AP human geography chapter 13 review

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Where are you least likely to see low income squatter settlements located on the periphery of a city? A. Africa B. East Asia C. North America D. Middle America E. South Asia

C. North America

Which model develops its best housing along a corridor extending from downtown to the outer edge of the city? A. Multiple nuclei B. Concentric C. Sector D. All of the above E. None of the above

C. Sector

The wide boulevards built in cities in less developed countries were most likely built during what era?


The basic building block for MSAs is the county, because of the ease of obtaining data.


Public transit is more extensive in Western European cities than in the United States primarily because

European governments subsidize public transit.

A central city and its contiguous built-up suburbs is called a metropolitan statistical area.


According to Louis Wirth, cities differ from rural areas in being larger, more dense, and more socially homogeneous.


Most urban residents in the United States live in central cities rather than suburbs.


Suburban sprawl has resulted in the loss of most of the prime agricultural land in the United States.


The three eras of development of cities in many less developed countries were pre-Columbian, pre-Colonial, and independence.


The three models of urban structure help to explain where people live in U.S. cities but not in European cities.


True/False: Cities in less developed countries have eliminated most signs of European colonial rule.


The density gradient in American and European cities is getting flatter.


The supply of land for new housing is more severely restricted outside European cities than U.S. cities.


The corridor that stretches from Boston to Washington DC, called Megalopolis was named by geographer

Jean Gottmann.

In the United States, which of the following definitions of a city covers the largest land area?

Metropolitan statistical area

Higher income people tend to live near the center of the city in all but which of the following regions?

North America

____ _____ declined from 23 billion trips per year in 1940 to 10 billion in 2006.

Public transportation

Historically, the world's largest cities generally were in more developed countries.


In the United States, a city plus its contiguous built-up suburbs is known as an urbanized area.


Land is more intensively used in the center of the city than elsewhere.


None of the world's ten most populous urban areas is located in Europe.


Public housing comprises a large percentage of housing in the United Kingdom but only a small percentage in the United States.


Relatively wealthy individuals live in the center of most cities in the world outside of North America.


Rural settlements outside European cities have been converted to weekend homes, because they are no longer needed for agriculture.


Urban population worldwide is projected to exceed rural settlement population for the first time in 2008.


While public transportation ridership has declined in the United States, a number of cities have invested in new public transportation systems.


_______ has increased in the number of people living in cities.


The attractions of shopping malls does not include

Walking distance from homes

According to the sector model, the best housing is located in

a corridor from downtown to the edge of the city.

A recent change in the density gradient has been

a reduction in the differences in densities found within an urban area.

Factories have moved to suburban locations in part because of

access to main highways.

In the United States, a city plus its surrounding built-up suburbs is known as

an urbanized area.

The process of legally adding land area to a city in the United States is


The U.S. government has encouraged the use of cars in part by

building interstate highways.

A council of government

can include consolidations of city and county government and federations. is used for planning that various local governments cannot logically do.

Compared to whites, African Americans in U.S. cities are more likely to be

clustered in inner-city neighborhoods.

Compared to the United States, poor families in European cities are more likely to be

clustered in suburbs.

Because so few people live in the CBD, urban areas are characterized by a high degree of


Sprawl is the

development of new housing sites not contiguous to the existing built-up area.

The underclass is characterized in part by high rates of

drug addiction.

Public transportation is better suited for commuting to the CBD primarily because

each traveler takes up less space.

Compared to the private automobile, public transportation offers more

energy efficiency.

The multiple nuclei theory best explains why different neighborhoods of a city attract people of different

ethnic origin.

The process of change in the use of a house, from single-family owner occupancy to abandonment, is


A process of converting a neighborhood from low-income to middle-class is


Compared to the United Kingdom, the amount of sprawl in the United States is


British cities are surrounded by open space known as


Metropolitan Statistical Areas

have populations of at least 50,000.

All three models of urban structure

help explain where different types of people live in an urban area. help explain why people live where they do in cities. depend on the use of data, like that of the US Census.

According to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearby


In U.S. cities, the underclass is clustered in...

inner-city neighborhoods.

Public housing is

low-income government-owned housing.

