APGov Semester 1 Exam Questions for Final

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We should remember that the Declaration of Independence is not merely a historical document. It is an explicit recognition that our rights derive not from the King of England, not from the judiciary, not from government at all, but from God. The quotation best represents which concept? 1. Natural rights 2. Constitutional democracy 3. Republicanism 4. Participatory democracy

1. Natural rights

John Locke's concept of natural rights and the social contract emphasizes which pair of concepts and definitions? Republicanism & representatives chosen by citizens Civil society & broad citizen involvement Limited government & confiscation of private property Popular sovereignty & political equality among citizens

4. Popular sovereignty & political equality among citizens

Suppose a law has been passed that censors certain political viewpoints on social media sites. A judge who is exercising judicial review might rule that such a law is unconstitutional as it violates the A. 1st amendment B. 4th amendment C. 6th amendment D. 10th amendment

A. 1st amendment

Which of the following scenarios best represents how the 14th amendment can be used to limit state power? A. A civil rights group sues a state to challenge a state law that separates boys and girls in science and math classes B. The president issues an executive order requiring states to provide National Guard troops to patrol the Mexican border C. Congress requires states to report on the number of Medicaid recipients by gender D. Congress requires all states to offer job training to welfare recipients

A. A civil rights group sues a state to challenge a state law that separate boys and girls in science and math classes

Which of the following best describes the function of the iron triangle? A. A coordinated and mutually beneficial effort between the bureaucracy, congress, and interest groups to achieve shared policy goals B. A network of influence between interest groups, policymakers, and policy advocates to address specific issues C. A group of interconnected interest groups and bureaucracies that advocate for the passage of legislation that will benefit defense and military contracting D. A network of foreign governments that are coordinated in their efforts to block the spread of communism to developing nations

A. A coordinated and mutually beneficial effort between the bureaucracy, congress, and interest groups to achieve shared policy goals

In 2013, Texas senator ted Cruz gave a 21 hour speech that interfered with a planned vote on healthcare reforms, which would be considered A. A filibuster B. Cloture C. A hold D. A discharge petition

A. A filibuster

Which of the following arguments would a proponent of the pluralist system of political participation most likely make? A. American democracy is furthered when groups representing all points of view help make public policy B. Gridlock results when too many groups seek to influence the policymaking process C. Although many groups participate in policymaking, wealthy groups have the most influence D. American society should return to a rugged frontier philosophy and reliance on the individual

A. American democracy is furthered when groups representing all points of view help make public policy

In 2018, President Donald Trump made a unilateral decision without congressional approval that banned a firearm accessory known as a bump stock via A. An executive order B. An executive agreement C. A presidential pardon D. Executive privilege

A. An executive order

Suppose a member of congress is part of a committee in which she reviews the actions of the president's cabinet departments to make sure the funds that were granted the year before are being used properly and the goals of each policy are on track to being achieved. This member fo congress is part of A. An oversight committee B. A controlling committee C. An implementation committee D. A regulatory committee

A. An oversight committee

(Political cartoon: founding father says "we'll give them freedom, but not too much freedom; liberty it not too much liberty...") According to the cartoon, the founding fathers wrote the constitution to achieve which goal? A. Balance liberty with the protection of social order B. Prevent the elite from holding too much power C. Establish republican government D. Prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful

A. Balance liberty with the protection of social order

A president may use the state of the union address as a tool for A. Bargaining and persuasion in congress B. Threatening congress with executive order initiatives C. Getting his proposed budget passed D. Winning reelection

A. Bargaining and persuasion in congress

How is the president able to influence the federal bureaucracy? A. By appointing members of the bureaucracy B. By confirming appointments made by congress C. By approving the proposed budget D. By determining how a policy should be implemented

A. By appointing members of the bureaucracy

Cases involving contract violations would fall under the classification of A. Civil law B. Criminal law C. Constitutional law D. Community law

A. Civil law

Suppose that the slow government response following an earthquake in California creates a harsh public outcry. In response, the president promises to allocate more resources to FEMA so that such a situation does not occur again. Who would the president have to persuade in order to see this promise fulfilled? A. Congress B. The senate majority leader C. The secretary of homeland security D. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

A. Congress

"The states are every day giving proof that separate regulations are more likely to set the by the ears, than to attain the common object. When Massachusetts set on foot a retaliation of the policy of great britian, Connecticut declared her ports free. New Jersey served New York in the same way. And Delaware i am told has lately followed the example in opposition to the commercial plans of Pennsylvania. A miscarriage of this attempt to unite the states in some effectual plan will have another effect of a serious nature... I almost despair of success" Which of the following best describes the author's perspective and reasoning? A. International and interstate trade must be regulated by the central government B. Revolution against Great Britain is the only logical course C. The articles of confederation properly permit separate regulations to attain a common object D. The states are capable of agreeing among themselves toward a common trade policy

A. International and interstate trade must be regulated by the central government

Why would Thomas Jefferson have wanted to reject the federal judicial appointments made by John Adams? A. Jefferson's political views clashed with Adams', and he likely wanted to appoint judges who he believed would uphold the constitution instead of working to expand the government B. Jefferson did not think it was fair that Adams made the federal appointments at the end of his term and wanted to get the chance to appoint his own C. Jefferson knew Adams was acting nefariously and thought the appointments made by Adams were crooks and would not uphold the constitution properly D. Jefferson believed Adams had acted in violation of Article III of the constitution, and he wanted nothing to do with the appointments involved in that violation

A. Jefferson's political views clashed with Adams', and he likely wanted to appoint judges who he believed would uphold the constitution instead of working to expand the government

After the 2018 shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, students started the #NeverAgain movement to address the issues fo gun control and violence. Often their goals were contradictory to the goals of the NRA, a gun rights interest group. Any policy created as a result of the competition between these groups and reflecting some of the policy goals of both groups would be an example of. A. Pluralist democracy B. Elite democracy C. Hyperpluralist democracy D. Participatory democracy

A. Pluralist democracy

(Political cartoon: founding fathers want to look at polls over the 'life liberty and happiness' section of the Declaration of Independence) The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints? A. Politicians tend to be more focused on public opinion than policy B. It's hard to define 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' C. The members of the continental congress were old and feeble D. Sometimes even wealthy and educated individuals don't know the best course of action

A. Politicians tend to be more focused on public opinion than policy

The function of an appellate court is to A. Review and potentially revise or overturn the decision made by a lower court B. Hear the facts and determine an outcome on a case for the first time C. Review a decision made by a lower court and send it back to the lower court if an error is found D. Overturn the decision made by a lower court after reviewing the facts of the case

A. Review and potentially revise or overturn the decision made by a lower court

Which is a responsibility of congress? A. Setting the federal budget B. Appointing federal judges C. Enforcing existing legislation D. Determining the constitutionality of laws

