AP Psych Unit 2

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1. The number of humans on Earth has increased dramatically since 1800, from 1 billion to the current 7.3 billion. Exponential growth is growth in proportion to current numbers; thus, the graph of an exponentially growing population looks J-shaped. 2. An effective mechanism for reducing the growth rate of the human population is to increase the education and status of women. Unlike wild species, humans, especially women, voluntarily regulate birth rates. 3. Increases in famine or disease may be a sign that the human population is reaching its maximum size. Density-dependent factors are those that affect growth rates in a population as it approaches carrying capacity. 4. Earth's human population faces an unknown limit to growth. Carrying capacity is the largest population an environment can support over the long term. 5. One unknown is whether human population size can remain close enough to the carrying capacity to avoid a population crash. The current human population is sustained in part by stored fossil fuels. It is possible that we are overshooting Earth's carrying capacity and, like natural populations that do this, a population crash will be the result.


Before 1750, what annual growth rate was occurring in the human population? 10% 2% 0.1% 1.1%


In 2016, the National Center for Health Statistics found that 12 babies were born for every 1000 residents and 8 deaths occurred per 1000 residents. What was the annual growth rate of the population in 2016?


An annual death rate of 1.3% in a population would equal 13 deaths per ________ individuals. 1,000,000 10,000 1,000 100


1. The root expo- means to put forth. 2. The root popula- means multitude. 3. The root demo- means people. 4. The root logo- means proportion or ratio.

1. A population consists of a group of individuals living close to each other. 2. The increase in the size of a population without limit is described as exponential growth. 3. Logistic growth occurs when a population confronts limited resources. 4. A demographic study looks at the statistical characteristics of a human population, such as birth and death rates.

What annual birth rate is found in a population with 18 babies born for every 1000 people? 0.18% 18% 0.018% 1.8%


When did the global human population first reach 1 billion? 1930 1000 B.C.E. 8000 B.C.E. 1800 C.E.

1800 C.E.

The human population hit the 7 billion mark in 2011. If the human population grows at a rate of 1% per year, in what year would the population reach 14 billion? 2071 2111 2200 2061


Part complete What carrying capacity is estimated for Earth based on human uses of the net primary productivity (NPP)? 10.6 billion 21 billion 6.6 billion 40 billion

21 billion

Although Americans make up less than 5% of the total human population, what percentage of the world's resources do Americans generally use? 24% 82% 51% 73%


By how many people does the global human population increase each day? 250,000 1000 12,500 2,500,000


What annual growth rate is found in a population with 45 births and 15 deaths for every 1000 residents? 3.0% 6.0% 1.5% 4.5%


Wildlife biology students captured and banded 300 Canadian geese. At a later time, 300 more geese were captured and 30 were already banded. What estimate would be possible for the entire population? 30 300 3000 30,000


In 2015, how many people were part of the global population? 7.3 million 7.3 billion 730 million 73 million

7.3 billion

Part A - Interpreting the graphPart complete What is the maximum size of the population that can be sustained in this tank environment? 900 individuals 900 individuals per milliliter 12 individuals 1000 individuals 1000 individuals per milliliter Part B - Thinking criticallyPart complete Which of the following statements are supported by the data in this graph? Select all that apply. By day 12, the population had stopped growing in size. The population size never exceeded the carrying capacity. The population could grow exponentially without limit. The fastest rate of growth in the population occurred around day 5. The population must have crashed by day 20.

A 900 individuals per milliliter B By day 12, the population had stopped growing in size. The fastest rate of growth in the population occurred around day 5.

