apes o whateva

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You are selecting a new dishwater. You do about 150 loads per year. The less efficient model uses 9 gallons per load. The more efficient model uses 6 gallons per load. How much money will be saved on water if you select the more efficient model and the price of water is $0.75 per 1,000 gallons?


Haitian farmers are buying mango tree saplings for $10 each, and the full grown trees produce $75 of fruit each year. If a farmer wishes to earn 1,500 per year when the trees are grown, how much will the farmer have to spend on saplings?


An ecosystem has an ecological efficiency of 10 percent. If the producer level contains 10,000 kilocalories of energy, how much energy does the tertiary consumer level contain?

10 kcal

use the figure below to answer the following question what is the difference in life expectancy between developed and developing countries?

10 years

convert 37.5 acres into hectares


use the figure below to answer the following question what is the percentage of the per capita ecological footprint for a person in China as compared to a person in the United States?


countries such as China have increasing populations that are attaining a middle-class status. This has led to

2/3 of the worlds most polluted cities in China

use the figure below to answer the following question how much greater is India's total ecological footprint than that of Japan?


Freshwater accounts for what percent of total water in the world?


Approximately how does the productivity of tropical seasonal forests compare to the productivity of lakes and streams?

300 percent as productive

Rabbits have developed behavioral and physiological strategies to sustain them through periods of environmental stress. Which of the numbered life processes above could be sacrificed without affecting an individual rabbit's survival in periods of extremely poor environmental conditions?


You are selecting a new dishwater. You do about 150 loads per year. The less efficient model uses 9 gallons per load. The more efficient model uses 6 gallons per load. How many gallons of water will be saved over the course of one year?


use the figure below to answer the following question what percentage of the worlds population is the responsibility of developed countries?


According to the graph, how much dissolved oxygen will there be when the water temperature is 15oC?

9.8 mg/L

The zone that has the greatest biodiversity


Which of the following diagrams correctly illustrates the nitrogen cycle?


Which of the following best shows the process of evolution?

A population of mosquitoes develops resistance to a pesticide

Increased atmospheric CO2 concentration over the next 50 years is expected to cause which of the following global changes?

A significant loss of biodiversity in the tropics

Former vicepresident_________shared the Noble peace prize with the IPCC for alerting the world to the reality and dangers of global warming

Al gore

Eutrophication results in the death of trout and other fish as a result of

Asphyxiation from lack of oxygen

A company that produces Brand X flea shampoo claims to have the most effective shampoo for killing fleas. Which of these sets of data supports the Brand X claim?


The following graphs describe the fates of a hypothetical population of organisms in which there is variation in color. The arrows represent selective pressures. Which graph represents a stabilizing mode of selection?


The zone in which the greatest total mass of CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere


A field is abandoned, and an invasive plant that can live in nutrient-poor soil moves into the field. If the land is later cleared of this invasive species and it is discovered that the soil has an abundance of nitrogen compounds, what conclusion can best be made?

Bacteria in soil and in root nodules converted free nitrogen into nitrogen compounds.

The individual matters in terms of what can be done to help reduce water pollution. All of the following are things we can do, EXCEPT

Buy commercially produced foods

The leading consumer of steel, concrete, coal, wheat, and rice is


which country has the world's highest levels of industrial smog because of its heavy reliance on coal?


Which is the best description of the two communities shown?

Community 1 has a higher evenness and equal richness to Community 2.

An alpine area of a national park near a trail is normally covered by plants, but much of the area is now bare soil. Park rangers suspect that trampling by hikers has killed the plants. Which of the following will best test the hypothesis?

Comparing plant survivorship in areas where hikers stay on the trail with plant survivorship in the area where hikers leave the trail

which of the following is not a strategy for reducing the threat of climate change?

Continue with current practices

The graph shows average CO2 concentrations during each season for two countries from 2009 to 2010. based on the information in the graph, which statement best explains what the graph shows?

Country B experiences higher levels of spring and summer primary production

Which is a positive externality that results from the construction of a hydroelectric dam?

Creation of valuable lake shoreline that promotes housing and tourism

Desalination is used to supply much of this region with freshwater.


This area has the lowest amount of naturally available freshwater per capita.


What was the major pollutant that caused these effects?


which of the following would most likely reduce the concentration of ground level ozone in the air of the city?

Decrease in the emissions of nitrogen oxides

which of the following would be the most likely effect of acid deposition on a northern forest?

