APA Style and Formatting

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Which of the following formatting rules does NOT apply to the running head of an APA document a) The running head should be the title of the paper, or an abbreviation of it if the title is long b) The running head should be in the same font as the rest of the paper c) The running head should be preceded on the first page by the label "Running head:" d) The running head should be in all capital letters The running head should be 50 characters or less (including spaces) e) The running head should be in line with the page numbering

c) The running head should be preceded on the first page by the label "Running head:"

Which of the following is a correctly formatted narrative citation? a) According to (Pack et al., 2020), driving while using a phone, even hands-free, increases the risk of accident. b) According to Pack et al. driving while using a phone, even hands-free, increases the risk of accident. c) According to Pack, Wilson, Morris, et al. (2020), driving while using a phone, even hands-free, increases the risk of accident. d) According to Pack et al. (2020), driving while using a phone, even hands-free, increases the risk of accident.

d) According to Pack et al. (2020), driving while using a phone, even hands-free, increases the risk of accident. A narrative citations (where the authors' names are logically part of the sentence and so do not belong within parentheses) must include the date parenthetically after the authors. If there are only two authors, both are named and separated by the word "and." For example: Laurel and Hardy (1949) indicated that slapstick comedy was far more intellectual than many people believed. The abbreviation "et al." (Latin for "and others") is only used when there are more than two authors, and then only the first author's name is given. For example: According to Pack et al. (2020), driving while...

Which of the following is a properly formatted quotation using a parenthetical citation? a) "Thus, the findings of this experiment support the utility of the cued report method," (Lenz, 1998, p. 28). b) "Thus, the findings of this experiment support the utility of the cued report method, (Lenz, 1998)." c) "Thus, the findings of this experiment support the utility of the cued report method," (Lenz, 1998). d) "Thus, the findings of this experiment support the utility of the cued report method (Lenz, 1998, p. 28)."

a) "Thus, the findings of this experiment support the utility of the cued report method," (Lenz, 1998, p. 28). The citation MUST include the page number of the quoted passage. In the case of an electronic document, the paragraph number may replace the page number. The citation is not part of the quoted material and so should not be between the quote marks.

Citations are necessary... a) ... to identify where information has been taken from, whether paraphrased or quoted. b) ... except if you already think you know the information. c) ... only when quoting directly from a source. d) ... only when required by an instructor.

a) ... to identify where information has been taken from, whether paraphrased or quoted. Citations should be used anytime information is derived from a source. This includes when one paraphrases material from a source and when one quotes directly from a source.

Which of the following is a properly formatted reference for a print journal article? (We will ignore the fact that indents and line spacing are not correct... but they should be.) a) Brandtstädter, J. & Greve, W. (1994). The aging self: Stabilizing and protective processes. Developmental Review, 14(1), 52-80. https://doi.org/10.1006/drev.1994.1003 b) Brandtstädter, J. & Greve, W. (1994). The aging self: Stabilizing and protective processes. Developmental Review, 14(1), 52-80. https://doi.org/10.1006/drev.1994.1003 c) Brandtstädter, J. & Greve, W. (1994). The aging self: Stabilizing and protective processes. Developmental Review, 14(1), 52-80. https://doi.org/10.1006/drev.1994.1003 d) Brandtstädter, J. & Greve, W. (1994). The Aging Self: Stabilizing and Protective Processes. Developmental Review, 14(1), 52-80. https://doi.org/10.1006/drev.1994.1003

a) Brandtstädter, J. & Greve, W. (1994). The aging self: Stabilizing and protective processes. Developmental Review, 14(1), 52-80. https://doi.org/10.1006/drev.1994.1003 Formatting for a journal article reference: -Authors: Last name, initials -Publication date in parentheses and followed by a period -Title of article, using sentence capitalization, not italicized, followed by a period -Title of journal, using title capitalization and italicized, followed by a comma -Journal's volume number, italicized --If the journal has an issue number it appears immediately after the volume number in parentheses but not italicized -Page numbers (starting and ending) of article, not italicized, followed by period. -If available, provide the DOI in an appropriately formatted URL.