Part A Part complete What was true about the size of the human population in 2015? It had more than doubled since 1965. It was 10.2 billion. It was dropping. It was too large by objective measures. Previous Answers Correct In 2015, the world population was about 7.3 billion, about 4 billion more than 50 years prior—see the introduction. Part B Part complete How have scientists estimated how large the human population was thousands of years ago? by working backwards from the current population size by using worldwide census records by measuring carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere by using archeological records Previous Answers Correct Archeologists can estimate human population sizes by looking for evidence of human settlements and determining their dates of activity as well as their size. Part C Part complete Which is true about human populations as they move from a less developed to a more developed stage? The growth rate becomes negative for a time as the birth rate exceeds the death rate. The birth rate drops first, then the death rate. The death rate rises, then falls after the demographic transition. A decline in birth rate lags a decline in death rate. Previous Answers Correct Because there is a lag in the decline of the birth rate, a population grows rapidly during the transition and continues to do so for a time even after the birth rate also begins to fall. This is what is happening in most countries right now. Part D Part complete Which would not lead to a drop in the growth rate of a human population? promoting policies that increase the number of individuals between the ages of 18 and 40 providing access to voluntary birth control increasing women's access to jobs increasing women's access to education Previous Answers Correct An increase in the number of people of childbearing age would tend to lead to population growth—those are the people who produce new children. Part E Part complete Approximately 5% of the world's population lives in the United States. Approximately how much of the world's energy does the United States consume? 6% 3% 12% 24%

A It had more than doubled since 1965. B by using archeological records C A decline in birth rate lags a decline in death rate. D promoting policies that increase the number of individuals between the ages of 18 and 40 E 24%

Which factor could lower the carrying capacity for a population in a particular area? A decrease in the amount of habitat available due to deforestation A disease that kills all the population's offspring in one year Excess availability in drinking water sources An increase in the amount of food available due to changing climate

A decrease in the amount of habitat available due to deforestation

Which group would be considered a population? The diverse species of bacteria in the gut of a cow All insect species in a single apple tree in California A flock of scarlet macaw parrots on a Costa Rican riverbank The diversity of dogs around the world

A flock of scarlet macaw parrots on a Costa Rican riverbank

What type of line represents exponential growth on a graph of population change over time? A very short, curved segment A steep, nearly vertical segment A segment with multiple hills and valleys A flat, almost horizontal segment

A steep, nearly vertical segment

Part A Look at the age-structure pyramids. The numbers between the bars (in the middle of the graphs) serve as the y-axis. What do these numbers represent? the total population, in millions the population of males and females the number of people born in a particular year the percentage of the population in each age class the age classes, in 5-year ranges Part B What do the bars on the graphs represent? the number of males and females born in different years birth rate or death rate for each age group the number of males and females in each age group the percentage of males and females in each age group Part C Part complete In 2014, how many 25- to 29-year-old women lived in Niger? about 0.6 million about 1.2 million about 0.6 billion cannot be determined from the graph Part D The colors of the bars on the graphs indicate the life stage of the people in that age class. What does it mean if a bar is colored red? The answer cannot be determined from the graphs. The people in that age class are of reproductive age. The people in that age class have not yet reached reproductive age. The people in that age class are past reproductive age. Part E The 2014 age-structure pyramid for Niger indicates that the population of Niger ________. was increasing was stable was decreasing cannot be determined from the graph Part F In the Netherlands in 2014, which age classes contained the largest number of people? children between 5 and 14 adults between 25 and 34 adults between 35 and 45 adults between 45 and 54 adults between 55 and 64 Part G In the Netherlands in 2014, people between the ages of 45 and 54 made up the largest percentage of the population. What factor is most likely to have caused this bulge in the age pyramid? a decline in the birth rate during the Great Depression of the 1930s an increase in the death rate during World War I and the influenza epidemic of 1917 the increased availability of oral contraceptives in the 1950s and 1960s a surge in the birth rate after World War II ended in 1945 Part H Assuming that current trends continue, predict how the age structure of the Netherlands in 2034 will likely differ from that in 2014. The proportion of the population made up of children (ages 0-15) will increase. The proportion of the population made up of adults of reproductive age will increase. The proportion of the population made up of older adults (65+) will increase. The answer cannot be determined from the graph. Part I Based on a comparison of the age-structure pyramids, which of the following would likely be a higher priority in the Netherlands than in Niger? providing childhood vaccinations providing long-term care for the elderly building new schools providing prenatal care

