AP Human Geography practice exam :)

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Which of the following was the first prerequisite for the start of urbanization? (A) Formal political organization (B) Agricultural surplus (C) Monarchial control (D) Privatization of land ownership (E) Development of currency


The trend above best demonstrates which pattern of diffusion of the H5N1 or H5N2 strain of the avian influenza virus? (A) Hierarchical diffusion (D) Uneven development (B) Stimulus diffusion (E) Reverse hierarchical diffusion (C) Maladaptive diffusion


In von Thünen's theory, the key variable in an agricultural location decision is (A) labor cost (B) value of agglomeration benefits (C) climate type (D) cost of irrigation (E) transportation cost


The actual number of live births per 1,000 women in the fecund range refers to (A) total fertility rate (D) infant mortality rate (B) fecundity (E) general fertility rate (C) crude birth rate


The picture above shows an abandoned factory warehouse that was remodeled into a loft apartment complex near the central business district of a major U.S. city. This is an example of (A) an edge city (D) blockbusting (B) commodification (E) gentrification (C) counterurbanization


14. Which of the following most likely explains the diffusion pattern of the iPod depicted in the graph above? (A) In the innovation stage, at point A, only a small number of iPod purchases were made, but by point B the number of adopters had grown exponentially as the early buyers spread the word of the iPod. (B) The highest exponential growth rate was achieved by point C, where the fastest adoption of the iPod occurred. (C) The highest adoption rate occurred at point A because, as a new invention, the iPod aroused excitement. (D) Point C represents the late-adopter stage, when adoption of the iPod reached all people in the population. (E) The pattern represents relocation diffusion.


44. The table on the previous page best illustrates which demographic trend? (A) Hidden momentum (D) Doubling time (B) North-south gap (E) Zero population growth (C) Counterurbanization


A primary differentiation between a state and a nation is that a state is a (A) political abstract, whereas a nation is a human group (B) mutable concept, whereas a nation is permanent (C) fixed geographic item, whereas a nation is not linked to a territory (D) product of history, whereas a nation is a product of people (E) controversial issue, whereas a nation is more peaceful


An essential difference between the standard language of a people and an official language is that the standard language is (A) the chosen, generally accepted variant of a language, while the official language is the legally declared language of a country to be used in all government interactions (B) usually spoken by outsiders, while the official language is what is on all official documents (C) the form spoken by commoners, while the official language is the "king's form" of the language, taught in the grammar books (D) used widely throughout society, while the official language is only used for government documents (E) unchanging, while the official language changes with changes in governments


Both Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia and Lagos in Nigeria are examples of (A) primate cities (D) edge cities (B) world cities (E) postindustrial cities (C) exclaves


By 2006 the states of northern Nigeria came under the governance of (A) the Sharia law (D) secularists (B) the African Union (E) Ibo speakers (C) Christian theocrats


On the map of Mexico above, a maquiladora is most likely found at which point? (A) Point A (most North) (D) Point D (Under D) (B) Point B (under A) (E) Point E (Southeast) (C) Point C (under C)


The arrow on the map above points to a city in India containing the largest number of shrines from which of the following religions? (A) Sikhism (D) Christianity (B) Shintoism (E) Hinduism (C) Buddhism


The region outlined above contains delivery destinations served by United Trucking. Which of the following classifications best fits this region? (A) Functional (D) Mental (B) Formal (E) Perceptual (C) Vernacular


The second agricultural revolution developed at the same time as (A) growing urban markets were demanding increased food production (B) improved genetic modification of food allowed for increased harvests in developing countries (C) humans were forming communes and practicing open-field farming (D) vast shortages in laborers existed because of communicable diseases (E) large streams of migrants moved from core to peripheral countries


Which of the following best describes shifting cultivation? (A) Primarily a subsistence practice, it involves a farmer using a plot and then abandoning it for return at a later time. (B) Usually a commercial agriculture endeavor, it involves rotating one crop type on a plot for another in a sequential pattern. (C) It is the movement of pastoral nomads from one food source to another. (D) Only used in wetlands, it is the use of pyramid-style farms for rice farming. (E) It involves the intensive, commercial integration of crops and livestock into a farming system.


