AP vocab words unit 2

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(GET DEFINITION) Syn: dull, halfhearted, mild, unenthusiastic, apathetic,, lifeless, indifferent Ant: enthusiastic, keen, hot, cold

What are the words?

Apoplectic, ascribe, diffidence, dulcet, endemic/pandemic, fustian, iniquitous, inundate, knell, laconic, parlay, parley, petulance, ramshackle, reticent, reticence, tepid, truculent


DEFINITION Syn: bashful hesitant, mum, reserved, restrained, shy, taciturn, silent, uncommunicative Ant: communicative, confident, unreserved unshy, candid, frank


adjective (especially of sound) sweet and soothing (often used ironically). Syn: sweet, soothing, mellow, honeyed, mellifluous, euphonious, pleasant,agreeable, euphonious Ant: grinding, rasping, scraping


adjective (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. Syn: local, regional, limited, aboriginal Ant: indigenous, (MORE)


adjective characterized by injustice; morally wrong. Syn: evil, vicious, unfair, unjust, bad, immoral Ant: right, good, righteous, charitable


adjective overcome with anger; extremely indignant. Syn: angry, ballistic, enraged, furious Ant: angerless, delighted, pleased, calm, collected She had apoplectic fits when she did poorly on an exam.


adjective using few words in speech or writing Syn: brief, compact, concise, pithy, terse, brusque Ant: diffuse, wordy, verbose, prolix, loquacious


adjective (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world. synonyms: widespread, prevalent, pervasive, rife, rampant, Ant: infrequent, uncommon, unusual, pandemic


adjective 1. in a very bad condition and needing to be repaired 2. not carefully made or put together Syn: crumbling, decrepit, shabby, unsteady, decrepit Ant: solid, sound, sturdy, stable, repaired


adjective not energetic or excited Syn: abusive, aggressive, barbarous, savage, belligerent, pugnacious, intimidating Ant: cooperative, gentle, mild, tame


adjective not willing to tell people about things Syn: hesitation, shyness, closeness, reserve, restraint Ant: (GET)


noun 1. thick, durable twilled cloth with a short nap, usually dyed in dark colors. 2. pompous or pretentious speech or writing. Syn: arrogant, boastful, bombastic, grandiloquent, prolixity Ant: humble, quiet, reserved, restrained, conciseness, succinctness


noun modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of self-confidence. Syn: shyness, bashfulness, modesty, self-effacement, meekness, timidness, reluctance Ant: aggressive, bold, brave, confident, extroverted, temerity, affrontary


noun the quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered Syn: bitterness, irritability, cynicism, sulkiness, Ant: complacent, calm, well-behaved


noun the sound of a bell, especially when rung solemnly for a death or funeral. synonyms: toll, tolling, dong, resounding, reverberation Ant:


verb attribute something to (a cause). Syn: attribute, assign to, put down to, accredit, credit, chalk up to,impute to Ant: reject, belittle, (MORE)


verb 1. overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with. 2. to flood Syn: besiege, overwhelm, bombard, swamp, submerge, deluge, engulf Ant: there are none


verb to use or develop (something) to get something else that has greater value Syn: bet, exploit, gamble Ant: there are none


verb or noun to talk or speak with an enemy Syn: consult, conversation, debate, discussion Ant: silence, negotiate

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