AP World History Exam Chapter 3, 4, 5, and 6

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Trung Trac

A girl whose husband was killed by the Chinese in Vietnam, her forces captured 65 towns in 2 years, wanted to restore Vietnamese greatness Revolt failed and China won. Inspired revolts to late invaders

Empress Wu

Female emperor in Chinese history Empress Wu patronized scholarship, worked to elevate the position of women and provoked a backlash of Confucian misogynist invective.


Roman gladiator who led the most serious slave revolt in Roman history


The Chinese philosophy first enunciated by Confucius, advocating the moral example of superiors as the key element of social order

The Roman Republic

(509 BCE) Etruscan king deposed, Aristocratic republic created, built public forum, government, 2 consuls (presidents), elected by Patricians, served 1 year terms, senate, all early leaders were wealthy patricians


A Chinese philosophy distinguished by an adherence to clear laws with vigorous punishments


A Chinese philosophy/ popular religion that advocates simplicity and understanding of the world of nature, founded by the legendary figure Laozi, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle


A Mauryan emperor, left records of his activities, his conversations Buddhism and monastic approach, gave his reign a different tone. Enlightened ruler to modern Indians, taught Hinduism and Buddhism, when he died his policies did too. Shows how religion and ruling correspond and how much influence ruler shave on their subjects.

City States

A city with its surrounding territory forms an independent state


A foreign woman resident in Athens and partner of the statesman Pericles who was famed for her learning and wit

Bhagavad Gita

A great Hindu epic tect, part of the much larger Mahabjrata, which affirms the performance of caste duties as a path to religious liberation

Persian Empire

A large empire of 50-80 million people, a kingship conquered Greece or interacted with it and accepted other cultures, lavish lifestyle, highways, irrigation systems, and imperial centers. (500 BC) Showed how huge and vast and wealthy empires could become and interactions with big and small place.

Yellow Turban Revolution

A major Chinese peasant revolt that began in 184 BCE and helped cause the fall of the Han dynasty

Ban Zhao

A major female Confucian author of Han dynasty China (46-116 CE) whose works give insight into the implication of Confucian thinking for women Greek rationalism


A religious civilization in the Andes, it was known for it religious pictures of jaguar-human pictures

Bantu Expansion

A slow movement that moved several Bantu cultures and languages through the people. The people moved across the equator and into South Africa and blended their culture with the hunting and gathering societies that were in the land such as the Batwa

Peloponnesian Wars

Between Athens and Sparta. (Peloponnesian league and Delian league) A plague and defeat at Syracuse weakens Athens, but Sparta doesn't destroy them out of respect. This made Sparta more vulnerable to outside agression

Mound Builders/ Cahokia

Building mounds was a phenomenon for several years, this society was corn-based agriculture that came from Mexico

Han Dynasty

Dynasty that increased it's pwers and borders second to Qin Dynasty. Substantial urban air pollution, growth of intensive agriculture/ logging ruined environment. Fell in 220 CE. Brought more land and power to China

Emperor Wu Di

Established the academy that trained scholars civil service exams.

Qin Shihuangdi

First emperor of Qin who was a man of forceful personality and immense ambition that ascended the throne at the age of thirteen

Athenian Democracy

First recorded democracy ever established. Direct democracy with juries of up to 2,500 people. Had to be an 18 year old male with Athenian parents to rule. Freedom of speech

Mauryan Empire

Impressive political structure equivalent to Persia, China and Rome. 50 million people, huge military, civilization, bureaucracy, spies, and rulers.

Confucius' Three

In chincese Confucian thought, the notion that a woman is permanently subordinate to male control, first to her father, then to her husband, and finally to her son


India mystical and philosophical works, writen between 800 and 400 BCE

Greco-Persian Wars

Ionian Greeks revolted against Persia; who were supported by Athens, Persia responded with wars against the Greeks, Greeks beat the Persians on land and sea. This victory radicalized Athenian Democracy poor rowers received full citizenship, there was a 50 year Golden Age of Greek Culture after this war (construction of Parthenon, Socrates)

Hellenistic Era

It was time of peace and stability, more trade and commerce, an urban focus, and greater opportunities for woman.


King of Kush around 750 BC, gained control of Egypt, bceoming pharaoh and uniting Egypt and Kush

Alexander the Great

King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Egypt, and Persia

Maya Civilization Teotihuacan

Mesoamerican civilization that had several scientific accomplishments, founded the concept of zero and place notation, made a calendar, the mayans had the most complex writing system in Mesoamerica

Chaco Phenomenon

Part of the ancestral pueblo society that encompassed 25,000 square miles, population was 5,000


Persian monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Zarathustra

Church of the East

Planted churches in Syria and Persia that were distinct in theology and practice from the Roman church

Pax Romana

The "Roman Peace" that is, the state of comparative concord prevailing within the boundaries of the Roman Empire from the reign of Augustus to that of Marcus Aurelius, enforced by Roman rule and military control

Sidhartha Guatama

The Indian prince turned ascetic who founded Buddhism (the Budha)


The earliest religious texts of India, a collection of ancient poems, hymns, and rituals that were transmitted orally before being written down


The first emperor of Rome, the adopted son of Julius Ceaser, help Rome come into Pax Romana, or the Age of Roman peace

St. Paul

The first great populizer of Christianity


The largest city in the Nubian civilization that later became its own kingdom. It was governed by a sacred monarch, the citizens of Meroe had to pay occasional tribute


The monotheistic religion developed by the Hebrews, emphasizing a sole personal god with concerns for social justice


The process of being reincarnated or born again


The prophet/god of Christianity


You are born into the world with a purpose and you cannot stray from this purpose.


a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul's reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth. Determines what caste you will be put into after rebirth, each time


civilization in the northern region of the Andes. they were run by warrior priests that lived on top of pyramids,, had several burial rituals

Niger Valley Civilization

created due to a drought in other areas in Africa, didnt have any corresponding structure


indian social class that emerged below the Sudras and whose members performed the most unclean and polluting work

Scholar- gentry

the large landowning families of China, characterized by their wealth and prestigious education opportunities


the lowest Indiand social class of varna, regarded as a servants of their social, eventually included peasant farmers


the second highest class of the Varna caste system, warriors and rules, protect and govern society, pure Aryans


the third highest ranked class in the Varna caste system, commoners who cultivated the land, pure Aryans


the top of varna caste system, priests who rituals and sacrifices alone could ensure the proper functioning of the world, pure Aryans


they were unique in Africa because of their plow-based agriculture and their religion (Christian)

Wari and Tiwanku

two Andean interior empires that flourished between 400 and 1000 CE Wari's agriculture was mostly hillside terracing, while Tiwanaku used raised fields

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