AP World History Modern: Chapter 17

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What import did China prosper from?


What distinguished North American life from its European counterparts?


What deeply affected Latin America and Eastern Europe?

Slavery and serfdom

Cape of Good Hope

Southern tip of Africa; first circumnavigated in 1488 by Portuguese in search of direct route to India.

Who began to colonize the Americas first?



Spaniards born in the New World


Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class.

Latin America


Amerigo Vespucci

The italian sailor who corrected Columbus's mistake, acknowledging the coasts of america as a new world. America is named after him


Vasco de Gama reaches India


War begins, British win

Dutch Exploration

When colonization did begin in 1600s, Dutch efforts were directed toward the mid-Atlantic territory of North America, but mostly toward India. Eventually they replaces Portuguese dominance in the East with the help of the Dutch East India Company

Old world animals introduced to the new world

horses, pigs, cattle, goats, sheep

Tariffs discouraged...

manufacturing in colonial areas and stimulated home based manufacturing


relating to the sea/water

Impacts on Western Europe

-hostiles between countries exacerbated -seven years war (first global war) -sugar widespread

European disadvantages when entering era of growing contacts

-ignorant of wider world -only had pots and pans -can't trade gold (gets silver through New World)

Europeans used ____ as muscle


American colonies had ____ population than Latin America


North and Latin American similarities

-large estates based on imported slave labor -wealthy planter class -weak formal governments

Chartered Companies

-little government supervision -Groups of private investors who paid an annual fee to France and England in exchange for a monopoly over trade to the West Indies colonies

What did the Southern colonies produce?

tobacco, sugar, cotton

A system of international inequality

-permanent state of dependence -peasants mostly unaffected -forced labor became widespread to meet demand

Different patterns from Latin America

-religious refugees -land grants


-search for gold -take tribute rather than conquer

Environmental impact of Columbian Exchange

-sheep devastated local vegetation -soil erosion -increased deforestation -hunting and fishing expanded -species lost ground due to fur trade -slave trade to meet local system demands (plantations)

The impact of a new world order

-slave trade affects Africa -Latin America, Eastern Europe affected by slavery, serfdom

Forced Labor

-slavery or otherwise making someone work against his/her will -low cost

Portugal exploration brought back...

-spices; pepper -slaves -stories of gold hoards yet to be found

European advantages

-strong economy, -good government, - powerful army and navy, - better technology and iron weapons -guns -horses -political disarray and population loss in the Americas


-west going away -east accepting more

Hardships explorers faced

1. Rowing against the current caused blistered hands and sore muscles. 2. They were bothered by mosquitoes and grizzly bears. 3. Prickly-bear cactus thorns pierced their feet. 4. Starvation was an ever-present danger.

wealthy planter class

A class that developed in North America


A person of mixed African and European ancestry


A person of mixed European and Native American ancestry.


A series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.

Europeans remain in...

Africa and Asia

When did the Dutch enter the picture?

After winning independence from Spain

Silver allowed Europeans to buy...

American imports that could of otherwise not been afforded

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

An agreement between Portugal and Spain which declared that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.

Treaty of Paris

Arranged in 1763 following Seven Years War; granted New France to England in Exchange for return of French sugar islands in Caribbean

Silver allowed Spain, Portugal, and other places to buy...

Asian products such as Indian spices and Chinese Porcelain and Silk

Potosi, Bolivia

During the period, 1500-1800, most of the world's silver was mined in Potosi, which is located in what is now Bolivia

Cape Colony

Dutch colony established at Cape of Good Hope in 1652 initially to provide a coastal station for the Dutch seaborne empire; by 1770 settlements had expanded sufficiently to come into conflict with Bantus.

The port of Nagasaki

Dutch could trade, formerly only allowed by Dutch merchants


Dutch farmer settlers in Cape Colony, in southern Africa

Economic growth in Asia

Encouraged by silver

3 countries with firm status in world trade

England, Holland, France

Northern European Expeditions

England, Holland, France

World Economy

Established by Europeans during the late 16th century; based on control of the seas; established an international exchange of foods, diseases, and manufactured products.