A. Setting the federal budget

How does the process of selecting federal judges compare to the process of selecting state judges? A. State judges are elected by the citizens of that state, while federal judges are appointed by the president B. State judges are generally appointed by state governors, while federal judges are appointed by Congress C. State judges are appointed by the president, while federal judges are elected by American citizens D. State judges and federal judges are both elected directly by American citizens, but federal judges serve longer terms

A. State judges are elected by the citizens of that state, while federal judges are appointed by the president

In the summer of 2018, the EPA under Trump announced that it was eliminating a waiver that California and many other states had received to set their own tailpipe emission standards for automobile pollution. How might states that want to continue to set their own tailpipe emission standards prevent the Trump administration from revoking their right to do so? A. States could sue the administration B. States could legally ignore any new rule issued regarding tailpipe emissions C. States could amend the Constitution to allocate the power to set tailpipe emission standards to state governments D. States could initiate impeachment proceedings against Trump

A. States could sue the administration

(Graph: Supreme Court method of disposition. 1st column petitions for certiorari granted, 2nd column cases argued, 3rd column cases disposed of by full opinion) What is the most logical inference from the table, using data from the 5 years shown? A. The Supreme Court has been accepting fewer cases for review B. The number of petitions for writ of certiorari has decreased C. The Supreme Court has been issuing more opinions D. The Supreme Court has heard more cases

A. The Supreme Court has been accepting fewer cases for review

How does the style of representation in the House of Representatives differ from representation in the Senate? A. The representation in the Senate is the same for each state regardless of population, while the number of representatives in the House of Representatives depends on a state's population B. Each state is granted an equal number of representatives in the House of Representatives, while representation in the senate is proportional to a state's population C. Representatives serving in the senate are often subject to the whims of their constituents more so than those who are serving in the House of Representatives D. Those who serve in the House of Representatives have less power to influence legislation that benefits their state compared to those in the senate

A. The representation in the Senate is the same for each state regardless of population, while the number of representatives in the House of Representatives depends on a state's population

Suppose the state of California has elected an incumbent representative to the House of Representatives who has suggested that he knows what is best for the citizens of California in his district and will use his experience and knowledge to achieve his goals. The representative is playing the A. Trustee role B. Delegate role C. Politico role D. Congressional role

A. Trustee role

What precedent would a president be able to cite if they were faced with congressional demands to release recorded phone calls, transcripts, or records and did not want to hand them over to congress? A. United States v. Nixon B. Executive Order 9066 C. Federalist No. 70 D. The 22nd amendment

A. United States v. Nixon

Which of the following pairs is a correct statement of powers in the system of checks and balances? (1st is president, 2nd is Congress) A. Veto legislation & override a veto B. Remove members of Congress & impeach the president C. Appoint members of the judiciary & confirm ambassadors D. Declare war & approve the budget

A. Veto legislation & override a veto

Which position would be considered part of the federal bureaucracy? A. An aide to a member of the House of Representatives B. A member of the department of homeland security C. A policy advisor to a member of congress D. A clerk for a justice on the United States Supreme Court

B. A member of the department of homeland security

Why were Antifederalists opposed to a federal judiciary? A. Antifederalists believed that a federal judiciary would eventually expand the authority of congress B. Antifederalists feared that a federal judiciary would impose the personal views of justices to decide what was constitutional C. Antifederalists were concerned that a federal judiciary would not be able to effectively check the powers of the other branches of government D. Antifederalists did not think that a federal judiciary would only benefit the wealthy elites in america

B. Antifederalists feared that a federal judiciary would impose the personal views of justices to decide what was constitutional

The President of the United States has the authority to use military force against terrorists and their associates under the A. Patriot Act B. Authorization for Use of Military Force Act C. War on Terror declaration D. Anwar al-Awlaki Act

B. Authorization for Use of Military Force Act

Alexander Hamilton believed that judges could remain independent and uphold liberty and the laws of the constitution by A. Serving short terms of 3 years B. Being appointed to serve for life terms C. Receiving higher pay than the president D. Being held accountable to the people through elections

B. Being appointed to serve for life terms

Suppose it is the 1780s. You have been reading all about the newly proposed constitution and are skeptical about the establishment of a federal judiciary, which you think would diminish the rights of states and individuals. To this end, you mostly agree with the writings of A. Alexander Hamilton B. Brutus C. John Marshall D. John Adams

B. Brutus

How would an average American citizen get a bill introduced in congress that would require public schools to provide before and after school daycare? A. By calling for a convention of the states to vote on the legislation B. By contacting their representatives and pressuring them to introduce such legislation C. By appealing to congress directly and introducing the bill themselves D. By utilizing social media to bring attention to the issue

B. By contacting their representatives and pressuring them to introduce such legislation

How does Congress check the power of the Supreme Court? A. By nominating justices to the Supreme Court B. By setting the size of the Supreme Court C. By overturning decisions made at the Supreme Court D. By determining if a decision made by the court is constitutional

B. By setting the size of the Supreme Court

Suppose a senator has proposed a budget measure that would direct money to his district for the purpose of improving parks. This would be an example of A. Logrolling B. Earmarks C. Apportionment D. Oversight

B. Earmarks

The selection of U.S. senators by the state legislatures prior to the adoption of the 17th amendment is an example of A. Participatory democracy B. Elite democracy C. Pluralist democracy D. Socialist democracy

B. Elite democracy

States generally prefer block grants over categorical grants because block grants A. Are more targeted to specific state needs than categorical grants are B. Give states greater flexibility in using the funds than categorical grants do C. Are more focused on social issues than categorical grants are D. Give the states more money than categorical grants do

B. Give states greater flexibility in using the funds than categorical grants do

(Political cartoon: Man holding papers that say government snooping and says he wonders what civil libertarians think of them now, Obama tells him to pull up their email accounts and they'll find out) Critics of electronic surveillance by the government might argue that it violates which of the following aspects of American political culture? A. Popular sovereignty B. Limited government C. Republicanism D. Individualism

B. Limited government

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that all men have "certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness". These rights are an example of A. Popular sovereignty B. Natural rights C. Republicanism D. The social contract

B. Natural rights

(Graph: y-axis is presidential success rate on votes in congress, x-axis is how many years they served. Lines continually dip lower the more years a president has served) Which of the following best explains the trend shown in the graph? A. Presidents rarely face divided government at the beginning of a term B. Newly elected presidents take advantage of a "honeymoon" period with congress to get their policies passed C. Presidents often win elections by large margins, making them popular at the beginning of their terms D. Members of congress rely on the president for electoral support, making them more likely to support presidential initiatives

