APHG Ch 7 Key Issue 3-4

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nationalities in north america

-U.S. forged nationality in late 18th century from collection of ethnic groups gathered primarily from Europe and Africa, not thru traditional means of issuing passports or voting but through shared values expressed in constitution -In canada, Quebecs are clarly distinct from other canada cultures. Do they form a distinct ethnicitiy within canadian nationality or a separate nationality completely? If it is recognized as separate nationality from the ango canadians, the quebec govt would have strong reasons to break away

Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo

- Ethnic Albanians (90%) , Serbia had control of Kosovo - Under Tito, Albanians received administrative autonomy and national identity but after Yugoslavia broke up, Serbia took control and launched campaign of ethnic cleansing of Albanians 4 steps of ethnic cleansing: (1) move large military equipment and personnel into a village that has no strategic value. (2) round up all in village - segregating age and gender. men killed and others forced to leave village. Kosovo had men herded with others rather than killed. (3) force the people to leave village heading for Albanian border. (4) destroy vacated village by setting it on fire - NATO launched air attack on Serbia -- Serbia agreed to withdraw troops and soldiers from Kosovo, giving them independence (US see it as independent but Serbia and Russia oppose it)

If Scotland became independent how many nationalities would be found in the British Isles?

3 If Scotland were independent, there would be three nationalities in the British Isles. Currently, though, the Scots exist as a distinct ethnic group within the United Kingdom but not as a separate nationality. Currently, the British Isles consist of two distinct nationalities: the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

Ethnic diversity in Iraq

3/4 iraq arabs, 1/6 kurds. Arab population is 2/3 shiite and the other third sunni. US lead attack against Iraq resulting in removal and death of the country's long time president: Saddam Hussein. (justified his removal because he was brutal dictator, and up to no good w bombs and terrorism.) US expected an enthusiastic welcome from iraq after removing that dictator. But US became involved in complex violent struggle among ethnic groups: -Kurds welcomed to US bc they gained more autonomy -Sunni Muslim Arabs opposed the US lead attack bc they feared loss of power given to them by Saddam, who was also sunni -Shiite muslim arabs also opposed US. They didn't like Saddam but they has hostility to US Kurds in south, Sunnis in center, shiites in south. Capital, Baghdad, where one fourth of iraqi people live, also have some areas all one ethnicity, but most areas are mixed. In many, minority ethnicity forced to move away. Major ethnicities divided into numerous tribes and clans. Most iraqis feel stronger loyalty to tribe or clan than nationality or ethnicity

Which of the following statements regarding ethnicity in Afghanistan is correct?

A faction of the Pashtun ethnic group gained control of Afghanistan in 1995.

Multi ethnic yugoslavia

After the heir to Austria Hungary was assasinated, the WWI was sparked and after WWI, a new country called Yugoslavia was made to unite several Balkan ethnicities that spoke similar south slavic languages. Under long leader Josip Broz tito, who governed Yugoslavia until death. Seven neighbors of Yugo include longtime democracies (Austria, Greece, Italy) and four states governed by communists (Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania). Diversity of neighbors reflected Yugo's strategic location between western democracies and Communist eastern Europe. Yugo military neutral after expelled from Soviet military alliance for being too independent minded. Yugo communists allowed more communication with Western democracies than w other Euro countries 6 republics in yugoslavia, bosnia, croatia, macedonia, montenegro, serbia, and slovenia. 5 of republics named for countrys five recognized ethnic groups, croats macedonians, montenegrins, serbs, and slovenes. Four languages, croatians, macedonian, serbian, and slovene. 4 Languages were recognized: Croatia, Macedonia, Serbian and Slovene 3 Major religions: Roman cath in north, Orthodox in east, and Islam in south 2 official langs - croatian and solvene - written in roman alphabet. 1 dinar, which is national unit of currency.

Which of the following ethnic groups comprises the majority of Kosovo's population?


Which of the following terms refers to the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities?


Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia

Bosnian muslim seen as ethnicity rather than nationality. Rather than live in independent multiethnic state with a Muslim plurality, Bosnia and Herzegovina's Serbs and Croats fought to unite portions of republic that they inhabited with Serbia and croatia respectively. Serbs and Croatia engaged in cleansing of Bosnian Muslim. If they were homogeneous they were better candidates for union with Serbia and Croatia. Bosnian serbs created one continuous area of Bosnian serb domination rather than several discontinued ones Bosnian Muslims, one half of pop before ethnic cleansing, got one fourth of the land a policy of murder and other acts of brutality by which Serbs hoped to eliminate Bosnia's Muslim population after the breakup of Yugoslavia

Which of the following statements regarding ethnicities in Sri Lanka is correct?

Buddhism is sole religion in Sri Lanka

The three primary ethnic groups found in the United Kingdom, aside from English, are all descended from which of the following groups of people?


Ethnic competition in Lebanon

Christians (40%): Lebanon most numerous sect is Maronite(perform the liturgy in ancient syrian language), which split from roman cath church. 2nd biggest sect was Greek Orthodox (uses Byzantine liturgy) Muslims (60%): most belong to the numerous shiite sects. Sunni's account for minority in Lebanon even tho they are more numerous. Lebanon also holds important community of Druze Most lebanon christians think they are ethnically descended from ancient Phoenicians. This differentiate them from country's muslims, who are considered Arabs. When Lebanon became independent, constitution required each religion be represented in chamber of deputies Lebanon religious groups tend to live in different regions of the country. Beirut (capital) divided between christian east and muslim west. Civil war broke where each religious group formed private army of militia to guard its territory. When govt system was created, Christians majority controlling main business. Agreement ending the civil war in Beruit solved by giving more political rights. Send troops trying to restore peace; failed and countries pulled out like US. Lebanon left under control of Syria, which was later force to withdraw its troop

Which of the following regions was the site of an ethnic war in Sudan?


centrepital force example

Mandating that the national flag be displayed in all public buildings

Ethiopia and Eritrea

Eritrea became an itlaian colon in 1890, while the Ethiopia had been independent for over 2000 years until it was captured by italy in the 1930's. After WWI, Ethiopia regained independence and were rewarded Eritrea. Ethiipia dissolved Eritrean rights so they rebelled and there was civil war Eritrean rebels defeated ethiopian army and two years later became independent state. Border wars flared. Ethiopia defeated Eritrea and took possession of disputed areas. battles along border continued. Eritrea had two principle ethnic groups: Tigrinya and Tigre. strong sense of national identity united ethnicities there as a result of shared experiences during break free of Ethiopia. Even with loss of Eritrea, Ethiopia remained a complex multiethnic state. Ethiopia controlled by Amharas (christians). After govt defeats power passed to combo of ethnic groups.

A dominant ethnic group in control of a country's military and government forces a minority group to relocate to a neighboring country. This is an example of __________.

Ethnic cleansing

Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans

Ethnic cleansing in former Yuogslavia is part of complex pattern of ethnic diversity in region of southeaster Europe known as Balkan peninsula. The region, about the size of Texas, is anmed for the Balkan mountains whih extend east to west across the region. Balkans include Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania as well as several countries that once comprised Yugoslavia

colonial legacy

Ethnic conflict is widespread in Africa largely because the present-day boundaries of countries do not match the boundaries of ethnic groups. Euro countries carved up the continent into collection of colonies, with little regard for distribution of ethnicities. Traditionally the most important part of african society was the tribe rather than independent states with political and ecnomic self determination. Africa has many ethnicities with common sense of culture. Number of tribes impossible to determine bc boundaries separating them not defined clearly. Further, it is hard to determine whether a particular group forms a distinct tribe or is part of large collection of similar groups When Euro colonies in africa became independent states, boundary typically matched colonial administrative units imposed by Euros. As result, some tribes divided among more than one modern state, and others were grouped with dissimilar tribes


