AP Human Geography Ch. 7

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b. Does anything surprise you about these three? Does any group seem to be left out? Why?

I feel as though something relating to whiteness would be included.

a. What were "homelands"?

Places where blacks could live

a. Why do you think most Africans Americans remained in the South?

They did not have enough money to be able to leave and find work elsewhere.

segregation laws were designed to discourage the __________ of different races/ethnicities.

"spatial interaction"

a. Identify the significance: Treaty of Sevres

- (1920) - European allies made state of Kurdistan, but before the treaty was ratified Turkish leader, Mustafa Kemal fought to expand territory

role of Frican Nation congress in apartheid laws

- African National Congress and Nelson Mandela - The principal anti-apartheid organization and leader who was released from jail after the laws were undone

role of Africaans/Boers in apartheid system


Identify the role of each of the following in South Africa and the apartheid system: British

- British - The British seized the dutch colony in 1795 and controlled South Africa's government until 1948

African American neighborhoods were called ghettos after...

1. the term for neighborhoods in which Jews were forced to live in the Middle Ages.

explain the ethnic cleansing and Genocide in Myranmar

-attacks have been directed towards Rohingya from Rakhin state, they are Sunni and speak indo-eurp whereas most people in Myanmar are Theravada doh speak Sino-Tibetan -Most migrated from Bangladesh during the time that both were British colonies and so the M gov says they are here illegally and took away their citizenship, land, rights, jobs -In response the R attacked police and military and M launched cleansing against R -R has been forced to move back to Bangladesh

The two key provisions of the 14th Amendment are

1. (1) All people born in the U.S. are citizens and (2) cannot be denied equal protection of the law.

1. African Americans display two distinctive patterns of internal migration—what are they?

1. Interregional migration: South to North during first half of 20th cen 2. Intraregional migration from inner to outer city and inner suburban neighborhoods during second half of 20thcentury


1. considered inoffensive, could be applied to all people from Spanish speaking countries , avoids gender limitation

Rubenstein states that ethnicity is "immutable," meaning that unlike religion and language...

1. it cannot be changed

Despite there being no biological or geographical basis for race, the study of race matters to geographers because...

1. it includes skin color, which is how many societies determine where people live and go to work

how many people did the Nazis kill

17 million; 6 million were Jews

a. Identify the two main waves (time periods): and why

1st wave: 1910s and 20s before and after WW1 2nd wave: 1940s and 50s before and after WW2 They had stimulated expansion of factories to produce war material and demands of armed forces made a shortage of factory workers

what race did hispanics choose

53% white, 37% some other race, 6% more than one race, 4% other option

what are the percent genetics of Brazil predominate ancestry

70% euro ancestry, 20% African, 10% indigenous

what were the demographics of Kosovo after breakup

82% ethnic Albanians and 10% Serb yet Serbia controlled because of its role in forming Serb ethnicity in battle against Ottoman Empire in 1389

1. In the U.S., African Americans and Hispanics are highly clustered urban areas. How does this compare to the percent of all Americans living in urban areas?

90% of Hispanic and African Americans and 75% for all Americans; Chicago has equal numbers of whites, African Am., Hispanics


A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Black or African American

A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.


A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

American Indian or Alaska native

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment

1. a. In the U.S., the top three ethnicities are (include % of U.S. population):

Asian American 5%, African American 12%, Hispanic American 17%

a. Identify racial classes under apartheid:

Black, White, colored (mixed), Asian

b. Identify the five "races" and corresponding percentages of the population, as given:

Blanco (white) 47.7%, Pardo (brown) 43.1%, Preto (black) 7.6%, amarelo (yellow) 1.1%, indigenous 0.4%

enclaves in the US

Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, etc. from steel, automotive, related industries

1. Like many Hispanic Americans, most Asian Americans identify with...

Country of origin or ancestry

what were the different ways the African Americans emigrated from the south

East Coast (south Atlantic states to NE) East central (Alabama and eastern Tennessee to Detroit or Cleveland) West Central (Mississippi and western Tennessee to St. Louis and Chicago) Southwest (Texas west to California)

1. How does African American intraregional migration reflect chain migration?

Everything was segregated so when blacks began to move to a different area, it became a black area and the whites moved elsewhere so all the blacks moved into the new area.

how are the native Canadians grouped into 3 main ethnic identities and what are the backgrounds of those groups

First Nations (tens of thousands of years ago), Inuit (northern Canada 4000 years ago), Métis (descendants of indigenous who married Euros 400 years ago)


Gender neutral for Latino/Latina

1. In this age of globalization, what is another way in which ethnicity differs from language & religion?

Globalization can universalize language and religion, but regions of distinct ethnic identity will remain

1. Give some examples of ethnic enclaves in other countries.

Goutte d'Or in Paris 1/3 of residents come from African colonies of France 1/3 of London residences were born outside of UK (18% Asian, , 7% Africa, 6% Caribbean

Describe the population densities in ghettos. Why so populated (look into next section).