U.S. inner cities face fiscal problems because

low-income people are concentrated there.

According to U.S. law, when a family is forced by a city to relocate

moving expenses and rent increases are paid by the government.

A key piece of information that marketing geographers use to create segments is

multiple nuclei maps, obtained through the use of social area analysis. socio-economic data from the census.

Chicago is a good location in which to develop urban models because it is located

on a flat prairie.

Some employees of suburban businesses may suffer hardships because they do not

own automobiles.

People are attracted to suburbs in part because suburbs are characterized by

private land surrounding the house.

The purpose of busing in many U.S. suburbs is to

promote racially integrated schools.

The major exception to the decline in public transit is (the)

rapid transit.

A process by which banks designate an area within which they refuse to lend money for improvements is


To deal with the financial problems in some areas of the cities, American city governments

reduce services.

According to the concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of


Ramshackle houses on the periphery of cities in less developed countries are known as

squatter settlements.

In recent years, urban residents are more likely to shop in

suburban malls.

The largest percentage of the U.S. population lives in


Social area analysis attempts to explain

the distribution of different types of people in an urban area.

When the models of urban structure developed in Chicago are applied to Rio de Janeiro, one conclusion is that

the poorest people are located in different areas.

Housing deterioration can occur when

the rent a landlord collects becomes less than the needed maintenance costs. banks engage in redlining to ensure money isn't lent in a particular area.

The city plus its surrounding built-up suburbs is the

urbanized area.

The density gradient

usually shows a diminishing number of houses per unit of land as the distance from the city center increases. shows a gap in center cities due to the changing pattern of where people live in recent years now shows a reduction in the extremes of density between inner and outer areas found within cities.

The largest number of trips are made for


A legal form of segregation in U.S. cities is achieved through


True/False: Two adjacent MSAs with overlapping commuting patterns are combined into a consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA). A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: Urban populations have begun to rise in recent years in LDCs because of the migration of rural residents to the cities looking for jobs. A. True B. False

A. True

Colonial cities were characterized by which of the following? A. Wider streets and a lower population density B. Narrow streets and slum areas C. A grid-like pattern centering around a religious temple D. Sections set off for Christians, Jews, and foreigners E. Both A and C

A. Wider streets and a lower population density

Which of the following economic activities is most likely to be found in a city's central business district (CBD) ? A. An automobile dealership B. A transfer point for railroad freight cars C. An office tower D. A metal fabricating plant E. he production facility of a major textbook publisher

C. An office tower

Which model grows outward from a central area in a series of rings? A. Von Thunen's model B. Multiple-Nuclei model C. Concentric zone model D. Sector model

C. Concentric Zone model

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of living in the suburbs? A. Less crime and drug use. B. Better schools for families with children. C. Parking space and a yard. D. Stores, workplaces, and services within walking distance. E. The opportunity to own your own home.

D. Stores, workplaces, and services within walking distance.

Suburbs are segregated by A. Territory. B. Commercial activity. C. Social class. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

D. All of the above.

The percentage of urban dwellers is high in more developed countries because A. The need for fewer farm workers has pushed people out of rural areas. B. The increased percentage living in urban areas has produced a corresponding decrease in the percentage living in rural areas. C. Rural residents came to the city looking for work. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

D. All of the above.

The controversial process of middle-class people buying and renovating inner-city housing is called A. Transition. B. Suburbanization. C. Consolidation. D. Gentrification.

D. Gentrification.

What is a squatter settlement? A. Suburban areas in LDCs B. The peripheral zone in the Latin American city model C. Slums in inner cities such as Chicago D. Housing for poor migrants that contains very few services E. Another name for an edge city

D. Housing for poor migrants that contains very few services

The maximum distance people are willing to travel to obtain a central place function: A. Threshold B. Market area C. Order D. Range E. Maximum transport limit

D. Range

In the concetric zone model, which of the following is most likely to locate in the outermost ring? A. Industries and factories B. Squatter settlements C. Public housing D. Agricultural establishments E. Wealthy suburban homeowners

E. Wealthy suburban homeowners

the process by which the population of cities grow is called


The Central Business District is

attractive to consumer and business services for its accessibility. less important for retail because of changing shopping habits.