Which of the following significantly weakened the strength of Mackinder's geopolitical heartland theory? (A) Ascendance of the United States' international influence after World War II (B) Existence of a pivot area (C) Growth of Soviet power in eastern Europe (D) Influence of Eurasia in world affairs (E) Rise of Nazi Germany


Which of the following would be most attracted to export-processing zones in less-developed countries? (A) Transnational corporations assembling products that are bulk reducing or not weight gaining (B) Multinational firms wanting to build world headquarters (C) Quaternary-sector workers wanting to find jobs (D) Technopoles (E) International lending agencies


Currently, the world's third-largest religion, in terms of number of adherents, is (A) Sikhism (D) Christianity (B) Hinduism (E) Judaism (C) Islam


A coffee shop and an ice-cream shop are often found on the same block, in close proximity. This is an example of (A) deglomeration (D) purchasing-power parity (B) agglomeration (E) an urban heat island (C) an export-processing zone


Compared with the world pattern of crude birth rates, the world pattern of crude death rates shows (A) more variation because of the vast inequalities in minimal health care throughout the world (B) less variation because of the general availability of minimal health care facilities throughout the world (C) equal variation because of the offsetting effect of birth and death rates throughout the world (D) no variation (E) high variation because of the high infant mortality in some world regions


On which of the following map projections is direction true everywhere on the map? (A) Mollweide (D) Robinson (B) Mercator (E) Miller cylindrical (C) Peter


The United Nations Human Development Index is based on the assumption that a country's development (A) is directly related to its position in the core or periphery (B) is a function of social, demographic, and economic factors (C) can improve if countries liberalize trade policies (D) is indicated most accurately by its gross domestic product (E) is a reflection of its population count


The focus of the Green Revolution was (A) improving crop yields in commercial agribusiness corporations (B) reducing starvation in less-developed countries (C) inventing new forms of food to add variety to the human diet (D) saving undeveloped land from urban sprawl (E) encouraging the use of fertilizers less damaging to the environment


The migration of a Hildegarde von Pabst to Dayton, Ohio, from Berlin, Germany, because of a cousin living in Dayton is most closely an example of (A) forced migration (D) periodic movement (B) chain migration (E) a refugee (C) internal migration


The relationship among power structures, the environment, and economic inequalities is termed (A) ecoterrorism (D) gerrymandering (B) political ecology (E) balkanization (C) cultural diffusion


Which of the following asserts that ethnic minorities often live in the geographically peripheral regions excluded from the core of a country's power? (A) Demographic transition model (B) Cleavage model (C) Von Thünen's model (D) Central place theory (E) Locational interdependence model


Which of the following factors had the greatest effect in proving the demographic theorist Thomas Malthus incorrect? (A) Decreased land supply after the Industrial Revolution (B) Improved fertilizers and crop strains (C) Increased contraceptive technology in the Western Hemisphere (D) The decline of the Roman Catholic Church's influence on politics in Britain (E) Improved trade routes enabling improved food transport and cross-national trade


Which of the following is NOT a usual characteristic of an edge city? (A) Accessibility (D) Suburban sense of place (B) Tenement housing (E) Office park (C) Varied urban functions


Which of the following is the most accurate title for the map above? (A) Map of World Democratic Voters (B) Map of Nuclear Power Reactors (C) Map of Dravidian Languages Spoken (D) Map of Avian Flu Outbreaks (E) Map of HIV-1 Infections


Which of the following most accurately matches the country to its territorial shape? (A) Russia: fragmented (D) Philippines: elongated (B) Poland: compact (E) Chile: protruded (C) Singapore: perforated


Which of the following places is least influenced by conflicts related to multilingualism? (A) Nigeria (D) Cyprus (B) Venezuela (E) Belgium (C) Quebec


Which of the following regions is most threatened by desertification? (A) South America (D) Africa (B) Australia (E) Asia (C) Europe


You would most expect to find a linguistic refuge area in a(n) (A) relatively flat country (D) river bank (B) mountainous area (E) marketplace (C) international airport


"Women are inherently better preservationists of Earth because women have traditionally been nurturers and men have been destroyers." This argument exemplifies (A) economic determinism (B) the Gender Empowerment Measure (C) ecofeminism (D) the convergence hypothesis (E) ethnogenesis


All the following are factors motivating the conflict surrounding Quebec, Canada, EXCEPT (A) language (D) economic inequality (B) sovereignty (E) colonial roots (C) religion


All the following are true of truck farming EXCEPT: (A) Among the most common truck crops are tomatoes, strawberries, and lettuce. (B) Most often it is characterized by the use of mechanized farming tools. (C) Labor costs are often relatively high on these large-scale farming operations. (D) It is the predominant agricultural practice found in the southeastern United States. (E) Truck farmers' harvests are usually intended for distant markets.


