AP Psych Units 12 & 13 - Abnormal & Treatment Approaches

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Which of the following Is NOT a symptoms of a major depressive disorder?

Auditory hallucinations

The goal of rational-emotive therapy is to help clients

Correct self-defeating thoughts about their lives

Which of the following is most effectively treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?


As a child, George had a pattern of wandering away from home. He came from a very unhappy family; his parents were divorced, and he was left at home with housekeepers. His father was very harsh with him and on several occasions gave him such severe whippings that the neighbors called the police. His mother was a highly emotional person and tried to discipline George by screaming at him and threatening to place him in a boarding home.

Dissociative Fugue

Which of the following is true?

Fetuses exposed to flu virus are more likely to develop schizophrenia later in life

Which of the following is considered a benefit of group therapy?

It saves time and money when compared with other forms of therapy

Dr. Smithers is a college instructor who is constantly anxious and often suffers from attacks that make it difficult to breath and has feelings of dying and insanity.

Panic Disorder

Unreasonable suspiciousness or distrust is called:


Which of the following statements is false?

Someone suffering from depression will get better only with therapy or medication.

Electroconvulsive therapy has been most successful in the treatment of

clinical depression

What do mental health professionals call a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior?

A psychological disorder

Ever since she was a child, Henrietta has had an intense fear of clowns, even though she has never been hurt by one. She runs screaming whenever she sees one. Henrietta most likely has what psychological disorder?

A specific phobia

Which of the following is an example of Albert Ellis' rational emotive behavior therapy?

A therapist refutes irrational beliefs

Brain-scanning techniques reveal what kinds of brain activity differences in people with chronic schizophrenia?

Abnormal activity in multiple brain areas

Echoing, restating, and seeking clarification of what a person expresses (verbally or nonverbally) in a therapy session is called

Active listening

Which of the following is a feature of client-centered therapy?

Active listening

Which scenario is most closely related to the results of the 1973 Rosenhan study?

After Andy received a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, his family interpreted all of his behaviors as symptoms of his diagnosis.

Oliver has been afraid to leave his house for several months. He cannot identify anything in particular that scares him, but he has begun having food and groceries delivered and keeps his shades drawn. Oliver most likely suffers from what disorder?


Which of the following is a characteristic common to all individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder?

An unwarranted sense of self-importance

Since her father's death, Nina has become dangerously thin because she exercises compulsively and strictly limits her eating. Based on these symptoms, Nina would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?

Anorexia Nervosa

What kind of drug is most closely associated with increasing the availability of norepinephrine or serotonin?


Dr. Xi conducted an experiment on the effectiveness of an antidepressant medication. Given her research design, if she finds that the drug is effective, which of the following will she be able to conclude?

Antidepressants decrease the severity of depression, and the experiment demonstrates cause-and-effect because she used random assignment.

1. Meg has been arrested on a number of occasions for disturbing the peace and for illegally producing and selling alcohol and drugs to minors. Although a number of his "clients" have died from overdoses, she feels no remorse.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Which personality disorder is associated with a lack of regret over violating others' rights?

Antisocial Personality Disorder

As a child, Ryan took delight in hurting animals. As an adult, he frequently abuses strangers and feels no remorse. What diagnosis would Ryan most likely receive, and why?

Antisocial personality disorder, because lack of empathy and remorse are characteristics of this disorder.

Jimmy has a difficult time paying attention in class. He often gets up from his seat, he demonstrates repetitive behaviors, and has difficulty making eye contact with others. What disorder is Jimmy most likely experiencing?

Autism spectrum disorder

In an effort to help a child overcome a fear of dogs, a therapist pairs a trigger stimulus (something associated with dogs) with a new stimulus that causes a response that is incompatible with fear (for example, an appealing snack or toy). Which clinical orientation is this therapist using?


The key difference between obsessions and compulsions is that compulsions involve repetitive:


A mood disorder characterized by periods of alternating excitement and depression; often includes elaborate ideas about past accomplishments and future ideas. May be severe enough to be psychotic.

Bipolar Disorder

A mood disorder involving depression and mania:

Bipolar Disorder

Don goes through periods when he feels that he just cannot lose. He goes on gambling sprees, launches new get-rich-quick schemes, and engages in promiscuous behavior. At other times, he feels so down that he can't even get out of bed and that life seems purposeless.

