apes midterm

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Based on the second law of thermodynamics, how much biomass of phytoplankton would be needed to produce 1 kilogram (kg) of large fish in this food web?


Based on the data in the graph, when did more-developed regions first reach replacement level fertility?


Replacement level fertility rate is __ for developed countries and __ for developing countries


salinity of the ocean

3.5 ppt or 35 g/L

pH of acid rain


Based on the data in the graph, what was the average number of children born per woman in less-developed regions in 1975?


pH of rainfall


pH of the ocean


In a given county, the population size is decreasing because there are fewer prereproductive-aged individuals in the population. Which of the age structure diagrams best illustrates the population of this county?


Which of the following would be most helpful to determine the soil texture of a sample?

A density gradient tube and a soil triangle

The Atlantic Ocean is expanding as a result of plate tectonics. Which of the following explanations best identifies the type of plate boundary and processes occurring at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as shown in the diagram below?

A divergent plate boundary exists at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where plates move away from one another, leading to seafloor spreading.

The demographic transition model describes population change over time as a country becomes more developed. Age-structure diagrams describe how populations are distributed across age ranges. Which of the following age-structure diagrams best displays the age ranges in a country that is in stage 2 of the demographic transition?

An expansive pyramid age-structure diagram

The Chesapeake Bay is a watershed that is located in six states and the District of Columbia. Which of the following can cause an increase in water pollution in the watershed?

An increase in stormwater runoff in urban areas

An island off the coast of Africa contains a larger percentage of specialist species than generalist species. Which of the following describes the most immediate effect if an invasive generalist species is introduced to the island?

As competition for resources increases, the population size of the island's specialist species will decrease.

Based on current trends and patterns, which of the following statements best predicts how the human population will change over the next 50 years?

As the population density increases, there will be an increase in disease transmission, leading to increased mortality.

Based on the diagram, which of the following describes why the summer solstice in Australia occurs in December and not in June?

At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes Australia to receive highly concentrated solar radiation.

Which of the following claims best supports the classification of bees as an organism that displays a Type II survivorship curve, as shown in the graph above?

Away from the colony, bees experience a constant probability of death per unit time as a foraging species.

(Bull trout) Which of the following best identifies the author's claim?

Bull trout are unable to live in high turbidity waters and migrated to avoid the conditions introduced during dam deconstruction

Which of the age structure diagrams best illustrates a county that has a stable population size and slow or no population growth?


Which statement is best supported by the data in the graph?

Finches with larger beaks were more likely to survive in 1980 because they were able to feed primarily on seeds and nuts during the drought.

A variety of plants and animals inhabit a forest ecosystem. Which statement correctly explains why certain organisms would be more likely to survive than others if a forest fire burned the area?

Generalist species are more likely to survive because they can thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions and can make use of a variety of different resources.

Which of the following best describes a difference between generalist species and specialist species?

Generalists use a large range of resources, while specialists have a limited range of resources they use to survive.

A scientist is studying a biome that experiences large seasonal fluctuations in both temperature and precipitation patterns. Which of the following would best characterize the organisms that inhabit the biome?

Generalists would be most abundant, because the resources available would be constantly changing.

Which of the following combinations correctly identifies and explains the effects of the differences in the distribution of solar radiation on Earth as seen in the diagram above?

Global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses.

Energy is transferred along food chains from one stage to the next. Which statement best explains how the energy is transferred?

If a primary producer stores 10,000 kcal of energy, then a tertiary consumer will have 10 kcal of energy available.

Based on the survivorship curves shown below, which of the following is a possible reason for the change in the shape of the curve from 1900 to 1980?

Improvements in health-care services and medical research

During a La Niña event, what environmental changes would the tropical Pacific Ocean and its surrounding landmasses most likely experience?

Increased upwelling off the coast of South America resulting in increased productivity of fisheries

Which of the following statements best describes why birth and death rates are changing in a country that is in Phase 2 of the demographic transition?

Individuals have better sanitation and access to clean drinking water.

Based on the map above, which of the following best explains why the Atacama Desert has a consistently arid climate?

It is in the rain shadow of the Andes Mountains.

Based on the diagram, which of the following days in Earth's yearly orbit would have the longest period of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere?

June solstice

Peru's commercial anchovy industry would most likely be harmed during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the decline in anchovy during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event?

Less nutrient-rich water reaches surface waters, disrupting the food web.

Based on the map, which of the following best explains the area of the Andes Mountains that would have the greatest number of rivers?

More rivers would be located on the east side of the Andes Mountains because the trade winds are coming from the east.

Which of the following describes the dependent variable in this investigation?

Percentage of each particle size in each soil sample

The Mississippi watershed is the largest in North America, draining all or part of thirty-two states in the United States and two Canadian provinces. A new apartment complex is being built on a steep slope near the source of the Mississippi River outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Which of the following measures should be taken to best reduce erosion at the construction site to protect the Mississippi watershed?