The percentage of urban dwellers in LDCs is rising due to people

looking for jobs in the cities

European CBDs are similar to those in North America because they both contain

retail and office activities.

Retail activities which tend to concentrate in the CBD include those which have

service for office workers.

In MDCs, about 75% live in

urban areas

There is an increase in the percentage of people

living in cities

In ____ London was by far the largest city in the world.


In LDCs, about __% live in urban areas


47% of the world's people lived in urban areas in


For the first time urban residents outnumbered rural residents in ____


The percentage of urban dwellers reached __% in ____

50 ... 2007

Before colonization, cities were centered around what primary structure? A. A religious core B. Central Business District C. The dwelling of the ruler D. Government buildings E. The tallest building

A. A religious core

Where is Megalopolis? A. Boston to Washington DC. B. Tokyo. C. Chicago to New York City. D. Greece. E. The Boswah Corridor.

A. Boston to Washington DC.

Of the four urban models discussed in the chapter, which was the oldest? A. Concentric Zone B. Latin American C. Multiple Nuclei D. Sector

A. Concentric Zone

Urban settlements can be physically defined in one of which three ways? A. Continuously built-up area B. Area over 50,000 population C. Education level of population D. All of the above E. None of the above

A. Continuously built-up area

Which of the following would have the smallest population? A. Hamlet B. Village C. Town D. City

A. Hamlet

Which of the following has most affected the development of suburbs in the United States? A. Popularity of the automobile B. Inexpensive and reliable electrical energy C. Computer technology and the internet D. High-speed rail transportation E. Access to regional airports

A. Popularity of the automobile

On what principle is the hierarchy of urban places primarily based? A. Population and their function and services B. Their size and situation C. The availability of customized services D. The dominance of a single downtown serving as the urban core E. The number of basic industries providing job opportunities

A. Population and their function and services

Which characteristic was not part of Louis Wirth's definition of a city? A. Socially homogeneous people B. Large size C. Socially heterogeneous people D. High population density E. All of the above D. None of the above

A. Socially homogeneous people

The minimum market size needed to support a central place function is called what? A. Threshold B. Range C. Balance D. Absolute minimum E. Hierarchy

A. Threshold

The Sector Model of urban structure recognizes the importance of what primary factor in the development of the city in the United States? A. Transportation B. Neighborhoods C. Industry D. Recreation

A. Transportation

True/False: A census tract is a part of an urbanized area that contains about 5,000 residents. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: A major reason for the existence of so many squatter settlements in the LDCs is related to a lack of jobs in the large urban areas. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: A peripheral model consists of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: According to the density gradient, the number of houses per unit of land diminishes as distance from the center city increases. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: Annexation is the process of legally adding land area to a city. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: Edge cities are nodes of consumer and business services. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: Filtering is the process of subdivision of houses and occupancy by successive waves of lower-income people. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: In the concentric zone model, a city grows outward from a central area in a series of concentric rings that are imprecise in size and width, but appear in all cities in the same order. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: MSAs comprise some 20 percent of total U.S. land area, compared to only 2 percent for urbanized areas. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: More than 95 percent of workers in developed societies hold "urban" types of jobs. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: Redlining is the process whereby banks identify areas in which they will refuse to loan money. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: Suburbanization makes people more dependent on transportation for access to work, shopping, and leisure activities. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: The U.S. Bureau of the Census and geodemographers measure the functional area of a city by its metropolitan statistical area (MSA). A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: The main distinguishing factor geographers look for between urban and rural areas is physical definitions. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: The major physical problem faced by inner-city neighborhoods in the United States is the poor condition of the housing stock, most of which was built before 1940. A. True B. False

A. True

True/False: The process by which middle-class people move into deteriorated inner-city neighborhoods and renovate the housing is known as gentrification. A. True B. False

A. True

This term refers to the process by which a city attracts tourists to come and visit, and then uses the money to pay for road improvements and other city expenses: A. Agglomeration B. Commercialization C. Gentrification D. Degglomeration E. Ghettoization

B. Commercialization

The term Urban Realm came into use to describe the spatial components of a metropolis of what decade? A. 1940's B. 1990's C. 1920's D. 1930's E. 1960's

B. 1990's

According to the Concentric Zone Model, the least residential urban space is the: A. Zone of Better Residences. B. CBD. C. Zone of Transition. D. Zone of Independent Workers' Homes. E. Commuter's Zone.


