AP Human Geography Chapter 4

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When did Pop music originate?

As we know it, Popular Music originated around 1900.

Which of the following statements about folk sports is NOT true?

Australian rules football grew out of American football culture.

Olympic sports

To be included in summer olympics, must be widely done but at least 75 countries and on four continents. 2016 Olympic has 28 sports. Two leading teams in US (American football and baseball) are not included

Popular Culture

Found in large, heterogenous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics. The scale of pop culture is usually much larger that hat of a folk culture.

What contrasts Pop music from Folk music?

Pop music is often written by a known individual for the purpose of being sold or listened to by a big audience or large group of people.

foods to crave or avoid (folk)

in folk, certain foods are eaten because of natural properties are perceived to enhance qualities considered desirable by society -adipone in Paraguay eat jaguars and bulls to be strong and brave. They believe eating hens or tortoises make them cowards -ainu in japan don't eat otters because they think they are forgetful animals -mbum kpau women in chad do not eat chicken or got before pregnant (abstaining from eating these thought to help escape child pain and abnormalities. Also avoid antelopes to avoid deformities of children)

wine production environmental factors (popular)

spatial distribution of wine demonstrates enviro effecting distribution of popular food customs. Distinctive character of a wine derives from a vineyard terroir (unique combo of *soil, climate, and other physical characteristics* where grapes grow)

Transit maps of Popular music

subway lines represent styles of popular music and interchanges represent individuals who cross over between two styles Ex Kanye west places at interchange of hip hop and soul

Controversy of tradition clothing in popular culture country

wearing tradition in popular, and wearing popular in folk regions can be controversial. Especially difficult has been the existence of the loose fitting combo body, head, and veil traditionally worn by women in southwest asia and north africa with causal western style w popular women clothing (like open neck blouses, tight slacks, and revealing skirts) loose fitting combo garmet called things like burqa and chador is typically worn by women following traditional folk customs in Southwest Asia and North Africa. Women here discourage adopting western clothes, while men many prefer western suits, especially if they occupy positions of leadership European countries like France and Beligium, prohibit women from wearing burqa in public. Some leaders here have argued traditional clothes hide face and body which show unacceptable treatment of women as second class

Which of the following scenarios best describes folk culture?

woman performing dance learned from mother (not kids playing a game of soccer together)

Origin of socket

Folk culture Soccer origin obscure like other folk. Earliest document in England in 11th century. After danish invasion of England between 1018 and 1042 where workers digging a building site found a danish head and they kicked it (one got idea of using inflated cow bladder) Early football games resembled mob scenes. Winning side was one that kicked ball into center of rival village. 12 century started w standardized rules, name of football, and smaller vacant areas.

How is Folk Culture spread or diffused throughout other areas?

Folk culture is mainly spread through physical movement or migration of an individual.

Which of the following is NOT an example of the development of a folk clothing style?

Fur-lined parkas in a Mediterranean climate

US folk housing

older US housed show folk culture traditions. These housings show popular custom very more in time than place. IN contrast, w folk housing of 1800's, newer housing in US was built to reflect rapid changing fashion w most suitable house form when fams migrated west in 17 and 1800's they cut trees to clear fields for planting and use woods. The style of home reflected whatever style was prevailing at the place on east coast from which they migrated.

For a sport to be considered a Summer Olympic sport, all of the following criteria must be met EXCEPT a __________. sport must not have any other worldwide tournaments women's sport must be practiced in at least 50 countries sport can have both women's and men's teams men's sport must be practiced in at least 75 countries sport must be widely practiced on at least four continents

sport must not have any other worldwide tournaments

why TV remains important for pop culture

1. most important leisure activity in the world. Avg human 3.1 hours per day, and average american 4.6 hours 2. TV most important mechanism in which pop culture like pro sport, rapidly diffuse across Earth

ways tech is delivered to viewers has changed

2006-2013 share of viewers around the world receiving programs through air declined 44-33 percent. cable increased from 33-37 percent, satellite increased 20-26 percent,and internet increased from 1-5 percent So air declined cable increase satellite increase internet increase

1995 internet diffusion

40 mil internet worldwide, (25 mil in US and internet not yet reached most countries) *all of internet diffusion similar to TV diffusion a generation earlier, but much more rapidly*


A repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that it becomes a characteristic of the *group*, such as many students typically wearing jeans to class Habitat widely adopted by a group of people Custom can denote a specific element of material culture like wearing jeans; culture refers to a group of an entire collection of customs


A repetitive act that a particular *individual* performs, such as wearing jeans to class every day. Unlike custom, habit does not imply that the act has been adopted by most of the society's population

Which of the following is an example of how regional politics have affected the sales of popular foods around the world?

