AP Psych Test 2 practice questions

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A drug that enhances the effect of a neurotransmitter by mimicking its effects or by preventing its breakdown in the synapse is referred to as what? a. agonist b. antagonist c. an excitatory postsynaptic potential d. an inhibitory postsynaptic potential e. a transductor


A split-brain patient has a picture of a dog flashed to his right hemisphere and a cat to his left hemisphere. He will be able to identify a. cat using his right hand b. dog using his right hand c. dog using either hand d. cat using either hand e. cat using his left hand


A squirrel fails to react with fear to a signal of impending shock if they have suffered damage to the a. amygdala b. corpus callosum c. hippocampus d. hypothalamus e. thalamus


Cognitive neural prosthetics are placed in the brain to help control parts of the a. motor cortex b. auditory cortex c. somatosensory cortex d. visual cortex e. olafaction areas


Damage to which of the following could interfere with the ability to plan for the future? a. frontal lobe b. temporal lobe c. parietal lobe d. occipital lobe e. somatosensory cortex


Generally speaking, heritability is the extent to which a. differences among people are accounted for by genes b. an individuals specific traits are due to genes or the environment c. differences among people are due to the environment d. differences among people are due to their cultural heritage e. an individuals height is related to the height of his or her parents


Hearing is processed by the a. temporal lobe b. frontal lobe c. parietal lobe d. occipital lobe


In 2001, scientists finished assembling the complete inventory of all human genes. What is this called? a. human genome b. human genotype c. human meme (??) d. human phenotype e. human phoneme


Mallory and Libby were both seen stumbling down the street. Mallory was drunk, which explained her lack of balance. Libby was sober. She was unable to maintain balance due to damage to a particular part of her brain. Where was this damage? a. cerebellum b. medulla c. pons d. reticular formation e. thyroid


Neurotransmitters cross the _________ to carry information to the next neuron a. synaptic gap b. axon c. myelin sheath d. dendrites e. cell body


The lateralization of brain functions suggest that language functions are generally found in which hemispheres? a. left hemisphere b. frontal hemisphere c. hind hemisphere d. dorsal hemisphere e. right hemisphere


The most noticeable difference between human brains and other mammalian brains is the size of the a. association areas b. frontal lobe c. glial cells d. reticular activating system e. visual cortex


Which division of the autonomic nervous system calms a person down once a stressful event has passed? a. parasympathetic b. central c. somatic d. sympathetic e. endocrine


Which of the following best describes genetic mutation? a. random errors in gene replication b. the study of the mind's evolution c. the study of behavioral evolution d. passing on successful, inherited traits e. survival of the genetically successful


Which of the following endocrine glands may explain unusually tall height in a 12 year old? a. pituitary b. adrenal c. pancreas d. parathyroid e. testes


Which of the following is most likely to be function of the left hemisphere? a. speech b. evaluating perceptual tasks c. making inferences d. identifying emotions in other people's faces e. identifying ones self


Which of the following is true regarding the initiation of sexual activity? a. men are more likely to initiate sexual activity than women b. women are more likely to initiate sexual activity than men c. the initiation of sexual activity for both men and women correlate with how many TV sitcoms they viewed as children d. men and women are equally likely to initiate sexual activity e. who initiates sexual activity is largely determines by culture


Which of the following nerurological disorder is associated with a deficiency of ACh? a. alzheimers b. autism c. huntingtons d. parkinsons e. wernickes aphasia


A gymnast falls and hits her head on the floor. She attempts to continue practicing but had trouble maintaining balance. What part of her brain has probably been affected? a. reticular formation b. cerebellum c. amygdala d. thalamus e. medulla


A split-brain patient has a picture of a dog flashed to his right hemisphere and a cat to his left hemisphere. Which of the following will he be able to verbalize? a. that he saw a dog b. that he saw a cat c. that he saw both a cat and dog d. that he did not see anything at all e. he will report the shape for a dog but not be able to name it as a dog


A stroke patient is shown a vacation snapshot, which she describes as "man... tall... woman... hat... mountain". This patient is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions? a. brocas agnosia b. brocas aphasia c. schizophrenia d. wernickes agnosia e. wernickes aphasia


Humans have approximately 70,000 genes that are arranged on how many pairs of chromosomes? a. 10 b. 23 c. 27 d. 46 e. 144


