies D) migration rates E) dependency ratios


Neomalthusians think that the greatest danger to the environment is A) Marxism. B) politicians. C) population growth. D) computer technology. E) industrial agriculture.


Of the following, a typical example of a push factor of migration would be A) abundant job opportunities. B) beautiful weather. C) social conflict. D) close family ties. E) good schools.


The third wave of internal voluntary migration within the United States A) emerged from the expansionist settlement policy of the American Revolution. B) brought people back to the cities through national urban renewal programs Kennedy and Johnson administrations. C) saw many people move to the Sun Belt. D) resulted in the passing of federal laws restricting internal migration.


The twentieth century's great growth in world population is due to a phenomenal A) global baby boom. B) rise in birth rates. C) decline in death rates. D) increase in migration rates. E) all of the above


The value and power of geographic information systems come with linking demographic data to particular A) populations. B) cohorts. C) locations. D) censuses. E) policies.


When calculating the rate of natural increase, one does NOT include A) birth rates. B) death rates. C) migration. D) the rate of natural increase uses all of the above. E) both A and B


Which of the following generally has the highest population density? A) core countries B) peripheral countries C) urban areas D) rural areas E) areas with high birth rates.


With just over 4 billion people, Asia has nearly 2/3 of the world's population. From among those below, the world region with the smallest population is A) Africa. B) Europe. C) North America. D) Latin America & the Caribbean.


) For which country would one expect the age-sex pyramid to look most like an actual pyramid? A) United States B) France C) Japan D) Bolivia E) Australia


) The international forced migration of Palestinians from their homeland since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 is a response to A) ongoing violence. B) discrimination. C) land dispossession. D) all of the above.


For over 200 years, a census of the entire United States population has occurred every A) year. B) two years. C) five years. D) ten years. E) twenty years.


For which of the following populations is total population change equal to the rate of natural increase? A) Los Angeles B) Egypt C) North America D) World E) None, because total population change includes migration.


Hong Kong Chinese that maintain residences and businesses in Hong Kong and Vancouver, are Turks that work in Germany while maintaining close connections and property in Turkey, are specifically known as A) voluntary migrants. B) voluntary emigrants. C) international emigrants. D) transnational migrants. E) guest workers.


If 1,500 people migrate into Goodhue, MN and 1000 people move out, net migration is A) 2500. B) 1500. C) 1000. D) 500. E) negative 500.


In the 1950s, the outlook for the parents of baby boomers was generally positive because they A) got educational help from the government, if they were veterans. B) faced an expanding labor market. C) were generally able to attain a better standard of living than their parents. D) all of the above


In which of the following are Sweden, Poland, Yemen and Cambodia most similar? A) infant mortality rate B) rate of natural increase C) crude birth rate D) crude death rate E) total fertility rate


Inaccuracies in US censuses A) do not occur with any degree of significance. B) are no big deal, they are just a count of the population, anyway. C) are the result of government mismanagement. D) are a big deal - they affect the distribution of federal revenues and congressional seats. E) are a big deal - they affect the distribution of professional sports franchises around the country.


Infant mortality rates vary between countries. However, they do not generally vary among the peoples and regions inside A) core countries. B) semi-peripheral countries. C) peripheral countries. D) Infant mortality rates vary between the people and regions of all countries.


Moderate Neo-Malthusians believe that solutions to the global population issue are best found in A) reducing the size of the periphery's population. B) technological innovations. C) neoliberalism and the ability of market forces to regulate population growth. D) the redistribution of wealth and resources. E) letting diseases thin out human populations.


The 15-25 year period of low total fertility rates after the U.S. baby boom, is known as the baby A) bomb. B) boom echo. C) boomlet. D) bust. E) bear.


The demographic center of the United States A) is currently along the California and Nevada boundary. B) has been New York City since the late 1800s. C) is a sociological concept to help us understand the aging of a population. D) has been shifting westward for the last two hundred years.


The diffusion of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has been most prominent A) among children and the elderly. B) in jungles and other similarly remote areas. C) in urban centers. D) along transportation routes. E) among homosexuals and drug users.


The number of people per unit of area (such as people per square kilometer) is a measure of A) nutritional density. B) agricultural density. C) health density. D) crude density. E) natural density.


The term "Trail of Tears" refers to A) the forced movement of Jews to concentration camps during World War II. B) the internment of Japanese Americans in US camps during World War II. C) the "Long March" of the Chinese communists in the 1930s. D) the forced migration of the Cherokee Nation in the nineteenth century. E) the suffering of Indonesians forced to leave their home islands.


The world region with by far the greatest number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) -- nearly half of all 25 million -- is A) North America. B) Latin America. C) Africa. D) the Middle East. E) Asia.


Which of the following groups of states has been affected the least by the AIDS epidemic? A) North America B) Central Africa C) Asia D) the Middle East E) Western Europe


A population in which the total fertility rate is 2 means that A) birth rates and death rates are roughly equal. B) the population is neither increasing nor decreasing. C) the population will double in about 40 years. D) the population will decline by half in 40 years. E) both A and B


All of the following nations have suffered international forced migration in the 20th century except A) Palestinians. B) Jews. C) Kurds. D) Armenians. E) All of the above have recently been forced to migrate.


Approximately ________ of the world's population lives above the equator (in the Northern hemisphere). A) 10% B) 25% C) 50% D) 75% E) 90%


For which of the following is the US national average the same as that for minority groups in the US. A) birth rate B) infant mortality rate C) death rate D) all of the above E) none of the above


In the United States, there have been numerous waves of internal voluntary migration. These include all of the following except A) the westward expansion of the frontier. B) rural-to-urban migration of agricultural workers. C) the great northward migration of African-Americans. D) the Snowbelt to Sunbelt migration. E) the Trail of Tears.


In which of the following countries does one expect the fastest population growth? A) Denmark B) Germany C) New Zealand D) Russia E) Guatemala


In which phase(s) of the demographic transition model are birth rate and death rate about equal? A) Preindustrial B) Transitional C) Industrial D) Preindustrial and Transitional E) Preindustrial and Industrial


The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is NOT affected by which of the following? A) level of economic development B) opportunities for women C) religion and other cultural practices D) the availability of birth control E) The CBR is influenced by all of the above.


When crude birth rates are higher than crude death rates, the difference between them is known as the A) infant mortality rate. B) infant natality rate C) total fertility rate. D) natural decrease. E) natural increase.


Whether or not a given population grows is a function of A) birth rates. B) death rates. C) immigration. D) emigration. E) all of the above


Which continent has the greatest number of inhabitants? A) Africa B) Australia C) North America D) South America E) Asia


Which of the following types of data is useful in Geographic Information Systems? A) income level B) age C) size of household D) maps E) all of the above


Which world region has the highest GNP per capita -- over double that of the second highest? A) Europe B) Oceania C) Latin America D) Asia E) North America


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