After the fall of the Soviet Union, many citizens in ex-Soviet states switched to drinking Coca-Cola.

Folk music

Chinese legend says music invented in 2697 BC when bamboo piles were cut matching Phoenix call. However folk music usually originate anonymous and transmit verbal Songs may modify through generations but content is often from daily lives most people are familiar w. As people travel folk music travels w them They tell dories and convey info about life cycle events or environmental features (death, marriage etc; climate etc). Vietnam most people are subsistence farmers, so info about agricultural tech shown through folk song. Can provide advise between difference between planting seeds in winter and summer. Vietnam festivals feature music in locally meaningful enviro settings like rivers or hills. Singers in traditional clothes sing about daily life When folk songs are written out, similar themes emerge even if enviro info displayed is different.

According to Chinese legend, when was music invented?

Chinese legend states that music originated in 2697 B.C. when Emperor Huang Ti sent Ling Lun to cut bamboo poles that produced a sound matching the call of the phoenix bird. Although, folk music is usually created anonymously and transmitted orally.

Culture definition and elements of culture focused on this chapter

Culture is the body of material traits, customary beliefs, and social forms that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people Ch4 focuses on the material traits of culture - visible elements a group possesses and leaves behind for the future (collection of social customs produce a groups material culture)


Culture originated at hearth (center of innovation) Folk usually anonymous hearths and sources (also may have many hearths originating independent in isolated locations) Popular usually developed (NA and Europe). Typically tradable to certain person or Corp in particular place. Ex) popular music originated about 1900. Europe and NA at the time big into the a variety show (musical entertainment) called music hall in U.K. and vaudeville in the US. Music industry called tin pan valley made in NY to provide songs to these musical shows Popular music and other elements of pop culture like food and clothes come from combo of advance in industrial tech and increases leisure time. Industrial tech permit large scale production of a lot of leisure time objects. Increase widespread change in labor force from agriculture to service and manufacturing jobs.

Two components of culture focused in this chapter

Daily necessities: Food clothing and shelter. All people must consume food wear clothing and find shelter but different cultural groups do so in different ways Leisure activities: Art and recreation. Each cultural group has its own definition of art and stimulating recreation Observed distributions can be seen by comparing these things. Habit distinguished from custom shows how culture influences behavior

Pro sports and modern pop culture

Despite diversity in distribution of sports and anonymous origin of some, organized spectators today are part of popular culture. Common element in pro sports is willingness of people throughout world to pay for privilege if viewing, in person or TV, events played by pros

Exporting of association football

First to continental Europe than other countries like Netherlands - returning Dutch students to the U.K. were first to play in continental Europe late 1870. Spain - miner in Bilbao adopted sport in 1893 after seeing it played by English engineers working there. Russia - English manager of textile factory near Moscow organized teams at factory in 1887 and advertised in London for workers who could play. After Russian revolution both factory and its football team were absorbed into soviet electric trade unit. The team renamed dynamo became countries first famous football team British further diffused through British empire, and later through radio and tv. World Cup shows popularity (plays every four years. Thank to tv each final breaks records for more views if any event ever)


Folk is translated one to another slower and on a smaller scale through relocation diffusion. Spread of popular follows hierarchical usually diffusing rapidly and extensively from hearths or modes of innovation w help of modern communications American popular music worldwide began in 1940's when armed forces radio network broadcast music to soldiers and citizens where Americans were stationed fighter in WWII. In late twentieth western dance diffused rapidly from US to Europe like Detroit's techno (influenced by soul gospel and ultimately Africa folk music) and Chicago's home music (influenced by hip hop emerging in NY and other urban areas which diffused from drunk jazz and again African folk music

What do Folk songs convey?

Folk songs tell a story or convey information about daily activities (ex. farming, life-cycle events like birth, death, etc.) or mysterious activities like storms and earthquakes. Folk culture is not made for everyone, but to a certain group of people who will understand what the song is talking about.