B. Newly elected presidents take advantage of a "honeymoon" period with congress to get their policies passed

The president can check the power of the judicial branch by A. Vetoing judicial decisions B. Nominating justices C. Impeaching justices D. Lowering justices' salaries

B. Nominating justices

Which is an example of the president checking the power of the legislative branch? A. President trump's appointment of Brett kavanaugh to the Supreme Court B. President Obama's veto of the construction of the keystone XL pipeline C. President bush's declaration of war on terrorists in Afghanistan D. President Clinton's avoidance of impeachment in 1998

B. President Obama's veto of the construction of the keystone XL pipeline

Which of the following pairs correctly states an enumerated and an implied power of Congress? (1st is enumerated power and second is an implied power) A. Declare war & extend diplomatic recognition B. Regulate interstate commerce & charter a national bank C. Confirm presidential appointments & print and coin money D. Appoint judges & establish post offices

B. Regulate interstate commerce & charter a national bank

Suppose the state of Idaho has just elected a senator who has, so far, demonstrated that she is willing to go above and beyond to advocate for her constituents by proposing legislation that benefits their interests. Which type of role is this senator playing? A. Trustee role B. Delegate role C. Politico role D. Congressional role

B. The delegate role

How does the position of the speaker of the house compare to the senate majority leader? A. The senate majority leader is a largely symbolic role, while the speaker of the house is a functional and powerful role B. The speaker of the house has more power than the senate majority leader C. The senate majority leader is chosen by the president of the United States, whereas the speaker of the house is chosen by the Vice President D. The speaker of the house is often part of the opposite party as the senate majority leader

B. The speaker of the house has more power than the senate majority leader

(Political cartoon: founding fathers say "should we say something about the right to bear arms being void if arms become cheap, plentiful and can shoot thirty, highly accurate rounds in seconds?" "Nah, how dumb do you think future generations will be?") The cartoon demonstrates which viewpoint about the founding fathers? A. They did not trust the average American citizen to make important political decisions B. They trusted Americans to use good judgment in interpreting the constitution in the future C. They wanted to protect the right to bear arms D. They did not foresee the development of automatic weapons

B. They trusted Americans to use good judgment in interpreting the constitution in the future

What is the main function of a select committee? A. To gather information for congress and assist leaders with the legislative process B. To investigate specifics related to a scandal or to handle a crisis within the federal government C. To resolve the differences between various versions of a bill from the house and senate D. To exercise oversight over various agencies and determine funding for those agencies

B. To investigate specifics related to a scandal or to handle a crisis within the federal government

Suppose an interest group that advocates for accessible and affordable health care is lobbying members of congress on behalf of the department of health and human services to secure additional funding to develop a public health campaign to increase awareness about changes to the affordable care act. These groups are engaged in which activity? A. Developing propaganda B. Using the iron triangle C. Providing campaign support D. Using political patronage

B. Using the iron triangle

Which of the following concepts was not included in the original constitution as drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788? A. The new central government must have more power than its predecessor had B. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal C. Congress has implied powers to carry out its expressed powers D. The Supreme Court should have the right to overturn laws passed by congress

B. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

In 2018, Brett Kavanaugh was selected to serve as a justice on the United States Supreme Court through which process? A. Election by American citizens B. Direct appointment by the president C. A senate confirmation process D. Selection via current Supreme Court justices

C. A senate confirmation process

What happens after articles of impeachment have been successfully passed in the House of Representatives? A. The case moves to the Supreme Court, where a criminal trial is held B. The trial takes place in a joint session of the House of Representatives and the senate C. A trial is held in the senate to convict or acquit the accused official D. A vote is held at the national level for the people to decide to convict

C. A trial is held in the senate to convict or acquit the accused official

A political scientist who believes that judges should be appointed and subject to a confirmation process at the state level instead of being elected would likely A. Disagree with the decision in Caperton v. Massey Coal Co. B. Condemn the opinions of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor C. Agree with Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78 D. Support the current processes of judge selection at the state level

C. Agree with Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78

A case has been heard at the state level, where the defendant was convicted and sentenced for a crime he maintains he did not commit. The defendant and his legal team have decided to continue fighting for justice and will attempt to A. Get the case heard at a trial court B. Appeal the case to a court with original jurisdiction C. Appeal the case to an appellate court D. Sue the curt with original jurisdiction for an unfair trial

C. Appeal the case to an appellate court

Select the pair of examples that matches the presidential role (1st) with the correct enumerated constitutional power (2nd) A. Commander in chief & declare war B. Chief diplomat & ratifies treaties C. Chief legislator & gives the state of the union address D. Chief executive & issues executive orders

C. Chief legislator & gives the state of the union address

A motion that is filed by a member of congress for a bill to be moved out of a committee and onto the floor for consideration is called a A. Veto B. Hold C. Discharge petition D. Filibuster

C. Discharge petition

Which of the following describes the purpose of the Hatch Act? A. Prohibiting any federal worker from voting in any presidential election B. Restricting the amount of money that a federal worker can donate to a campaign C. Ensuring that federal workers cannot become overly-partisan by engaging in politics D. Permitting federal workers to run for office while they serve in the government

C. Ensuring that federal workers cannot become overly-partisan by engaging in politics

What is the main function of the president in relation to the executive branch bureaucracy? A. Allocating funds to each department and subunit to further the agenda B. Confirming the members appointed to each department by the senate C. Ensuring the departments are properly executing laws and policies D. Managing the various people and programs within the bureaucracy

C. Ensuring the departments are properly executing laws and policies

In the context of the checks and balances system, which of the following is a check the judicial branch can exercise fver the executive and legislative branches? A. Bring articles of impeachment B. Override a presidential veto C. Exercise judicial review D. Veto legislation

C. Exercise judicial review

"The Congress whenever 2/3 of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of 2/3 of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of 3/4 of the several states, or by conventions in 3/4 thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification Amy be proposed by the congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year 1808 shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate" Which of the following principles is reflected in Article V? A. Checks and balances B. Separation of powers C. Federalism D. Popular sovereignty

C. Federalism

Federalist No. 51 argues that "the power surrendered by the people is first divided between 2 distinct governments, and then the portion allotted to each is subdivided among distinct and separate departments." Which of the following pairs best summarizes these 2 points of the Federalists' argument? A. Checks and balances & federalism B. Enumerated powers & limited government C. Federalism & separation of powers D. Implied powers & separation of powers

C. Federalism & separation of powers

President trump is well known for his frequent and sometimes tactless use of the social media platform, twitter. President trump's announcements of policy initiatives and plans on twitter is an example of A. Desperation for public approval B. Bargaining and persuasion C. Going public D. A violation of the conduct of the president

C. Going public

A political scientist who is studying the effects of increased partisan polarization might focus on A. Divided government B. Bipartisanship C. Gridlock D. Lame duck representatives