All the following were original members of the European Community, the predecessor to the European Union, EXCEPT (A) France (D) Italy (B) Belgium (E) The Netherlands (C) United Kingdom


In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, in part over an oil resource that Iraq and Kuwait both claimed fell within their national boundaries. This type of boundary dispute is classified as (A) locational (D) operational (B) definitional (E) subsequent (C) allocational


In 1998 an estimated 350,000 asylum seekers were from Croatia. What were their primary destinations in that year? (A) Kosovo and Albania (B) Germany and France (C) Yugoslavia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (D) Austria and Hungary (E) Macedonia and Romania


In the 1980s the demographic trend in China was best characterized by a(n) (A) rapidly rising crude birth rate (B) falling life expectancy (C) decreasing general fertility rate (D) increased total fertility rate (E) surge in refugees emigrating from China


Structural adjustment programs often encourage all the following EXCEPT (A) selling off public resources to private corporations (B) higher taxation rates (C) closing of export-processing zones (D) reducing government expenditures (E) charging citizens more for government services


The number of people under the age of 15 plus the number of people above the age of 64 divided by the number of the people aged 15 through 64 is defined as (A) carrying capacity (D) age-sex pyramid (B) primary economic sector (E) infrastructure (C) dependency ratio


The photograph above shows a farm most likely located in which of the following regions? (A) Sub-Saharan Africa (D) North Africa (B) Southwest Asia (E) Southeast Asia (C) Eastern Europe


Two unrelated people are trying to decide whether to travel to Houston, Texas, from their homes in Germany for a special vacation package offered on television. One German decides Houston is too far away, while the other decides to purchase the vacation package. This scenario best demonstrates the effects of (A) brain drain (D) doubling time (B) concentration (E) expansion diffusion (C) cognitive distance


Which of the following cities best represents a forward capital? (A) Paris, France (D) Canberra, Australia (B) Algiers, Algeria (E) Warsaw, Poland (C) Putrajaya, Malaysia


Which of the following countries produces the most woven cotton fabric? (A) Italy (D) Egypt (B) India (E) United States (C) China


Which of the following is an example of a quinary-sector economic activity? (A) Working at a cash register at McDonald's (B) Serving as a researcher for human genetic cloning (C) Serving on the U.S. president's cabinet (D) Converting crude oil into gasoline (E) Plowing land in preparation for planting a crop


Which of the following would have the steepest bid-rent curve? (A) Textile factory (B) Family desiring a plot of land for a suburban home (C) Urban real estate brokerage firm (D) Pig farmer (E) Trash dump


Which of the four stages in the demographic transition model are considered "homeostatic" stages, when the forces of demographic change are in equilibrium? (A) Stages 1 and 3 (D) Stage 4 (B) Stages 2 and 3 (E) Stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 (C) Stages 1 and 4


Which among the following has the highest-threshold, highest-range central place function? (A) Doughnut shop (D) Neurosurgery complex (B) Post office (E) Department store (C) Movie theatre


A banking company wanted to open a new branch in the New York City area. In order to study the region, the bank used a map to analyze potential locations. The map the bank's leadership used in its decision-making process showed a layer of regional data displaying per capita income; another layer displaying the frequency of bank deposits made; and another layer showing the average value of the deposited amount. With this map, the banking company was able to choose the optimum location for its new branch. All of the following are tools that the bank (or its geographic team) most likely used to create and display this layered map of geographic data EXCEPT (A) GPS (D) desalination (B) GIS (E) satellite imagery (C) remote sensing


A computer production process involves creating the computer chip in Indonesia and assembling the motherboard in Malaysia. This is, most closely, evidence of (A) maquiladora districts (B) the post-Fordist production process (C) an infrastructure (D) the new international division of labor (E) a cottage industry


All the following resulted from the British enclosure movement in the 1850s EXCEPT (A) agricultural efficiency increased (B) urban migration increased (C) feudal village life was disrupted (D) the number of farm owners rose dramatically (E) communal fields were consolidated


Governments such as those once controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran are classified as (A) landlocked (D) theocratic (B) parliamentary (E) microstates (C) federal


In 1492, Christopher Columbus's voyage took nearly 40 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean, a trip that would take a modern ship less than one week. This difference best reflects the geographic concept of (A) distance decay (D) space-time compression (B) uneven development (E) distribution (C) stimulus diffusion


In Rostow's economic development model, the stage in which workers become more skilled and modern technology spreads to industries beyond the innovating "takeoff" industry is called the (A) traditional society (B) preconditions for takeoff (C) takeoff (D) drive to maturity (E) age of high mass consumption


London has become a world city in part because of its proximity to ports and other places that foster development. This reason for London's historic growth relates to the city's (A) site (D) situation (B) sovereignty (E) distance decay (C) redlining