Plant grass and shrubs on the slope.

Which of the following ecosystem services are categorized as regulating?

Pollination, decomposition, and water purification

A developer wants to develop a large tract of land near a watershed, which will require the removal of several large trees. Which of the following statements best describes the impact that the development would have on the watershed?

Removing large trees would cause an increase in temperature and keep the surrounding water and soil warmer.

Which of the following describes the independent variable in this investigation?

Soil samples taken from different locations

Which of the following abiotic factors, when graphed on the x-axis, leads to the curved line in the graph due to variation in the different layers of the atmosphere?

Temperature gradients

Which of the following best identifies a key component of the hydrologic cycle that powers the movement of water and is missing from the diagram?

The Sun

Which of the following is the best explanation for the formation of Hadley cells in the tropics, as seen in the diagram, between 30°N and 30°S latitude?

The Sun warms the moist air at the equator and causes it to rise because of its lower density. As the warm air moves away from the equator, it cools, becomes denser, and then sinks.

A country is currently in the second stage of the demographic transition. Currently the country has a birth rate of 37.9 births per 1,000 individuals and a death rate of 13.4 deaths per 1,000 individuals. Which of the following changes would indicate that the country is moving from the second stage into the third stage of the demographic transition?

The birth rate declines to 25.3 births per 1,000 individuals.

Which of the following economic consequences to a provisioning ecosystem service will most likely result from increased global warming?

The collapse of local fisheries, because of the damage to coral reefs from ocean acidification

Based on the map above, which of the following best identifies and explains the region of South America that would have a more moderate climate?

The east coast would have a more moderate climate because of the Brazil Current.

The map above shows the locations of known volcanoes and earthquakes. Which of the following explains what is being illustrated in the enclosed area in the northwest portion of the map?

The enclosed area shows a hot spot in the middle of the Pacific Plate in the Hawaiian Islands.

Where does the largest input of solar energy occur during the spring equinox for the northern hemisphere?

The equator

Which of the following statements best describes the boundary between the two tectonic plates seen in the map?

The map illustrates a transform boundary, where tectonic plates slide past each other as the Pacific Plate moves northwest and the North American Plate moves southeast.

The image shows two different islands and the relative distance to the nearest mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following best predicts the effect of the introduction of an invasive species on Easter Island compared to Madagascar?

The native species on Madagascar are more likely to survive because the island is larger and provides a greater diversity of habitats and resources.

Which of the following is a characteristic of an organism that displays a Type III survivorship curve, as shown in the graph above?

The organism produces large numbers of offspring every time it reproduces.

Which statement is best illustrated in the diagram above regarding how the Sun's energy affects the Earth's surface from June through September in the Northern Hemisphere?

The season changes from summer to autumn, daylight hours decrease, and infrared radiation is the strongest during the June solstice.

A student claims that soil sample B would be classified as a loam. Which of the following best describes the method used by the student to reach this conclusion?

The student used a soil triangle to determine where the lines intersect for sand, silt, and clay for the soil sample.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the deflection of the trade winds in both hemispheres, as seen in the diagram above?

The wind is deflected west because of Earth's rotation.

Which of the following statements best describes the pattern seen in age structure diagram C?

There is an imbalance between males and females, with a ratio of 1.5 men to every woman in the population.

Farmers in a suburban coastal town started using no-till agriculture, a practice that reduces soil erosion from their farmland. Use the image above to determine which of the following long-term effects no-till agriculture will have on the ecosystem surrounding the farmland.

There will be less algal growth in the nearby ocean.

Which of the following best describes the trends seen in the total fertility rates for the world population from 1950 to the projected rates in 2040 ?

Total fertility rates declined rapidly from 1960 to 2000 because women had children later in life as a result of increased educational opportunities.

Which of the following terrestrial biomes has the highest primary productivity per unit area?

Tropical rain forest

Which of the following best describes a terrestrial ecosystem that will have the highest net primary productivity?

Warm temperatures, high rainfall, and consistent sunlight

During an El Niño event, farmers in the southwestern United Stated often benefit from which of the following climatic changes?

Wetter and warmer weather that increases soil moisture

which latitude shown on the diagram experiences 24 hours of daylight on december 21?

antarctic circle (E)

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following islands would most likely have the highest number of species living on it?

biggest island with the shortest distance to it

This rate of reaction can be measured in the dark by determining the amount of oxygen gas consumed in a period of time.

cellular respiration

Global scale wind currents are produced by

differential heating of the Earth by the Sun

Which of the following density-independent factors can affect the size of a human population?


Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem that provides ecosystem services including protection from hurricane storm surges?

intact costal wetland

The rule of 70 can be used to determine a population's doubling time. Doubling time is a measure of the

population growth rate

Which rock type covers the majority of earth's surface?


The vast majority of ozone (O3) is found in a thin layer due to a lack of circulation in which of the following atmospheric layers?


The majority of the nitrogen on Earth can be found in which of the following reservoirs?

the atmosphere

Which of the following best describes what is represented by the arrows in the food web?

the flow of energy

Which of the following layers of the atmosphere contains charged gas molecules that glow and produce light when hit by solar energy, leading to glowing gases such as the northern lights, found over 90 kilometers above Earth's surface?


Based on the graph above, which of the following tree species would be the predominant species found during the intermediate stage of succession?

tulip poplar

What are amphibians?

vertebrates that live part of their lives in water and part on land

The world's ocean currents are generated by which of the following choices?

winds, tides, Coriolis effect, and seawater density

The energy available to consumers determined by subtracting the energy used by plants from the total energy transformed by the process of photosynthesis.

Net primary productivity

The diagram below shows a simplified nitrogen cycle. Which of the following processes is illustrated by the downward arrows from the atmosphere that show the conversion of nitrogen gas into usable forms available to producers?

Nitrogen Fixation

Which of the following best describes the flow of energy in most terrestrial and near-surface marine ecosystems?

Producers use energy from the sun to make organic matter, such as sugars, from carbon dioxide and water and are then consumed by organisms higher in the food chain.

Source of energy driving atmospheric circulation (convection cells diagram)

Solar radiation

Which box represents a carbon sink that holds carbon compounds for the shortest period of time?

A. vegetation

Which latitude shown on the latitude diagram experiences 24 hrs of daylight on December 21st

Antarctic Circle

Which of the following best describes the trends in atmospheric CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature over the past 800,000 years?

Atmospheric CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature are directly correlated over the past 800,000 years.

The diagram below shows a simplified nitrogen cycle. Which of the following types of organisms are required to complete the nitrogen cycle, including the process of denitrification?


Based on the food web shown above, which of the following correctly describes the flow of energy through the trophic levels from producers to quaternary consumers?

Brittlebrush, grasshopper, grasshopper mouse, rattlesnake, red-tailed hawk

Which soil horizon has very little organic matter and accumulates soluble metals and nutrients that are transported from other soil layers?


What is the common characteristic between air circulation and water circulation

Coriolis Effect

Which of the boxes represents a carbon source?

D. burning of fossil fuels

The exponential rate of growth of the total human population over the past 100 years has been a result of?

sharp drop in death rates

Compounds found in the ___ of certain amphibians have been isolated and used in pharmaceutical products

skin secretions

The earth's biodiversity is determined by the balance between __.

speciation and extinction

A measure of the relative abundance, or the comparative numbers of individuals of each species present is called

species evenness

What is the observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time?


Humans add sulfur to the atmosphere primarily by the release of ___ when fossil fuels are burned.

sulfur dioxide

Which terrestrial ecosystem or life zone produces the highest net primary productivity per year?

swamps and marshes

which of the following does NOT exert a major influence on earth's overall climate

the seasonal development of temperature inversions in geographical basins

Which of the following describes the most likely change to terrestrial biomes resulting from warmer average global temperatures?

The global distribution of midlatitude biomes, such as grasslands and temperate rain forests, would increase.

Which of the following best describes the change in Antarctic temperature from about 440,000 years ago to about 340,000 years ago?

The temperature increases by about 12°C and then decreases by about 12°C.

which latitude shown on the diagram experiences 24 hours of daylight on june 21?

arctic circle (A)

The total fertility rate is the

average number of children born to women in their reproductive years

How does the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the net increase in atmospheric carbon?

carbon that has been sequestered underground is added to the carbon cycling between the atmosphere and the biosphere

Which of the following is one of the main reasons that tropical rainforests are being deforested due to the rising middle class in China

cattle grazing

The fact that tectonic plates influences evolution of a species by

changing the earth's climate

which of the following is the correct order of soil particles in order of increasing size

clay - silt - sand

What is the most common distribution of populations?


Why coast of Africa drier than East Coast of US?

cold ocean currents off of Africa absorb heat from land and therefore cool atmosphere

What term describes groups of species living together in a particular place with a potential for interacting with one another?


This biome is found in shallow waters off the coastline and is Earth's most biologically diverse marine biome.

coral reefs

Old and stable part of the continental lithosphere?


The use of tracking transmitters and GPS are very important to the study of?

endagered species

Earthquakes only occur at plate boundaries?


