AP Human Geography Chapter 2 Review Sheet Population Bramlett Rubinstein

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What part of the world has the LOWEST life expectancy?


What cluster of population regions has the world's largest concentration of people?

Asia and Europe

What is the best rate of population geographers use to study fertility?

Crude birth rate

What does CBR mean? What is the definition?

Crude birth rate The total number of live births per year per 1,000 people in a society

Name the 4 regions human beings avoid. (Key Issue 2.1)

Dry Lands Wet Lands Cold Lands High Lands

Be able to name all of the population clusters in the world today. (Key Issue 2.1)

East Asia , South Asia southeast Asia western Europe, west Africa and northern North America

What has been the most lethal epidemic in most recent years?


The annual number of deaths under 1 year of age, compared to the total live births is?

Infant mortality rate

MDCs that moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the DTM was because of a 200 year transition period. What was so important during that 200 year period?

Invention of new technology (industrial revolution)

What is the main reason for declining natural increase rates in LDCs today?

Limited healthcare , food, and resources

The diffusion of medical practices, especially to LDCs in the 19th century, has been called _______________________ _____________________?

Medical revolution

In which stage of the DTM can the highest NIRs be found?

Stage 2

Be able to fill in the DTM chart with characteristics describing each stage in the demographic transition model (CBR, CDR, NIR, etc.). Characterize the amount of growth of each stage (high, low, stable, etc.)

Stages of the Demographic Transition Model 1 No country in stage 1 2 High birth rates, but death rates decline; growth not from increase in births, but from decline in deaths gambia 3 Birth rates decline sharply and death rates decline a bit more; growth still occurs, but at a reduced and declining rate mexico 4 Birth and death rates both low; population growth very low or zero denmark

Know the Thomas Malthus Chart (all three parts)

Thomas Malthus human populations grow exponentially while food production grows at an arithmetic rate said human need to not have any more kids or have wars, natural disasters, or diseases to wipe out the population Neo-Malthusians population growth is exponential and that human population growth can easily outstrip its food resources if not held in check with artificial birth control measures Critics of Malthus Malthus's pessimistic conclusions have not been borne out by the history of Western European countries Large population could stimulate economic growth More people = more jobs

what is the purpose of a population pyramid?

To see age and gender in regions in a bar graph

Thomas Malthus said food resources would not keep up with the rate of population increase. In the past half-century, what has actually happened to the rate of food production?

actual food production has been much higher than Malthus predicted

Land suited for agriculture is __________________.

arable land

What is the world's most populated country


What are two strategies that have been used in reducing birthrates?

contraception and improved economic development to create jobs.

What does NIR mean? What is the definition?

natural increase rate,the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths occurring in a year

What was the final conclusion of Thomas Malthus's theory when it comes to population increase and food production?

the world's rate of population increase was higher than the development of food supplies.

The average number of births women bear in their lifetimes is ________________ ____________ _______________.

total fertility rate

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