Bipolar Disorder

Adolescent mood swings might be misdiagnosed as which psychological disorder?

Bipolar disorder

Geraldine goes through a few weeks of feeling so sad that she can barely summon the energy to leave her bed. Then she will have an extended period of energy and productivity, during which she barely sleeps. Geraldine would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?

Bipolar disorder

Brett is exhibiting signs of dissociative amnesia. Which of the following scenarios would most likely depict Brett's situation?

Brett was at work in Seattle when a police officer asked if he was John Simons from Miami. Brett said no, but the officer showed him a picture of himself with a family he had no memory of. Brett did not remember how he got to Seattle and did not remember ever being named John.

Bree, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, remains motionless for hours despite her family's attempts to interact with her. What symptom is Bree demonstrating?


A disorder marked by delusions, hallucinations, incoherence, and inappropriate affect

Catatonic Schizophrenia

______________ symptoms of Major Depression include difficulty with concentration or memory and preoccupation with suicide.


Which kind of therapy is most closely associated with the goal of altering thoughts and actions?

Cognitive Behavioral

Which of the following therapeutic approaches is scientifically supported?

Cognitive Therapy

Repetitive, ritualized behaviors are called:


Repetitive, ritualized behaviors are otherwise known as


A disorder characterized by bodily ailments such as blindness or paralysis that result from emotional and other psychological causes

Conversion Disorder

Driving back from a Prince concert, Geri fell asleep at the wheel and crashed her Jaguar convertible. Her best friends perished in the crash. Ever since, even though doctors cannot find anything physically wrong, Geri has been paralyzed in the arm with which she was steering.

Conversion Disorder

Ricardo is unable to straighten his body, which is bent forward at a 45-degree angle, even though there is no evidence of orthopedic or neurological damage.

Conversion Disorder

This researcher and seven others went to mental hospital admissions offices, complaining of "hearing voices" that were saying "empty," "hollow," and "thud." Apart from this complaint and giving false names and occupations, they answered all the questions truthfully. All eight were diagnosed as mentally ill.

David Rosenhan

Which of the following is the best term or phrase for a false belief, often of persecution, that may accompany psychotic disorders?


What is the most common reason people seek mental health services?


Which of the following is the primary purpose of the DSM?

Diagnosis of mental disorders

A disorder characterized by various symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and withdrawal from reality

Disorganized Schizophrenia

Ed believes that he is an alien who has been left behind on Earth by his "pod." He is difficult to understand, as he speaks frequently in rhyme and makes up his own words.

Disorganized Schizophrenia

A category of disorder in which people view parts of their activities as separate from their personality


An accountant whose life was always exceptionally well-organized, abandoned his family and assumed a new identity in another town. Identified months later, he is unable to recall his previous way of life.

Dissociative Fugue

Disorder that involves both forgetting of one's own identity as well as fleeing one's life situation

Dissociative Fugue

A split of consciousness or identity is called:

Dissociative Identity

A 32-year-old woman, named Rabbit, has severe headaches and periods of blackouts when she has no recollection of where she has been or who she has spoken to. People who she believes are strangers often try to talk with her.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

George T., age 35, an auto mechanic, on several occasions found himself in a motion picture theatre after having left home to report for work. He would "come to" in a bewildered fashion and would go to a bar for a few drinks. Eventually he would go home.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

While Brian appears to be a mild-mannered twenty-something, he sometimes believes he is a teenage female named Suzy who is a member of the high school dance team. At these times, he dresses in various matching outfits, carries pom pons, and practices various routines constantly. Brian is confused about why he sometimes awakens dressed in strange clothing.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Greg experienced trauma as a young child. Now as an adult, in times of stress, his voice and mannerisms change and he claims to be a different person. Greg's symptoms are most in line with what psychological disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder

Most antipsychotic drugs mimic a certain neurotransmitter by blocking its activity at the receptor sites. These drugs affect which one of the following neurotransmitters?


Dr. Keeler believes that a strong therapeutic alliance causes positive therapeutic outcomes. He tests this hypothesis by randomly assigning individuals seeking therapy to either work with a therapist or work through a therapy workbook and then measuring the reduction in symptoms after eight weeks. Dr. Keeler concludes that therapy is beneficial to anyone experiencing psychological problems. Why is Dr. Keeler's conclusion invalid?

Dr. Keeler conducted his study from individuals seeking out therapy; therefore, his results are not applicable to the general population.

