AP Psych - Unit 2

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After Ally drinks alcohol, her nervous system begins to slow down because alcohol is categorized as a: A. Depressant B. Stimulant C. Hallucinogen D. Opiate E. Psychoactive drug

A. Depressant

Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter A. dopamine B. epinephrine C. acetylcholine D. serotonin E. GABA

A. Dopamine Epinephrine = addictions Ach = Alzheimer's Serotonin = depression GABA = seizures/insomnia

Brain scans of people with amnesia are more likely to show damage to the: A. Hippocampus B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla D. Reticular formation E. Cerebellum

A. Hippocampus

An all-or-none response pattern is characteristic of the: A. Initiation of neural impulses B. Release of endorphins into the central nervous system C. Release of hormones into the bloodstream D. Activation of either the sympathetic or the parasympathetic system E. Inheritance of behavior predispositions

A. Initiation of neural impulses (like a toilet flush)

Sarah jerked her hand out of the scalding water before sensing any pain due to her withdrawal reflexes which were activated by: A. interneurons in her spinal cord B. the brain C. her self-regulating autonomic nervous system D. impulses from her endocrine system

A. Interneurons in the spinal cord

If I dream about falling down the stairs, Freud might argue that it means I feel my life is out of control. Freud is providing the _____ of the dream. A. Latent Content B. Manifest Content C. Hallucinations D. Hypnosis

A. Latent Content

REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because: A. our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move and we are externally calm. B. it leads to highly imaginative dreams that are perceived as colorless images C. .our heart rate is slow and steady, while our breathing is highly irregular. D. we are deeply asleep but can be awakened easily. E. our brain and nervous system are less active and our muscles are very active.


Which of the following is the correct sequence of the neural chain of events set in motion by an environmental stimulus? A. receptors, afferent neurons, interneurons, efferent neurons, effectors B. receptors, efferent neurons, interneurons, afferent neurons, effectors C. interneurons, effectors, receptors, afferent neurons, efferent neurons D. Effectors, interneurons, receptors, afferent neurons, efferent neurons E. Effectors, receptors, afferent neurons, efferent neurons, interneurons


Mr. Dayton occasionally stops breathing while sleeping. He wakes up to snort air for a few seconds before falling back to sleep. Mrs. Dayton complains that her husband snores. Clearly, Mr. Dayton suffers from A. sleep apnea B. insomnia. C. narcolepsy. D. night terrors. E. aphasia.

A. Sleep apnea

An individual experiences brain damage that produces a coma. Which part of the brain was probably damaged? A. corpus callosum B. reticular formation C. frontal lobe D. cerebellum E. limbic system

B Corpus callosum = connects hemispheres Reticular formation = arousal Frontal lobe = decision making Cerebellum = balance

Alzheimer's disease is most closely linked to the deterioration of neurons that produce A. dopamine B. acetylcholine C. epinephrine D. endorphins E. glutamate

B. Ach Dopamine = parkinson's/schizophrenia Epineprhine = bi-polar Endorphins = addictions

Neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) is most likely to be found: A. At the junction between sensory neurons and muscle fibers B. At the junction between motor neurons and muscle fibers C. At junctions between interneurons D. At the junctions between terminals E. In all of the above locations

B. At the junction between motor neurons and muscle fibers Ach helps with movement

The medulla is to the control of _______ as the cerebellum is to the control of _______ A. eating; sleeping B. breathing; walking C. emotion; motivation D. memory; attention E. hearing; seeing

B. Breathing; walking A. hypothalamus; reticular formation C. amygdala D. hippocampus E. thalamus

Which of the following systems produces, circulates and regulates levels of hormones in the body? A. Circulatory system B. Endocrine system C. Limbic system D. Sympathetic nervous system E. Parasympathetic nervous system

B. Endocrine system

An undersupply of the major inhibitory neurotransmitter known as _________ is linked to seizures A. glutamate B. GABA C. serotonin D. ACh E. dopamine


Since Malcolm has been taking a drug prescribed by his doctor, he no longer enjoys the little pleasures of life, such as eating and drinking. His doctor explains that this is because the drug: A. Triggers the release of dopamine B. Inhibits the release of dopamine C. Triggers the release of ACh D. Inhibits the release of ACh E. Triggers the release of endorphins

B. Inhibits the release of dopamine

Damage to the hippocampus would result in what? A. difficulties with balance and coordination B. memory problems C. the loss of senses D. emotional outbursts E. death

B. Memory A = damage to cerebellum C = damage to thalamus D = damage to amygdala E = damage to medulla

Which of the following sleep disorders would be the most dangerous for a commercial bus driver? A. night terrors B. narcolepsy C. sleep apnea D. insomnia E. sleepwalking

B. Narcolepsy

The chemical messengers released into the spatial junctions between neurons are called: A. Hormones B. Neurotransmitters C. Synapses D. Genes E. Glial cells