3 locations seven years war was fought in

Europe, India, North America

slave trade

European trade agreement with Africa dealing with slaves brought from Africa. Integral part of Triangle Trade between the Americas, Africa, and Europe.

Columbian Trade

Exchange of goods(food plants animals) people, slavery, and disease(small pox) between eruope and america

What did the crusades bring back to Europe?

Knowledge of the Islamic world's superior economy and the goods that could be imported from Asia

Francisco Pizarro

Led conquest of Inca Empire of Peru beginning in 1535; by 1540, most of Inca possessions fell to the Spanish

Who required periodic tax payments in Silver?

Ming Dynasty

Did they challenges the Spain and Portuguese colonies?

Mostly no, only in sugar-rich West Indies

Mughal Empire

Muslim state (1526-1857) exercising dominion over most of India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.


People of mixed European and Indian ancestry in Mesoamerica and South America; particularly prevalent in areas colonized by Spain; often part of forced labor system.


Pizarro assassinated at dinner by group of Inca rebels


Portuguese reached Indonesia and China


Portuguese slaving expeditions

What became a dominant policy motive?

Quest for profit

Viking Settlement And Conquest

Reached Greenland and North America in 10th century (which they named Vinland) - Quickly lost interest in establishing settlements in Greenland and Iceland because of indigenous warriors whose weapons could cause them harm, and partly because they were afraid of distant voyages and falling off the world's edge


Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope

Emperor Atahuallpa

Incan emperor

Mita System

Incan system of drafting workers for short stints

French and British fought for control of...


Columbus mistakenly labeled the Taino people as ____


Dutch East India Company

Joint stock company that obtained government monopoly over trade in Asia; acted as virtually independent government in regions it claimed.

British East India Company

Joint stock company that obtained government monopoly over trade in India; acted as virtually independent government in regions it claimed.

European barriers from Africa

-climate -disease -geography (non-navigable rivers)

New world crops in China

-corn -sweet potatoes -caused large population increases

European technological advancements that made transoceanic travel and trade possible

-deep draft, round hulled sailing ships for the Atlantic (capable of carrying heavy armaments) -compass -map making -navigation -explosives -gunnery -metalwork -cannons

Administration in the Americas

-first small bands of gold-hungry Europeans, loosely controlled by colonial administration -more formal administration spread as agriculture spread -missionary efforts to Christianize native peoples

why were American colonists able to marry earlier?

-greater abundance of land -had larger families


Huge farms that required a large labor force to grow crops

Henry the Navigator

(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa.

Toward a World Economy

-Muslim traders remained active -not all areas affected -east Asia self-sufficient -China uninterested in world economy (keeps Europeans out) -Japan more open initially (isolation 17th to 19th centuries) -Russia outside of world economic orbit till 18th century

Enlightenment ideas

-All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life liberty and property. It is the duty of the government to protect the natural rights of its citizens. Enlightenment thinkers were primarily interested in changing the relationship between the people and their government. Government's decisions should be based on laws of nature and reason -popular


-Asian shipping in Chinese, Japanese waters -Muslim traders along east African coast -Turks in eastern Mediterranean

British East India advantages

-Calcutta -influence over British government

Spanish and Portuguese leadership was challenged by...

-Britain -France -Holland

As Mughal decline...

-British and French move in

how was family life different in the Americas?

-Child-centeredness -Freedom of children to speak up -Bigger families -marry earlier -children can talk when not spoken to -nuclear family


-Columbus sailed the Ocean blue/Reconquista of Spain -final Muslim fortress captured in Spain

Portugal was drawn by...

-Discovery -harm to Muslim world -thirst for wealth


-Dutch found Cape colony 9way station) in South Africa -settlers move into interior -Boers -conflicts with natives


-Economic theory that stressed governments' promotion of limitation of imports from other nations and internal economies in order to improve tax revenues; popular during 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. -dependent nations supplied raw materials -home production protected

Increasing contact in 12th century between Europeans and Muslim Empire

-From Crusades to Reconquista -Familiarity with imports


-Global currency of the early modern period -show the power of the new world economy after 1500 -started to replace paper currency

Worries of silver

-Widening social gap between rich and poor -harsh working conditions -efforts being unequally distributed