C. Gridlock

(I'm a liberal at heart but my wallet is quite a conservative political cartoon) The cartoon expresses which of the following viewpoints? 1. American political culture consists of shared beliefs and customs 2. Political ideology consists of an individual's set of beliefs 3. Many Americans are not well informed and hold conflicting views about the role of government 4. Americans become more conservative as they age

C. Many Americans are not well informed and hold conflicting views about the role of government

Which measure has been proposed as a way to alleviate the shortfall in paying out social security benefits? A. Increasing the benefits paid to current recipients B. Decreasing payroll taxes on current workers C. Reducing the benefits paid to current recipients D. Implementing income-based requirements

C. Reducing the benefits paid to current recipients

"The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the state. The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the state governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the state governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular states" Which of the following best summarizes Madison's argument in Federalist No. 45? A. States do not have the resources to defend the nation B. The national government should have more power than the states because the country will face frequent danger C. State power is protected by a strong national defense D. State governments should have advantages over the national government because they do not have to pay for their own militias

C. State power is protected by a strong national defense

Why is it important for a president to choose a nominee for a federal judge position who is aligned with the president's own values with regards to upholding the constitution? A. The president will only get one federal judge appointment per term, and he must make the best decision B. The president knows that the appointment will reflect poorly on him if he chooses a nominee from the opposite party C. The president's appointment is usually for a life term and gives the president a chance to have a lasting impact on the American judicial system D. The president's nominee will usually endorse the president for a second term, so the president must choose a like-minded judge

C. The president's appointment is usually for a life term and gives the president a chance to have a lasting impact on the American judicial system

A benefit of federalism is that A. There are clear lines of authority and decision making for citizens and institutions B. Policymaking is streamlined and easily accomplished C. There are many opportunities for citizens to give input and influence policy D. The influence of interest groups is limited by the competing levels of government

C. There are many opportunities for citizens to give input and influence policy

Which of the following statements would best support the assertion that the United States is a participatory democracy? A. The sheer number of interest groups in the United States has significantly slowed the legislative process B. Most political candidates accept contributions from political action committees and interest groups C. Throughout the 19th nd 20th centuries, the right to vote was expanded to more citizens in the untied states D. A college education has become an informal qualification for holding national office.

C. Throughout the 19th nd 20th centuries, the right to vote was expanded to more citizens in the untied states

What is the purpose of federal bureaucrats? A. To propose legislation to Congress that would benefit a certain interest or group B. To pressure members of congress to pass certain legislation to serve their interests C. To implement regulations and standards that Americans must follow to comply with the law D. To determine whether or not a law passed by congress violates the rights of Americans

C. To implement regulations and standards that Americans must follow to comply with the law

What is the primary purpose of the War Powers Resolution? A. To grant the president the power to declare war B. To restrict the ability of congress to declare war C. To restrict the president's ability to maintain troops in combat D. To prevent the president from commanding troops in wartime

C. To restrict the president's ability to maintain troops in combat

According to Alexander Hamilton, why was it necessary to have an independent judicial branch of the government? A. To approve legislation passed by Congress B. To keep the actions of the president in line C. To uphold the checks and balances of the constitution D. To prevent the people from influencing government too much

C. To uphold the checks and balances of the constitution

Congress may override a veto with A. 2/3 vote in the senate B. A majority vote in both the house and senate C. A majority vote in the house D. A 2/3 vote in both the house and senate

D. A 2/3 vote in both the house and senate

Suppose in the year 2018, the United States generated $21.5 trillion and spent $19.5 trillion. In that year the United States would have A. An average national debt B. A significant national debt C. A budget deficit D. A budget surplus

D. A budget surplus

An issue network can be best described as A. The issues that come with the reduced oversight, favorable funding, and lobbying that happen under the iron triangle B. The interconnected policy issues that arise between members of congress and interest groups while lobbying for a different set of policies C. A long-standing network of federal bureaucrats and interest groups for the purpose of addressing chronic economic and social problems D. A temporary web of influence between policymakers, policy advocates, and interest groups to address a specific need

D. A temporary web of influence between policymakers, policy advocates, and interest groups to address a specific need

Given the decisions made by Chief Justice John Marshall during his time on the Supreme Court, he would be characterized as A. A tyrannical justice B. A lame-duck Justice C. Exercising judicial restraint D. An activist justice

D. An activist justice

What is a bureaucrat? A. Another word for a member of congress who has served several terms B. Someone who has made a career out of being in the government C. A corrupt member of the government who pushes for their own interests D. An official who is employed within an executive department or agency

D. An official who is employed within an executive department or agency

The electoral college was adopted to A. Guarantee that the presidency would rotate between the north and the south on a regular basis B. Make the president subservient to the legislative branch C. Ensure that the president always enjoys the support of the majority of voters in the United States D. Be a compromise between those who wanted a broad-based democracy and those who feared a tyranny of the majority

D. Be a compromise between those who wanted a broad-based democracy and those who feared a tyranny of the majoirty

How did president Bush violate t he rights of Yaser Hamdi in 2001? By imprisoning him without just cause, violating his First Amendment rights B. By arresting him without reading him his Miranda rights C. By declaring that he was no longer a u.s citizen before his imprisonment D. By imprisoning him without notifying him of his crimes or due process

D. By imprisoning him without notifying him of his crimes or due process

The author of Brutus No. 1 wrote that a "free republic cannot succeed over a country of such immense extent". This quote argues that the United States A. Should be broken into smaller countries B. Is destined to expand C. Should adopt a unitary form of government D. Is too large to govern as a single entity

D. Is too large to govern as a single entity

After a bill has been introduced in either the house or the senate, what is the next step for the bill? A. It will be vetoed outright B. It will be presented to the president C. It will be sent to the floor to be voted on D. It will be referred to a committee

D. It will be referred to a committee

Suppose a member of the House of Representatives has spent the past week discussing upcoming legislation with other members fo the house and has been working hard to convince members to vote in favor of the legislation. This person would be considered the A. Speaker of the house B. House majority leader C. House minority leader D. Majority whip

D. Majority whip

The principle of judicial review was formally established in A. The judiciary act of 1801 B. The judiciary act of 1789 C. Federalist No. 78 D. Marbury v. Madison

D. Marbury v. Madison

Attempts to increase descriptive representation in congress might include trying to increase the A. Number of wealthy elites B. Proportion of small business owners C. Interests of a specific policy preference D. Membership of women or minorities

D. Membership of women or minorities

(Political cartoon: Supreme Court nails down Obama's cape saying "tell me more about your limitless powers") Which of the following best describes the viewpoint shown in the cartoon? A. Presidents believe they have superpowers B. The supreme curt unfairly blocks presidential initiatives D. Other branches of government can check the president

