AP Psych Ch. 1

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Human factors psychology

Make technical systems such as automobile dashboards and computer keyboards user-friendly.

Organizational psychology

Organizational is the study of behavior of people in organizations such as business.


Study the structure and function of the brain as they relate to specific psychological processes and behaviors.

Environmental psychologists

Study the ways that people and the environment--the natural environment and the human-made environment--influence one another.

Forensic psychologist

Work with criminal justice agencies to apply psychological expertise to activities such as hostage negotiations, police assessment of threats, decision making as to use of deadly force, and the interrogation of witnesses and offenders.

John B. Watson

behaviorism; observable behavior; conditioning "Little Albert". conditioning - made a infant develop a fear for any furry white thing; how behavior can be shaped by stimulus similar to pavlov.

B.F. Skinner

believed in behaviorism and reinforcement; learning theory


believed in rules and laws/cause and effect, human behavior was directly affected by our 5 senses. empiricism - things can be measured, especially the 5 senses and the signals they're sending

Wilhelm Wundt

believed in structuralism (aristotle) objective vs. subjective. structuralism - break down of objective/observable sensations and subjective/internal feelings


believed in unconscious thought and rational thought, "know thyself". introspection - looking inward (if you want rational thought)

Quantitative psychologists

focus on how many ways to measure behavior and mental process.

Psychometric psychologists

focused on ways to measure behavior and mental process.


looking at something as a whole; Max Wertheimer - Kurt Koffka - Wolfgang Kohler - when you come to the gestalt of your life you get a flash of insight

Amy Clark

negative effects of school education on african american children

Clinical Psychology

on the medical side, studying disorders (research and medical model); on the medical side, studying disorders (research and medical model)

Mary Whiton Calkins

one of William James' students; harvard refused to give her a doctorate; established psych lab at Wesley; president of American Psych Association; offered research on memories and how we process them.

Elizabeth Loftus

"Something old, something new, something borrowed (culture), and something blue (emotions)"; idea that out memories aren't memorized; our memories are impacted by many factors.


A college or university course, typically in a specialized field of study, that provides students with supervised practical application of previously studied theory.

Social-cognitive theory

A school of psychology in the behaviorist tradition that includes cognitive factors in the explanation and prediction of behavior; formerly termed social learning theory.


A stimulus that follows a response and increases the frequency of the response.

Educational Psychology

Attempt to facilitate learning; study phenomenon and environmental factors, testing methods,

Behavior Psychology

Behaviorism studies how people and animals are impacted by their surroundings and what we learn from it.


Deliberate looking into one's own cognitive processes to examine one's thoughts and feelings and to gain self-knowledge.

William James

was a functionalist, influenced by darwin, influenced the behavioralists. functionalism - how our surrounding environments impact us (adaptation)

Community psychologists

Study environmental factors, factors in the community (cultural factors)

Margaret Floy Washburn

1st women to get a Ph.D in psych; wrote the "Animal Mind"; was a behaviorist (would associate with Skinner and Watson)

Social Psychology

Is primarily concerned with the nature and causes of individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behavior in social situations.

Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychologists study the changes that occur throughout the life span. They attempt to sort out the influences of heredity and the environment. Their concerns range from the effects of day care on infants to the adjustment issues of older people.

Sports psychologists

Focus on improving the athletes performance psychologically;

Psychodynamic perspective

Focuses on trying to understand the inside of the brain in order to understand how they interact and see the things that happen around them. Process: to make the unconscious conscious; nerves most likely rooted in experiences before age of 5. Behavior is caused by an experience or behavior picked up before age 5.

Personality Psychology

Is the focus on goals such as identifying and measuring human traits (focuses on goals, determining influences)


Have M.D. (doctor of medicine) or D.O. (doctor of osteopathy) and can prescribe medications. The study and treatment of psychological disorders.