Decreased ability of trees to withstand cold weather

A new 450 unit housing development will replace several small farms on the outskirts of Fremont. The development will be composed of ¼ hectare lots with nearly identical footprints, as shown below: Storm water runoff from the new development into nearby Samel Creek will likely lead to which of the following?

Destruction of fish habitats by high levels of suspended solids and sediments

Major anthropogenic sources of nitrogen pollution include commercial fertilizers, vehicle exhaust, industrial air pollution, and

Discharge of sewage to surface waters

The largest hydroelectric dam in the world is located on one of the world's longest rivers in this area.


The zone in which species are adapted to the lowest light and the highest pressure


This increase of pollutants in the eggs caused what to happen?

Egg shells broken when the adults sat on the eggs, The near extinction of the Bald Eagle and American Alligator, and The population of these top predators were decreasing

Contains an amendment that allows private landowners to modify their property under a habitat conservation plan

Endangered Species Act

which of the following characteristically produces non-point source pollution?

Erosion from agricultural land

changes in a country's economic growth per person are measured by


Which of these does not describe most developed countries?

High population

The use of nitrogen based fertilizers in the Midwestern United States is a major contributing factor to which of the following?

Hypoxia (low oxygen) in the Gulf of Mexico

Methods used to remove spilled oil from the surface of the ocean include I. Containment boom and oil vacuums II. Chemical dispersants III. Large screens

I and II

Which explains why the distribution of biomass in ecosystems is often structured like a pyramid? I. The second law of thermodynamics II. Low ecological efficiency in natural ecosystems III. Photosynthesis is more efficient than cellular respiration

I and II

atmospheric brown cloud results from the combination of I. primary and secondary pollutants II. PM 2.5 and O3 III. volatile organic compound and O3

I and II

Human construction of buildup and pavement affect the hydrological cycle by I. increasing run-off II. increasing evaporation III. increasing percolation

I and II only

What human activities have affected the phosphorus cycle? I. Creation of fertilizers II. Decline of wetland areas III. Use of dishwashing detergent

I and III

Farmers can sharply reduce fertilizer runoff by I. Using prescribed amounts of fertilizer. II. Fertilizing only sloped areas, but not flat areas. III. Planting legumes (beans) and other nitrogen-fixing plants.

I and III only

Which of the following are suggested to reduce the threats from nonnative species? I. Increase Inspections II. Empty bilge water from vessels in the calm-water ports instead of the more turbulent open ocean III. Use legislation which targets goods and materials which are imported

I and III only

which of the following events has increased impact of humans on the environment? I. advances in technology II. reduced human population growth III. use of tools for hunting

I and III only

Humans have a considerable effect on the hydrologic cycle. Which of the following has a direct effect? I. Deforestation II. Urbanization III. Mining of fossil fuels

I, II, and III

The issue of water ownership is complicated by I. the irregularity of precipitation II. The distance rivers can travel III. Increased demand for water

I, II, and III

What happens to sludge from a sewage treatment plant? I. It can be deposited in a landfill II. It can be incinerated (burned) III. It can be used as a fertilizer

I, II, and III

Which data are used to estimate historic temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations? I. Air bubbles in ice cores from glaciers II. Thermometers placed around the globe III. CO2 sensors placed around the globe

I, II, and III

which cultural event(s) lead to an increase in article logical footprint? I. Technology/information II. industrial revolution III. agricultural revolution

I, II, and III

What is/are advantages of dams and reservoirs. I. Capture and store runoff and release it as needed. II. Control downstream flooding. III. Can be used to generate electricity.

I, II, and III.

which of the following deals with garrett hardin's big idea I.Easter Island II.The Lorax III. The fishing lab from class

I, II, and III.

the environmental impact of a population on a given area depends on which of the following? I.population size II.technologies III. affluence

I,II, and III

Correct statements about the northern spotted owl include which of the following? I. It is a pioneer species that is an opportunistic feeder. II. It is dependent on mature, old growth forest for its habitat. III. It is a carnivore at or near the top of the food chain.

II and III.