Region A Region B Region C Females 53 73 88 Literate in Region(%) Which of the following accurately lists in order the regions in the above table corresponding to A, B, C, respectively? (A) Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa (B) Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, sub-Saharan Africa (C) Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (D) sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (E) sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia


The informal sector in a developing country exists for all the following reasons EXCEPT: (A) Tertiary economies in the formal sector are not developed well enough to absorb all the economies of the informal sector. (B) The demand for informal-sector goods and services keeps prices low. (C) Informal-sector workers and businesses cannot afford permanent business sites. (D) The government benefits from taxing informal-sector workers and their small businesses. (E) The quality of products and the quality of work in the informal sector are low.


The seasonal migration of animal livestock from lowland pastures to mountainous regions is termed (A) intensive subsistence agriculture (B) mixed crop and livestock farming (C) double cropping (D) transhumance (E) swidden agriculture


The size of an urban place's hinterland is an indication of its (A) government structure (D) degree of centrality (B) religious diversity (E) urban design (C) social distance


When a barge stops in Louisville, unloads its cargo, and transfers it onto a train to be transported to Ohio, Louisville is referred to as a(n) (A) trading bloc (D) break of bulk (B) export-processing zone (E) special economic zone (C) shatter belt


Where would you most likely find the greatest concentration of feedlots in America? (A) Chicago (D) South Dakota (B) California (E) Kentucky (C) Florida


Which of the following correctly sequences Sino-Tibetan languages from largest to smallest in terms of the number of native speakers? (A) Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu, Hakka (Kejia), Min (B) Cantonese, Wu, Mandarin, Min, Hakka (Kejia) (C) Hakka (Kejia), Mandarin, Wu, Cantonese, Min (D) Mandarin, Wu, Cantonese, Min, Hakka (Kejia) (E) Mandarin, Min, Cantonese, Hakka (Kejia), Wu


Which of the following is a true statement about popular culture? (A) Technology is reducing the scale of territory covered by popular culture. (B) The scale of territory covered by folk culture is often much larger than that of popular culture. (C) The heart of popular culture customs is often found in less-developed regions. (D) Folk culture is often the result of cultural isolation, while popular culture often results from cultural diffusion. (E) Popular culture customs remain the same for long periods of time.


Which of the following is best classified as a centrifugal force? (A) National flag (B) State-owned news station (C) National research laboratories (D) Ethnic discrimination (E) Common language


Which of the following strategies was identified by the 2004 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development as the most powerful approach for reducing the global population growth rate? (A) Increasing the amount of exports to less-developed countries (B) Retracting anticontraception laws throughout conservative countries (C) Reducing hunger throughout the world (D) Empowering the socioeconomic status of women in less-developed countries (E) Enforcing demographic growth rate targets in specific countries through coalition building


A pilgrim to the religious site depicted in the photograph above would most likely be a(n) (A) Taoist (D) Muslim (B) Buddhist (E) Hindu (C) Eastern Orthodox Christian


All the following are in the Indo-European language family EXCEPT (A) Portuguese (D) Hindi (B) Bengali (E) Turkish (C) German


All the following have been considered new industrial countries EXCEPT (A) Hong Kong (D) China (B) South Korea (E) Indonesia (C) Brazil


Based on the population density map of China above, in which region is extensive subsistence agriculture most heavily practiced? (A) Region A (D) Region D (B) Region B (E) Region E (C) Region C


By 2015 life expectancy in several African countries, such as Namibia, is expected to decline by more than 10 years. What is the principal factor causing this demographic projection? (A) Cyclical poverty (D) Infrastructural decay (B) Crop shortage (E) HIV/AIDS (C) Ecoterrorism


Country X can produce televisions at 50 percent of the cost that Country Y can produce televisions. Country Y can produce pencils at 70 percent of the cost that Country X can produce pencils. Therefore, Country X chooses to produce televisions and trade them with Country Y for pencils. This scenario best reflects which concept? (A) Substitution principle (B) Topocide (C) Foreign direct investment (D) Footloose industry (E) Comparative advantage


Which of the following is a valid difference between the urban patterns of the United States and those of Latin America? (A) Unlike U.S. cities, Latin American cities have ghettos. (B) U.S cities follow a sector pattern, whereas Latin American cities follow concentric zones. (C) Gentrification is more present in Latin American cities. (D) Latin American cities have more-defined industrial sectors. (E) Unlike U.S. cities, Latin American cities show patterns of wealthy residents emanating from the city's central business district.


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