European Problems/Changes

-Mongol fall (Pax Mangalica) -Ottoman's intervene (One of the longest-lasting empires) -Lack of Gold to pay for Asian imports -European efforts to expand were limited by small, ore-propelled ships used in Mediterranean trade(could not be used in crossing Ocean) -Large Sunni Empire

Greatest victims of Columbian Exchange

-Native Americans -over half of population wiped out


-New France -French establish estates (Controlled by state) -Catholic church influential

Vasco da Gama

-Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route. -intimidated natives with ships and by torture -brought back spices -aided by Hindu pilot from east Africa

Lima, Peru

-South American city was used as the center of Spanish government in the 1600s -Pizarro

specific diseases detrimental to Native Americans

-Smallpox -Measels


-Spain into Philippines -conversion -Indonesia -Dutch East India Company -Also Taiwan briefly


-Spanish began settlement on mainland of the Americas in search for gold; Panama -after colonizing several East Indies islands including Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico

Ferdinand Magellan

-Spanish captain who in 1519 initiated first circumnavigation of the globe; died during the voyage; allowed Spain to claim Philippines -reached Indonesian islands (spice islands)

Portugal Exploration

-They were church and money motivated, they got gold/spices from Asia, - The 1st country to begin exploration was Portugal, (Prince Henry- The Navigator, sponsored the exploration of the African Coast) also he made the school of navigation, -Bartholemeu Dias- First to get around tip of Africa(1487) -Vasco de Gama(1498)-1st Portugal to go to india, brought back 60x what they sent him with -Thought people were Christians (impressed)(actually Muslim and Hindus)

Spanish crown kept ____ of all silver produced in its colonies


Pope's line of demarcation


Ottoman Empire

A Muslim empire based in Turkey that lasted from the 1300's to 1922.

Late comers to the Americas

Britain, Holland, France


British defeat Spanish Armada - shift in power to British, Dutch, and partly French


British sail to North America; begin colonization in 1600's

French took hold of...

Canada and Mississippi

Largest recipients of the New World silver

China and India

Vasco de Balboa

First Spanish captain to begin settlement on the mainland of Mesoamerica in 1509; initial settlement eventually led to conquest of Aztec and Inca empires by other captains and loosely supervised conquistadors

Seven Years War

Fought both in continental Europe and also in oversees colonies between 1756 and 1763; resulted in Prussian seizures of land from Austria, English seizures of colonies in India and North America

New France

French colonies in North America; extended from St. Lawrence river along Great Lakes and down Mississippi River valley system


French cross the Atlantic; settle in Canada

North America

Furs, timber, tobacco

Christopher Columbus

Genoese captain in service of king and queen of Castile and Aragon; successfully sailed to New World and returned in 1492; initiated European discoveries in Americas.

Eastern Europe exports...

Grain to the West


Headquarters of British East India Company in Bengal in Indian subcontinent; located on Ganges; captured in 1756 during early part of Seven Years' War; later became administrative center for all of Bengal.

What goods did Europe's upper class become accustomed to?

Imported products from Southeast Asia and India, particularly spices

core nations

Nations, usually European, that enjoyed profit from world economy; controlled international banking and commercial services such as shipping; exported manufactured goods for raw materials.


Naval battle between the Spanish and the Ottoman Empire resulting in a Spanish victory in 1571

Was there much merging of natives and immigrants?



One of two ports in which Europeans were permitted to trade in China during the Ming dynasty

1488 - Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope

The year in which the first European sailed around the tip of Africa. The captain was appointed by King John II of Portugal with the hopes of finding a trade route to India. They sailed south along the western coast of Africa, went around the tip, and then turned back before reaching India. The entire expedition took about sixteen months. Significant because they realized they could bypass expensive overland routes and middlemen.

Men cannot marry unless...

They have land


This explorer first saw the mainland of Brazil and claimed it for Portugal while sailing to set up trading posts in India

Black Hole of Calcutta

a dungeon (20 feet square) in a fort in Calcutta where as many as 146 English prisoners were held overnight by Siraj-ud-daula


a rock that contains a large enough concentration of a mineral making it profitable to mine

Spain lacked...

banking system to handle silver surge in Americas


death of last Mughal emperor

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