AP World History - Period 6 (1900 C.E. to Present)

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The global balance of economic and political power shifted after the end of ____________.

"World War II"

What three diseases emerged as epidemics between 1900 and the present day?

1) 1918 influenza epidemic 2) Ebola 3) HIV/AIDS

Which two major colonies achieved their independence through armed struggle in the early twentieth century?

1) Algeria and Vietnam from the French empire 2) Angola from the Portuguese empire

What are four examples of ethnic violence that occurred between 1900 and the present day?

1) Armenia 2) the Holocaust 3) Cambodia 4) Rwanda

What are four examples of regional trade agreements that created regional trading blocks designed to promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders in the 20th century?

1) European Union 2) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 3) ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 4) Mercosur

What are three examples of protest movements that protested the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration in the 20th century?

1) Greenpeace 2) Green Belt in Kenya 3) Earth Day

What are three examples of governments recruiting people from colonies or former colonies for war efforts?

1) Gurkha soldiers in India 2) ANZAC troops in Australia 3) Military conscription

What are six primary sources of global conflict in the 20th century?

1) Imperialist expansion by European powers and Japan 2) Competition for resources 3) Ethnic conflict 4) Great power rivalries between Great Britain and Germany 5) Nationalist ideologies 6) The economic crisis engendered by the great depression

Which two major colonies negotiated their independence from the British Empire in the twentieth century?

1) India 2) The Gold Coast

What are three examples of new international organizations that were formed to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation in the 20th century?

1) League of Nations 2) United Nations 3) International Criminal Court

What three diseases are associated with poverty?

1) Malaria 2) Tuberculosis 3) Cholera

What are two examples of newly independent states taking on a strong role in guiding economic life to promote development after WWII?

1) Nasser's promotion of economic development in Egypt 2) The encouragement of export-oriented economies in East Asia

Which three new forms of spirituality developed in the 20th century?

1) New Age Religions 2) Hare Krishna 3) Falun Gong

Which two major examples of ethnic violence resulted in refugee populations between 1900 and the present day?

1) Palestinians 2) Darfurians

Which three militarized states responded to the proliferation of conflicts in ways that intensified the conflicts?

1) Promotion of military dictatorship in Chili, Spain, and Uganda 2) The United States' promotion of a New World Order after the Cold War 3) Buildup of the "military-industrial complex" and arms trading

What are three examples of multinational corporations that began to challenge state authority and autonomy in the 20th century?

1) Royal Dutch Shell 2) Coca-Cola 3) Sony

What are three examples of new economic institutions that sought to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economies throughout the world in the 20th century?

1) The IMF (International Monetary Fund) 2) The World Bank 3) The WTO (World Trade Organization)

What are some examples of governments encouraging free market economic policies and promoting economic liberalization at the end of the twentieth century?

1) The United States, beginning with Ronald Reagan 2) Britain under Margaret Thatcher 3) China under Deng Xiaoping 4) Chile under Pinochet

What four new scientific paradigms transformed the human understanding of the world?

1) Theory of relativity 2) Quantum mechanics 3) the Big Bang theory 4) Psychology

Which three individuals challenged war and promoted the practice of non-violence during this period?

1) Tolstoy 2) Gandhi 3) Martin Luther King

What are some examples of human rights movements that gained traction throughout the world in the 20th century?

1) UN Declaration of Human Rights 2) Women's rights 3) The end of the White Australia Policy

What are five examples of humanitarian organizations that developed to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world in the 20th century?

1) UNICEF (United Nations Children's Emergency Fund) 2) The Red Cross 3) Amnesty International 4) Doctors Without Borders 5) The WHO (World Health Organization)

What military alliances formed out of the Cold War? What types of smaller wars did it encourage? What ended it?

Both NATO and the Warsaw pact were formed. This war encouraged proxy wars, in which third parties fight on the behalf of more powerful parties. The separation of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War.

What factors led to higher incidences of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's?

Changing lifestyles and increased life span led to this.

Which transregional movements sought to unite people across national boundaries between 1900 and the present day?