A the age classes, in 5-year ranges B the number of males and females in each age group C about 0.6 million D The people in that age class are past reproductive age. E was increasing F adults between 45 and 54 G a surge in the birth rate after World War II ended in 1945 H The proportion of the population made up of older adults (65+) will increase. I providing long-term care for the elderly

Part A Part complete What circumstance would enable a population to boom following a crash? The carrying capacity of the environment drops. The environment recovers. Logistic growth ends. Deaths exceed births. Part B Part complete The population cycles seen in these figures are caused by which of the following? a lag between births and deaths in a stable population a lag between carrying capacity and the environment's ability to support a population a lag between the effect of a population on its environment and the effect of the environment on growth rates a lag between boom and crash periods in a cycling population

A the environment recovers B a lag between the effect of a population on its environment and the effect of the environment on growth rates

Part A Part complete The y-axis to the right represents ___________. the level of excess resources available for population growth the population available to use the resources the level of resources available per capita resources increasing as population increases Previous Answers Correct Part B Part complete What does the orange graph line represent? logistic growth population size carrying capacity exponential growth Previous Answers Correct Part C Part complete Which of the following statements are true of logistic growth? Select all that apply. When the population reaches carrying capacity, it stops growing. As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more rapidly. The population grows at a steady rate. As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more slowly. Previous Answers Correct Part D Part complete Which of the following statements are true of a population at carrying capacity? Select all that apply. The population growth rate equals zero. The population continues to grow at a constant rate. The birth rate equals the death rate. The rate at which resources are used is equal to the rate at which they are supplied. Previous Answers Correct Part E Part complete As a population approaches carrying capacity, environmental resistance __________. remains constant decreases increases cannot be determined from the graph Previous Answers Correct Part F Part complete Which of the following factors does not contribute to environmental resistance? birth rate weather conditions competition for food environmental toxins competition for space Previous Answers Correct Part G Part complete Graphs A, B, and C represent three different patterns of population growth. Refer to these graphs as you read about the populations in the following questions. Three graphs represent three different patterns of population growth. Every line depicts the change of population growth in time. Graph A is an S-shaped curve that reaches a plateau at carrying capacity, ending with a medium level of population growth. Graph B is a curve that slightly increases at the beginning but then increases quickly reaching its maximum a bit higher than the carrying capacity level. Finally, it fluctuates near the carrying capacity. Graph C is a curve that increases slightly at the beginning but then increases quickly reaching the maximum higher than the carrying capacity level. And, after this, it drops almost to zero. A female darkling beetle laid her eggs in a sack of corn meal. The corn meal was an excellent source of food for the beetle larvae (mealworms), and the beetle population quickly increased. After four months, the beetles had eaten all of the corn meal, and the adult beetles flew away to find new food sources. Which graph best represents the growth of the beetle population in the sack of corn meal? Graph A Graph B Graph C Previous Answers Correct Part H Part complete Scientists grew a population of yeast cells in a flask to which they provided a constant supply of nutrients. As the population of yeast cells increased, competition for the nutrients also increased. This caused the population to grow more slowly, until the rate at which the yeast cells used the nutrients was equal to rate at which the nutrients were supplied to the flask. Which of the three graphs shown in Part G best represents the growth of these yeast population? Graph A Graph B Graph C Previous Answers Correct Part I Part complete A pair of coyotes colonized a large island where rodents (their prey) were abundant. At first the number of coyotes increased. But as the coyote population increased, competition for prey also increased and the coyote population grew more slowly. In some years, weather conditions killed many of the rodents, causing some coyotes to starve. In other years, weather conditions were favorable for the rodent poulation, allowing the coyotes to thrive, reproduce, and raise many pups. Which of the three graphs shown in Part G best represents the growth of this coyote population? Graph A Graph B Graph C

A the level of resources available per capita B logistic growth C When the population reaches carrying capacity, it stops growing. As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more slowly. D The population growth rate equals zero. The birth rate equals the death rate. The rate at which resources are used is equal to the rate at which they are supplied. E increases F birth rate G Graph C H Graph A I Graph B

