apes ch 18

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According to the principles of island biogeography, what increases island biodiversity? I. Increased proximity to the mainland II. Increased island size III. Increased amount of edge habitat


Use Figure 18-1. Animals that are threatened or near-threatened are at risk of extinction. The graph for mammals is based on assessments of about 4,600 species. About how many of the assessed mammal species are not at risk of extinction?


In a major extinction event, what is the minimum percentage of species that goes extinct?

75 percent

The American bison population at the time of European settlement was estimated to be about 70 million animals. Today the population is approximately 500,000 animals. By approximately what percent has the population of bison decreased?

99 percent

What factor has played the largest role in decreased diversity of domesticated species?

A focus on increased yields

Which could be a non-anthropogenic reason for a decline in the number of wild species?

A loss of genetic diversity

Which is NOT an example of an instrumental value of ecosystems?

Beautiful scenery

A 1973 treaty formed to control the international trade of threatened plants and animals

CITES-- convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna

Which is NOT a category of instrumental value?


Which term does NOT describe a species that is present in an area where it does not normally occur?


What is the best way to connect separate populations in order to promote gene flow?

Habitat corridors

Problems with protecting many small habitats include increased proportions of edge habitats. increased dispersal between populations. the need for corridors between some protected species.

I and III only

Which factor contributes to species endangerment? I. Habitat destruction II. Exotic species introduction III. Increasing human populations

I, II, and III

Which poses the greatest obstacle to the protection of threatened or endangered species? I. Too much regulation II. Lack of international treaties to protect species III. Poor enforcement of laws


Which is NOT true of the Endangered Species Act?

It prohibits the hunting or harvesting of some listed species.

What is the function of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault?

It protects biodiversity.

Fragmentation of forest habitat increases the potential for edge effect. How might this affect songbird populations?

It will increase interactions with harmful species.

Why is the exotic plant kudzu able to grow uncontrollably?

Kudzu has no natural predators in the range in which it has been introduced.

A US act that prohibits interstate shipping of all illegally harvested plants and animals

Lacey Act

A 1972 US act to protect declining populations of marine mammals

Marine Mammal Act

Species that live in their historical range, typically where they have lived for thousands or millions of years

Native Species

Which endangered species is associated with logging of old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest?

Northern spotted owl

Which organization keeps the "Red List" of worldwide threatened species?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Which is a trend identified by the Convention on Biological Diversity between 2002 and 2010?

The human ecological footprint has increased.

In 2003, the EPA required the Brayton Point Power Station in Somerset, MA to significantly reduce its thermal discharge into Mount Hope Bay. Why did the EPA issue this requirement?

To protect aquatic biodiversity in Mount Hope Bay.

Forgiving the debt of a poor nation in exchange for preserving biodiverse habitat falls under

a debt for nature swap.

Bees are important to ecosystems and humans because they provide

a support system through the pollination of food crops.

An abrupt transition in habitat that brings two communities into contact with each other is called

an edge habitat.

Protected area consisting of zones that vary in the amount of permissible human impact

biosphere reserve

Which group of organisms has had the greatest number of extinctions since 1500?


Which endangered population in the United States has benefitted from a highly successful captive breeding program?

california condor

The primary impact of climate change on species diversity is expected to be

changes in available habitat because of changing temperatures.

An international treaty to help protect biodiversity

convention on biological diversity

The aesthetic beauty of a forest is an example of

cultural service

A(n) ______ in species diversity is associated with a(n) ________ in the functions an ecosystem provides.

decline; decline

Habitat that occurs where two different communities come together, typically forming an abrupt transition, such as where a grassy field meets a forest

edge habitat

A species that is in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range

endangered species

A species living outside its historical range

exotic or alien species

When the last member of a species dies, ________ has occurred.


The Lacey Act

forbids the interstate shipping of illegally harvested plants and animals.

A larger preserved area of land generally contains ________ biodiversity, and makes species ________ susceptible to extinction.

greater; less

The most significant cause of species decline and extinction throughout the world is

habitat loss.

In Europe, half of all livestock breeds from 1900 are now extinct. Of the remaining livestock, over one third are currently at risk of extinction. This decline in livestock diversity is largely the result of

humans breeding only the most productive types of livestock, which has reduced livestock species.

The Lacey act was designed to

inhibit the interstate commerce of illegally harvested species.

Worth as an instrument or a tool that can be used to accomplish a goal

instrumental value

Value independent of any benefit to humans

intrinsic value

A species that spreads rapidly across large areas

invasive species

Non-local species that spread rapidly across large areas are known as

invasive species.

The intrinsic value of an ecosystem

is the value it has independent of humans.

Species that are widespread and abundant

least-concern species

Evaluating the overall status of different plant and animal groups is difficult because

most known species have not been assessed for current population trends.

Species that are very likely to become threatened in the future

near-threatened species

Use Figure 18-2. Which area is most likely to be exposed to human impact?

not: Transition area and buffer zone would have equal exposure

When a spruce tree is harvested so the wood can be used to build a house, the tree is providing

not: a monetary unit

Passenger pigeons were driven extinct primarily by


Which North American species was driven to extinction by overharvesting?

passenger pigeon

The Marine Mammal Protection Act

prohibits the killing of all marine mammals.

A good that humans can use directly


Products obtained from nature that humans can use such as lumber, medicines and food crops are known as


A list of worldwide threatened species

red list

Which species was originally brought to North America to consume excess algae?

silver carp

Invasive species are

successful due to a lack of natural enemies.

In 1975, the American crocodile was put on the endangered species list after the population of the species dwindled below 300. However, by the mid-2000s, the population rebounded to over 2,000. As a result,

the American crocodile was removed from the endangered species list.

The intrinsic value of an ecosystem is

the value of an ecosystem independent of any human benefit.

According to US legislation, any species that is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range

threatened species

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), species that have a high risk of extinction in the future

threatened species

According to the theory of island biogeography

when conservation areas are close to each other, more species will persist.

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