AP Psych Ch. 10 Practice Test

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People given little control over their world in prisons, factories, schools, and nursing homes experience...?

learned helplessness.

Questionnaires covering a wide range of feelings and behavior designed to assess several traits at once are called...?

personality inventories.

Sigmund Freud called his theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques...?


Our ____________ consists of all the thoughts and feelings we have in response to the question, "Who am I?"


Albert Bandura proposed the social-cognitive perspective, which...?

emphasizes the interaction of our traits with our situations.

Critics of humanistic psychology have suggested that this theory fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for...?


Collectivist cultures are characterized by members...?

giving priority to group goals.

Athletes who often privately credit their victories to their own prowess, and their losses to bad breaks, lousy officiating, or the other team's exceptional performance are exhibiting...?

the self-serving bias.

According to Sigmund Freud, which defense mechanism buries threatening or upsetting events outside of consciousness?


What did Abraham Maslow call the process of fulfilling our potential?


What do we call the ability to control impulses and delay gratification?


Brad Bushman and Roy Baumeister found that when criticized, people with unrealistically high self-esteem...?

became exceptionally aggressive.

Children's TV-viewing habits (past behavior) influence their viewing preferences (internal personal factor), which influence ow television (environmental factor) affects their current behavior. This is an example of...?

reciprocal determinism.

Our self-focused perspective may motivate us, but it can also lead us to presume too readily that others are noticing and evaluating us. This is called...?

the spotlight effect.

According to Carl Rogers, when we are in a good marriage, a close family, or an intimate friendship, we are free to be spontaneous without fearing the loss of others' esteem. He called the accepting attitude that enables this freedom...?

unconditional positive regard.

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