What definition applies to a population? All the individual species that live in an area at the same time and their environment All the individuals of a species that live in an area at the same time All the individuals of different species that live in an area at the same time A group of individuals that can breed and produce viable offspring

All the individuals of a species that live in an area at the same time

Which factor could reduce the carrying capacity of a habitat for a rabbit population? An increase in the growth of clover in the habitat An increase in the number of nesting sites in the habitat An extended drought in the habitat An increase in the growth of shrubs and low brush in the habitat

An extended drought in the habitat

In a city with 86,293 people, 1853 citizens died and 1472 babies were born in one year. What is the current growth rate of the city? Approximately - 0. 4% Approximately - 0.08% Approximately - 5.6% Approximately - 3.2%

Approximately - 0. 4%

What situation results when a spotted salamander population in vernal pools remains stable for many years due to resource limits? Carrying capacity has been reached. Density dependence is not involved. Predation has decreased. Density independence occurs.

Carrying capacity has been reached.

What results when a population grows larger than the carrying capacity? Death rates rise. Food becomes abundant. The carrying capacity increases. Birth rates remain stable.

Death rates rise

Which factor is density independent? Concentration of waste Drought Crowding Infectious disease


In spite of natural factors that might influence human population growth rates, why might population growth in some areas appear to be declining? Humans have exceeded their carrying capacity. Nutrition has declined in many populations. Families and individuals make choices to have fewer children. The incidence of disease epidemics has increased worldwide.

Families and individuals make choices to have fewer children.

Why do growth rates appear to be declining in many human populations? The carrying capacity has been reached. Birth rates are decreasing due to famine. Families are choosing to have fewer children. Death rates are increasing due to disease epidemics and famines.

Families are choosing to have fewer children.

Which assumption applies to the mark-recapture method? Marked individuals become "trap-happy" relative to unmarked individuals. Few individuals enter or leave the study area during the period between mark and recapture. Marked individuals avoid recapture, relative to unmarked individuals. The population size changes dramatically between the time of mark and recapture.

Few individuals enter or leave the study area during the period between mark and recapture.

How could better health conditions lead to a decrease in population growth? As families enjoy better health, all members of the family are likely to live longer. If parents know their children may survive to adulthood, they are likely to have fewer children. A woman who enjoys good health will often delay motherhood. Better health for mothers leads to better survivorship of their babies.

If parents know their children may survive to adulthood, they are likely to have fewer children.

How does the population pyramid of India, a rapidly growing population with many young people, compare to the population pyramid of the United States, a slower-growing population with evenly distributed ages? The population of India is more stable than the population of the United States. The United States will continue to have a high population growth rate in the future. Rapid population growth is not expected in India due to the small number of individuals reaching reproductive age in the future. India has a greater potential for high levels of demographic momentum than does the United States.

India has a greater potential for high levels of demographic momentum than does the United States.

What problem is associated with using NPP to calculate the carrying capacity for humans? It fails to consider our need for other resources, such as water, clean air, and fuel. Humans grow their own food, which isn't a part of the NPP. NPP isn't important when considering the human population. It overestimates the effects of humans on the ecosystem.

It fails to consider our need for other resources, such as water, clean air, and fuel.Which factor may result in the actual carrying capacity of our planet being lower than initially calculated?

Over the past two centuries, how has the growth of human population changed? It has increased steadily. It has leveled off slowly. It has increased exponentially. It has exhibited "boom and bust" growth.

It has increased exponentially.

Based on the population pyramid of the United States in 2015, as seen in this figure, what predictions can be made about the population? It will be in a demographic transition. It will remain relatively stable due to low demographic momentum. It will experience a rapid increase due to large birth rates. It will experience a large decrease in population size.

It will remain relatively stable due to low demographic momentum.

