AP HUGE- 18.2

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What are the advantages to locating industries in urban areas with ports and transportation hubs?

facilitates movement of raw materials to and finished products from the industrial facilities

How much of the world's energy output is provided by hydroelectric power?


How many workers are needed to build the dam?


How much is the dam project estimated to cost?

$18 billion

How will the Belo Monte Dam be set up?

-2 dams will form 2 reservoirs that will flood the homelands of more than 20,000 indigenous people -80% of Xingu River's flow will be diverted

What's a dual economy?

-2 distinct divisions of economic activity across the economic sectors -much of the population may work in the traditional primary sector (often depending on subsistence agriculture) -another substantial amount of workers is part of a market based economy, with a heavy emphasis on secondary sector jobs

What percentage of the labor force in the US works in the tertiary sector? Secondary sector?

-80% tertiary with more and more becoming employed in the quaternary and quinary sectors -19% secondary

What are examples of the primary sector?

-Agriculture -Fishing -Forestry -Mining/quarrying -extracting liquids or gases (ex-oil drilling) -food production -activities that obtain resources needed for power generation (coal, oil, natural gas) -extraction of materials used in manufacturing and construction (metal ores, clay to make pottery, lumber, sand/gravel to make concrete, quarried stone to make anything from buildings to countertops)

Why does the government of Brazil think they need more power for electricity?

-Brazil is newly industrializing, semi-peripheral -has a large landmass, rich in natural resources -world leader in mining, agriculture, and manufacturing -service sector growing quickly -all this economic activity requires a strong energy industry -govt has long considered the gigantic Amazon to provide power -90% of Brazil's electricity is provided by hydroelectric power

What are some examples of semi-peripheral countries with large portions of their workforce employed in industry?

-Brazil- 32% of workforce in industry -Iran- 35% of workforce in industry -both have substantial natural resources that help drive industrial growth

What are some activities of the tertiary sector?

-Huge range of activities that involve the transportation, storage, marketing, and selling of goods -Includes commercial services provided to the general public, businesses, or government -Includes personal services like hair care or restaurant service

What are some secondary sector activities?

-Manufacturing -Processing -Construction

What are some secondary sector industries?

-Metalworking -Smelting -Auto production -Aerospace manufacturing -Textile production -Food processing -Generating electricity

In recent years, what economic sectors have they added and why?

-Quaternary and quinary sectors- special sections of the tertiary sector -Bc of economic and technological innovations

What are some countries with postindustrial economies?

-US -Japan -Australia -Singapore

What are some examples of information industries of the quaternary sector being located near institutions of higher learning?

-US- major centers of computer science industry are near the universities of the San Francisco Bay Area in CA, in Boston, MA, Austin, TX, Denver, CO and in the Research Triangle region of NC

What advantages did the US and China have that allowed them to shift away from being primary sector dominant countries?

-abundant natural resources -fertile soils that could produce high crop yields -stable governments

What is the pattern of sector development in an industrializing country (repetitive)?

-agricultural employment declines over time -tertiary sector employment rises -secondary sector employment grows for a time

What are some examples of how tertiary industries vary in their spatial distribution?

-banking and finance- tend to be in urban areas -retail stores, restaurants, and a wide range of services (from insurance to health care and education) are distributed throughout a country- needed wherever there are people, but their density will vary according to population

What are barriers for women that still exist in postindustrial societies?

-barriers to professional advancement -inequalities in pay and promotions

What is the expected energy output of the dam project?

-capacity to generate more than 11,000 megawatts of electricity = electricity for 60 million people -expected to operate at less than 1/2 that capacity most of the time -during the dry season (3-4 months), will only generate 1/10 of peak capacity

What is the govt hoping this dam project will do (besides provide power)?

-cause economic growth to raise standard of living -cater to powerful economic interests looking to profit from that growth

How did the concentration of populations in urban areas come about during the 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions?

-desire to locate industrial facilities near sources of raw materials, energy sources, and labor -high capital cost needed to build industrial facilities- makes more economic sense to focus capital investment in fewer rather than many locations

How was this seen during the Industrial Revolution?

-during the IR, farm workers were having a hard time making a living and to survive; many had to move to the cities bc that's where the jobs were

What features do postindustrial countries share?

-emphasis in their economies has shifted from production of goods to production of services -share of blue-collar secondary sector workers has lowered -share of tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sector workers has risen -information technology and related fields (like artificial intelligence) have developed to evaluate new technologies and social issues -place a strong emphasis on institutions of higher learning as resources in developing and using the new technologies -growing role of women in jobs outside the home

What economic pattern do you see in a country with a postindustrial economy?