Which of the following is seen as an effective treatment for severe depression that does not respond to drug therapy?


Many clinical psychologists incorporate a variety of approaches into their therapy. They are said to take a(n) ___________ approach.


_______________ symptoms of Major Depression include sadness and guilt where _______________ symptoms include tearfulness and loss of interest in things one would normally find enjoyable.

Emotional; Behavioral

Which therapeutic lifestyle change would have a positive impact on someone's well-being if they experience bouts of depression?

Engaging in aerobic exercise

Which research design, using twenty participants, would most effectively determine how well a drug treats depression?

Evaluate how much negative thinking the participants are experiencing. Then assign ten participants to a group that receives the drug and ten participants to a placebo group. After ten weeks of treatment, evaluate how many negative thoughts they are experiencing again.

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates a behavioral approach to therapy?

Finn has been acting out at school, so his therapist employs a token economy to reward Finn when he behaves well.

Charlene is experiencing problems that are most consistent with bipolar disorder. Which of the following scenarios most likely represents Charlene's situation?

For the last two weeks, Charlene has been unable to go to work because she has no energy or interest in anything, and she feels that life may not be worth living. Three weeks ago, however, she was optimistic and wildly euphoric and working 18 hours a day voluntarily.

A disorder characterized by constant worry and fears is called:

Generalized Anxiety

Allowing people to discover, in a social context, that others have problems similar to their own is a unique benefit of what kind of therapy?


Sensory experiences without sensory stimulation are called:


Jimmy, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, sees images of cats everywhere even when no cats are present. What symptom is Jimmy most clearly demonstrating?

Hallucinations, because Jimmy's perception is incorrect.

This risk of major depression and bipolar disorder dramatically increases if you:

Have a parent or sibling with the disorder

Xavier, who has a negative explanatory style, is most likely to get depressed after failing a math test if he believes that he failed because

He is not good at math and never will be

Anthony thinks he will fail his math test because he believes he is terrible at math, even though he has passed his previous math tests. Which of the following explanations would the cognitive approach use to explain Anthony's behavior?

His irrational thoughts are causing him to doubt his abilities, even though he has evidence to show otherwise.

Mindy's colleagues were embarrassed when she arrived at the professional meeting dressed more appropriately for a nightclub. In addition, she continually drew attention to herself by talking loudly and dramatically, as though she was onstage. Mindy's behavior is most consistent with which of the following psychological disorders?

Histrionic personality disorder, because Mindy is exhibiting exaggerated and self-centered emoting.

Which of the following is one of the ways humanistic therapies differ from psychoanalytic therapies?

Humanist therapies focus on promoting growth, not curing illness

A thirty-one-year-old engineer gradually began to fear that he had a serious disease, and was going to die of heart apoplexy. All the assurances and examinations of his doctor could not convince him. He began consulting every possible doctor, and took long holidays, always recovering a little, but invariably finding that his fears returned.


Luther, a retiree, is preoccupied with any slight irregularity in bodily functioning and enjoys discussing every symptom.


Dr. Freddy believes that the development of schizophrenia is solely caused by biological factors. Which of the following is NOT accounted for by this belief?

If one member of a set of identical twins develops schizophrenia, the other twin has an almost 50 percent chance of also developing schizophrenia.

Adela regularly interprets ordinary physical symptoms like stomach cramps and headaches as serious medical problems. Her doctor is unable to convince her that her problems are not serious. Adela suffers from

Illness anxiety disorder

Which of the following is true of depression?

In the US, suicide is more common among Whites than Blacks

Joaquim wants to determine whether cognitive therapy is effective in treating depression. He measures the depression levels of 40 participants using a pretest, making several practical behavior-change recommendations to implement, and then measuring depression levels in a posttest. Joaquim concludes that cognitive therapy was effective in treating depression. Why is this conclusion invalid?

Joaquim should have used a control group.

Which of the following is the defining characteristic of antisocial personality disorder?

Lack of conscience

A married woman suffers from insomnia, crying, and has been aware of poor concentration and diminished interest in activities. She loves her children but has no motivation to care for them. This has occurred for a long period of time now.

Major Depression

A mood disorder involving disturbances in emotions, behavior, cognition, and bodily function

Major Depression

A teenage girl becomes increasingly separate from her friends and family. Senior year, she decides to quit the activities and sports she has been in. Her grades drop with her lack of attendance. She shuts out friends who try to help.