Which of the following are APA formatting elements for a professional paper, such as the research report we will be doing in this class? (Check all that apply) a) The running head and page numbering should appear on every page. b) Except for the abstract, all paragraphs are indented 1/2 inch. c) One inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of the pages. d) The lines of text within the manuscript should be double-spaced.

a) The running head and page numbering should appear on every page. b) Except for the abstract, all paragraphs are indented 1/2 inch. c) One inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of the pages. d) The lines of text within the manuscript should be double-spaced.

Which of the following is a properly formatted reference for a book? a)Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2020). Methods in behavioral research, (14th ed.). McGraw Hill. b) Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2020). Methods in behavioral research. McGraw Hill. c) Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2020). Methods in Behavioral Research, (14th ed.). McGraw Hill. d) Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2020). Methods in behavioral research, (14th ed.). McGraw Hill. e) Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2020). Methods in behavioral research, (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

a)Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2020). Methods in behavioral research, (14th ed.). McGraw Hill. APA formatting for books: -Author last names and first initials. -Publication date in parentheses. -The book title should be italicized and in sentence capitalization. -The edition number appears after the title, in parentheses, not italicized, "edition" is abbreviated. (If it's the first edition, edition number can be omitted) -The publisher's name. The place of publication used to be in references but was taken out with the 7th edition release of the publication guide in 2019.

Which of the following is a correctly formatted parenthetical citation? a) Many participants in a questionnaire may attempt to give answers that make themselves look good. Lenz & Martin, et al., 2020. b) Many participants in a questionnaire may attempt to give answers that make themselves look good (Lenz & Martin, 2020). c) Many participants in a questionnaire may attempt to give answers that make themselves look good (Lenz and Martin, 2020). d) Many participants in a questionnaire may attempt to give answers that make themselves look good. (Lenz & Martin, 2020)

b) Many participants in a questionnaire may attempt to give answers that make themselves look good (Lenz & Martin, 2020). A parenthetical citations (where the authors' names are not logically part of the sentence and so are placed within parentheses) is part of the sentence and so to the left of the period for the sentence. If there are only two authors, both are named and separated by an ampersand. The abbreviation "et al." (Latin for "and others") is only used when there are more than two authors, and then only the first author's name is given: (Warren et al., 2018).

The formatting of each individual reference in the References section includes... a) A standard indent: where the first line of text in a reference is indented one half inch from the left margin and additional lines in the reference are flush with the left margin. b) A block format: where all lines in a reference are flush with the left margin. c) A hanging indent: where the first line of text in a reference is flush with the left margin and additional lines in the reference are indented one half inch

c) A hanging indent: where the first line of text in a reference is flush with the left margin and additional lines in the reference are indented one half inch

Which is an appropriately formatted DOI when placed in a reference? (This is not a real DOI! Attend to the formatting, not to whether it works or not) a) https://doi-org.proxy.lib.uwm.edu/10.1139/jomtu13.2238.2020.3.55i b) DOI: 10.1139/jomtu13.2238.2020.3.55i c) https://doi.org/10.1139/jomtu13.2238.2020.3.55i

c) https://doi.org/10.1139/jomtu13.2238.2020.3.55i When placed in an APA reference, the doi should be placed within a secure hyperlink address to the doi.org website: https://doi.org/ A doi always starts with a 10. and then a variety of characters (letters, numbers, slashes, periods). Do not place a period at the end of the web address, that can cause the link to not work. The hyperlink should not contain elements of a library website or other institutional websites.

The appropriate order of pages and sections in a research report is: a) Title page Introduction section Method section Results section Discussion section References Abstract page b) Title page Introduction section Discussion section Method section Results section References c) Abstract page Discussion section Introduction section Method section References Results section d) Title page Abstract page Introduction section Method section Results section Discussion section References

d) Title page Abstract page Introduction section Method section Results section Discussion section References

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