High; 40000 inhabitants per square kilometer. It was so populated because people couldn't afford to move to other places and expand into white areas.

b. Many of Brazilians' ancestors are from Portugal and West Africa, as well as from other places, including:

Japan, SW Asia, Europe

Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow Laws - made blacks have unfair and unequal treatment compared to whites

a. Describe the Kurds (key cultural characteristics).

Live in Eastern Turkey, Western Iran, Northern Syria and Iraq; They are Sunni Muslims who have distinctive literature, dress, and cultural traditions

a. Who led the struggle for independence in India? **Who assassinated him?

Mahatma Gandhi advocated for nonviolence and reconciliation with Muslims; Hindu extremist who did not like Muslims

1. Why is it difficult to identify specific ethnic origins of African Americans?

Many are balck but come from places other than Africa or America.


Mexican Americans

How do most Americans of Latin American descent self-identify?

More specific ethnicity or national origin

what happened in response to Albanian cleansing

NATO air attacked Serbia until they agreed to stop Kosovo became independent country and 90% of Albanians left although Russia, Serbia, China don't recognize it as independent

Ethnic cluttering in US: Native Americans

Native Americans - clustered in SW and NC as well as Alaska; exceed 10% of population of Alaska, Oklahoma, NM, SD

a. Explain how (and why) the British divided the Indian subcontinent when they ended colonial rule in 1947.

Pakistan was originally two noncontiguous areas, East and West Pakistan but the East became independent and named itself Bangladesh. The reason for separating India from both Pakistan's was because of religion as the Pakistan's were Muslim and India was Hindu.

1. Identify changes (and causes) of urban ethnic enclaves in the U.S. in the last century:

People migrated for work and then had children, so most of those places are predominated by those immigrants

c. What type of support is offered to newcomers to ethnic enclaves?

People who speak the same language, practice same religion, eat same foods; get help with jobs, language courses, adaptation; economic support

1. Regarding the interregional migration of African Americans in the early 1900s: What were push and pull factors?

Pushed off farms by reduced demand for labor and pulled by industrial job in the northh

1. Most contemporary geographers and scientists reject a biological classification of race. Rather, race is a social construction. What do you think this means?

Race only affects social classes and allows for social discrimination between different peoples.

1. a. Within a country, clustering of ethnicities can occur at two scales:

Regional: country or state; local: communities within urban areas

1. Of the different U.K. nationalities, ______ exercises the greatest degree of autonomy over its affairs and has recently pushed for independence from the U.K. _________ has the least

Scotland; Wales

race and ethnicity and the U.S. census

Since 1997, the census has been changed to classify people into specific races and allow them to self-identify and choose many or none.

Brazil does not classify people according to ethnicity, but according to

Skin Color

**Examples of ethnicities that match the territory of a nationality:

South Asia and western Asia

Nationality stems from_________


ethnicity stems from


different nationalities of the United Kingdom

The British Isles is made up mostly of the England and Ireland mainlands and are divided between the two countries. It is debated on whether or not the United Kingdom should be one or four nationalities as it contains Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England. Irish is clearly separate but thee rest are in question. English: descended from Germanic people Welsh: Celtic people conquered by England in 1282 and formally united with England by Act of Union in 1536. Scots: Celtic people until their king also became king of England, which untied the two countries; Act of Union in 1707 formally merged Irish- Celtic people ruled by England until 1900s

**Key difference between racial segregation in South Africa and the U.S.:

The South African government designated 10 so called homelands for blacks and expected every black person to move there and laws determined where they could go about daily activities

a. Describe the massive migration that occurred in the late 1940s. (Who? Why? Extremism?)

The boundaries created by British did not perfectly correspond to the territory inhabited by the two ethnicities so many felt compelled to move. Approximately 17 million people migrated. As they were moving, extremists attacked people of the opposite religion.

1. What is white flight? Identify causes and effects.

The emigration of whites from an area in anticipation of black immigrating into the area. Causes: unscrupulous real state practices, especially blockbusting and redlining Effects: the expansion of predominately African American cities

**This chapter is focused on ethnicity, so why the division based on religion?

The issue has to do with the fact that the people of the different religions identify with different ethnic groups. Ethnic diversity is intermixed with religious diversity

a. De facto segregation still exists in what area of life? (apartheid laws)

The legacy lingers and the blacks are still much poorer than the whites.

b. Compare the results from Brazil's 2010 census and from the self-identification study. How do the results differ? Any similarities?

The people responded with 143 different answers and many with races that were not included in the census such as Moreno, Moreno claro, Preto, and negro

a. De facto segregation still exists in what areas of life? (U.S.)

There are still clusters within neighborhoods because of economic and cultural factors. Ex: Flint's drinking water being contaminated with lead

a. Describe the instability in the Kashmir region.