Genocide here involved Hutus murdering lots of Tutsis (and Hudus who supported them). Genocide began after airplane carrying present of Rwanda and Burundi - both Hutus - was shot down. Concluded it was Hutu unhappy with presidents attempts to get peace with Tutsis. Hutus held majority of pop of Rwanda, but Tutsis controlled kingdom turning Hutus into serfs Rwanda became colony of Germany and after German were defeated in WWI, league of nations turned over control to Belgium who permitted few Tutsis to attend university while excluding Hutus altogether. Separate identity cards are issued to the two ethncities. WHen rwanda became an independent country, Hutus gained power and undertook ethnic cleansing and genocide against Tutsis many of whom fled to Uganda. Descendents of ethnically cleansed tutsis invaded rwanda. An agreement to share power was signed but after assasination of president, Hutus launched genocide against tutsis killinn a lot. Hutu genocide ended wil Tusis gaining control of country. Hutu fled to neighboring countries in ethnic clensing that followed Tutsi victory

Which ethnic group was responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994?


Sudan ethnic cleansing and genocide

In sudan, several civil wars have raged between Arab muslim dominated govt in north and outher ethnicities in south, west, and east South Sudan: black christians and Animists ethnicities resisted govt attempts to convert country from multiethnic society one nationality tied to Muslim traditions. War ended w establish of southern sudan as independent state. Still fighting bc of border disagreements between sudan and south sudan Darfur: ethnic war erupting in Sudan western most region Darfur. Darfurs black africans launched rebellion resenting discrimination. Arab nomads, known as janjaweed, crushed Darfurs black population. Actions of Sudans govt troops have been termed genocide by many and charges of war crimes have been filed against sudan leaders Eastern front: ethnicities iin east fought sudanese govt forces with support of neighboring Eritrea. At issue was disbursement of profits from oil

Which of the following terms refers to militant, Arab nomads in Sudan who engaged in ethnic cleansing of black Africans?


Which of the following statements regarding Yugoslavia is correct? Josip Tito controlled Yugoslavia from 1953 to 1980. The country of Yugoslavia today only contains a fragment of its former territory. The prefix Yugo comes from the Slavic word for "to leave." The country contains a single, dominant ethnic group.

Josip Tito controlled Yugoslavia from 1953 to 1980

Which of the following countries declared its independence from Serbia in 2008?


Which of the following statements regarding the Kurdish ethnicity is correct?

Kurds are split among several different countries

Dividing the kurds among nationalities

Kurds are sunni muslims who speak a language in Iranian group and have distinctive cultural traditions. When Euro allies carved up ottoman empire after WWI they created independent stare of Kurdistan. Before treaty was ratified, Turks fough successfully to expand territory the allied allocated to them. Kurdish became part of turkey; no longer independent state today the Kurds split among several countries: Turkey (make 19% of Turkey pop), Iraq (make 16% of Iraq pop), Iran (6% iran pop), Syria (9% of the population of Syria), and the rest in other countries. To foster development of Turkish nationalism, Turks tried repeatedly to suppress Kurds. (Kurd lang illegal in turkey for some time). Kurds in other countries fared just as poorly than those in Turkey. Iran Kurds secured independent republic but only for a year; several more failed attempt to secure independence A few days after Iraw was defeated in Gulf war, country's kurds launched another failed rebellion. US and allied decided to not resume recently concluded fight against Iraq on behalf of Kurds rebels, but after rebellion was crushed, they sent troops to help protect thm after further Iraq attacks. After US attacked Iraq, Kurds got more autonomy but no independence. *Kurds are still today an ethnicity with no corresponding Kurdish state. Instead they are forced to live under control of regions more powerful nationality*

Which of the following is the most numerous Christian group in Lebanon?