-extremely low primary sector employment -relatively low secondary sector employment -predominant tertiary sector employment with a rising share of quaternary and quinary jobs

What are some examples of jobs in the quinary sector?

-leaders of think tanks -scientists at research and development (R & D) facilities -researchers at university institutes -heads of media companies -heads of major health care networks -heads of nonprofit organizations

What industries do semi-peripheral countries have most of their jobs in?

-manufacturing -processing -construction

What do urban areas provide for industrial facilities?

-potential workforce -potential market

What have growing concerns about the environmental impact of dams like Belo Monte led to?

-questions about whether to dismantle some existing dams -over 1,000 dams are being taken down across the US -more dams have been taken down in Europe- 5,000 dams have been taken down over the past 25 years

What are some reasons geographers think dual economies develop and why those in agriculture seem to be resistant to change?

-resistance due to tradition -agriculture workers may not see enough benefit in shifting to secondary sector -may be a core-periphery dynamic manifesting within a country: core area (industrialized) can more easily maintain ties to the global economy; usually urban and coastal areas, where ports are located- connected to global transportation routes and telecommunications networks; peripheral area (agricultural)- usually in the interior, little contact with global economy

What are some examples of the tertiary sector?

-shipping and delivery of goods -wholesale storage -retail trade -banking -finance -insurance -law -health care -hospitality and tourism -entertainment and media -clerical services

What did Brazil begin building in 2011 and what is the purpose?

-the Belo Monte Dam along the Xingu River, a major tributary of the Amazon -to generate electricity

What are some of the objections or concerns critics have to the dam project?

-the limited output seems like a waste of money ($18 billion) -dams will cause environmental damage- will damage more than 370,000 acres of rain forest -they fear Brazil's govt will want to build more dams upstream to allow for controlled release of water and a steady flow of electricity year round, which will damage more of the rainforest

What can analyzing the percentage of a country's population that makes up the workforce in each sector reveal?

-the structure of employment -how that country's goods are produced -how economically developed the country is

What is the result of these countries' food products having low economic value?

-these countries tend to be poor -have little capital to fund investments needed to industrialize

What are some examples of industrial output (secondary) depending on workers in the tertiary sector?

-utility workers provide the electricity that powers the factories' machinery -transportation workers haul raw materials to factories and ship finished goods to markets -wholesale and retail workers distribute industrial output to corporate purchasers or consumers

What are gender based employments that still exist in the US?

-women earn about 81 cents for every dollar a man earns -women (esp single women and women of color) are more likely than men to live in poverty

Tertiary sector

Also called the service sector bc it provides services rather than finished goods

Primary sector

Associated with activities involving the extraction of natural resources from the earth; focuses on obtaining raw materials

Secondary sector

Associated with the production of goods from the raw materials extracted or harvested in the primary sector.

Why are the activities of the primary sector considered primary or first-order?

Bc they provide the basis for other economic activities. No goods can be produced without these raw materials.

Why is the transition from one economic phase or technology hard on certain segments of a society?

Because those segments often end up having to learn how to do new jobs because they can't stay employed in their old job

How do geographers characterize the structure of a country's economy?

By distinct economic activities that can be categorized into economic sectors

What's an economic sector?

Collections of similar economic activities based on the creation of raw materials, the production of goods, the provision of services, or other activities

What's another way to study the impact of each sector on the economy (besides employment)?

Consider what each sector contributes to GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

What are the 2 largest employers in the US?

Education and health care

What level of education do workers in the quinary sector tend to require?

High levels of education and experience; they must process information in sophisticated and responsible ways as they make decisions affecting large swaths of society

What level of education do workers in the quaternary sector tend to require?

High levels, including postgraduate or professional degrees

When did this start to change?

In the 20th century

What is the economic value of the food and other crops produced in subsistence farming and why does it have that value?

Low economic value bc: -most of the food is consumed by the farm families -even those cash crops raised in commercial agriculture for sale in world markets bring relatively low prices compared to the value of manufactured goods

What do these semi-peripheral countries rely heavily on?


What type of education are women tending to receive in postindustrial societies? What does this enable them to do?

More advanced educations, enabling them to fill a lot of quaternary and quinary jobs

What do these specialists in the quinary sector often produce?

New knowledge used by other economic sectors

Do preindustrial countries of the periphery today always have these advantages?


Is the dominance of primary sector economic activity in these countries permanent?

Not necessarily

What does the shift to the secondary sector that comes with industrialization usually result in?

Population concentrated in urban areas (evidenced by urbanization of the 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions in the core areas of Europe and North America)

What sector of employment is dominant in countries with little industrialization?