Hearths of house types- US folk housing

Fred Kniffen identified 3 major hearths of housing folk forms in US... -*middle Atlantic*- principle house known as I house (usually two full stories, one room deep and two rooms wide). Middle Atlantic migrants carried house type southwest along Appalachian trails. -*lower Chesapeake/Tidewater*- one story, steep roof, chimney at either end. Migrants spread these from Chesapeake bay/tidewater, Virginia, areas along the southeast coast. Wet areas on coast have house raised on peers or brick foundations. -*new England*- box shaped w central hall. found in great lakes as far west as Wisconsin bc area settled primarily by new England settlers. folk housing still seen in US in older surviving houses from 19th century

Where and when did Hip Hop music originate?

Hip Hop is a more recent form of Pop music that originated in South Bronx, New York during the 1970s.

Where are popular musicians attracted to increasingly

Large clusters To have better access to agencies that book live performances which become increasingly important compared to recording. Nearly all of musical festivals that attract the high attendance are in Europe and US

Origin and diffusion of popular sports : soccer

Like many sports, it arises as a folk custom and were diffused through migration of immigrants (originated as a folk custom in England during eleventh century) Transformed into a part of global popular culture beginning in 19th century

Which of the following statements is the best description of the development of folk housing?

Local customs and environmental factors play the major roles in the development of folk housing.

4 surviving folk sports

Most other sports diffused less than soccer. Cultural groups have own preferred sports often unknown to others elsewhere. Like... Cricket- popular in U.K. and previous British colonies (especially in South Asia, South Pacific, and Caribbean islands) Wushu- martial art of kicking and jumping w combat like striking and wrestling are China's most popular sports Baseball- once confined to NA became popular in Japan after introduced to American soldiers who occupied japan after WWII Australia rules football- sports district from soccer and football played in NA. distinctive soccer developed in Australia and US and Canada bc of lack of interaction among sporting nations during 1800's

Folk housing styles in the United States have been linked to three distinct hearths or nodes. Which of the following is NOT an example of one of the nodes of U.S. folk housing culture? Middle Atlantic, the "I" house that is typically two stories New England, box-shaped with a central hall New England, two rooms deep with central fireplaces Lower Chesapeake, one story with chimneys at either end Lower Chesapeake, raised on piers or brick foundations

New England, two rooms deep with central fireplaces


Pop culture distributed widely with little regard for physical (influenced by ability of people to access material). Principle obstacle is lack of income to purchase material Folk is a combo of local physical and cultural factors influencing distinction distributions Ex) study of artistic customs in Himalayas show distinctive views of physical environments emerge among neighboring groups that are isolated. Tibetan Buddhist in north, Hindus in south, Muslim in west and southeast Asian animists in east. Despite spatial proximity limited interaction between them makes distinctive folk cultures. Choices of subjects of painting in each group mirrors religion and I social views of groups environment Distribution of artistic subjects in Himalayas show folk are influenced by cultural institutions like religion and enviro like climate Landforms and vegetation. These groups show similar uniqueness in dance music and crafts and architecture

What type of culture is more widespread than the other?

Popular Culture is much more widespread than Folk Culture.

rapid diffusion of popular clothing styles

Popular clothing habits have little regard for the climate or topography of an area. popular clothing habits reflect -occupation (lawyer for ex have darker suits and necktie, while factory worker wears jeans and a work shirt. Lawyer more likely to dress like a lawyer in cali than a factory worker in NY) -income (women's clothes change on year to the next. Color, shape, design, of dresses change to intimate pieces made by clothing designers. People w high income may update wardrobe frequently) improved communication allowed rapid clothing diffusion. (something created in Milan, Paris, or NY are reproduced in large amounts at factories in NA and Europe chain stores. Speed essential for copying dresses because fashion taste change so fast) Years could elapse from time of original dress to be displayed, to the time inexpensive products are available in stores. Now time lag is only few weeks because of tech. Buyers can place orders online, and sketches can be sent from Europe designers to American HQ's and then Asian factories

Diffusion of soccer

Popular culture Transformation from folk to popular began in 1800's where football and other teams were founded in U.K. frequently by churches to provide leisure hours to factory workers. Sports became a taught subject in school Increase leisure time permit people to view and ya. High income could have people pay for first class events. Football hired pros to meet demand and British clubs formed association in 1863 standardizing rules (marks transition to popular)

Which statement best describes popular music?

Popular music is written by individuals, who sell or use the music in public performances.

Regional folk housing in the United States stemmed from three nodes in New England, the Middle Atlantic, and the Lower Chesapeake. Today regional housing has diminished in popularity. Which two factors have been the causes of this decline?

