AP History Midterm Prep

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As religion spreads it changes. Where did Buddhism begin? Where did it spread? How did it change as it spread?

Buddhism began in India, and quickly spread along the eastern asian coast all the way up to China and was the dominant religon before confucian ideas became powerful. Buddhism changed over its spreading because of the idea that women can also be equal with men.

What were the demographic impacts of the European maritime empires on the Americas?

European Empires wiped out Native America's populations quickly, directly and indirectly. Empires such as the Aztecs, and Mayans quickly lost power to European Empires. Any of the natives that were left alive were used as slaves.

China also had many innovations in the post-classical era. What were some major innovations of China during this era?

Printing Press, Compass, Astrolabe, Cast Iron, Paper, Gunpowder, Silk, and Porcelain.

Religion both unites people and causes conflict. Define the following: - Rajputs - Crusaders - Sufis

Rajputs were kingdoms in India that were Hindu's, or Hindu warriors that fought against Islamic Sultantes/ Crusaders were christian warriors from Europe that fought in the crusades against muslims in present day Israel. / Sufis are people who spread Islam far and wide throughout the world.

What impact did the Mongols have on Afro-Eurasia?

The mongols were very important for Afro-Eurasia because they united most of this land under one singular rule. This allowed trades routes to pop up such as the Silk Roads, and Indian Ocean Trade. The mongols also brought peace throughout their united lands, this era was called Pax Mongolica.

How did large states in Afro-Eurasia consolidate their power in the First Global Empires Era?

The largest states would consolidate their power by having certain rich people in their nation rule certain parts of their empires. For example, the Dutch empire used wealthy landowners to rule their overseas territories.

What were the environmental impacts of the European maritime empires on the Americas?

They started lumber farming which quickly started deforestation. Also, they started producing cash crops in mass production. Such as sugar, tobacco, and corn.

What were the impacts of the enlightenment?

This caused the people of Europe to think outside of the box and not listen to just the monarchy/King. Caused many different revolutions such as the french, American, Haitian, and Latin American.

What were the major contributions of the European Renaissance?

Developments in Astronomy, Printing Press, Protestant reformation, Anatomy, and The Enlightenment.

8. Trade leads to cultural diffusion. What are examples of cultural diffusion in the post-classical era?

Islam , Buddhism, and Christianity all are examples of cultural diffusion. Islam rapidaly spread from the Arbian Peninsula to south eastern Asia, and Northern Africa. Buddhism spread from India to China which is an example of cultural diffusion.

What are cash crops? What is chattel slavery? How did cash crops lead to chattel slavery?

Cash crops are crops produced on a mass level to make money, not for food. Chattel slavery is the idea the people can be bought and owned. Cash crops mass production needed many workers to harvest these crops so, European Empires turned to Chattel slavery.

How did China and Japan differ from Europe in the First Global Empires era in trade policy?

China and Japan didn't like to trade with foreign powers. They did this because they wanted to maintain a strong central rule over their peoples and so new religions would not be introduced.

How did Europe differ from China during the post-classical era?

China was prospering with luxurious cities and great palaces and a strong central government, but Europe was quite the opposite. Europe had no controlling kingdom, and was split into many small kingdoms, was in a time where most people weren't literate, and was cut off from the world in trading.

A key phrase from the John Green videos appears on the test and students must connect it with the revolution it is talking about: - French Revolution - American Revolution - Haitian Revolution - Latin American Revolutions

French- "Initial efforts to establish a constitutional monarchy and promote harmony among the classes gave way to more radical measures, an internal resistance and foreign opposition produced a fear that the revolution might be overturned... The worst instincts of the revolution would be tamed by a general who kept the revolution's emphasis on social equality but dispensed with liberty." American - "Independence was not accompanied by any whole social transformation. Rather, the revolution accelerated the established democratic tendencies of the colonial societies. Political authority remained largely in the hands of existing elites who had led the revolution..." Haitian- "It was clear that something remarkable and unprecedented had taken place, a revolution unique in the Atlantic world and in world history. Socially, the last had become first." Latin American- "Elites did not so much generate a revolution as have one thrust upon them by events in Europe.... The process lasted more than twice as long as.... societies were so divided by class, race and religion.... The entire independence movement ... took place under the shadow of great fear- the dread of social rebellion from below..."

What major innovation led to the rise of the European maritime empires and the establishment of large Islamic empires in Afro-Eurasia in the First Global Empires era?

Gunpowder, this was key for all European maritime empires and islamic empires to gain power so quickly. This innovation was key for all these empires to be so powerful.

Describe the Enlightenment philosophy of: - John Locke - Baron de Montesquieu - Jean Jacques Rousseau - Cesare Beccaria - Voltaire - Mary Wolstonecraft

Locke- Natural Rights, Right to Rebel Montesquieu- Consent of governed, Seperation of Powers Rosseau- General Will, Direct Democracy Beccaria- Abolishment of Torture Voltaire- Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Thought and Expression Wolstonecraft- Womens equality

The Islamic Empires of the post-classical era had many innovations and diffusions. What were some major innovations and diffusions associated with the Islamic empires?

Mathematics/Arabian Numerals, Spreaded Gunpowder, Silk, The Compass, The Astrolabe, and Steel to Europe. , City Building/ Architecture, Innovations in Doctoring.

What were some major empires of the First Global Empires era?

Mughal Empire, Qing Dynasty, French Empire, Portuguese Empire, Spanish Empire, Dutch Empire, British Empire, Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, Russian Empire

How did social hierarchies change as a result of the First Global Empires era?

Social Hierarchies used to be strucured around the idea of a king/emperor and nobility below them, but changed to having almost no nobility and absolute monarchy.

How did states in the First Global Empires era raise revenue?

States would raise money by using taxes on their people and stolen valueables from wars. The French Empire would level taxes on their peoples after wars and would steal gold and silver from conquered regions.

Trade leads to environmental change. What environmental changes (think crops, disease) occurred as a result of trade in the post-classical era?

The Bubonic Plague was spread to Europe from trade a wiped out most of Europes population. Crops such as Sugar, Salt, Cotton , and certain spices spread throughout the world because of Trading connections through Islamic merchants, and the Silk Road.

7. What innovations in the post-classical era increased trade and how?

The Compass, allowed ships to know where they were going. The Caravanserai, allowed much larger amounts of objects to be moved along large periods of time and over deserts. The Grand Canal in China allowed much more trade to happen because of maritime trade.

What are examples of religious conflict during the First Global Empires era?

The Islamic Ottoman empire would constantly fight against Christian European empires. Also, The Ottoman empire would fight against the Safavid Empire which would massacre Sunni Muslims which is what the Ottoman empire was. Also, the Thirty Years War was eastern orthodox Christians vs Protestant Christians.

What were some major empires of the post-classical era?

Umayyad Empire, Srivijaya Empire, Song Dynasty, Timbuktu Empire, Frankish Kingdoms, and Germanic Tribes.

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