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the papacy lost its monopoly over western christianity in which century?


What was the political impact of the Protestant Reformation on germany?

Arroused nationalism in germany

James II's Declaration of Indulgence in 1687

Attacked the local authority of nobles, landowners, the Church, and other corporate bodies

By the mid-eighteenth century, all the following states had come to dominate European politics except-


The Lutheran king Gustavus Adolphus was supported financially in his military campaigns by

Cardinal Richelieu

What was the most important result of the Peace of Utrecht (1713)?

It ended the efforts of Louis XIV to dominante continental European politics

Louis XIV's ability to raise and maintain a large, powerful army depended on

Jean-Baptiste Colbert's economic policies.

In the sixteenth century, all of the following had religious civil wars or political insurrections EXCEPT

Muscovite Russia

In the Great Chain of Being, a concept still accepted by many in the modern period, people would be ranked in which of the following ways form highest to lowest?

bishops, nobles, merchants, peasants, paupers.

All of the following statements are true about Spanish colonization of the Americas except

black African slaves became more important in Spanish America than in the French/English colonies

James I

claimed "no bishop, no king"

In the debate over the causes of the English Civil War, historians support all of the following as candidates for the most important except

interference by France

All of the following are accurate depictions of the 30.Y.W except

it allied the French with the Austrian Hapsburg

Elizabeth I of England was reluctant to execute Mary Queen of Scots because

it would set a dangerous example

The War of the Spanish Succession ended with

the grandson of Louis XIV remaining king of Spain

Which of the following reforms of Louis XIV most helped him take direct control of the local administration?

the intendant system

Spain under Philip II possessed all of the following EXCEPT

the resources of the Holy Roman Empire

The leadership of the Dutch revolts (1566-1648) sought all of the following EXCEPT

An alliance with the English Catholics

Which of the following characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus?

Europe was a minor outpost that produced products desired by others

Ferdinand and Isabella supported the expulsion or conversion of Muslims and Jews in Spain because

Ferdinand and Isabella were hostile to religious faiths other than Christianity

"We take it for granted that you will release us from serfdom as true Christians unless it should be shown us from the Gospel that we are serfs." Who wrote this

German peasants in 1520s

due to its central location, this nation had always been europes highway for merchants and traders going north, south, east, and west:


The immediate cause of Bill of Rights

Glorious Revo

Which of the following is NOT true of the Edict of Nantes (1598)?

It was responsible for the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre.

all of the following religious movements challenged the authority of the roman catholic church except


all monarchs were successful in continuing the centralization of their "new monarchies" except

Maximilian I of HRE

All of the following were anti-Habsburg leaders during the Thirty Years War except

Oliver Cromwell of England

The Petition of Rights required all of the following except

Parliament would meet and confer at least every 6 months

The Portuguese explorers were the first Europeans to reach all of the following places EXCEPT


The great central and south American native civilizations collapsed after the arrival of Europeans for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

Spanish and Portuguese naval warfare

Which of the following was the most important factor behind the Price Revolution of the sixteenth century?

Steady population growth and rising food costs

Which of the following best characterizes Renaissance idea of virtu?

The ability to shape the world around oneself according to one's will

What represents the final defeat of efforts by the Ottoman Empire to acquire large areas of central Europe?

The siege of Vienna (1683)

What was the most important assumption underlying the economic philosophy of mercantilism?

The wealth of nations was limited and needed to be carefully preserved

Which of the following best reflects John Calvin's doctrine regarding the status of women?