Carl Rogers

Humanism; unconditional positive regard; self-fulfillment - what sets us apart from animals is that we are looking to become our best selves. Therapy should be an opportunity for self growth unconditional positive regard - to exhibit and express empathy analysis wasn't important, but face to face conversations was best. Patient and Therapist were seen as equals was the best way, he believed

School psychologists

Identify and assist students who have problems that interfere with learning.


In Gestalt psychology, the sudden reorganization of perceptions, allowing the sudden solution of a problem.

Industrial Psychology

Industrial psychology focuses on the relationships between people and work.

Applied research

Research conducted in an effort to find solutions to particular problems.

Pure Research

Research conducted without concern for immediate applications.

Experimental psychologists

Specialize in basic processes such as the nervous system, sensation and perception, learning and memory, thought, motivation, and emotion.

Cognitive perspective

The approach to psychology that focuses on the nature of consciousness and on the mental processes such as sensation and perception, memory, problem solving, decision making, judgment, language and intelligence.

Biological perspective

The approach to psychology that seeks to understand the nature of the links between biological processes and structures such as the functioning of the brain, the endocrine system and heredity, on the one hand, and behavior and mental processes on the other.

Biological Psychology

The approach to psychology that seeks to understand the nature of the links between biological processes and structures such as the functioning of the brain, the endocrine system, and hereditary on the one hand, and behavior and mental processes, on the other.


The philosophy and school of psychology that asserts that people are conscious, self-aware and capable of free choice, self-fulfillment and ethical behavior. Consciousness, free will, self actualization


The school of psychology that argues the mind consists of three basic elements--sensations, feelings, and images--that combine to form experience. Structuralism attempted to break conscious experience down into object sensations, such as sight or taste, and subjective feelings, such as emotional responses, and mental images like memories or dreams.


The school of psychology that asserts that much of our behavior and mental processes are governed by unconscious ideas and impulses that have their origins in childhood conflicts.


The school of psychology that defines psychology as the study of observable behavior and studies relationships between stimuli and responses.

Gestalt Psychology

The school of psychology that emphasizes the tendency to organize perceptions into wholes and to integrate separate stimuli into meaningful patterns.


The school of psychology that emphasizes the uses or functions of the mind and behavior rather than just the elements of experience.


The use of mental processes to perceive and mentally represent the world, think and engage in problem solving and decision making.

Socio-cultural perspective

The view that focuses on the roles of ethnicity, gender, culture and socioeconomic status in behavior and mental processes

Evolutionary Perspective

The view that our behavior and mental processes have been shaped, at least in part, by natural selection as our ancestors strived to meet our prehistoric and historic challenges. Reproduction, Darwin, fight-or-flight. Look even before one's own life, but look back to ancestors


The view that people are free and responsible for their own behavior.

Counseling psychology

Use interviews and tests to define their client's problems; counsels patients on issues, working 1 on 1 (working 1 on 1)

Consumer psychologists

What people buy and what appeal to people, predicting what people will buy; study the behavior of shoppers in an effort to predict and influence their behavior

Susan Nolan - Hoeksema

contributes to our understanding of how self-destruction ruminating prevents us from making decisions highness feelings of depression.

Mary Ainsworth

contributions of human relationships (attachment b/w parents and their child)

Sigmund Freud

father of psychoanalysis; believed in the unconscious (specifically childhood memories before the age of 5); Id, ego, Superego. your experiences before the age of 5 determined how you'd be as an adult Id - essential instincts or drives that make us live or die (sex, sleep, hunger); connected with the unconscious ego - regulates our impulses (conscious); satisfies the Ids drives in a way that prevents us from dying superego - the conscience that regulates what is right or wrong believed that disorders were caused by a disconnect of the 3 things he started a treatment called analysis which turned into psychoanalysis and by free talking you uncovering the unconscious it became conscious and he could advice the patient.


seeks to define/describe, explain, predict, and control. study of behavior and mental processes.

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