Major Depression

Which of the following disorders do Americans experience most frequently?

Mood disorders

Gale reluctantly visited a psychotherapist because he is unable to maintain personal relationships. He says, "People don't understand how fortunate they are when I give them the opportunity to come out with me. Sometimes they even say they already have other plans. They clearly are making a mistake turning me down!" Gale's mindset is most indicative of what disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder

A Freudian term no longer used in describing disorders


Kent continually finds himself growing anxious about germs gathering on his skin. He can only decrease his anxiety by washing his hands. Soon, however, the anxiety returns, and he washes his hands again. He repeats this cycle dozens of times each day. Kent most likely is experiencing which psychological disorder?


A recurrent, unwished-for thoughts is called:


A bright young woman becomes increasingly concerned about upcoming weather conditions. She feels obliged to check environmental conditions several times a day. She is unable to leave the house in the morning unless she has done all of the following: called the weather service, checked the newspapers, listened to the radio, and went online. She feels silly, but can't seem to go for very long without thinking about how the weather might change.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Jimmie, a 15-year-old boy feels the need to touch a glass exactly 16 times before he can drink from it without anxiety.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

1. Ken is plagued with constant worries that what he has planned will not occur as scheduled. He makes hundreds of "to do" lists each day, and often checks these lists to make sure they are correct. Ken incessantly reminds his colleagues of upcoming deadlines, sometimes 15-20 times each day.

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

A person troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions is most likely experiencing which of the following?

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Every night as he readies for bed, Steven walks in a circle beside his bed five times, afraid that something terrible will happen if he does not. Then, after lying down, he fears that he did not count right, gets up, and repeats the circling. This cycle continues to the point that he gets little sleep. Steven most likely has what disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

On which of the following are token economies based?

Operant conditioning

Ever since Minnie witnessed a serious car crash, she continues to have vivid nightmares and reacts with panic at any sudden noise. Minnie's symptoms are most indicative of what disorder?


While on a visit to the Midwest, Sam's residence was demolished by a tornado. Ever since, she has been plagued by terrible nightmares and occasional flashbacks.


A married woman, whose life was complicated by her mother's living in the home, complained that she felt tense and irritable most of the time. She was apprehensive lest something happen to her mother, her husband or herself. She had no definite idea what it was that she was worried about. She suffered from occasional attacks in which her heart pounded and was irregular. She often experienced severe migraines, especially at times of great stress.

Panic Disorder

Ralph's suspicions about his wife's infidelity were unjustified. Nothing that Ann did indicated that she was with other men. Ralph created an entire belief system—one that could not be changed even with disconfirming facts about his wife's imagined infidelities. There was no serious disorganized thinking in other areas and Ralph's personality remained otherwise intact.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

1. Trent was raised in a rural, isolated area. Interactions with females was minimal. Now, Trent finds he can only be sexually aroused by llamas.


Edna, age 20, a sophomore in college, had a pronounced fear of being left alone with a man, whether a fellow student, professor, relative or acquaintance. She refused all dates and never allowed herself to placed in situations where it was necessary for her to go home with someone of the opposite sex. She could give no good reason for this fear, but recognized her problem; yet, there seemed to be nothing that she could do about it. Recently, when it appeared inevitable that she must go home from a party with a boy, she trembled, her hands became clammy and she became very faint. As a result, her hostess invited her to remain for the night.


Unrealistic fear that disrupts a person's life is called a:


___________ symptoms of Major Depression include loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and restlessness.


According to research, which of the following has been identified as an early warning sign of schizophrenia?

Poor peer relations and solo play

Which of the following scenarios is consistent with the behavioral therapeutic approach?

Ralph is misbehaving in school so Dr. Evans creates a token economy to increase Ralph's good behavior.

Dr. Vazquez is interested in comparing the effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy with that of antidepressant drugs in treating depression. Which research design is he most likely to use?

Randomly assigning participants to either take an SSRI or receive a brief electrical current through their brain

Which of the following individuals would most likely experience the lowest level of stigma because of their psychological disorder diagnosis?

Ronaldo, a man, who was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa

A disorder characterized by delusions and hallucinations


A split from reality that shows itself in disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions, and/or diminished or inappropriate emotions is associated with which psychological disorder?