Women were equal to men in God's eyes

Between 1649 and 1660, England was officially a/an

a Puritan republic

Spain, under Philip II possessed all of the following except

a powerful aristocracy

Which of the following was most directly an effect on Europe of the development described?

a shift of economic wealth to Europe's Atlantic region

Jean Bodin

among the first to provide a theoretical basis for absolutist states

The achievements of the Italian Renaissance were products of

an elite movement involving small members of wealthy patrons, artists, and intellectuals

All of the following are associated with the commercial revolution in early modern Europe except

an expansion of the guild system

the english reformation was peculiar because the government broke with roman church

before adopting any protestantism principles

which of the following best reflects the relationships between calvinists and secular authority?

calvinists rejected subordination to any state or government

The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabelle of Castille

created a dynastic union but did not unify the separate kingdoms a single state

Philip II of Spain (1556-1598)

dedicated his reign to establishing Catholic orthodoxy

Louis XIV's absolutism functioned in all the following areas except-

definition of Catholic dogma.

James I's main problem was a

difficult relationship with Parliament

The Holy Roman Empire could best be described as

diverse and conflicted

Which of the following viewpoints is best reflected?

emphasis on drama, illusion, distraction

The Treaty of Westphalia did all of the following except

ended the Protestant Reformation in Germany

Louis XIV succeeded in all of the following EXCEPT

expansion of France's borders to the Rhine River

England and France differed in the later 17th century because England

had a stronger aristocracy and France had a weakened one

King Charles I was killed because

he failed to keep his promise

All of the following are true about James I except

he was Catholic

James I's unpopularity was a result of all of the following except-

his desire to conquer Ireland.

The overthrow of James II of England was caused by all of the following except

his preference for Scotland

Probably the most significant long-term result of the Puritan Revolution was

increased authority of Parliament

The 17th century gov of the Estates General

lacked a strong central authority

In the 14th and 15th centuries, mystics, such as (name)

laid the foundations for protestantism's personal approach to worship

The technological advances made in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were greatly stimulated by

large scale mining

the major differences between luther and calvin included all of the following except:

luther revered the trinity; calvin rejected it

Characteristics of W European absolutism included all of the following except

make monarchs subordinate to national assemblies

The French aristocracy was attracted to the Court of Versailles in the late 17th century for all the reasons except

opportunity to win political power

Jansenists believed that

original sin could not be redeemed without special grace from God.

Lorenzo Valla gained fame for

proving the Donation of Constantine a fraud

The primary goal of France in entering the Thirty Years' War was to

reduce the power of the Hapsburgs

Elizabeth's biggest domestic problem was the Puritans, who wanted

reform the Anglican Church

Which of the following terms best describes the Edict of Nantes?

religious truce

16th century Germany was

ruled by separate entities with their own tariffs, tolls, and money

The Short Parliament was convened because Charles I

sought parliamentary funding for war.

Which of the following best characterizes the Western European economy, as a whole, in the sixteenth-century?

spiraling inflation

the term "English Civil War" was a misnomer because

the Scots and Irish were involved

The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 resulted in

the Spanish loss of its overseas empires

during the 15th and 16th centuries, medieval europe suffered all of the following disasters except:

the arabs conquered spain and italy

which of the following best reflects how art in the earlier middle ages differed from that in da vincis time ?

the art was stylized and symbolic

the emergence of protestantism in the 16th century can be described as all of the following except

the creation of new branches of catholicism

All of the following are results of the opening of the Atlantic to commerce with Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries EXCEPT

the nobility increased its wealth

Thomas Moore's Utopia was remarkable for its time because it asserted that

the problems plaguing society could be solved by a beneficent government

The basic challenge facing the Habsburg Empire was

the profound diversity of the territories contained within the empire.

An immediate result of the commercial revolution that occurred with the increased productivity stimulated by the precious metals coming from the Americas was

the rise of capitalism

martin luthers views regarding the church most directly influenced which of the following movements?

the unification of german states under lutheranism

All the following contributed to the decline of the Netherlands except-

violence brought about by religious intolerance.

In the first half of the seventeenth century, the Austrian Hapsburgs subdued revolt and centralized control in their territories by doing which of the following?

waging warfare against rebel groups and supporting the Catholic Reformation

The St. BartholomewBs Day massacre in 1572

was greeted by Pope Gregory XIII with delight

Louis XIV of France revoked the Edict of Nantes in 1685 in order to

win God's favor

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