B. Neurotransmitters

Prozac, a drug commonly prescribed to treat depression, prevents the sending neuron from taking in excess serotonin. Which process does this drug prevent from taking place? A. depolarization B. reuptake C. the all-or-none response D. an action potential E. a refractory period

B. Reuptake

The parietal lobes are to ________ as the occipital lobes are to _______ A. hearing; speaking B. sensing touch; seeing C. sensing pleasure; sensing pain D. tasting; smelling E. speaking; seeing

B. Sensing touch; seeing

When Mr. Valentino thought his daughter had fallen down the stairs, his heartbeat accelerated, his blood pressure rose, and he began to perspire heavily. His state of arousal was activated by his ________ nervous system A. parasympathetic B. sympathetic C. somatic D. sensorimotor E. central

B. Sympathetic Parasympathetic = calms down Somatic = voluntary muscle movements

The axons of certain neurons are covered by a layer of fatty tissue that helps speed neural transmission. This tissue is: A. The glia B. The myelin sheath C.Acetylcholine (ACh) D. An endorphin E. Fissures

B. The myelin sheath

Outdated theory suggests that each hemisphere controls all specific functions. It's factual however that which of the following is typically controlled by the left hemisphere? A. Spatial reasoning B. Word recognition C. The left side of the body D. Perceptual skills E. Reticular formation

B. Word recognition

What was one of the major findings of Thomas Bouchard's study of twins? A. it demonstrated that peer influence is more important than parental influence in the development of personality traits. B. it proved that the influence of parental environment becomes more important as children grow into adults. C. he discovered almost unbelievable similarities between adult identical twins who had been separated near birth. D. fraternal twins showed almost as much similarity as identical twins when they reached adulthood. E. it provided evidence that heritability is less important than researchers previously suspected.


Surgical stimulation of the somatosensory cortex might result in the false sensation of what? A. bright light B. loud sound C. someone tickling you D. a bad odor E. a strange taste

C Somatosensory cortex (in the parietal lobe) receives touch sensations

Raymond recently got a job that requires him to occasionally work night shifts during which he is extremely sleepy. He is also experiencing difficulty sleeping during the day. His symptoms are most likely due to a disruption of his: A. alpha wave pattern. B. REM sleep C. circadian rhythm. D. sleep apnea. E. endocrine system.

C. Circadian Rhythm

The nerve fibers that enable communication between the right and left cerebral hemispheres and that have been severed in split-brain patients form a structure called the: A. Reticular formation B. Association areas C. Corpus Callosum D. Parietal lobe E. Cerebellum

C. Corpus Callosum

Research has revealed a general reward system that triggers the release of the neurotransmitter _____ when engaging in pleasurable activities such as eating chocolate. A. AChb B. GABA C. dopamine D. epinephrine E. serotonin

C. Dopamine

Opiate drugs occupy the same receptor sites as: A. ACh B. Serotonin C. Endorphins D. Dopamine E. Epinephrine

C. Endorphins

In 1848, Phineas Gage, a railroad construction foreman, survived when an explosion drove an iron rod through his head. The once friendly, soft-spoken gage became irritable and dishonest. Gage's case provided evidence that which region of the brain plays a role in personality and behavior: A. temporal lobes B. sensory cortex C. frontal lobes D. parietal lobes E. broca's area

C. Frontal Lobes

Chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands are called: A. Agonist B. Neurotransmitters C. Hormones D. Enzymes E. Thalomites

C. Hormones

Which dream theory suggests that we consolidate the day's memories and learning during REM sleep. A. Freud's dream theory B. social influence theory C. information processing theory D. paradoxical sleep theory E. activation-synthesis theory

C. Information processing theory

For you to be able to run, _______ must relay messages from your central nervous system to your leg muscles A. interneurons B. agonists C. motor neurons D. sensory neurons E. the autonomic nervous system

C. Motor neurons

After a few hours of asleep, Bobby often sits up in bed screaming incoherently. His mother tries to awaken him, but with no success. His pulse races and he gasps for breath. The next morning, he remembers nothing. It appears that Bobby suffers from: A. insomnia. B. sleep apnea. C. night terrors. D. narcolepsy. E. sleep spindles.

