APA Style Quiz

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When should et al. be used in APA style?

when the source has 6 or more authors and if the source has more than 2 authors and has already been mentioned once in the document

What is a running head in APA style?

an abbreviated form of the title, up to 50 characters long, in all uppercase letters at the top of each page

Multiple parenthetical references are

... are allowed in APA

In APA style, a long quotation more than 40 words long should be

... double-spaced, indented half an inch, and have no quotation marks

In APA style, personal communications (e-mail, memos, letters) are

... not included in the Reference list and need to include the author's initials and the exact date of communication

Which of the following is cited correctly in APA style?

A) Dietel and Dietel define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables." (1999, p. 294) B) Dietel and Dietel (1999) define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables" (p. 294). C) Dietel and Dietel (C How to Program) define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables" (p. 294).

What does an APA in-text citation include in parentheses when the source is quoted directly and the author's name is not mentioned in the text?

Author, publication year, and page number (preceded by p.) all separated by commas: (Doe, 2017, p. 25)

What would an in-text citation include when the author of a source is unknown?

the word anonymous and the year of publication

Each source listed in the Reference list must be cited in text


In APA style, a separate title page is required for a document.


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