APES UNIT 8 part A

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Which of the following is an example of a point source of pollution?

A leaking septic tank

Define Point-Source

A point source refers to a single, identifiable source of a pollutant, such as a smokestack or waste discharge pipe.

An ecologist examining several different ponds discovers that in one pond all the frogs are female. Which of the following most likely led to the all-female population of frogs?

An endocrine disrupter

Which of the following describes the action of an endocrine disrupter?

An endocrine disrupter blocks the receptor protein binding site of a hormone so that the cell cannot receive a signal.

Which of the following best describes the action of an endocrine disruptor?

An endocrine disruptor blocks the receptor protein binding site of a hormone so that the cell cannot receive a signal.

A biologist is studying a small food web in which phytoplankton are eaten by krill, krill are eaten by fish, and fish are eaten by seals. During their study of the ecosystem, the biologist discovers that PCBs are present in measurable levels in the water and wants to examine how PCBs could vary in different trophic levels. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study?

Biomagnification will cause the seals to have the highest amount of PCBs in their tissues.

Which of the following best explains why DDT has been found in penguin eggs in the Antartic?

Chemicals used in one region of the earth can circulate in the biosphere and affect organisms in a distant region.

Which of the following approaches would best decrease the impact of frequent flooding in a community that is subject to the hazard of flooding?

Construct wetland areas near the rivers and streams.

Which category of ecosystem services best details the awarding of a grant to research the breeding patterns of a snail population along the headwaters of the Brazos river which results in a literacy publication in an invertebrate scientific journal?


Which of the following best describes the source of persistent organic pollutants (POPsPOPs) that could accumulate in the tissues of a top predator?

DDT and other pesticides that are sprayed to control for mosquitoes

Which of the following is the most likely impact of thermal pollution from power plants on a river ecosystem?

Decreased oxygen levels because warm water holds less dissolved gas than cold water does

Scientists are interested in studying the bioaccumulation of mercury in different species of dolphins exposed to the same concentration of mercury. The dolphins in the study will be of similar age and living in the same habitat. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study?

Different species of dolphins will have different levels of mercury in their fatty tissues depending on the species' ability to absorb and excrete mercury.

A scientist wants to study the effect of DDT in a fish-eating bird species. She measures a variety of variables in a population of birds over a period of ten years to determine how levels of DDT affect bird survival and reproduction. Which of the following identifies a scientific question she could ask to best evaluate the effect of DDT on the bird species?

Does the persistence of DDT lead to eggshell thinning or developmental deformities in the bird species?

Which of the following pollutants would most likely be responsible for gender imbalance in a population of frogs in which all observed frogs are female?

Endocrine disruptors

Which of the following best describes the action of endocrine disruptors in organisms?

Endocrine disruptors mimic naturally occurring hormones in animals, leading to developmental disorders.

Endocrine disruptors directly affect which of the following in an organism?


Define characteristics of a wetland include which of the following?

Hydrology, soil type, and species composition

The use of nitrogen-based fertilizers in the Midwestern United States is a major contributing factor to which of the following?

Hypoxia in the gulf of Mexico

Which of the following is the most likely consequence of runoff transporting chemicals that are endocrine disruptors to a pond?

Increased frequency of birth defects in fish populations in the pond

Which of the following is a way to potentially eliminate one of the greatest threats to the world's mangrove wetlands?

Integrate ecologically sound shrimp aquacultural practices with mangrove management.

Which of the following strategies will best help to protect mangrove habitats?

Limiting coastal development and maintain a shoreline buffer zone

The dangers of disposing of toxic chemicals underground came to public attention in which of the following locations?

Love Canal, New York

In which of the following ecosystems do tree roots serve as important havens for biodiversity?

Mangrove forests

Pollutants from agriculture, storm runoff, lawn fertilizers, and sewer overflows are

Non-point source

Define Nonpoint source

Nonpoint sources of pollution are diffused and can therefore be difficult to identify, such as pesticide spraying or urban runoff

Which of the following is a point source pollutant that would likely affect the ecosystem health of a coral reef?

Oil released from the broken hull of a shipwrecked tanker

Which of the following is the best example of a point source pollutant?

Oil tanker spill

According to the World Health Organization, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are found in nearly all tested organism tissues and environmental samples. Which characteristic of POPsPOPs accounts for their presence in living tissues and in environmental samples?

POPs are released in to the air, water, and land, which allows them to be transported and incorporated in multiple ways.

Which of the following best describes a way that persistent organic pollutants cause harm in the environment..