D. Other branches of government can check the president

Suppose a member of Congress is part of a committee that ensures funds are being spent efficiently and elected officials are acting in accordance with the law. This member of congress is participating in A. Securing earmarks B. Logrolling C. Park barrel spending D. Oversight

D. Oversight

Someone that is appointed to the department of education based on their extensive experience as an educator and their unique success with implementing new methods of teaching would be A. Taking advantage of the political patronage system B. In violation of the Pendleton act of 1883 C. Unfairly utilizing personal connections D. Part of the federal civil service

D. Part of the federal civil service

Which case is an example of the Supreme Court exercising judicial restraint? A. Brown v. Board of Education B. Marbury v. Madison C. Worcester v. Georgia D. Plessy v. Ferguson

D. Plessy v. Ferguson

A citizen of California might be frustrated that the citizens of Nebraska have an equal number of representatives in the A. Apportionment committee B. Constituency C. House of Representatives D. Senate

D. Senate

(Chart: where k-12 funding comes from, state revenue 47%, local revenue 45%, federal revenue 8%) According to the pie chart, which of the following is the single biggest source of revenue for public schools? A. Federal revenue B. Local revenue C. Property taxes D. State revenue

D. State revenue

During a typical congressional session, approximately 200 amendments to the constitution are proposed. However the constitution has been amended only 27 times. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this? A. The Supreme Court has final say over any proposed amendment before it can be ratified B. The amendment process involves all three branches of the national government in order for a new amendment to be ratified C. Amendments must be approved by a national popular vote, with 2/3 in support of the new amendment D. The amendment process requires supermajorities in both Congress and among the state legislatures

D. The amendment process requires supermajorities in both Congress and among the state legislatures

(Table: gives state, date of ratification of the constitution, their vote at the ratifying convention {30-0, 46-23, etc.}, and the estimated state population) The table supports which of the following statements? A. States with the 3 largest populations also had the 3 closest ratification margins B. States with large slave populations were quicker to ratify the constitution than states that had outlawed slavery C. New Jersey ratified the constitution before Virginia because the delegates to the constitutional convention ratified the New Jersey plan and rejected the virginia plan D. The first 4 states that ratified the constitution did so by wider margins than did the final 4

D. The first 4 states that ratified the constitution did so by wider margins than did the final 4

Suppose you are part of the president's cabinet and advise him on setting the priorities for national spending. Which group are you a part of? A. The house appropriations committee B. The senate appropriations committee C. The congressional budget office D. The office of management and budget

D. The office of management and budget

An investigation by Congress uncovers clear evidence that a president promised donors that he would give them positions in his cabinet in exchange for contributions to his reelection campaign, which violates campaign finance laws. In this situation, the Framers of the Constitution would probably expect which of the following outcomes? A. The president's fate would depend on the party of the president and the majority party in Congress B. The president is immune from criminal prosecution while in office, although he could be prosecuted after leaving office C. The president would be imprisoned without a trial D. The president would be impeached and then removed from office

D. The president would be impeached and then removed from office

Which is an example of congress checking the power of the president? A. The proposal of legislation to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court B. The allowance of President Obama to establish the National Security Administration C. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act as envisioned by President Obama D. The refusal of congress to approve funding for a border wall proposed by president trump

D. The refusal of congress to approve funding for a border wall proposed by president trump

What is national debt? A. The total amount of debt in the entire world B. The amount of money left over when the government takes more than it spends C. The shortfall when a government spends more than it takes in D. The total amount of money owed by the federal government

D. The total amount of money owed by the federal government

In 2016, Donald Trump won the presidential election despite the fact that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, won more popular votes. This situation is the result of A. A Supreme Court decision that awarded Trump the presidency due to campaign violations by Clinton B. A high number of ballots being ruled invalid, which gave Trump the lead in the popular vote after a recount C. The three-fifths compromise, which established rules for representation D. The winner-take-all system that is used by most states in the Electoral College

D. The winner-take-all system that is used by most states in the Electoral College

(Infographic: powers federal, state, and shared) Which of the following would be an exclusive power of the federal government, according to the infographic? A. To oversee elections for public office B. To approve amendments C. To establish a 911 service D. To create a process to gain citizenship

D. To create a process to gain citizenship

What is the main function of the Government Accountability Office? A. To hold the president accountable when appointing cabinet secretaries B. To make sure that bureaucracies are not involved with special interest groups C. To keep the federal bureaucracy accountable to the American people D. To ensure that executive agencies are using their funds and exercising their authority properly

D. To ensure that executive agencies are using their funds and exercising their authority properly

What is the main purpose of Article III of the United States Constitution? A. To establish the principle of judicial review B. To specify the number of Supreme Court justices C. To create a system of state courts D. To establish the judicial branch

D. To establish the judicial branch

What is the main function of a political action committee? A. To convince members of the House of Representatives to vote a certain way on legislation B. To lead the majority party in the House of Representatives C. To inspire the minority party in the House of Representatives to take action against legislation D. To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives

D. To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives

What is the main function of a political action committee? A. To convince members of the House of Representatives to vote a certain way on legislation B. To lead the majority party in the House of Representatives C. To inspire the minority party in the house to take action against legislation D. To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives

D. To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives

What is the primary function of the Supreme Court of the United States? A. To levy taxes on American citizens to fund programs B. To veto legislation that violates the constitution C. To execute the laws passed by the executive branch D. To uphold the laws of the constitution

D. To uphold the laws of the constitution

When the president is trying to get members of congress on both sides of the aisle to support his or her policies and programs through direct appeals like phone calls, the president is A. Going public B. Using the bully pulpit C. Issuing an executive order D. Using bargaining and persuasion

D. Using bargaining and persuasion

An incumbent candidate running for senate, who has a generally positive track record with her constituents and loyal donors contributing to her campaign, has a challenger who is new to politics altogether. How would this incumbent candidate likely fare in the election? A. Poorly, since Americans are often looking for better candidates than career politicians B. Poorly, since the senator has not been in the senate for that long C. Well, since the senator has more money to campaign than the new candidate D. Well, since the senator has the advantage of name recognition and experience

D. Well, since the senator has the advantage of name recognition and experience

A court that has the authority to hear a case first has A. Appellate jurisdiction B. Original jurisdiction C. State jurisdiction D. Federal jurisdiction

B. Original jurisdiction

Who has control over how much money each bureaucratic department, bureau, and agency can have? A. Congress B. The Supreme Court C. The American people D. The president

A. Congress

When president Bush mobilized reserve troops to fight against the terrorist threat in Afghanistan in 2001, he was acting as A. Chief executive B. Commander in chief C. Chief diplomat D. Legislative leader