Although some psychological disorders are culture-bound, others are universal. For example, in every known culture some people have


Jack believes that aliens are using electrical fields to steal thoughts from his head. It is most likely that Jack will be diagnosed with which of the following types of disorders?

Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic

Christy is terrified of speaking in public. While highly knowledgeable and competent, whenever she has to address a gathering of adults, her heart pounds and her mouth gets dry.

Social Phobia

Lena has experienced severe pain in her right arm for years, although her doctor can find no cause or external symptom for the pain. Lena would most likely be diagnosed with what psychological disorder?

Somatic symptom disorder

Category of disorders in which physical symptoms appear without known physical causes


Category of disorders in which physical symptoms appear without known physical causes:


Dr. Jones hypothesizes that antianxiety drugs cause a reduction in central nervous system activity. In order to test the hypothesis, what should her independent variable be?

Taking Xanax versus taking a placebo

Based on brain scans, which of the following is true of brain function and mood?

The brain is more active during manic episodes and less active during depressive episodes

What is an appropriate reason for a clinician to break confidentiality?

The client is a danger to self or others.

Which of the following best describes the idea that psychological disorders can be diagnosed and treated?

The medical model

Which of the following is the best phrase for a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and client who are working to overcome the client's problem?

Therapeutic alliance

Which of the following was the purpose of lobotomies?

To separate the reasoning centers of the brain from the emotional centers

Which of the following is the primary reason for using the most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)?

To use a reliable classification system for mental disorders

In the context of psychoanalytic theory, experiencing strong positive or negative feelings for your analyst is a sign of what?


Paul is seeing a cognitive therapist to treat his depression. What piece of advice is Paul's therapist likely to give him?

Try to replace your catastrophic thinking with more realistic, positive thoughts.

To test the effectiveness of an SSRI, Dr. Morris randomly assigns one group of participants to receive the drug and assigns the other group a placebo. Dr. Morris is most likely using

an experimental design, and the dependent variable is depression

Which of the following personality disorders is characterized by behavior that includes dishonesty, repeated trouble with authority figures, and an absence of remorse for these types of conduct?


Dorothea Dix:

applied the medical model for people with mental disorders in the US.

A psychotherapist who believes that deviant behavior can be traced either to genetic anomalies or to problems in the physical structure of the brain most likely subscribes to which of the following views of abnormality?


Which of the following most likely emphasized listening intently and feeling positively about a client no matter what the client did in therapy?

carl rogers

In treating a patient for depression, Dr. Pratt focuses on changing the ways in which the patient interprets events. Which type of therapy is Dr. Pratt using?


A man who experiences sudden blindness on witnessing the death of his wife is probably suffering from a

conversion disorder

For several weeks - ever since she did not receive a raise that was given to several colleagues - Enid has lacked energy, has been unable to go to work, and has expected bad things to happen every day. Of the following, she is most likely experiencing


What term associated with psychological disorders best describes a thought, feeling, or behavior that is atypical or rare?


Multiple personality is a type of

dissociative disorder

Which of the following is the diagnosis given to people with multiple personalities?

dissociative identity disorder

One suspected cause of schizophrenia is the abnormal increase of which of the following neurotransmitters in the brain?


Contemporary definitions of abnormal behavior typically characterize such behavior as all of the following EXCEPT

due to inappropriate child-rearing practices

An advantage of group therapy over individual therapy is that group therapy

enables clients to realize that their problems are not unique

Scott is undergoing psychoanalysis to try to deal with his severe anxiety. What technique is his therapist likely to use?

free association

A somatoform disorder is best described as an illness that

is physical in nature and caused by psychological factors

Cheryl, who is 85, is having difficulty remembering her phone number and address; at times, she is unsure of where she is. Cheryl is most likely experiencing

major neurocognitive disorder

The cognitive theory of depression states that depression results from

maladaptive interpretations of life events

Persistent repetitive thoughts that cannot be controlled are known as


A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder is best described as an individual who experiences

persistent anxiety-provoking thoughts

What do we call an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, activity, or situation?


Using psychological techniques such as free association to explore a client's early relationships is characteristic of what type of treatment?


Hallucinations are characteristic of

psychotic disorders

Intense artificial light is most successfully used as therapy for

seasonal affective disorder

Which of the following behavior-therapy techniques is typically used to reduce fear of heights?

systematic desensitization

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