POPs are soluble in fat , so they accumulate in the organism's fatty tissue

Which of the following will result in accelerated eutrophication when introduced into streams, lakes, and bays


Which of the following correctly identifies an example of an endocrine disruptor and the effect it might have on the human body?

Phthalates in cosmetics and shampoos reduce fertility.

Which of the following practices would best help to protect against inland and coastal flooding in urban areas?

Preserving wetland and coastal mangrove habitats

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the algal bloom in the lake?

Runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the water.

Which of the following would best be described as a point source of pollution from a farm?

Runoff from the waste lagoons of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, which enters local waterways after a flooding event

Based on the data table above for a stream in Illinois, which site most likely has a construction site immediately upstream from it?

Site C- increased of dissolved oxygen

Which of the following statements best describes how the Clean Water Act legislation aims to protect wetlands from being lost?

The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands.

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the bottom-dwelling plants in the lake to die?

The algal bloom prevented sunlight from reaching the bottom-dwelling plants, which reduced the rates of photosynthesis.

A massive bluegill fish kill was observed in a lake near a power plant during the winter month. It was determined that the plant was releasing large amounts of hot water into the lake. Which of the following explains what likely caused the death of so many billgills in the lake.

The influx of water caused an unexpected increase in the metabolic rate of the bluegills, which led to the increased physiological stress from limited resource availability.

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the fish in the lake to die?

The remains of the bottom-dwelling plants and algae decomposed, depleting the amount of oxygen in the water.

A small lake, located downstream of a power plant, recently experienced a die-off of multiple aquatic species. Environmentalists had been monitoring the temperature of the lake for several months prior to the die-off and noticed a significant spike in the temperature of the lake immediately preceding the die-off event.

The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the respiration rate of the aquatic organisms.

Which of the following best describes why persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic to organisms?

They do not break down easily and can accumulate in the fat tissue of an organism.

Which of the following best describes how thermal pollution from power plants can affect aquatic ecosystems?

Warm water discharged into rivers and streams decreases the oxygen content of the water, which reduces the number of fish species.

Which of the following examples include both a point and a non point source of pollution. PT 2

Waste from animal feedlots and sediment from construction sights

Which of the following best describes a supporting ecological service provided by wetlands?

Wetlands provide a habitat for a wide variety of organisms.

Which of the following in not an ecosystem services of wetlands: acting as carbon sinks, providing recreation areas, serving as nurseries for fish, recharging groundwater, and all of the above are ecosystem services.

all above are ecosystem services.

An ecologist examining several different ponds discovers that in one pond all the frogs are female. Which of the following most likely led to the all-female population of frogs?

an endocrine disrupter

Eutrophication results in the death of trout and the other fish as a result of...

asphyxiation from lack of oxygen

Which of the following is the most likely route for mercury to enter the food web?

coal-burning emissions----deposition-----ocean-----plankton---fishes

which of the following is not a threat to coral reefs

decrease in temperature

Most streams follow a branching drainage pattern, which is known as

dendritic drainage

which of the following is decreased by the breakdown of organic waste

dissolved oxygen

In a river ecosystem, dissolved oxygen concentrations drop quickly downstream from a point source input of organic matter into the river. The effect is due to...

increasing bacterial activity as organic matter decays

Lakes that are characterized by high water clarity and low concentrations of dissolved nutrients are classified as


which of the following practices would best help to protect against inland and coastal flooding in urban areas?

preserving wetland and coastal mangrove habitats

Persistent organic pollutants are dangerous because they...

remain in the environment, and bioaccumulate in organisms, and biomagnify throughout the food chain

many synthetic chemicals, such as pcbs, act as estrogen mimics. In an ecosystem, these persistent chemicals would have the greatest effect on which of the following?

secondary consumers

Which of the following examples includes both a point and a nonpoint source of pollution?

Fertilizer from suburban lawns and wastewater from a water treatment plant

Which of the following correctly identifies both a nonpoint source and a point source of pollution?

urban run off and city bus exhaust

The graph shows the effect of sewage on biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen in a flowing stream. The smallest fish population will be at...

C- because it has the lowest amount of dissolved oxygen

Which of the following examples include both a point and a non point source of pollution.

Fertilizer from suburban lawns and wastewater from a water treatment plant.

A beach community was recently negatively affected by a hurricane. Community leaders are looking for a potential solution to prevent damage from future hurricanes. Below is a list of their concerns as well as how important each issue is to the community.

Planting mangrove forests

If wastewater treatment plant effluent that contains nitrates and phosphates is allowed to flow into a body of water, which of the following may result?


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