Rapid communication and corporate-built housing

US popular housing

Since the mid 20th century Regional distinctiveness has diminished because rapid communication and transportation systems provide people throughout the country with knowledge of alternative styles most don't build houses they live in. Usually mass produced houses houses show influence of shapes, materials, detailing, and other features of architectural style in vogue at any one point in time. After WWII, most houses were modern. Since 1960, style that architects call neoeclectic have predominated

What is the world's most popular sport? Why do think so?

Soccer, or Football (outside of North America), is the most popular sport world wide. one reason that soccer is very popular is because it is a sport that does not require a lot of resources or expenses to be made for things such as equipment and clothing, so countries and people who cannot afford expensive training or stadiums can also participate in the sport.

Where do social customs originate?

Social customs originate at a hearth, a center of innovation. Some customs may have multiple hearths.

regional differences within the US (popular)

Some leading franchised fast food shows regional variations. Ex) dunkin popular in northeast and krispy kreme in the south east, white castle in the Midwest and in and out burger in the southwest. Americans can choose specific things bc of preference for what is produced, grown, or imported locally like.... -wine high in cali where more of the US production is and beer is low here. Beer and spirits drinking is higher in upper Midwest where much of the grain is grown. Consumption of wine low here, bc of few grapes -southerners prefer pork rinds bc more hogs are raised there and northerners may prefer popcorn bc of more corn there also cultural backgrounds affect amount and types of alcohol and snack consumption -utah has low alcohol bc of Mormons. Nevada however next door has high alcohol consumption bc of heavy concentrations of gambling and other activities. Alcohol relates to religious backgrounds and partially to income and advertising. -Texans prefer tortilla chips bc of large Hispanics there. Westerners prefer multigrain chips bc of greater concern for nutrition *geographers can't explain most of regional food variations. Variations in US are less significant that differences between the US and developed countries in Africa and Asia*

Hindus art

South Hindus Crate scenes of everyday life and familiar local scenes. Sometimes show diety in a domestic scene and frequently represent the regions violent and extreme climatic conditions

most important media format

TV (notably radio and telegraph during 20th century). 21st century other formats became popular but not yet seen worldwide TV has diffused from NA and Europe to other world regions

Popular music is often created by individuals in developed countries in recording studios owned by music corporations. Which of the following statements regarding the locations of popular music production in the United States and Canada is true?

The United States has large centers of popular music creation in some smaller, regional cities because of historic music trends.

sacred places in houses

distinction form of folk houses may derive from religious values or beliefs rather than enviro. Houses may have sacred walls or corners (Java for example has from door always facing south, the direction of south sea goddess). (Eastern wall in Fiji is sacred; same w northwest wall in china) (sacred corners in middle east, India, and africa) Madagascar has main door west which is seen as most important direction and the northeast corner is sacred. north wall is for worshiping ancestors. Important guests enter a room from the north and are seared against the northern wall. The bed places against eastern wall, head facing north lao people arrange bed perpendicular to center of house. People sleep so heads will be opposite to neighbors heads and feet will be match with feet bc head is noble and feet is vulgar (exception: child who builds house next door to his or her parents sleep with their head towards parents feet as sign of obeying) lao don't orient house same as people in nearby thailand. Yuan and Shan ignore position of neighbors and all sleep w heads east (Buddhist see it as best direction). Staircase must not face west (the worst direction) bc its death and evil.

food taboos

everything in nature shows a distinctive characteristics based on appearance and natural props. People may desire or avoid certain foods in response to perceived good or bad natural traits. people refuse certain foods thought to have negative forces in enviro (this restriction imposed by social custom is food taboo). Other social customs like sexual preferences carry prohibitions, but taboos very strong in food. Some folk cultures establish these taboos bc of enviro concern. These taboos could help w endangered species (only few high rankers can hunt while majority make crops) or scarce natural resources.

Folk food customs and the environment

folk preferences effected by availability of products, but people do not simply eat what is available in their enviro. Food preferences strongly influenced bu culture traditions. What is eaten establishes social, religious, and ethnic memberships. food habits embedded strongly in enviro. Human eat mostly plants and animals. People living in a region must consider soil, climate, and other things of enviro in deciding to produce particular foods.