There is no agreed border in that region, so they decided for India to control southeastern portion and Pakistan the northwestern. Muslims are a majority in both regions and have caused problems trying to reunify the area. In response, India blames Pakistan for the conflict and therefore wants to retain its possession of it. Pakistan wants the people of the area to vote, knowing that the majority is Muslim.

a. How do the Sikhs factor into the region's turmoil?

They are angry that they were not given their own territory, so they have fought to make Punjab, where the majority of them live, independent of India.

1. Explain the controversy (2 views) surrounding the status of Quebecois in Canada.

They speak a different language and are distinct in many cultural traditions If it is recognized as a separate nationality, then it could allow them to become a separate country more easily. The question is whether they form a distinct ethnicity or not or even a distinct nationality.

Other forms of segregation and discrimination under apartheid:

Where people could live, attend school, work, shop, travel, and own land

ethnic clustering in the U.S.: Hispanics

a. Hispanics - 2/3 from Mexico, next largest group is Puerto Rican, ¼ from Caribbean Clustered in SW; 1/3 of AZ, NM, TX; ¼ CA; of all Hispanics in US Cali is home to 1/3, TX 1/5, FL&NY 1/6 each

Identify the significance of each: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

a. Said segregation was legal because it was separate and "equal"

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

a. Segregation was unequal because it branded colored children as being inherently inferior

Define sharecropper and explain how this system worked:

a. a sharecropper worked in field rented form landowner and payed rent by giving owner a share of crops; because they also did not have food, clothes, or shelter, they payed with even more crops so that didn't have any for themselves.

where are most ethnic enclaves

b. Most ethnic enclaves are located in foreign countries and are a result of family-based migration.

Ethnic Clustering in US: African Americans

b. African Americans - ancestors of most African Americans arrived from places that were not yet countries and people who arrived as slaves did not have records; DNA testing helps solve problem Most come from West Africa: Senegal, Mali, the Gambia, Guinea. Sierra Leone, Liberia; Southern Ghana, Benin, NIgeria, South Eastern Côte d'Ivoire; Western Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola Clustered in SE where ¼ pop of AL, GA, LA, MD, SC and 1/3 Mississippi

what does race refer to

biological composition

ethnic clustering in US Asian Americans

c. Asian Americans - most come from China, Philippines, India Clustered in West, more than 40% of Hawaii, ½ of all Asians in Us live in CA (there they are 12% of pop)

what does nationality refer to

country of citizenship

why can humans not be placed into races biologically

features of race are not rooted in specific places

1. Most African Americans are descendants of people who participated in __________ whereas American Hispanics and Asian Americans are descendants of people who participated in __________

forced migration; voluntary migration

ethnicity in U.S.

groups with distinct ancestry and cultural traditions EX: African Americans, Mexican Americans, Chinese Americans, Polish Americans

why do hispanics face a challenge in completing the census

hispanic is only considered an ethnicity and not a race so they get to choose whatever they want

why do black face a challenge with the census

it groups African Am., Black, and negro and some people are descended from other places and black only says skin color and nothing of place fo descent

1. Brazil's population is similar to U.S. in that:

it is composed of people whose ancestors emigrated from many places

how do social classes of enclaves form


what are most ethnic enclaves

neighborhoods in large cities

what does ethnicity refer to

place of cultural heritage

why did the number of hispanics and Asians increase in America after 19060s-70s

quota laws were changed

Define blockbusting

real estate agents convinces white home owners living near a black are to sell their house at low prices because they knew they feared that blacks would soon move into the area and cause property value to decline. Then, the agents sold the houses at much higher prices to black people who were desperate to escape overcrowding.

1. For descendants of European immigrants, ethnic identity is less-reliant on location of residence and more likely to be retained through...

religion, food, and other cultural traditions

Though the Fair Housing Act of 1968 banned residential segregation, many U.S. residential areas are still divided along racial/ethnic lines.This is an example of

residential segregation

what is the most important feature of race

skin color

The clustering of African Americans in the U.S. reflects


Examples of Nationalism

supporting a country that preserves and enhances the culture and attitudes of their nationality; promoting symbols like flags and songs

how did sharecropping die out

the introduction of farm machinery and a decline in land devoted to cotton as wells more jobs in industry


used interchangeably with above and has gender limitation

the history of slavery in the U.S.

· During the 18th century British shipped 400000 to the colonies and about 10 million were shipped overall (not just to America and not just by British) · 1808 shipping slaves was banned but 250000 were illegally brought in

distribution of racial groups in Brazil

· South: brancos are clustered, the 4 most southern states are 70% Blanco (40% in rest of country), major destination for immigrants during colonial times · North: mostly rainforest, highest percentage of indigenous people (Pardo) , relatively few Euro immigrants · NE: mostly pardos and large number of pretos forced into slavery (nearly ½ between Recife and Rio de Janeiro · West-Central: mix of pardo and branco population, sparsely inhabited until became capital, all races have migrated there for work

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