Primary sector

What are the 3 main economic sectors that geographers traditionally defined?

Primary, secondary, and tertiary

What 2 specialized subcategories has the growing tertiary sector been further divided into?

Quaternary and quinary sectors

What sector do semi-peripheral countries tend to have large portions of their workforce in?

Secondary sector

What sector is Amazon in?

Some high-tech companies, like amazon, fall into both the traditional tertiary sector and the quaternary subcategory. -Traditional tertiary- Amazon warehouses and sells goods -Quaternary sector- uses information technology in marketing to users based on info the company has collected about them, and offers services, like cloud computing.

What kind of spatial patterns do economic activities occur in?

Spatially uneven patterns across a range of scales, from global scale differences among countries to places and regions within countries

What is the type of farming where they work to produce the food they need to survive? What type of power do the farmers rely on in this type of farming?

Subsistence agriculture; farmers rely on mostly human and animal power to produce crops

Quaternary sector

The portion of the tertiary sector activities that requires workers to process and handle information and environmental technology

What do geographers study in order to understand patterns of economic development?

The structures of individual countries' economies, based on the percentage of employment across the economic sectors

What is a feature of postindustrial societies regarding women/jobs?

There's a growing role of women in jobs outside the home

What type of economies do some peripheral and semi-peripheral countries have as a result of uneven development?

dual economies

What are some examples of countries that used to have primary sector activities as their dominant sector?

US: -had more than 50% of its labor force in agriculture as recently as 1880, during its industrial age -by the 1950s, that number had fallen below 10% and has continued to fall China: -1990- more than 55% of the Chinese workforce in agriculture -2017- 17.5% of the workforce was agriculture -occurred bc of govt promotion of manufacturing which boosted the secondary sector of the economy and mechanized farming

What's an example of a country with dual economies?

Vietnam -In the 1980s, there was increasing consumer demand for goods but lagging manufacturing output -Vietnam officials worked to expand manufacturing and developed industries like textiles, electronics, and automobiles -have had a long period of economic growth since -2/5 of workers are still in agriculture (half of what they had in 1991) -secondary share workers has risen to 25%, generate almost 1/3 of GDP, and majority of Vietnam's top exports

Quinary sector

Within the quaternary sector (which is in the tertiary sector); A more specialized subcategory of work which involves the top leaders in government, science, universities, nonprofit organizations, health care, culture, and media.

What traditions developed later regarding women and jobs?

Women were discouraged from working outside the home

What does the quaternary sector include?

Work in: -information technology -government -libraries -education -scientific research -cultural activities

What is the bulk of the labor force doing in countries with little industrialization?

Working to produce the food they need to survive

Were women recruited to work in manufacturing jobs in the 1st IR?


Are the major high-tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple all a part of this sector?


Where do primary sector activities rank in the US, as far as percentage of people employed in those jobs?

at the bottom of the list, with agriculture, mining, and related activities making up just two percent of the US's annual GDP

Where does the quinary sector tend to be found?

capital cities and other political centers of countries

What role does manufacturing typically have in a core country?

likely generates a substantial portion of a core country's wealth, but unlikely to be the main driver of employment

Why is there less secondary sector employment in core countries?

manufacturers strive for efficiency and have used more automation over time, resulting in less secondary sector employment -industrial output (secondary) depends on workers in the tertiary sector

Where do information industries of the quaternary sector tend to cluster?

near institutions of higher learning that provide the educated workforce they need

Does economic development take place uniformly within a country?


Where are these countries in Wallerstein's world system theory?


What kind of economies do core countries tend to have (what sector)?

substantial secondary sector, but a dominant tertiary sector

How has this been seen in modern times?

the shift to postindustrial economy has, for the past several decades been a challenge to manufacturing workers in the US and other core countries; manufacturing jobs move out of postindustrial countries to peripheral and semi-peripheral countries and the workers must learn new skills in other fields and other sectors of the economy, where they are usually less qualified due to lack of experience and training

What is GDP?

the total value of all goods and services produced by a country's citizens and companies within the country in a year

Where are industrial facilities generally located?

urban areas, especially at ports or along rail networks

How are tertiary industries spatially distributed?

vary widely in their spatial distribution bc they represent many different economic activities

Are most government activities part of the tertiary sector?


Did the govt approve the project, despite objections from environmentalists and the indigenous people living along the waterway?


Does industrialization often lead to geographically uneven development?


Does there tend to be widespread acceptance of women taking jobs outside the home in industrial and postindustrial societies?


Is this pattern of urbanization occurring today in countries that are in the process of industrializing?


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