The Dead Sea, which lies on the border between Jordan and Israel, is one of the saltiest lakes on Earth. Suppose you are a geologist exploring the area. What geological factors would you expect to see that might explain this salinity? I. High concentrations of uranium in or around the Dead Sea. II. Lack of outlets for water to escape III. Relatively impermeable soil at the bottom of the lake

II only

Which biogeochemical cycle(s) does NOT have a gaseous component? I. Potassium II. Sulfur III. Phosphorus

III only

A country in Sub-Saharan Africa decided to massively spray the countryside over several months with DDT to rid the country of mosquitoes that were causing large numbers of citizens to contract malaria. Biologists sampled various quadrats for mosquito numbers after the spraying; the results are presented here. Natural selection is chiefly responsible for the section of the graph labeled


prevention approaches to global warming include all the following, except

Increase beef production to strengthen public health

Which of the following describes a potential human health effect most likely to be associated with a thermal inversion?

Increase in respiratory irritation due to increased levels of fine airborne particulates

The most common examples are phosphates and nitrates.

Inorganic plant nutrients

which of the following statements about potential effects of global warming is false?

Insect-borne diseases are likely to decrease in today's temperate zones.

which of these is not a reason for environmental problems?

Knowledge of how nature works

The creature shown is Eohippus, an ancestor of modern horses that was found in jungles. As can be seen in the diagram, Eohippus stood only about 20 cm tall. While modern horses have hooves for running fast in open areas to avoid predators, Eohippus had small toes. What change in the environment of the Eohippus best explains why horses grew larger and faster?

Large, fast saber-toothed cats migrated to their habitat

Which is the correct order of the events leading to cultural eutrophication?

Leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, algal bloom, fish die off

Was once widely used in the United States as a gasoline additive


Which toxic substance can be found in the water of buildings with old plumbing systems? (hint Flint, Michigan)


In the 1970's, houses were built over a toxic chemical waste disposal site. This case study is known as

Love Canal

NPP is the rate of photosynthesis minus respiration by photosynthesizers. Open oceans produce the largest share of earth's biomass because the net primary productivity (NPP) of the ocean is

Low, but the large expanse of the oceans support enormous numbers of producers such as phytoplankton

Poses a health risk to humans who eat large quantities of marine fish such as swordfish and tuna.


Addressed the issue of stratospheric ozone depletion

Montreal Protocol

99% of the volume of gases in the lower atmosphere, listed in greater number first, are

N2, O2, H2O, CO2

refer to the diagram below, what depicts the concentrations of various gases in the air over city on a typical smoggy day. Which of the following best explains the pattern in NO concentration?

NO is produced by rush-hour traffic and is quickly oxidized in the atmosphere

Requires the federal government to produce an environmental impact statement for any construction project funded by the government

National Environmental Policy Act

Which species would be most vulnerable to environmental changes?

Niche Specialists

The major reservoirs of nitrogen and sulfur in the biosphere are correctly identified by which of the following?

Nitrogen: Atmosphere; Sulfur: Rocks

Which list contains terms for lake classification from systems with the lowest primary productivity to systems with the highest primary productivity?

Oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic

Plastics, oil, cleaning solvents, and gasoline are examples.

Organic Chemicals

Step P. Water is passed through a screen to remove debris. Step Q. Pathogenic organisms are killed by chlorination, UV or ozone Step R. Suspended particles clump and settle out. Step S. A floccing agent (chemicals that cause the formation of large particles), such as alum, is added to the water. The processes described above are steps in the purification and treatment of municipal wastewater. The steps are listed in random order. Which of the following lists the steps in the correct sequence?


Which pollutant best illustrates the effectiveness of legislation?


What is the biggest concern over the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

Physical injury to animals and the slow leaching of harmful chemicals from the plastics breaking down

At which trophic level do organisms use a process that produces oxygen as a waste product?


A gaseous decay product of uranium that is found in rocks


which of the following practices would have the biggest impact on achieving global sustainability?

Reducing human population size

A laboratory experiment was done to show the effects of organic waste on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water. Five tanks were set up, each containing freshwater and a small amount of single celled green algae. Specified amounts of organic waste were added to the tanks. The results below show the amount of DO in each tank after a period of one week. Which of the following would best improve the validity of the experiment?

Repeating the experiment several times and comparing the results

At which trophic level are eagles that consume fish that eat algae?

Secondary consumers

Governments can use four of the following methods to promote solutions to the climate change crisis. Which of the following is not one of those methods?

Shift the production of electricity to developing countries.

Beginning at the lower trophic level, arrange the following food chain found on the Serengeti Plain of Africa in the correct sequence.