Communism, pan-Arabism, and pan Africanism sought to do this.

Who promoted alternatives to existing economic and social orders during this period?

Communist leaders such as Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong promoted these alternatives.

What major factors contributed to the global warming that occurred between 1900 and the present day?

Global warming was a consequence of the greenhouse gases and other pollutants that humans began releasing into the air.

What types of strategies did governments use to mobilize populations in the 20th century?

Governments utilized a variety of strategies, like political speeches, art, media, and intensified forms of nationalism.

What types of ideologies did governments use to mobilize their state's resources for the purpose of waging war in the 20th century?

Governments utilized ideologies like: fascism, nationalism, and communism to mobilize their state's resources.

What changed in the use of natural resources between 1900 and the present day?

Humans abused and overused the Earth's dwindling natural resources at a faster rate than ever before during this time period.

What sorts of movements concerning land distribution developed between 1900 and the present day?

Movements like these developed within states in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, sometimes advocating communism and socialism.

What are some examples of new technologies that raised productivity and increased the production of material goods between 1900 and the present day?

New energy technologies, like the use of oil and nuclear power, raised productivity.

What eliminated the problem of geographic distance between 1900 and the present day?

New modes of communication and transportation virtually eliminated this problem.

What are some examples of popular culture that became global in the 20th century?

Sports became more widely practices as can be seen by World Cup soccer, the Olympics, and cricket. Changes in communication and transportation technology also enable the widespread diffusion of music and movies.

In which 20th century states did the government control the national economies? Examples?

The Communists states of the Soviet Union and China controlled their national economies. Examples would include the Five Year Plans and the Great Leap Forward.

Which land-based empires collapsed in the twentieth century? Why did they collapse?

The Ottoman, Russian and Qing empires all collapsed due to a combination of internal and external factors.

What two nations emerged as super powers after WWII? What conflict did they become involved in? This was a struggle between which two ideologies?

The Unites States and the Soviet Union emerged from this war as superpowers. They then became involved in the Cold War. The Cold War was a struggle between the ideologies of capitalism and communism.

In which states did the governments play a minimal role in the economy in the early 20th century? What major event changed this trend?

The government in the U.S. and parts of Europe played minimal roles at the start of this century but with the onset of the Great Depression, these governments began to take a more active role in economic life.

What are the defining characteristics of the green revolution?

The green revolution produced food for the now massive human population on Earth by using new chemicals (pesticides) and genetically enhancing crops.

What facilitated the increasing interdependence of states, communities, and individuals in the 20th century?

The growth of institutions of global governance facilitated this increase.

What factors led to increased levels of wartime casualties between 1900 and the present day? Provide some examples.

The main factor for this was improved military technology, like tanks, airplanes and the Atomic Bomb. However, new tactics, such as trench warfare and firebombing, also impacted the levels of casualties.

What trend helped maintain cultural and economic ties between former colonies and European metropoles after the disillusion of empires?

The migration of former colonial subjects to these imperial metropoles helped to maintain cultural and economic ties.

Which redrawn colonial boundaries led to population resettlements between 1900 and the present day?

The redrawn borders that occurred because of the Indian/Pakistan partition, Zionist Jewish settlement of Palestine, as well as the division of the Middle East into mandatory states.

What are some of the environmental consequences of human's changed relationship with the natural world between 1900 and the present day?

There were many environmental consequences, such as: global warming, deforestation, desertification, and rising extinction rates of animal species.

What were some results of the new forms of birth control developed between 1900 and the present day?

These more effective forms of birth control gave women greater control over fertility and transformed sexual practices.

What were two results of increased interactions among diverse peoples in the 20th century?

This increased interaction led to new cultural identities and exclusionary reactions, such as citizenship restrictions.

What are some examples of regional, religious, and ethnic movements that challenged both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries between 1900 and the present day?

• Muhammad Ali Jinnah • Québécois separatist movement • Biafra secessionist movement

What emerging ideologies contributed to the dissolution (separation) of empires and the restructuring of states in the early twentieth century?

• Nationalism • Regional, religious and ethnic movements • Transregional movements • Communism

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