Wine production cultural factors (popular)

grapes can be grown in a lot of places, but production is based on cultural values (both from past and today). Wine distribution shows diffusion of popular customs depends less on distinctive enviro than on presence of beliefs, institutions and material traits conducive to accepting those customs. Wine made more in places good at making it, where people can afford it, and wear people drink it more.

Jean Brunhes

he was a major contributor to cultural landscape tradition viewed housing as being essential facts of human geo. It is a product of both cultural tradition and natural conditions. Fred Kniffen considered house to be a good refection of cultural heritage, fashion, needs, and enviro impact French geographer, claimed housing is the essential fact of Human Geography


if available it is usually preferred bc it is easy to be built with. IN past, pioneers built log cabins for themselves. Today, people in developed buy lumber that has been cut by machine into needed shapes (cut lumber used to erect frame and sheets of wood are attached)

clothing preferences

in folk, people usually wear traditional clothes in response to distinction agricultural practices and conditions. Popular clothing usually reflects occupations rather than specific environments people wear folk for variety of enviro and cultural reasons. folk in Netherlands wearing wooden shoes have practical wet climate use. in arctic, fur line boots help snow (don't sink in). Warm climates not need any footwear if heavy rain and time spend in water discourages show use. Religious belief can also influence clothing preferences

popular food culture: differences among countries

in pop in america, food preferences seem far removed from folk traditions. Popular food preferences more influenced more by culture values than enviro, but still some regional variations can be observed and enviro influences remain important in select areas. Coke and Pepsi are similar yet some prefer one over the other. Coke accounts for more than one half of world soda shares and pepsi is 1/4. Cola is sales leader in most western hemisphere (principle exception is canada where pepsi is preferred bc of advertising uniquely tied to them). Cola preferences influenced by politics in russia. (w communism govt officials made a deal w pepsi to allow that cola be sold in soviet union). w breakup of soviet union and end of commi, cola entered russia market and quickly switched so they wouldn't be associated w past commi preferences. In southwest asia, religion influenced cola preferences (Muslim boycotted products sold in Jewish Israel). Since coke but not pepsi was sold in Israel, in most of Israel's neighbors, Pepsi was preferred.

travel and clothing preferences

increased travel and media movement exposed NA and Europe to other clothes, like people in other parts of world have come in contact with western dress. Ex) poncho from south america, dashiki from Nigeria, and aleut parka have been adopted by people around the world The continued use of folk customs in some part of the world may not persist bc of distinctive enviro conditions or traditions but to preserve past memories or to attract tourists

Soccer (football) is an example of a folk sport that has become a popular sport. All of the following are ways that soccer has diffused around the world EXCEPT __________.

indigenous populations spreading soccer among towns as a means of meeting one another

kashgar, turpan, yincuan, dunhuand

kashgar- second floor open air patios where breezes can be felt. popular plants planted around house bc village has a river that is constantly flowing rather than seasonal as in this case in much of china's dry lands. Trees provide shade in summer and sun openings in winter turpan- small open courtyards for social. Situated deep in valley w little open land (much used for raisons). Second story patio, use less land, but are avoided because of strong winds yincuan- houses built around large, open air courtyards w trees providing shade. most are Muslims who see courtyards as private. Adobe bricks are square and not rectangles. dunhuand- housed have walled central courtyards covered w grape arbors. Free air movement but shade from direct sun. sloped roof for rain runoff (influenced by their closeness to pop centers in eastern china which also have sloped roofs)

Foods and the Environment (folk)

people adapt food preferences on enviro conditions. In asia, rice is grown in milder more moist regions. wheat thrives in cold and dry. in Europe, traditional preferences for quick frying food in italy resulted from fuel shortages. Northern europe, has a lot of wood to encourage slow stewing and roasting over fire (also giving home warmth in cold regions). soybeans (excellent protein source), are widely grown in asia. Raw they are toxic and uneatable. Lengthy cooks makes them edible, but fuel is scarse is asia. Asians have adapted to enviro challenge by deriving from soybeans foods not needed a lot of cooking and fuel. (bean sprouts, soy sauce, etc)

roman empire influence on modern wine

social custom of win in mucho of france and italy extends back at least to roman empire. Wine consumption declined after fall of rome where many vineyards were destroyed. Medieval Europe preserved the traditions. Wine became very popular again in recent centuries as well as in western hemisphere which was colonized by Europeans. Vineyards now usually owned privately by people or corps rather than religious. wine production discouraged in regions dominated by christians, hindus and muslims. This wine production is low in middle east (not israel) and southern asia bc of culture values (religion)

Which of the following likely would NOT be a theme found in a traditional folk song?

the expansion of a country's territory

topography of wine production

vineyards are planted on hillsides if possible to max sunlight exposure to facilitate drainage. A sit near lake or river is desirable bc water can temper extremes of temp

climate in wine production

vineyards best cultivated in climates of moderate cold and rain winters and long hot summers. Hot sunny weather is necessary in summer for fruit to properly mature where winter is preferred season for rain bc plant diseases cause fruit to rot more in active hot, humid weather.