Shrubs - gazelle- cheetahs- decomposers

For which of the following reasons do small isolated islands have a greater rate of species extinction than, larger less isolated islands?

Small isolated islands have a lower availability of resources.

All of the following contribute to sediment pollution EXCEPT

Stream bank with large rocks, known as rip-rap

nature reveals 4 basic principles of that could help us to transition to sustainable societies. Which of the following is not one of those principles

Survival of the fittest

Insoluble particles of soil and other solids

Suspended matter

At which trophic level are dragonflies that consume mosquitoes that feed on herbivorous mammals?

Tertiary consumers

Water diversion has significantly reduced the size of

The Aral Sea

Which U.S. legislation empowers the EPA to establish maximum contaminant levels in drinking water?

The Safe Drinking Water Act

Which location has been experiencing greater amounts of acid rain in recent years?

The West Coast of the United States

A laboratory experiment was done to show the effects of organic waste on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water. Five tanks were set up, each containing freshwater and a small amount of single celled green algae. Specified amounts of organic waste were added to the tanks. The results below show the amount of DO in each tank after a period of one week. Why did the DO after one week decrease as the amount of waste increased?

The algae multiplied and then died and decomposed

which of the following is true about the clean air act amendment of 1990?

The allowed power plants to buy and sell (cap and trade program) SO2 pollution allowances

A one-hectare pond is sampled in early September. The sample yields 1 small catfish as well as 17 benthic invertebrates that represent 10 species. If The pond is resampled be your leader, which of the following would best indicate that the pond had been adversely affected by adjacent development?

The biodiversity of the pond has decreased

A one hectare pond is sampled in early September. The sample yields 1 small catfish as well as 17 benthic invertebrates that represent 10 species. If the pond is resampled a year later, which of the following would best indicate that the pond had been adversely affected by adjacent development?

The biodiversity of the pond has decreased.

refer to the diagram below, what depicts the concentrations of various gases in the air over city on a typical smoggy day. if technology that reduces the hydrocarbon concentration had been utilized, which of the following would have been the most likely?

The concentration of O3 would have been lower

An experiment was done that measured the Effects of Nitrates on the Growth of Algae.Growth of algae was determined by how well the water transmitted light. The less the light transmission than the greater the algae growth blocking the transmission of light. Looking at the graph what conclusions can you draw about algae growth and nitrates in the water?

The second week they grew best at 200, and the 5th week they grew best at 500

Based on the figure, what can you say about the relationship between the temperature of a continental ecosystem and net primary productivity?

The warmer the ecosystem, the higher the productivity.

A new 450 unit housing development will replace several small farms on the outskirts of Fremont. The development will be composed of ¼ hectare lots with nearly identical footprints, as shown below: Which of the following will be the greatest impact of the development on the local water supply?

There will be less recharge of groundwater

Which of the following is generally true of K strategist species compared to r-strategist species?

They have longer life spans

A laboratory experiment was done to show the effects of organic waste on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water. Five tanks were set up, each containing freshwater and a small amount of single celled green algae. Specified amounts of organic waste were added to the tanks. The results below show the amount of DO in each tank after a period of one week. What is the main purpose of the experiment?

To observe the effect of organic waste on DO

A new 450 unit housing development will replace several small farms on the outskirts of Fremont. The development will be composed of ¼ hectare lots with nearly identical footprints, as shown below: One important step that homeowners in the new development can take to protect water quality in Samel Creek would be to

Use rain barrels to reduce the flow of storm water into the creek

Which species has a better ability to adapt to the changing environment?

Water boatman and Whirligig

which of the following is the best example of the tragedy of the commons?

Water pollution from oil rigs concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico

Based on the information shown in the graph, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

When precipitation varies, streams in watershed II experience the greatest fluctuations in water volume.

Over the past 1 million years of Earth's history, the average trend in Earth's temperature would best be described as

a number of fluctuations varying by a few degrees

Which of the following is an important contributor to both global warming and ozone depletion?

a release of chlorofluorocarbons to the atmosphere

This diagram is depiction of what typically happens in a river when

a river flows past a point source of organic waste

What best explains why the pH is dropping in the water?

acid deposition

which of the following is a strategy for reducing the effects of acid rain?