B. Commander in chief

Laws that cover actions determined to harm the community are known as A. Civil laws B. Criminal laws C. Federal laws D. State laws

B. Criminal laws

In order for someone to be considered a candidate for the United States senate, he or she must A. Have lived in the state they are representing for at least 1 year B. Have at least 9 years of citizenship C. Be at least 35 years old D. Pass a literacy test

B. Have at least 9 years of citizenship

(Chart: where state general revenues come from) According to the pie chart, which of the following is the largest contributor to state revenue? A. Income taxes B. Intergovernmental grants C. Sales taxes D. Miscellaneous taxes

B. Intergovernmental grants

Suppose a new bill has been introduced that would make changes to existing education policies and roll back the federal government's involvement in public education. Which type of committee should be established to work out the different versions of the bill from the house and senate? A. A conference committee B. A joint committee C. A standing committee D. A select committee

A. A conference committee

How many votes are necessary for the whole impeachment process in congress? A. A majority in the house and 2/3 vote in the senate B. A unanimous vote in the house and 2/3 vote in the senate C. 2/3 vote in the house and a majority in the senate D. A unanimous vote in both the house and the senate

A. A majority in the house and 2/3 vote in the senate

A political scientist who believes that the key to a good executive branch leader is energy and the ability to take strong, swift action would likely agree with A. Alexander Hamilton B. Thomas jefferson C. Thomas Adams D. George Washington

A. Alexander Hamilton

Which of the following is a benefit of federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances? A. Citizens have several avenues to become involved in the government and influence policy B. Gridlock has become commonplace in the policymaking process in the United States C. These principles have prevented the United States from developing into a functional participatory democracy D. Interest group influence on the policymaking process has decreased over time

A. Citizens have several avenues to become involved in the government and influence policy

(Political cartoon: Jeff Sessions holds up a bottle of "weed be gone" "roundup of offenders in all states") Which of the following statements best reflects the cartoonist's point of view? A. National laws regarding marijuana supersede state laws B. The national government should legalize marijuana C. The national government will continue to look the other way in regards to marijuana D. The Attorney General is in charge of state law enforcement

A. National laws regarding marijuana supersede state laws

A specific power denied to the national government under the Articles of Confederation was the power to A. Tax B. Declare war C. Create courts to prosecute piracy D. Enter into treaties with foreign nations

A. Tax

"The claim, lately assumed and exercised by the British parliament, of making all such laws as they think fit, to govern the people of these colonies and to extort from us our money without our consent, is not only diametrically contrary to the first principles of the constitution, and the original compacts by which we are dependent upon the British crown and government; but it is totally incompatible with the privileges of a free people." According to the passage, which of the following actions taken by the British government are a source of contention? A. The British taxation of colonists without their representation in parliament B. The quartering of British soldiers in colonial homes C. The limitation of colonial expansion in the proclamation of 1763 D. The abolishment of the colonial courts

A. The British taxation of colonists without their representation in parliament

Which group is part of the executive office of the president? A. The council of economic advisers B. The Vice President C. Senior White House leadership D. The first spouse

A. The council of economic advisers

How does congress check the power of the president when it comes to the federal bureaucracy? A. The senate must approve the cabinet secretaries nominated by the president B. The House of Representatives must agree on who to appoint as an advisor to the president C. The senate appoints and the house approves the members of the president's cabinet D. The House of Representatives must confirm the cabinet members nominated by the president

A. The senate must approve the cabinet secretaries nominated by the president

Why might the Supreme Court invoke stare decisis? A. To reinforce a previous decision that can be applied as precedent in future cases B. To send a message to the lower courts to stop bringing frivolous lawsuits to the Supreme Court C. To overturn a previous decision and establish precedent that can be applied to future cases D. To assert its power over cases involving states and foreign nations

A. To reinforce a previous decision that can be applied as precedent in future cases

Which of the following constitutional provisions gives congress and the president expressed power over the national defense? A. Article VI B. Articles I and II C. Article VII D. The preamble

B. Articles I and II

"Yet, one monumental though largely unnoticed form of unequal representation continues today and may well continue indefinitely...imagine a situation in which your vote for your representative is counted as one while the vote of a friend in a neighboring town is counted as seventeen..." The excerpt argues that the United States has a fundamental problem in A. Protecting the rights of minority citizens B. Representing all citizens equally regardless of where they live C. Ensuring that all citizens have the right to vote for their representatives D. Deciding how to allocate representation in the legislature

B. Representing all citizens equally regardless of where they live

"No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity. With equal, nay with greater reason, a body of men are unfair to be both judges and parties at the same time" Which of the following principles is reflected in the quote? A. Popular sovereignty B. The danger of factions C. Checks and balances D. Federalism

B. The danger of factions

Term limits were placed on the president through the A. 10th amendment B. 13th amendment C. 22nd amendment D. 25th amendment

C. 22nd amendment

Suppose congress presents a bill to the president that would limit the rights of Americans to speak freely. The president vetoes the bil and upon reconsideration, the bill fails in a vote to override the veto. In this case, the bill A. Is sent back to a subcommittee to be updated B. Becomes law and must be enforced by the president C. Dies and does not become law D. Is referred to the Supreme Court to be decided upon

C. Dies and does not become law

What was the primary function of the Pendleton Act of 1883? A. To remove all qualifications for persons appointed by the president to cabinet positions B. To establish the department of homeland security in response to growing threats to national security C. To enforce rules on hiring and promoting members of the civil service based on merit D. To divide executive departments into areas that required extensive expertise and those that did not

C. To enforce rules on hiring and promoting members of the civil service based on merit

Which of the following pairs is correct in regarding representation as created by the Great Compromise? (1st is House of Representatives, 2nd is Senate) A. States would have representation based on their economic output & states would have equal representation B. States would have equal representation & states would have representation based on the number of registered voters C. States would have representation based on their geographic size & states would have representation based on their population D. States would have representation based on their population & states would have equal representation

D. States would have representation based on their population & states would have equal representation

How did the War on Terror expand the power of the executive branch? A. By establishing a prison on Guantanamo Bay, the president could use any method of torture against suspected terrorists B. The advent of drone technology allowed the president to quickly and quietly kill American citizens who were suspected of aiding terrorists C. By appealing to the looming threat of terrorism against Americans, the president implemented policies and measures without the approval of congress to combat those threats D. The declaration of the War on Terror by the president shifted the authority to declare war from Congress to the executive branch

D. The declaration of the War on Terror by the president shifted the authority to declare war from Congress to the executive branch (She also said she would accept C)

In times of military or economic crisis in america, as the president seeks to expand executive authority, which entity has the most effective check on the executive branch? A. The legislative branch B. The American people C. Special interest groups D. The judicial branch