Neurogenesis is the process by which a. one brain structure takes on functions of an adjacent structure b. our brain creates new neurons c. the amygdala and thalamus work together to keep the body awake and alert d. association areas expand as new materials is learned e. the brain adapts to new learning


Patients with a split brain have has which structure in their brain severed? a. thalamus b. corpus callosum c. pons d. cerebral cortex e. occipital lobe


Stimulation of the amygdala is most likely to have which of the following effects? a. happiness b. aggression c. hunger d. loss of balance e. dreaming


Stimulation of which of the following might cause a person to involuntarily move their arm? a. somatosensory cortex b. motor cortex c. glial cells d. reticular activating system e. visual cortex


The dual-processing model refers to which of the following ideas? a. the right and left hemispheres of the brain both process incoming messages b. incoming information is process by both conscious and unconscious tracks c. each lobe of the brain processes incoming information d. the brain first processes emotional information and then processes analytical information e. the thalamus and hypothalamus work together to analyze incoming sensory information


The role of interneurons is to a. send messages from specific body parts to the brain b. transmit and process information within the brain and spinal cord c. act as connectors, supporting other neurons in the brain d. send messages from the brain to body parts e. influence the pituitary gland


The term central nervous system refers to the a. autonomic system b. brain and spinal cord c. cerebral cortex and the cerebellum d. grey matter e. spinal cord and glandular system


Which brain scan measures subtle changes in brain electrical activity? a. CAT scan b. EEG scan c. fMRI scan d. MRI scan e. PET scan


Which lobe of the brain is located in the top rear of the brain? a. occipital b. parietal c. frontal d. temporal e. corpus callosum


Damage to which of the following puts a persons life in the most danger because it may cause breathing to stop? a. amygdala b. thalamus c. medulla d. hippocampus e. hypothalamus


Epigenetics might best explain which of the following? a. Tobi and Natalie are fraternal twins; both have the same IQ score b. Nico and Kris, two siblings, have the same shoe size c. Lisa and Eloisa are identical twins; only one develops schizophrenia d. Tom and Ken are identical twins; both develop schizophrenia e. Patrick and Particia, two siblings, have very different levels of musical talent.


If you accidentally touch a hot stove, which of the following is responsible for moving your hand away before you even realize what you have done? a. sensory neuron b. motor neuron c. interneuron d. receptor neuron e. cortisol


In order for a neuron to generate an action potential, which of the following must be true? a. the neuron must be in the refractory period b. glial cells must release neurotransmitters into the axon c. excitatory impulses must outnumber inhibitory impulses d. dopamine and serotonin must be present in equal amounts. e. inhibitory impulses must outnumber excitatory impulses.


In some neurons, the axon is insulated by the a. ganglion b. nerve fiber c. myelin sheath d. pacinian sheath e. sylvian sheath


Multiple sclerosis is a result of degeneration in the a. dendrite b. axon c. myelin sheath d. terminal button e. neuron


The interaction of biological influences, psychlogical influences, and social-cultural influences on our behavior is known as a. evolutionary psychology b. epigenetics c. the biopsychosocial approach d. consciousness e. natural selection


The term "soma" is synonymous with a. neuron b. dendrite c. cell body d. axon e. synapse


What part of the brain has been surgically altered in split-brain patients? a. cerebellum b. cerebrum c. corpus callosum d. distal cortex e. hippocampus


What parts make up the central nervous system? a. brain b. spinal cord c. brain and spinal cord d. skull e. all other nerves


When there is a negative charge inside an axon and a positive charge outside of it, the neuron is a. in the process of reuptake b. about to begin the refractory period c. said to have a resting potential d. said to have action potential e. depolarizing


Which of the following brain areas is responsible for regulating hunger and thirst? a. reticular activating system b. amygdala c. hypothalamus d. hippocampus e. brainstem


Which of the following communicates with the pituitary, which in turn controls the endocrine system? a. parathyroid glands b. autonomic nervous systems c. hypothalamus d. spinal cord e. pancreas


Which of the following is an example of gene-environment interaction a. YehLin experiences flushing syndrome, which mostly occurs in people of Asian heritage b. Alfonso gets food poisoning from eating undercooked meat c. Ted gets diabetes, which runs in his family, because he eats too much sugary food d. Samantha has a food allergy to shellfish e. Jordan has an autoimmune disorder that causes him to lose hair.