Outskirts are to towns, as _________ are to cities: A. Hinterlands B. Villages C. Microdistricts D. Hamlets E. Suburbs

E. Suburbs

Land value: A. Increases as distance from CBD increases B. Decreases as distance from CBD increases C. Decreases as density increases D. Has no relationship to distance from CBD E. Is highest in rural areas near sewage treatment plants

B. Decreases as distance from CBD increases

True/False: A bank is not required to demonstrate that inner-city neighborhoods within its service area receive any loan money. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: About 80 percent of Americans now live in the suburbs. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: An MSA is an almost perfect tool for measuring the functional area of a city. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: Seven of the ten most populous urban areas are in MDCs. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: The concentric zone model develops in a series of sectors, with certain areas of the city more attractive for various activities than others. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: The sector model is a radical restatement of city formation. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: The term city defines an urban settlement not necessarily incorporated into an independent unit. A. True B. False

B. False

True/False: When they conquered cities in the New World, European conquerors preserved established pre-colonial city patterns. A. True B. False

B. False

Where is urbanization occurring most rapidly? A. East Asia B. LDCs C. South America D. North East Europe E. MDCs


Which model states that a city is a complex structure that includes more than one center around which activities revolve? A. Concentric B. Multiple Nuclei C. None of the above D. All of the above E. Sector

B. Multiple Nuclei

What are greenbelts? A. Parks created in the inner city to decrease pollution. B. Rings of open space surrounding European cities like London to combat sprawl. C. The loop around the edge of Harris' peripheral model. D. Corridors of agricultural land within suburban areas. E. Eco-friendly subway lines in central cities.

B. Rings of open space surrounding European cities like London to combat sprawl.

A city is a/an... A. Center of services. B. Urban settlement that is self-governing. C. CBD and surrounding suburbs. D. Center of an MSA. E. Geographic area with a high density of people.

B. Urban settlement that is self-governing.

Unlike cities in the United States, poor people in Latin American cities tend to live: A. in the CBD. B. in the suburbs. C. in the Zone of Transition. D. along the major transportation corridor to the center city.

B. in the suburbs.

8 of the 10 most populous cities are in LDCs, which are...

Buenos Aires, Delhi, Dhaka, Jakarta, Kolkata, Mexico City, Mumbai, and Sao Paulo

Which of the following is not true about urbanization? A. Urbanization is the process by which cities grow. B. The percentage of urban population has recently exceeded the percentage of rural population for the first time in human history. C. Higher numbers of people moving into cities indicate a high level of development. D. Urban settlements typically have a wide variety of cultural and ethnic influences. E. 8 of the 10 most populated cities in the world are in LDCs.

C. Higher numbers of people moving into cities indicate a high level of development.

What does MSA stand for? A. Monroe Standard Analysis B. Micropolitan Statistical Area C. Metropolitan Statistical Area D. Majority Standard Area

C. Metropolitan Statistical Area

The rapid growth of cities in the LDCs is a reversal of the historical trend in Western Europe and North America because A. This represents a measure of an improved level of development. B. Job opportunities are fueling migration from rural to urban areas. C. Most of the growth in the urban population results from high natural increases. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

C. Most of the growth in the urban population results from high natural increases.

All of the following account for the success of modern urban centers except: A. Their external location attributes. B. Their relative location with reference to non-local places. C. The physical qualities of the areas they occupy. D. Their distance from other urban centers. E. Their relatively easy access to other places.

C. The physical qualities of the areas they occupy.

What is one major difference between suburban areas in the US and Europe? A. US suburban areas are on the outskirts of cities, European suburban areas form independently of cities. B. Us suburban areas do not typically have access to public transport, European suburban areas enjoy access to buses and subways. C. US suburban areas enjoy relatively low crime rates and good schools, European suburban areas have more crime and poorer schools than in the cities. D. US suburban areas are clustered in segregated developments, European suburban areas are dispersed along the beltway. E. There is no difference between the two.