D. The judicial branch

Which process acts as a check by the legislative branch on the executive branch? A. The process of nominating federal judges B. The process of determining if a law is constitutional C. The process of granting earmarks D. The process of impeachment

D. The process of impeachment

Most of the bills that are introduced in congress fail. Why did the framers of the constitution make the legislative process considerably complicated? A. They did not believe congress would feel the need to add any more laws B. They did not trust those in power to make laws in good faith C. They did not want it to be easy to make changes to the Constitution D. They did not want laws to be passed based on the populace's fleeting desires

D. They did not want laws to be passed based on the populace's fleeting desires

Which of the following best describes a constitutional democracy? A. The power of government is clearly specified in the constitution B. The powers of government are both described and limited by the constitution C. Representatives are elected to carry out the will of the people D. Citizens have the opportunity to vote directly on policies

B. The powers of government are both described and limited by the Constitution

Suppose congress has just passed a new law that would impose additional standards on public schools for receiving state funding. The department of education needs time to determine how the new standards will be applied to public schools, which is an example of A. Implementation B. Regulation C. Bureaucratic discretion D. Bureaucratic adjudication

C. Bureaucratic discretion

Despite not having the ability to formally introduce and write legislation, how is the president able to influence the legislative process? A. By negotiating treaties with foreign nations B. By issuing a presidential pardon for those who have violated the existing laws C. By threatening to veto a bill before it even comes across his desk D. By refusing to provide records or transcripts to congress

C. By threatening to veto a bill before it even comes across his desk

Treason and bribery are considered valid reasons for congress to A. Refuse to ratify a treaty with a foreign nation B. Declare war on another nation C. Impeach the president or any other civil officer of the United States D. Override a presidential veto

C. Impeach the president or any other civil officer of the United States

(Political cartoon: white children make a mess painting, black child is yelled at for his little mess) which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint of American culture expressed in the cartoon? A. The United States offers equality of opportunity B. Citizens are more interested in playing games than in politics C. Inequality makes it difficult for African Americans to achieve the American dream D. Individualism is a core American value, and its up to each person to take steps to advance

C. Inequality makes it difficult for African Americans to achieve the American dream

Assume you are part of the congressional budget office and are responsible for finding areas of the federal budget to cut back on to reduce federal spending. Which area of the budget can you reasonably suggest? A. Defense spending B. Social security spending C. Medicare spending D. Food stamps spending

A. Defense spending

In authorizing the president to establish executive department ands seek the advice of the heads of those departments, the founding fathers A. Did not expect the president to be an expert in all areas of social, economic, or military matters B. Intentionally gave the executive branch more power than all the other branches of government C. Anticipated that the president would require hundred of advisors to run the country properly D. Essentially established an authoritarian government under the guise of a federal republic

A. Did not expect the president to be an expert in all areas of social, economic, or military matters

Defense spending is considered A. Discretionary spending B. Mandatory spending C. An entitlement program D. Deficit spending

A. Discretionary spending

The Framers adopted the Three-Fifths Compromise in order to A. Garner support from Southern delegates at the Constitutional Convention B. End the disagreement over how state representation would be determined C. Limit the power of Congress to tax exports D. Ensure that some powers remained in the hands of the states

A. Garner support from Southern delegates at the Constitutional Convention

A republican member of the House of Representatives who is responsible for the opposition strategy and coordinating party activity in a democrat controlled house would be known as the A. House minority leader B. Minority whip C. Speaker of the house D. House majority leader

A. House minority leader

Those in favor of judicial activism believe that A. Justices should overturn legislation when necessary B. Justices should use caution when overturning laws C. Judicial review should be seldomly used D. Judicial review presents a danger to democracy

A. Justices should overturn legislation when necessary

Suppose a group of congress members have successfully passed a new bill that would improve the interstate highway system to make it safer and more efficient for drivers. Once the president has signed the bill into law, the next hurdle for the policy would be A. Receiving the proper funding to implement the policy B. Determining how effective the new policy is C. Implementation by beginning work on construction D. Terminating the policy due to lack of necessity

A. Receiving the proper funding to implement the policy

The supreme court's decision in Baker v. Carr A. Required congressional districts to have roughly the same number of constituents B. Outlawed the practice of partisan gerrymandering C. Set the cap to the number of members of the House of Representatives at 435 D. Established the principle of "one person, one vote"

A. Required congressional districts to have roughly the same number of constituents

(Graph: U.S. income shares of top 1 percent and top 0.1 percent of households, how much percent of the national income they have) the graph supports which of the following conclusions? A. Income in the United States is unduly low, because it consistently falls below 50% B. Over the past 4 decades, America's wealthiest individuals have been earning a larger share of america's national income C. America had more wealth in 1925 and 2005 than in any other year D. People in the top 1% of American households are wealthier than people in the top 0.1%

B. Over the past 4 decades, America's wealthiest individuals have been earning a larger share of america's national income

(Political cartoon "the perfect republican Supreme Court" its all elephants, meaning republicans) Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint in the cartoon? A. Republicans are more partisan than democrats in nominating and confirming Supreme Court justices B. Political parties attempt to nominate justices who share their political ideology C. Supreme Court justices serve for life, and their appointment impacts decisions for a long time D. Once justices are appointed to the Supreme Court, the pressure each other to adopt similar viewpoints

B. Political parties attempt to nominate justices who share their political ideology

Suppose a president who has just been elected to office is deciding who to appoint to a cabinet position and decides to nominate several of the people who had worked on his campaign. This is an example of A. Merit-based appointment B. Political patronage C. Bureaucratic corruption D. Standard nomination procedure

B. Political patronage

Which process demonstrates the balance of power and the ability of the executive branch to check the legislative branch, and vice-versa? A. The president has the authority to confirm federal judges that are appointed by the senate B. The president acts as commander in chief of the army, while congress may declare war C. The president may introduce legislation that congress may reject by way of veto D. The president passes the annual budget that is submitted to him by congress

B. The president acts as commander in chief of the army, while congress may declare war

"The states are every day giving proof that separate regulations are more likely to set the by the ears, than to attain the common object. When Massachusetts set on foot a retaliation of the policy of great britian, Connecticut declared her ports free. New Jersey served New York in the same way. And Delaware i am told has lately followed the example in opposition to the commercial plans of Pennsylvania. A miscarriage of this attempt to unite the states in some effectual plan will have another effect of a serious nature... I almost despair of success" Which provision in the constitution most specifically addresses the problems described in the excerpt? A. Senatorial power to ratify treaties with foreign governments B. 3/5 compromise C. Commerce clause D. Great Compromise