What shape does the graph of exponential growth take? S L J M


Part complete What form does exponential growth make on a line graph? an M-shaped, up and down line an S-shaped curve a J-shaped curve a wavy line that eventually straightens

J shaped curve

Which mathematical symbol represents the carrying capacity of a population? K J r S


Which outcome may result from some populations depending on nonrenewable resources? The population size may stabilize at a much lower level. Maximum populations that are actually larger than the carrying capacity may result. Populations are prevented from reaching a size greater than the average population. The population will survive in times of need.

Maximum populations that are actually larger than the carrying capacity may result.

Which factor may result in the actual carrying capacity of our planet being lower than initially calculated? Modern food production relies on nonrenewable resources. The human population is growing much faster than was previously thought. The average American uses more resources than someone from another country. NPP has been decreasing.

Modern food production relies on nonrenewable resources.

In a world supporting 21 billion people, which statement would be true? Most ecosystems would remain functional. No other animal species could exist. Land could no longer be managed for food production. Most people could maintain a diet that included both plants and animals.

No other animal species could exist.

On a logistic growth curve, what type of growth is represented by the flat segment at the top of the graph? No population growth Exponential population growth Slowly decreasing population growth Slowly increasing population growth

No population growth

What is the relationship between per capita income and birth rate? income/growth/literacy diagram Per capita income is weakly correlated with a low birth rate. Per capita income is strongly correlated with a high birth rate. Per capita income is strongly correlated with a low birth rate. No obvious relationship exists between per capita income and birth rate.

Per capita income is strongly correlated with a low birth rate.

How is the annual growth rate for the entire human population determined? The average number of births is subtracted from the average number of deaths. The average number of deaths is subtracted from the average number of births. The number of births for an entire year is averaged together. The number of births is averaged and added to the number of immigrants for the year.

The average number of deaths is subtracted from the average number of births.

What evidence would show that a population is in a period of exponential decline? The birth rate far exceeds the death rate. The death rate is almost equal to the birth rate. The birth rate is slightly higher than the death rate. The death rate far exceeds the birth rate.

The death rate far exceeds the birth rate.

Part complete What information would an ecologist study? The effects of warming stream temperatures on brook trout The effects of radiation treatment on breast cancer Ways to genetically engineer crop plants How plant chemicals can be used to produce new medications

The effects of warming stream temperatures on brook trout

Which factor could have caused the population represented by the graph to stabilize at its carrying capacity? Population size graph The finite amount of space available in the area A sudden loss in the food supply Rapid deforestation A disease that swept through the population

The finite amount of space available in the area

What changes occur in a population experiencing logistic growth? The population grows rapidly, then declines rapidly. The population grows rapidly, eventually levels off, and remains at a particular number of individuals. The population grows rapidly without leveling off or declining. The population adds a fixed number of individuals each year.

The population grows rapidly, eventually levels off, and remains at a particular number of individuals.

In some situations, the death rate of a population declines before the birth rate begins to decline. What can be concluded about the population? A density-dependent factor is in action. The population is in a demographic transition. The population occurs in an industrialized nation. The carrying capacity is being reached.

The population is in a demographic transition.

What factor would allow a population to become very large? The population becomes industrialized. The population decreases the rate of infant mortality. The population passes through a demographic transition slowly. The population has a large percentage of very poor people.

The population passes through a demographic transition slowly.

What results as the size of a population approaches the carrying capacity of its environment? A graph of population growth resembles a "J." The growth rate increases. Birth rates become proportionally much greater than the death rates. The population stabilizes at its maximum size.

The population stabilizes at its maximum size.

What would happen if everyone on the planet used resources and lived the average lifestyle of an American? The Earth would have the carrying capacity to sustain the human population. The population growth rate would immediately decrease. There would be same number of people in less-developed countries as there are Americans. We would need multiple Earths for this to be possible.

We would need multiple Earths for this to be possible.