From a scientific point of view, which of the following is true?

fitness is a matter of reproductive success

This biome contains a nutrient-rich environment created by falling leaves and trapped organic materials from the large trees, and it provides the ecosystem service of filtering pollutants from water.

freshwater wetlands

What is the variety of processes, including matter cycling and energy flow within ecosystems, which result from species interacting with one another in food webs?

functional diversity

What is the ability of one or more organisms in a population to tolerate a chemical designed to kill it, such as when bacteria tolerate antibiotics?

genetic resistance

Which of the following is least associated with biodiversity?

geological diversity

Which country is currently facing a declining population?


The idea that human's combustion of fossil fuels will add to the current atmospheric system in place and cause an intensification of weather events is known as

global warming

The differences in the distribution of solar radiation on Earth as seen in the June Solstice diagram.

global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses.

Aerobic respiration requires

glucose and oxygen

The total rate of photosynthesis in a given area.

gross primary productivity

Air flows from

high to low pressure like the Westerlies

Before conservation efforts facilitated their comeback, the American alligator population was nearly completely wiped out primarily because of __.


Which of the following major reservoirs of freshwater are missing from the diagram?

ice caps

Which trophic level has the least available energy in kilojoules in this food web?

killer whale

Two useful indicators of overall health in a country or region are

life expectancy and infant mortality rate

Biological evolution by natural selection is when genes __, individuals __, and populations __

mutate, are selected, evolve

Changes in the DNA molecules of a gene in any cell that can be inherited by offspring are called ___.


In reef ecosystems, corals often have microalgae living inside them. The algae supply the corals with nutrients, and the coral give shelter to the algae. Which of the following interactions best describes the relationship between the corals and the algae?


The relationship between bacteria that live in the digestive systems of animals, such as humans, is


scientists are looking for new locations to generate electricity using geothermal energy which of the following locations would be the best choice for a geothermal energy generating plant

near tectonic plate boundaries

The form of nitrogen used by plants to produce amino acids, proteins nucleic acids, and vitamins is

nitrate ions

(number of plant species graph) What best describes how ecologists could determine when this ecosystem is approaching a climax community?

record the number and type of producers present every year after the eruption

This freshwater biome is characterized by fast-flowing water that can originate from underground springs or runoff, which carries sediment and organic material.


Which of the following biogeochemical cycles includes the processes of buffering ocean pH and photosynthesis, as shown in the diagram?

The carbon cycle

(white tailed deer and sika deer study) Which of the following statements best supports the results from the study?

The sika deer out competed the white-tailed deer in consuming flowering plants and shrubs.

this area is most susceptible to erosion, leading to increased suspended solids and increased turbidity downstream

agricultural fields (B)

approximately what percent of biomass is available to be transferred to the next trophic level?


Based on the graph above, which of the following years postdisturbance had the greatest species richness?


A temperate grassland biome has a gross primary productivity of 3,480 kilocalories/meter^2/year and a net primary productivity of 2,000 kilocalories/meter^2/year Which of the following is the approximate number of kilocalories/meter^2/year available to herbivores in that biome?

200 kilocalories/meter^2/year

Based on the graph above, which of the following years postdisturbance did sweetgum experience the greatest biomass?


Which of the following best describes the pattern in the atmospheric CO2 concentration data over the past 200,000 years?

The concentration of CO2 fluctuated between 150ppm and 250ppm until recently, when the concentration rose exponentially.

Which of the following trophic levels represents a primary producer in an aquatic food chain?


Based on the data in the graph, which of the following best describes the change in the population of moths as a result of industrialization?

The percentage of dark colored moths increased in the population and the percentage of light-colored moths decreased in the population.

The diagram below represents steps in the phosphorus cycle. Which of the following statements is best supported by the diagram of the phosphorus cycle?

The phosphates absorbed by animal tissue through consumption eventually return to the soil.

The diagram above best illustrates major processes in which of the following biogeochemical cycles?

The phosphorus cycle

Which of the following terrestrial biomes has the highest net primary productivity?

Tropical rain forest

Which of the following best describes an example of resource partitioning in an ecosystem?

Two different bird species feed from the same oak tree; one eats acorns, and the other eats insects in the bark.

Based on the diagram, which of the following statements about the hydrologic cycle is true?

Water from the ocean evaporates and condenses in the atmosphere.

What would cause a population to overshoot its carrying capacity?

a reproduction time lag between birth and death rates

The earth's warmth comes from what trait of our atmosphere?

absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gasses in troposphere

End product of anaerobic respiration?

acetic acid (methane)

what is the zone of hot, partly melted rock that flows and that can be deformed


Despite a low net primary productivity (NPP), which ecosystem or life zone produces the most biomass each year?

open ocean

Largest percentage of the earth's crust

oxygen and silicon

what of the primary determining factor in the type of available mineral nutrients a soil will be composed of

parent material

which of the following chemical cycles does not have an atmospheric component


A group of interbreeding individuals of the same species in the same geographic region is called a


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