C. Night terrors

Which gland releases melatonin in order to induce sleepiness? A. Pituitary Gland B. Thyroid Gland C. Pineal Gland D. Pancreas E. The Brain

C. Pineal Gland

A neuron will generate action potentials more often when it: A. Remains below its threshold B. Receives an excitatory input C. Receives more excitatory that inhibitory inputs D. Is stimulated by a neurotransmitter E. Is stimulated by a dendrite

C. Receives more excitatory that inhibitory inputs

Neurotransmitters are typically stored in which of the following parts of a neuron? A. The nodes of Ranvier B. myelin sheath C. terminal buttons D. Soma E. Axon

C. Terminal buttons

The surgical removal of a large tumor from Dane's occipital lobe resulted in extensive loss of brain tissue. Dane is most likely to suffer some loss of A. muscular coordination B. language comprehension C. visual perception D. speaking ability E. pain sensations

C. Visual perception A = motor cortex B = wernicke's D = Broca's E = Parietal

Damage to _______________________ will usually cause a person to lose the ability to comprehend language. A. The angular gyrus B. Broca's area C. Wernicke's area D. Frontal lobe association areas E. Corpus Callosum

C. Wernicke's area Damage to Broca's area damages speech and frontal lobe damages decision-making

Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as A. dopamine B. epinephrine C. acetycholine D. insulin E. endorphin

C. acetycholine Dopamine = pleasure Epinephrine = mood/adrenaline Insulin = blood sugar Endorphins = pain

Direct stimulation of the motor cortex would be most likely to result in A. feelings of anger B. acceleration of heartbeat C. a sensation of being touched on the arm D. movement of the mouth and lips E. intense pain

D A = amygdala B = brain stem C = parietal

Which theory suggests that dreams are mental responses to make sense of random bursts of neural stimulation that occur during sleep? A. Freud's dream theory B. social influence theory C. dissociation theory D. activation-synthesis theory E. paradoxical sleep theory

D. Activation-synthesis theory

The biological clock that operates in human beings to adjust their functioning to night-and-day periodicity is referred to as: A. Synapses B. Consciousness C. Sleep cycle D. Circadian Rhythm E. Narcolepsy

D. Circadian Rhythm

An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to A. alzheimer's disease B. schizophrenia C. parkinson's disease D. depression E. euphoria

D. Depression A = lack of Ach B and C = lack of dopamine

George has just played a long, bruising football game but feels little fatigue or discomfort. His lack of pain is most likely caused by the release of A. glutamate B. dopamine C. acetylcholine D. endorphins E. insulin

D. Endorphins Glutamate = nutrition for the brain Dopamine = pleasure Ach = motor movement Insulin = blood sugar

While relaxing in a lawn chair enjoying a cool drink, which of the following triggers the "rest-and-digest" response, as your heart rate slows and digestion begins? A. sympathetic nervous system B. limbic system C. somatic nervous system D. parasympathetic nervous system E. motor cortex

D. Parasympathetic nervous system Sympathetic = flight or fight Somatic = voluntary muscle movements Motor cortex = movements

After Carlos had been asleep for about an hour and a half, his heart began to beat faster, his breathing became fast and irregular, and his closed eyes began to dart back and forth. Carlos was most likely experiencing A. narcolepsy. B. Step 3 sleep C. Stage 1 sleep. D. REM sleep. E. sleep apnea.

D. Rem sleep

What do methamphetamine, ecstasy, and cocaine have in common? A. They are categorized as depressants which slow down neural functioning and reduce pain. B. They are categorized as psychoactives which distort perceptions and evoke sensations without sensory input. C. They are categorized as opiates which mean they produce a feel-good sensation D. They are categorized as stimulants which excite neural activity and arouse body functions.

D. They are categorized as stimulants which excite neural activity and arouse body functions.

To demonstrate that brain stimulation can make a rat become aggressive or fearful, a neuroscientist should electrically stimulate the rat's A. reticular formation B. cerebellum C. medulla D. amygdala E. thalamus

D. amygdala

The occipital lobes are to ________ as the temporal lobes are to _________ A. hearing; sensing movement B. seeing; sensing touch C. sensing pleasure; sensing pain D. seeing; hearing E. speaking; hearing

D. seeing; hearing

An individual who drinks alcohol daily finds it necessary to drink increasing amounts to achieve the state of well-being attained in the past. This individual is showing A. withdrawal symptoms B. resistance. C. dissociation. D. tolerance. E. narcolepsy.

D. tolerance

During which task might the right hemisphere of the brain be most active? A. solving a mathematical equation B. reading c. making a brief oral presentation to a class D. visualizing a map E. solving a logic problem

D. visualizing a map Right = spatial; left = language

Brain plasticity refers to which of the following? A. healthy human brain tissue B. the ability of the brain to transfer information from one hemisphere to the other C. how a brain gets larger as a child grows D. a wide variety of functions performed by the human brain E. the ability of brain tissue to take on new functions


Ellen has a hard time balancing on the beam during gymnastics. Which part of the brain is responsible for this task? A. hypothalamus B. reticular formation C. thalamus D. amygdala E. cerebellum

E. Cerebellum

Which region of the brain controls our breathing and heartbeat? A. pons B. corpus callosum C. parietal lobe D. hippocampus E. medulla

E. Medulla Pons = facial expressions Parietal lobe = sensory Hippocampus = memory

For you to experience the pain of a sprained ankle, _______ must first relay messages from your ankle to your central nervous system A. endocrines B. interneurons C. glands D. motor neurons E. sensory neurons

E. Sensory neurons

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