Where and when did Soccer originate?

Soccer originated in eleventh century England.

Buddhist art subjects

North Buddhists Paint idealized divine figures like monks and saints. Some look terrifying reflecting inhospitable enviro

soil of wine production

grapes can grow in variety of soils but best wine comes from well drain and course soils (not really fertile for other crops)

4 stages of TV diffusion

*Early 20th century: Multiple Hearths* TV tech simultaneously started in UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Soviet Union, and also US (though early broadcasting the US held a near monopoly) *Mid 20th century: US dominates* 1954 first year UN published data on the subject (US has 86% of world tv sets) *Late 20th century: Diffusion to Europe* Share in world's sets owned in US declined to 1/4. . Still in 1970's half of world countries like in Africa and Asia had little to no TV *Early 21st century: Near universal access* 2005, ownership climbed sharply in developed diminishing international differences

Animist art

Animist from Myanmar and elsewhere in Southeast Asia who have migrated to eastern region of the study area, paint symbols and designs that derive from their religion rather than from the local enviro.

What did King Henry II do because of disrupted football

Banned game from England later 12th century. Not legalized until king James I. At this point football was folk rather than global popular

Which statement is the best argument for continued use of the Muslim veil or head covering in public?

Banning the veil infringes upon women's religious freedom and rights.

What became the international language for Poplar music?

English. Often foreign artists from places such as Japan, Europe, and Russia perform in English.

Folk clothing consists of traditional garments worn in individual societies. What is the most common barrier of access to popular clothing?

Individuals need a high level of income to wear popular clothing.

Soccer work origination

Name started after 1863 when supported former football association (association shorted to assoc and became twisted to soccer). Soccer and association football helped distinguish game from rugby which allows kicking (originated in 1823 when football players picked up balls and ran w them)

How are folk foods different from popular foods?

Terroir is taken into consideration in the growing of folk foods, unlike popular foods.

What must be taken into consideration when building a folk house?

The compass directions associated with various deities

When did American Pop music first diffuse to the world?

The diffusion of American Pop music world wide began in earnest of World War II, when the Armed Forces Radio Network broadcast music to American Soldiers and to citizens of the places where the American Soldiers were stationed or fighting.

Folk Culture

Traditionally practiced by small, homogenous groups living in isolated rural areas. Usually covers a smaller area than pop culture. Each social custom has a unique spatial distribution but in general distribution is more extensive for popular culture than folk.

How culture follows migration discussions

Two locations have similar culture beliefs, objects and institution because people bring culture when they migrate. Differences emerge when two groups have limited interactions Ex a group living in one mountainous area may have little connection w people living in mountains like Himalayas

country w most TV today

US average american male 7 hours leisure time on weekend in 2010, and TV watching hours took up 51 percent of the time. Women spend 6 hours leisure watching tv 49 percent of the time not all countries watch the same sports; sports most pop program in NA; reality shows in most Europe and China, fiction in South Asia, and news in Russia.

New types of popular music clusters

W globalization musicians less tied to culture of particular places and more clustered in communities where other creative artist reside regardless of style (ex NYC and LA bringing a lot of wife variety of singers). Nashville also leading musician center like country and gospel. They have concentration of musicians when the number is compared to smaller pops than in NYC and LA

Muslims art

Western Muslims Show beautiful plants and flowers because Muslim faith prohibits displaying animate objects in art. In contrast with nudist and Hindu paintings, these paintings don't depict harsh climatic conditions.

Which of the following is true regarding the consumption of ethnic foods?

What a person eats is highly related to the social, religious, and cultural groups to which they belong.