unrest in balkan peninsula

Northern portion incorperated into Austro Hungarian empire. Southern portions ran by Ottoman. Austria Hungary extended south where majority of people had converted to islam by ottomans. Creation of Yugo brought stability that lasted a while. Old animosities went away and younger people began identifying as Yugo instead of what used to make up Yugo. Rivalries among ethnicities surfaced in Yugo after Tito's death, leading to breakup of the country. Independent countries were Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Mecadonia, and Solvena and Montenegro and breakup left Serbia standing alone as well. As long as Yugo comprised one country, ethnic groups were not troubled by divisions of 6 republics. But when Yugo republics transformed from local govt units into 5 separate countries, ethnicities fought to define boundaries. Not only did republics fail to match territory occupied by nationalities, but country contained other important ethnic groups that did no received official recognition as nationalities

Which of the following statements regarding the division of South Asia is correct?

Pakistan is predominantly Muslim, and India is predominantly Hindu.

Ethnic Diversity in Afghanistan

Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara most numerous. Current unrest over ethnicity started with start of rebellion by several ethnic groups against the govt, which was being defended by alot of soviet troop. Unable to subdue rebellion, Soviet Union withdrew there troops and the govt soviet installed govt collapsed. After several years of infighting among ethnicities, a faction of the Pashtun called the Taliban gained control over most of country. Taliban imposed very harsh strict laws according to Islamic valuues as the Taliban interpreted them. The US invaded afghanistan and overthrew Taliban bc it was harboring terrorist. Removal of taliban unleashed a new struggle for control of Afghan among country's many ethnic groups, including the Taliban.

Which of the following ethnicities is the most numerous in Iran?


ethnic cleansing

Process in which more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region. Carried out today mostly in Europe and Africa. Undertaken to rid an area of an entire ethnicity so surviving ethnic group can be sole livers. Largest force migration came WWII bc events leading to war itself, and postwar adjustments. Deportation of jews where most were exterminated. after wwii ended, millions of ethnic germans, poles, russians, and others were forced to migrate as result of boundary changes. Ex) when part of Eastern Germany became part of Poland, German living in region were forced to move west to Germany and poles were allowed to move into areas. Same with poles forced to move when east poland was turned over to Soviet Union

Which of the following groups refers to a distinctive French Canadian ethnicity within Canada?


Which of the following statements correctly describes ethnic cleansing in Bosnia?

Serbs and Croats engaged in ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims in order to create territories that were more homogenous. The outcome of the ethnic cleansing was that Bosnia & Herzegovina was divided into three regions. *Bosnian Serbs were given additional territory as a result of their use of ethnic cleansing*, almost half of the land, despite the fact that they only comprised one-sixth of the population. Bosnian Muslims comprised one-half of the population before ethnic cleansing, but were only given one-fourth of the land. The other one-fourth of the land was awarded to the Bosnian Croats even though they comprised only one-sixth of the population. The Bosnian Muslim and Bosnia Croat areas were later combined into a Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina.

Which of the following groups is most populous in Iraq?


Which of the following ethnic groups is the most numerous group in Sri Lanka?



Somalis are overwhelmingly sunni muslim and speak somali. Somalias inhabitants divided among several ethnic groups known as clans, each of which divided into large number of subclans. Major clans held different parts of somalia. Dictatorship that ran country collapsed, and various clans gained controls over portion of country. Clans have declared independent states. US sent several troops to Somalia after many died from famine and warfare among clans. Purpose to deliver food and reduce weapons in hands of clan. After peace talks among clans collapse, US withdrew troops Islamists militias took control of much of Somalia. Neighboring countries drawn into conflict, Eritrea w Islamist and Ethiopia against them. Claiming that some were terrorist, US also apposed islamist launching airstrikes. Islamist withdrew from most of Somalia but have since returned to control much of country. Ongoing conflict worsened the impact of recent drought.

Ethnicities and Nationalities in the U.K.