C. Commerce clause

(Political cartoon: Jeff Sessions holds up a bottle of "weed be gone" "roundup of offenders in all states") The conflict depicted in the cartoon above is best explained as a result of which of the following political concepts? A. Enumerated powers B. Checks and balances C. Concurrent powers D. Limited government

C. Concurrent powers

(Infographic: powers federal, state, and shared) The infographic above best illustrates which of the following concepts A. Checks and balances B. Separation of powers C. Cooperative federalism D. Dual federalism

C. Cooperative federalism

In federalist No. 10, James Madison wrote that "if a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is supplied by the...principle which enables the majority to defeat its sinister view by regular vote." This is an example of A. Federalism B. Checks and balances C. Republicanism D. Social contract

C. Republicanism

The only leadership position in the House of Representatives is the A. House majority leader B. Majority whip C. Speaker of the house D. House minority leader

C. Speaker of the house

The agriculture committee in the house is a permanent committee that develops legislation regarding agriculture, food, and rural development. The agriculture committee is an example of which type of committee? A. Joint committee B. Conference committee C. Standing committee D. Select committee

C. Standing committee

Which characteristic of the executive branch allows the president to act quickly and decisively in an emergency? A. That it is checked by the legislative branch B. That it is checked by the judicial branch C. That the president can act alone D. That the executive is given broad authority in the constitution

C. That the president can act alone

Which body of government has the authority to introduce bills? A. The executive branch B. A convention of states C. The House of Representatives D. The Supreme Court

C. The House of Representatives

"Our ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were at the time of their emigration from the mother country, entitled to all the rights, liberties, and immunities of free and natural-born subjects, within the realm of England... By such emigration they by no means forfeited, surrendered, or lost any of those rights, but that they were, and their descendants now are, entitled to the exercise and enjoyment of all such of them..." The quote makes which of the following arguments? A. England was the mother country of the American colonists B. The British parliament must continue to have the exclusive power to make laws C. The colonists were entitled to the rights of English subjects D. The right to emigrate must remain the foundation of English liberty

C. The colonists were entitled to the rights of English subjects

James Madison argued in federalist No. 10 that the constitution would protect against the "mischiefs of faction" because the Constitution A. Created public financing for election campaigns, which would reduce the influence that factions could exert in politics B. Limited the influence of factions by giving interest groups created by the government preferential status C. Made it nearly impossible for factions to form due to significant limits of civil liberties D. Created a large republic which would prevent any single faction from causing trouble

D. Created a large republic, which would prevent any single faction from causing troulbe

Which cabinet department established by George Washington is still in place today? A. Department of commerce B. Department of agriculture C. Department of the interior D. Department of state

D. Department of state

The authority of the president to act as commander in chief of the United States Army is an example fo the president's A. Executive overreach B. Implied powers C. Informal powers D. Enumerated powers

D. Enumerated powers

The president of the United States acts as the head of the A. Judicial branch B. Legislative branch C. Congressional branch D. Executive branch

D. Executive branch

What is the primary function of the federal bureaucracy? A. Voting in favor of a new bill to become law B. Signing new legislation into law C. Introducing new legislation into congress D. Implementing laws passed by congress

D. Implementing laws passed by congress

"Our ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were at the time of their emigration from the mother country, entitled to all the rights, liberties, and immunities of free and natural-born subjects, within the realm of England... By such emigration they by no means forfeited, surrendered, or lost any of those rights, but that they were, and their descendants now are, entitled to the exercise and enjoyment of all such of them..." What political philosophy set forth in the quote was incorporated 2 years later into the Declaration of Independence? A. A theocracy is the best form of government because God created humans and endowed them with unalienable rights B. Taxation inherently destroys the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness C. Direct democracy is a more legitimate form of government than indirect democracy D. People have the right to elect representatives to the legislatures that govern them

D. People have the right to elect representatives to the legislatures that govern them

The Declaration of Independence is the basis for which of the following principles of American government? A. Popular sovereignty B. Checks and balances C. Federalism D. Separation of powers

A. Popular sovereignty

How does the merit system established by the Pendleton Act differ from the political patronage system used by Andrew Jackson? A. The merit system ensures that only those who are qualified for a position are hired or promoted, whereas the political patronage system allows for hiring and promotion based on political support B. The merit system encourages presidents to appoint those who supported them to cabinet positions, whereas the political patronage system incentivizes hiring someone from the opposing party C. The merit system makes it difficult for a president to get a nominee for a cabinet position through the senate, whereas the political patronage system makes it easier for a nominee to pass in the senate D. The merit system rewards those who donated the most money to a presidential campaign, whereas the political patronage system rewards those who have the proper qualifications and experience

A. The merit system ensures that only those who are qualified for a position are hired or promoted, whereas the political patronage system allows for hiring and promotion based on political support

Suppose state legislatures and the federal courts reviewed a policy that restricted the sale and use of firearms. Which result would likely occur if they found that the policy was failing to lower violent crime rates as congress stated it would? A. The policy would be terminated B. The policy would be sent back to the regulation stage C. The policy would be implemented differently D. The policy would receive additional funding

A. The policy would be terminated

What is the purpose of the 6th amendment? A. To guarantee the right to a jury trial in all federal criminal cases B. To protect Americans from unlawful search and seizure C. To guarantee the right to a trial by jury in federal civil cases D. To protect the rights of Americans to speak freely

A. To guarantee the right to a jury trial in all federal criminal cases

Federal district courts were established by A. A convention of the states B. The u.s. congress C. The u.s. constitution D. The executive branch

B. The u.s. congress

What is the purpose of the 25th amendment? A. To establish the rules of voting for a Vice President B. To establish the line of succession should a president become incapacitated C. To abolish the practice of slavery in america D. To set term limits for the presidency

B. To establish the line of succession should a president become incapacitated

The process of deciding on the number of representatives each state gets based on most recent census data is known as A. Gerrymandering B. Redistributing C. Apportionment D. Partisan gerrymandering

C. Apportionment

Suppose it is 2024 and none of the candidates fro president have received the majority of votes in the electoral college. Which body of government will determine the outcome of the election? A. The senate B. The Supreme Court C. The House of Representatives D. The American people

C. The House of Representatives

Which event during president Obama's time in office would have resulted in an increase in overall public approval? A. The release of suspected terrorists from Guantanamo bay B. The discovery of data-mining programs used by the national security administration C. The successful assassination of osama bin laden D. The rollout of the affordable care act

C. The successful assassination of osama bin laden

Suppose a presidential candidate is running for the first time on a platform that includes promises of sweeping health care reform and the public is generally in favor of the proposed ideas. If the candidate wins that election, when should they try to pass health care reform legislation? A. Following the midterm elections halfway through their term B. Towards the end of their term C. At the beginning of their second term D. Within the first 6 months of their election

D. Within the first 6 months of their election

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