adding calcium carbonate to soils

All of the following are commonly used to deal with the side effects of eutrophication in lakes EXCEPT

adding nitrates

In the United States most water is used for


A population of rabbits lives in a meadow with a depression that runs through the middle. The depression fills in with water and becomes a river that separates the population into two groups. Over a very long period the two populations develop into entirely different species, no longer capable of reproducing with each other. This is an example of

allopatric speciation

Solutions to environmental problems are not always easy. This is because

any solution has both advantages and disadvantages

coal and heavy oil are burned in large boilers with reasonably good pollution control or with tall smokestacks. what area receives the air pollution from smokestacks?

area downwind from the smokestacks

Composed of fibers known to cause lung disease


Plant roots absorb ammonium ions and nitrate ions for use in making molecules such as DNA, amino acids and proteins


Some toxic compounds are ingested and retained in the tissues. These pollutants pose special risks to humans and other organisms high on the food chain because of which process?


This diagram is an example of:


point source pollution

can usually be identified within a given area

Which fish species does well in poor water quality?


Drought conditions

cause increased erosion

The basic structure and functional units of life are called


Sedimentation of water

clogs the gills of some aquatic animals

Global warming is most likely to directly cause which of the following?

coastal flooding and submersion of low-lying areas

Exotic species damage ecosystems because they ___

compete with native species for the same resources.

All of the following ways could help to reduce the projected ecological footprint except

continued reliance on current fossil fuels

challenges in the study of environmental science include all of the following except

dangers of studying natural systems

The rapid rate of this process in tropical forests results in low-nutrient soils


The oceans absorb between 25%-30% of the CO2, called carbon sink in the lower atmosphere. as the oceans heat up, this absorption


going from a generalization to a specific conclusion is known as

deductive reasoning

Humans are disrupting the carbon cycle in ways that have resulted in increased levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Which of the following human activities are most directly responsible for this increase?

deforestation and clearing of other plants that absorb CO2 through photosynthesis AND adding large amounts of CO2 by burning fossil fuels and wood

Nitrate ions are nitrite ions are converted into nitrous oxide gas and nitrogen gas (N2).


The process by which a soil nutrient is reduced and released to the atmosphere as a gas


which of the following human activities is most clearly associated with depletion if the stratospheric ozone layer?

disposal of refrigerators and air conditioners

The annual productivity of any ecosystem is greater than the annual increase in biomass of the herbivores in the ecosystem because

during each energy transformation, some energy is lost.

Which is NOT a measure of biodiversity?

economic diversity

Which of the following ecological concepts includes all the others?


which term describes the ability to do work and transfer heat?


Human health depends on having

enough ozone in the stratosphere and little ozone in the troposphere

the population of the world has been increasing


Which law of thermodynamics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed

first law

" we burn coal to produce electricity to operate a refrigerator" is an example of the______and "if we burn coal to produce electricity to operate a refrigerator, we lose a great deal of energy in the form of heat is an example of the______

first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics

Effects of pollution might include

fish kills in lakes and streams, spread of a disease from an open dump, destruction of a statue in a city park by acid rain, and being unable to see the top of skyscrapers because of smog

emitted from most manufactured homes, trailers, and furniture


the "tragedy of the commons" refers to the overuse of

free-access resources

researchers have found that over the last 20 years there are fewer native plants in the alpine meadows of the Rocky Mountains east of Salt Lake City and that the abundance of two species of invasive grasses have increased. Which of the following questions is most appropriate to ask when investigating the cause of the change in the alpine meadow?

has an increase in soil nitrates from air pollution allowed the invasive grasses to outcompete the native plants?

recent studies have found that fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 M or less can have negative human health effects. Which of the following correctly links and negative human health effects twin anthropogenic source of fine particulate matter?

high rates of respiratory disease from power plant emissions

Where do we typically see saltwater intrusions into freshwater aquifers?

in coastal areas

human inputs of outdoor air pollutants occur mostly

in urban areas

Which of the following scenarios is not likely to result from increasing temperatures in the Arctic?

increased melting of sea ice decreases the sea level and leads to more arable land area that can be formed

an experiment was performed to determine the effect of caffeine on the pulse rate of five healthy 18-year-old males. each was given 250 mL of a beverage with or without caffeine. The men had their pulse rates measured before they had the drink (time 0 minutes) and again after they had been sitting at least first 30 minutes after consuming the drink. The results are shown in the following table. After analyzing the results of the experiment, the most appropriate conclusion would be that caffeine

increased the pulse rates of the 18-year-old males tested

The three main anthropogenic sources of gaseous air pollutants in the United States are

industry, transportation, and energy production

what important phenomenon that often plays a role in air pollution episodes is illustrated in the diagram below?