C. US suburban areas enjoy relatively low crime rates and good schools, European suburban areas have more crime and poorer schools than in the cities.

Which statement best characterizes a feature of the concentric zone model of urban development? A. Multi-metropolitan complex is formed by the coalescence of two or more major urban areas B. Urban growth conforms to sectors radiating out from the downtown along such transportation routes as bus and train lines C. The city is organized into groupings of specialized activities (e.g. housing districts, shopping areas, port facilities) D. The CBD is the focus of the city's social, commercial, and civic life. E. City growth is haphazard following no particular design or predictable formula of development

D. The CBD is the focus of the city's social, commercial, and civic life.

Chicago's CBD (Central Business District) is known as which of the following? A. The Skyline B. Business Central C. Wall Street D. The Loop E. Favela

D. The Loop

What was Louis Wirth's contribution to the study of urban patterns? A. Wirth designed the concentric zone model. B. Wirth designed the Latin American city model. C. Wirth studied and created patterns for suburban areas. D. Wirth created three ways to identify an urban area. E. Wirth was the mayor of Los Angeles, and he created new systems of public transport.

D. Wirth created three ways to identify an urban area.

What characteristic best describes Europe's pre-industrial cities? A. Poorly organized B. Unsanitary C. Overcrowded D. Uncomfortable E. All of the above

E. All of the above

What serves as nodes of a multiple nuclei model? A. Neighborhood business centers B. Airports C. Universities D. Hospitals E. All of the above F. None of the above

E. All of the above

A major reason why differences between urban and rural lifestyles have narrowed is A. Cellular phones. B. Television. C. Automobiles. D. Telephone. E. All of the above. D. None of the above.

E. All of the above.

Where would the information come from to make effective use of the three models? A. Nine-digit zip codes B. State records C. County records D. Five-digit zip codes E. Census tracts of the census bureau

E. Census tracts of the census bureau

Which element is not present in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)? A. A population of at least 50,000 B. Adjacent counties in which at least 15 percent of the residents work in the central city's county C. The country within which the city is located D. All of the above E. None of the above

E. None of the above

In order to be considered a Primary MSA, an MSA must meet which criterion? A. Within one county, at least 60 percent of the residents must work in nonfarm jobs. B. It contains at least one county with a population of more than 100,000. C. Less than 50 percent of the county's workers commute to jobs outside the county. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

A major reason why gentrified inner-city neighborhoods attract middle-class individuals is A. Gentrified areas appeal to alternative lifestyles, singles, and couples without children. B. Little or no commuting to work. C. Tax breaks and low-cost loans are available for gentrification. D. Housing may be cheaper with more square footage and less upkeep. E. Proximity to cultural, recreational, and other entertainment facilities located nearby. F. All of the above.

F. All of the above.

NYC and Tokyo are the only highly populated cities not located in...


What activity tends to locate on the street-level floor of a skyscraper in a typical North American CBD?


True/False: The definition of an urbanized area has limited applicability because it does not accurately reflect the full influence that an urban settlement has in contemporary society.


The zone in transition in U.S. cities typically contains which of the following?

Warehouses Gentrified buildings Public housing

An example of the "vertical geography" of a CBD is

a barber shop on the bottom floor of a building, an accounting firm occupying the middle floor, and a group of condos on the top floor.

as recently as 1800, only 3% of earth's population lived in cities, and only _______ has more than 1 million people


The area of the city where retail and office activities historically were clustered was the

central business district.

urbanization has increased in the number of people living in


Land values are high in the CBD primarily because of

competition for limited space.

As a result of high land costs, the American CBD is characterized by

construction of skyscrapers.

advantages of public transportation

less congestion, less pollution = more people on one vehicle can travel longer, less gas needed

The percentage of urban dwellers is higher in MDCs because people have migrated to work in the

factories and suburbs

The CBD attracts offices primarily because of its

high accessibility.

A land use typically excluded from a North American CBD is


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