Which population was unaffected by density-dependent factors? a bacterial culture with a constant nutrient supply Norway lemmings elk in Yellowstone National Park in the 1990s yeast that ferment grape juice into wine

a bacterial culture with a constant nutrient supply

What is the steep and sudden decline in a population size as birth rates plummet and death rates soar? a "boom and bust" cycle a population crash carrying capacity demographic momentum

a population crash

Oak tree species produce many acorns in some years, followed by years of lower acorn amounts. Squirrel populations will increase due to increased acorn availability. Squirrel populations will decrease after lower acorn abundance. What explanation applies to this example? a population cycle NPP a density-independent factor a renewable resource

a population cycle

Which situation would be represented by a top-heavy, inverted triangular population pyramid? a "boom and bust" cycle a population decrease rapid population growth population stabilization

a population decrease

Part complete Which project would be conducted by an ecologist? a project discussing methods of energy conservation for modern households a study of bluebirds and their relationships with other birds in that area observations of sexual selection practices in human populations laboratory tests about the effectiveness of antibiotics on resistant bacteria

a study of bluebirds and their relationships with other birds in that area

What type of distribution includes the evenly spaced distribution of apple trees in an orchard? a clumped distribution a uniform distribution no distribution a random distribution

a uniform distribution

What is another word for population density? abundance carrying capacity distribution demographics


Which group forms a single population? all varieties of apple trees in an orchard two sunflower plants in a yard all dolphin species in the Pacific Ocean all fruit flies found in a kitchen

all fruit flies found in a kitchen

Infant mortality decreased as the Industrial Revolution occurred. What situation resulted from the decrease in infant mortality? boom and bust cycles of the population growth rate an increase in the population growth rate a stabilization of the population growth rate a decrease in the population growth rate

an increase in the population growth rate

Although the carrying capacity of a population is determined by food availability, what other factor affects the carrying capacity? the energy fluctuations of the sun a woman's choice to not have children the prevalence of war clean air and water

clean air and water

Several groups of lilies are found around a pond with many individual flowers in each group. What type of distribution applies to this example? clumped uniform random normal


What type of distribution does the human population follow on a global level? indescribable uniform clumped random


Which activity would be an example of an ecological study? comparing the effects of varying water temperature on fish egg development developing a medication to treat kidney failure in cats measuring monthly ocean temperature changes calculating the age of a giant redwood tree by counting its annual rings

comparing the effects of varying water temperature on fish egg development

Which factor would be a density-dependent factor? Competition Solar cycle Lunar cycle Weather


What factor would increase a population's mortality due to increased competition for water? density-independent factor increase in carrying capacity demographic transition density-dependent factor

density-dependent factor

What does a completely columnar population pyramid represent? equal proportions of young, middle-aged, and elderly people proportionally more middle-aged than elderly and/or young people proportionally more young than middle-aged or elderly people proportionally more middle-aged and elderly than young people

equal proportions of young, middle-aged, and elderly people

True or False: Density-independent factors can influence carrying capacity.


True or False: Every natural population eventually reaches its carrying capacity within its habitat.


True or False: The amount of land available on Earth is a factor that has limited human populations.


True or False: The carrying capacity for a particular area is the same for every population that lives in the area.


True or false: A woman with a college education is more likely to have a large family than a woman with an eighth-grade education.


True or false: Human population growth has always been exponential.


True or false: Nearly all developed countries in the world are beginning a demographic transition in the twenty-first century.


True or false: Net primary productivity refers to all plant and animal energy available in one food chain at any particular time.


True or false: Scientists agree on the size of the carrying capacity of Earth for the human population.


True or false: The "boom and bust" cycles found in animal populations are always caused by weather-related factors.


True or false: The human population growth rate is higher now than ever before.


Which factor can affect the carrying capacity of a habitat? Birth rate Rates of disease Death rate Food availability

food availability

New England salt marshes experience a greater amount of plant growth in a given area in one year than any other temperate ecosystem. What characteristic do these salt marshes have? low net primary productivity (NPP) high NPP an unlimited carrying capacity high biodiversity

high NPP

Which factor is density-dependent? increase in rainfall increase in waste production decrease in frequency of hurricanes decrease in temperature

increase in waste production

What characteristics apply to developed countries? industrial economies and high individual incomes industrial economies and low individual incomes agricultural economies and high individual incomes agricultural economies and low individual incomes