Fecal coliform bacteria

is used as an indicator of water quality

all of the following statements about the ozone layer is true except for one?

it doesn't protect us from the UV rays of the sun

which of the following is true of the ogallala aquifer?

it underlies the United States High Plains and is depleted by overuse

all of the following are examples of sustainability except

land development

which of the following represents the greatest contribution of methane emissions to the atmosphere?


Which of the following is considered a biological indicators of air pollution?


the presence of which of the following in the soul is most likely to neutralize the acid rain?

limestone (calcium carbonate)

Birds are considered good indicator species because they:

live in every biome

particulate matter can increase global warming by

lowering surface albedo

Sick Building Syndrome is linked to all of the following, except

lung cancer

which of the following is a part of positive feedback mechanism is associated with global climate change?

melting of Arctic sea ice

Ground level ozone in most major United States cities results primarily from

motor vehicle exhaust

Natural capital consist of___and natural services

natural resources

When leaf litter inputs to the stream decrease, the amount of fish and insect biomass leaving the downstream section decreases by a similar amount. This represents

negative feedback loop

Ammonia is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate


what is the most common gas in the earth's atmosphere


The atmosphere is 78% N2 (atmospheric nitrogen), but living organisms can't use nitrogen until

nitrogen-fixing bacteria make it available to plants

Net Primary Productivity (NPP) of a system refers to the amount of energy

obtained through photosynthesis minus the amount lost as heat through cellular respiration

an example of the tragedy of the commons would be

offshore clam beds in public areas depleted below replenishment levels by overfishing

which of the following best explains why it is predicted that ozone depletion over the poles will be at its worst between 2010 and 2019?

ozone-depleting chemicals produced before their use was banned will take that long to reach peak concentrations in the stratosphere

Respiratory illnesses in developing countries are most likely to be caused by

particulate matter

Amoebic dysentery, with severe diarrhea a common symptom, is caused by this pollutant class.


The process in which glucose is synthesized by plants


harmful chemicals emitted directly into the air from natural processes and human activities are called

primary pollutants

An environmentally sustainable society

provides it population with adequate and equitable access to resources, does not compromise access of future generations to basic needs, lives off its natural income of renewable resources, and does not negrade its natural capital

a leading cause of lung cancer in the united states


Primary treatment in a sewage treatment plant is designed to

remove solids from wastewater

Which of the following is not a type of organic biological molecule?


based on the data table above for a stream in Illinois, which site most likely had a construction site immediately upstream from it?

site C

A one-hectare pond is sampled in early September. The sample yields 1 small catfish as well as 17 benthic invertebrates that represent 10 species. Which of the following can be estimated from the sample for the invertebrates in the pond?

species richness

of the following, which is true of noise pollution?

sudden or persistent noise may lead to permanent hearing lost

Acid rain results when humans put excess amounts of ___ into the atmosphere.


phytoplankton are most abundant in the upper few hundred feet of most bodies of water because

sunlight does not penetrate to great depths in water

Which ecosystem is the most productive?

swamps and marshes

Which is NOT related to geographic isolation?

sympatric speciation

when the effects of the combined processes are greater than the individual effects, this is known as


A student wants to study the effect of temperature on algae levels in a local stream. The independent variable of this experiment would be

temperature of the water

scientist try to reduce errors in their observations and measurements by

testing measuring devices against known samples, repeating measurements several times and taking the average value, reducing bias, and using standard procedures

The real prices of goods and services do not include

the environmental costs of resource users

which of the following is true about the earth's atmosphere known as the stratosphere?

the highest concentration of naturally occurring ozone forms in this layer

what is the primary difference between renewable resources and nonrenewable resources

the length of time it takes for them to be replenished

Which of the following carbon reservoirs is the largest?

the ocean waters

The healthiest aquatic ecosystem can most likely be found at

the points labeled "A" and "E"

an idea that has been tested widely, is supported by extensive evidence, and is excepted by most scientist in a particular field of study, is called a


One of the reasons the vortex winds in the Antarctic are important in the formation of the hole in the ozone layer is

they prevent warm, ozone-rich air from mixing with cold, ozone-depleted air

The correct sequence of layers of the atmosphere from innermost to outermost is

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

which of the following is an example of reuse?

using plastic butter tubs to store leftovers

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