APGAP Chapter 9 Questions

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Select the answer that matches the constitutional provision with the right it protects.

A. Constitutional provision: Equal protection clause Protection: prohibits discrimination based on race The correct answer is A, because the equal protection clause is the most significant provision in the Constitution outlawing racial discrimination.

"Los Angeles last year pledged to spend $1.3 billion over three decades for massive infrastructure improvements - including fixing notoriously crumbling sidewalks...." Which of the following laws did advocacy groups use in settling the case with Los Angeles described in the excerpt?

A. The Americans with Disabilities Act The correct answer is A, because the infrastructure improvements seem designed to undo past discrimination against disabled Americans.

Cartoon shows an African American reading a book about the Battle of Civil Right and feels like it was only yesterday. Which of the following best describes the viewpoint in the cartoon?

A. The struggle for civil rights is ongoing. The correct answer is A, because the cartoonist depicts a modern-day student reading about the civil rights movement and thinking the issues being described are current ones.

Quote from Brown v. Board of Education "Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society..." Which of the following constitutional principles are addressed in the quote?

A. due process and equal protection The passage from Brown v. Board of Education included both due process (the right to property or liberty is implicit in an education, which is "required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities") and equal protection (the right to an education "must be made available to all on equal terms") considerations.

Select the pair that matches the correct legal standard with the type of discrimination.

B. Legal standard of review: Mid-level review Type of discrimination: gender The correct answer is B, as gender-based distinctions are subject to the intermediate or mid-level standard of review.

Which of the following best explains why many public schools in the South remained segregated in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

B. The Supreme Court must rely on other branches of government to carry out its decisions. The correct answer is B, because the federal and state governments did little to implement the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown for many years.

Bar chart: Nearly Two-Thirds of U.S. Public School Students Attend Schools Where at Least Half of Students Are of Their Race or Ethnicity The bar chart supports which of the following statements?

C. As of 2014, de facto segregation still existed in schools. The correct answer is C. Substantial de facto segregation existed at least as of 2014. The bar chart measures the percentage of students attending schools where students of their racial/ethnicity group make up at least 50% of the student population. The percentages are 81.6 percent for white students, 44 percent for blacks, 13 percent for Asians, and roughly 57 percent for Hispanics. There percentages demonstrate that many public schools are not racially and ethnically diverse.

Which of the following best explains why the Equal Rights Amendment did not become part of the Constitution?

C. It was not ratified by three-quarters of the states. The correct answer is C. The Equal Rights Amendment was highly popular (so answer A is incorrect), and was proposed by Congress (so answer B is incorrect), but failed to receive the necessary three-fourths approval from the state legislatures.

Cartoon shows a white man emailing a director of admissions that he "identifies as a poor African-American women with perfect grades and S.A.T. scores" Which of the following best describes the viewpoint about affirmative action programs?

C. They give minority students an unfair advantage over white students. The correct answer is C, in that the cartoonist is suggesting the student would have been admitted to the particular college if he were of a different race and gender.

Graph shows NCAA student athletes by gender, 1981-2014 The line graph best supports which of the following conclusions?

D. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 has been successful in increasing access for women to higher education.

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