Which part of the cerebral cortex directs the muscle movements involved in producing speech? a. amygdala b. angular gyrus c. broca's area d. reticular formation e. wernicke's area


As the result of a cerebral hemorrhage, a patient lost the ability to breathe and dies. An autopsy will show damage to what part of the brain? a. amygala b. cerebellum c. hippocampus d. medulla e. midbrain


Complete the analogy- left hemisphere is to right hemisphere as a. balance is to movement b. brocas area is to wernickes area c. hearing is to speaking d. language function is to spatial ability e. sensation is to action


Damage to which of the following brain structures would affect the processing of new explicit memories? a. cerebral cortex b. medulla c. corpus callosum d. hippocampus e. hypothalamus


Human genome (DNA) researchers have discovered that a. chimpanzees are completely different than humans, sharing a small DNA sequence percentage b. the occasional variations found at particular gene sites in human DNA are of no interest to science c. complex behaviors are determines by specific individual genes d. human genes are mostly the same, regardless of race e. genetic predispositions do not help explain out shared human nature and out human diversity


Morphine is similar to the body's endorphins in that both elevate mood and ease pain. In this instance, morphine is considered to be a(n) a. antagonist b. synapse c. ion d. agonist e. axon


Paul is having difficulty understanding what his wife is saying. Which of the following areas is most likely damaged? a. frontal lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. wernickes area e. brocas area


Phrenology has been discredited, but which of the following ideas has its origins in phrenology? a. the left brain is more creative than the right brain b. brain cavities contribute to sense of humor c. the left hemisphere lead to emotional responses d. specific areas of the brain control specific functions e. the mind pumps warmth and vitality into the body


Sensory motor responses that are rapid and automatic are called a. affective b. instincts c. permeable d. reflexes e. reuptakes


What brain structure provides the major link between the nervous system and the endocrine system? a. amygdala b. cerebellum c. corpus callosum d. hypothalamus e. reticular formation


Which division of the nervous system enables a person to move the muscles necessary to walk down the street? a. central nervous system b. sympathetic c. parasympathetic d. somatic e. endocrine


Which neurotransmitters are most likely in undersupply in someone who is depressed? a. oxytocin and GABA b. ACh and histamine c. Dopamine and andenosine d. serotonin and norepinephrine e. epinephrine and glutamate


Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter? a. ACh b. dopamine c. epinephrine d. insulin e. serotonin


Which of the following scanning techniques measures glucose consumption as an indicator of brain activity? a. CT b. MRI c. fMRI d. PET e. EEG


Female sex hormones are released by the a. parathyroid gland b. pituitary gland c. hypothalamus d. thalamus e. ovaries


Following the release of neurotransmitters across the synapse, and an action potential, which of the following is most likely to take place? a. the synaptic cleft closes temporarily to terminate the action potential b. the myelin sheath absorbs the excess neurotransmitters c. the receiving neuron absorbs the neurotransmitter to send it to the next neuron d. the axon disposes of the depleted neurotransmitters e. the sending neuron reabsorbs the neurotransmitter for reuse.


Hormones are ___________ released into the bloodstream a. neurons b. myelin c. action potentials d. electrical messengers e. chemical messengers


The ability of our brain to adapt to damage, where one area may take over the function of the damaged area, is due to a. leisoning b. positron emission training c. brocas area d. wernickes area e. plasticity


The somatosensory area of the cerebral cortex is responsible for our sense of a. hearing b. sight c. smell d. taste e. touch


Which of the following changes is not caused by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system? a. acceleration of heart action b. decrease in digestive secretions c. dilation of pupils d. opening of respiratory passages e. all of the above are caused by activation of the SNS


Which of the following is sometimes referred to as the brains sensory switchboard, because it directs incoming sensory messages (with the exception of smell) to their proper places in the brain? a. hypothalamus b. pituitary c. cerebellum d. limbic system e. thalamus


You are aware that a dog is viciously barking at you, but you are not aware of the type of dog. Later, you are able to describe the type and color of the dog. This ability to process information without conscious awareness best exemplifies which of the following? a. split brain b. blindsight c. consciousness d. cognitive neuroscience e. dual processing


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