industrial economies and high individual incomes

Which energy source is a nonrenewable resource? hydrogen fuel cell solar energy wind power natural gas

natural gas

According to the chart, increased female literacy in a country leads to which outcome? The data from the graphs are provided in the table below. Countries Per capita income, in U S dollars Population growth rate, percentage increase per year Female literacy, percentage of population Germany $34,200 Negative 0.1 99 South Korea $28,100 0.3 97 Spain $29,300 0.5 97 United Kingdom $34,200 0.6 99 Chile $14,700 0.9 96 United States $46,000 1.0 99 Mexico $13,200 1.1 85 Vietnam $2,900 1.1 87 Venezuela $12,600 1.5 93 Bangladesh $1,600 1.6 41 Cambodia $2,000 1.7 64 Chad $1,700 2.0 13 Tanzania $1,400 2.0 62 Angola $8,300 2.1 54 Yemen $2,500 2.7 30 Higher birth rate Higher per capita income Lower population rate No clear conclusion

no clear conclusion

What group is represented by all of the bacteria species, E. coli, living inside a cow's intestine? community biosphere ecosystem population


Red maple tree seeds are dispersed by the wind. This species of tree can be found in fields, woods, and even wetlands. What type of distribution applies to this example? clumped uniform random normal


Why may human populations surpass the carrying capacity of their environment? sudden population crashes increases in death rates as the population growth approaches carrying capacity decreases in birth rates as resources are depleted temporary reliance on stored or nonrenewable resources

temporary reliance on stored or nonrenewable resources

Which factor explains a uniform distribution of individuals in a population? soil nutrients available to a species of plant territoriality in a species of bird oxygen levels in a pond, where an oxygen-dependent bacterial species lives food availability for humans living in a certain geographic area

territoriality in a species of bird

Which factor is directly involved in calculating NPP? the amount of solar energy converted to chemical energy by plants the number of births and deaths in a population over one year the amount of chemical energy required by plants to support themselves the change in growth of the human population

the amount of solar energy converted to chemical energy by plants

Which experiment would not be considered an ecological study? the effect of a housing development on a spotted salamander population in a vernal pool the effect of a hormone on the rate of blood vessel formation the effect of changing availability of acorns on a population of squirrels the effect of a red tide outbreak on sea birds in the area

the effect of a hormone on the rate of blood vessel formation

Which factor is a population-limiting, density-dependent factor? a drought that limits food availability the rapid spread of tuberculosis in heavily populated areas a heat wave in which some organisms can't survive a heavy flood that destroys a large area around a river

the rapid spread of tuberculosis in heavily populated areas

Which factor has dramatically decreased infant mortality in human populations? the choice made by educated women to have fewer children the use of pesticides to reduce mosquito populations a shift from an agricultural to an industrial economy an increase in poverty in developed countries

the use of pesticides to reduce mosquito populations

True or False: A population can grow to be larger than the carrying capacity of the environment.


True or False: Low human birth rates are correlated with populations in which income and female literacy are high.


True or False: The frequency of rainfall in an area is a density-independent factor that influences populations.


True or False: The increase of one population in an area may decrease the carrying capacity for a different population in the same area.


True or false: A population can be clumped on a large scale, but uniform on a local scale.


True or false: Global human population growth rates have declined since the 1960s by about 1%.


True or false: In general, developed countries have lower population growth rates than less-developed countries.


True or false: Most developed countries have passed through a demographic transition and currently have low population growth rates.


True or false: NPP is a measure of plant growth in a region during a single year.


True or false: The average American uses as many resources in one day as 370 Ethiopians.


True or false: The carrying capacity of a given geographic region for a single population can change over time.


True or false: The human population may continue to increase even though it surpasses carrying capacity.


White-tailed deer populations tend to increase as more edges are created in forest habitats. True or False: The presence of forest edges is a density-dependent factor.


Ravens are perched on fence posts every few kilometers along a 20-kilometer stretch. What type of distribution applies to this example? clumped uniform random normal


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