Popular music

Written by specific individuals for the purpose of being sold to a large number of people. Frequently displays high technical skill through use of electronic equipment Popular musicians have more connections w singers of similar styles no matter where they live than w people who had diff styles who are closer Popular music is a world map. Types represented by countries and musicians as places within. 'Countries' closer have similar styles. Most important musicians shown on world map where zooming in shows less important musicians in 'countries' Musicians cluster in particular places according to shared interest in particular styles (country in Nashville, etc)

hindu taboos (folk)

against consuming cattle can also be enviro explained. Cows are source of oxen, the traditional choice for plowing and carts. A large supply of oxen maintain india fields in which religious sanctions kept india's cattle pop large as form of insurance against loss of oxen and increasing pop not only enviro among these people but also social values influence values bc people in similar climates and with similar income consume diff foods. Biblical food taboos established to set Hebrew people apart from others. Christians ignoring bible food reflects their want to be different from Jews. As a universal religion, Christianity is less tied to taboos that originated in the Middle East

bible and muslim food taboos

ancient hebrews in bible prohibited from eating a lot of food like animals that don't chew cud or have cloven feet and fish lacking fins or scales. These taboos kinda bc enviro concern by hebrews who lived in nomad lands. The pig for ex is prohibited bc its meat spoils in their hot enviro's. These biblical taboos developed through oral traditions by rabis into kosher laws seen today Muslims embrace taboos against pork bc pigs are unsuited for dry lands where they live. Pigs would compete w humans for resources. Widespread pig raising would be an ecological disaster

foods from a garden: the bostans of istanbul (folk)

bostans (small gardens in istanbul, turkey) has been supplying cities w fresh things for hundreds of years (almost 1000 bostans run primarily by immigrants in Cide). Bostan farmers are able to max yields from their plots of land through efficient use of space, seasons, and resources. 15 to 20 diff types of vegetables planted diff times of year, where choice varies year to year to reduce damage from poor weather. Most work done by older men who operate motor equipment. Women weed and both men and women harvest

3 important necessities in material culture

clothing food and shelter With leisure, culture usually have unknown origins and slow diffusion through relocation. Popular vary more in time than in place. Origin with invention of person or corp, and they diffuse rapid in a variety of enviro. Access depends on income to acquire some regional differences in food, clothing, and shelter persist in popular culture, but differences are less than in the past. Neighborhood in Oregon for example, all have same looking houses and clothes etc.

All of the following are reasons why folk clothing is still commonly worn today EXCEPT to __________.

connect w other societies (NOT to attract tourists- this is true)

food and place: the concept of terroir (folk)

contribution of a locations distinctive physical features to way food tastes is terroir similar English meaning to 'grounded' or 'sense of place'. terroir is sum of effects on a particular food item of soil, climate, and other features of local enviro

The American practice of shaking hands when first meeting someone is an example of which of the following?


Primary mode of popular culture diffusion

electronic media latest fashions can be seen by anyone in the world. Electronics increases pop culture access for people who embrace folk and at the same time increase access to folk culture for people who are part of pop culture.

varying of folk houses

even w similar weather and resources, folk housing vary bc of minor enviro features. McColl compared housing types in four villages situated in dry lands of northern and western china. All use similar materials and timber and they all share similar objective (protection from very hot summers and very cold winters) McColl observed differences and attributed it to local cultural preferences: kashgar, turpan, yincuan, dunhuand

environmental influences on folk houses

folk customs vary widely one place to another, even among nearby places pitched roof is important for runoff and reducing weight. Windows may face south in cold to take advantage of sun heat. In hot, windows may be smaller to protect from heat of sun. type of building used to construct folk housing is influenced partially by resources available in enviro. Stone, grass, sod, and skins may be used by two most common are *wood and brick*

Chinese legend suggests that folk music was created in 2697 B.C. by a subject of Emperor Huang Ti who wanted to mimic the sounds of a phoenix. How does this legend differ from the reality of the creation of folk music?

folk is created anonymously and spread orally


hot, dry climates like southwest, mexico etc bricks are made by baking wet mud in sun. Stone used to build houses in part of Europe and South america and as decoration on the outside of brick or wood houses in other countries.

Principle obstacle to popular culture

lack of electronic media lack of income, electricity, cell service, etc

Whether a person practices popular or folk culture often depends on access, location, and scale. Which of the following statements about culture and scale is most accurate?

popular culture is dominant on a global scale

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2900 Exam#2 Neuro NCLEX Questions

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Establishment of Distinctly American Political, Economic, and Cultural Characteristics 1800-1860

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Digit, hand, wrist (AP, oblique, lateral)

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