The British Isles, which comprise several thousand islands, contain four principle ethnicities. 1. English: Descendants of Germanic tribes who crossed the North Sea and invaded the country. 2. Welsh: They were Celtic people conquered by England in 1282 and formally united with England through the Act of Union in 1536. Welsh laws were abolished and Wales became a local government unit. 3. Scots: They were Celtic people who had an independent country for more than 700 years. Scotland and England were united and merged governments, but Scotland was allowed to retain its own systems of education and local laws. 4. Irish: They were Celtic people who were ruled by England until the 20th century. Most of the island became the independent country of Ireland.

what nationalities was irelaand and great Britain divided into

UK: comprised great Britain and Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland: comprises southern large portion of Ireland. Ireland contains one predominant ethnicity: Irish. between the nationalities In UK, strong element of ethnic identity comes from sports. Sorting out ethnicities and nationality can be challenging to sport stars and others. Rory Mcilroy is Irish cath ethnicity and nationality is UK, because northern Ireland is part of UK.

Dividing South Asian Ethnicities among Nationalities

When British ended rule of India subcontinent, they divided colony into India and Pakistan. East Pakistan became Bangladesh. Basis for separating West and East Pakistan from India was ethnicity. People in Pakistan mostly Muslim, India mostly Hindu. Strong antagonism British separated them into their own states. The partition of South Asia into two states resulted in migration because two boundaries did not correspond precisely to territory inhabited by the two ethnicities. Many muslims moved to west Pakistan and Hindus from West Pakistan to India. They were killed by rival religion attempting to reach border. Pakistan and India never agreed on location of boundary separating the two countries in northern region of Kashmir. Muslims who comprise majority of both portions faught to secure reunification of Kashmir. India blames Pakistan for unrest and vows to retain southeast region. Pakistan thinks Kashmir should choose their own future; things they would break away from India India religious unrest further complicated by presence of Sikhs, who long resented that they were not given their own independent country when India was divided. Sikh extremists fought for more control over Punjab (indian state they hold the majority in) or even complete independence from India

Ethnic cleansing and genocide in central africa

long standing conflicts between two ethnic groups, the Hutus and Tutsis, lie at hear of series of war in central africa. The two ethnicities speak the same language, similar belief, and practice similar social customs and intermarriage has lessened the physical diffs between the two groups. Still engaged in large scale cleansing and genocide - Hutus were settled farmers, growing crops in areas of present day Rwanda and Burundi, known as great lakes region of Central Africa - Tutsis were cattle herders who migrated to present day rwanda and burundi from Rift valley of western kenya Relations between settled farmers and herders were often uneasy

Which of the following descriptions of genocide is correct?

mass killing of ethnic group

Which of the following situations is an example of Yugoslav nationalism?

Younger people consider themselves to be Yugoslavs rather than Bosnian, Serbian, or Croatian.


a century ago, term balkanized widely used to describe small area that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long standing antagonism toward eachother. World leaders at the time regarded balkanization (process by which state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities) as a threat to peace throughout the world, not just a small area. They were right: Balkanization lead directly to world war I bc various nationalities in Balkans dragged into war the larger powers with which they had alliances. After 2 world wars and rise and fall of communism during 20th century, the Balkans have once again became Balkanized in 21 century. If peace comes to balkans, it will be because in tragic ethnic cleansing worked. Millions of people were rounded and killed or forced to migrate bc constituted ethnic minorities. Ethnic homogeneity may be price of peace in areas that were once multiethnic


hutu and tutsi conflict spilled over here. Tutsis instrumental in overthrow of Congo's long time president Joseph Mobutu. Mobutu has amassed a lot of fortune from minerals while impoverishing the rest of the country. After succeeding Mobutu as president, Laurent Kabila relied heavy on Tutsis permitting them to kill some Hutus responsible for atrocities against Tutsis. But Kabila soon spilt with the Tutsis, and the Tutsis once again found themselves offering support to rebels seeking to overthrow congo govt Kabila turned foor support to Hutus, as well as to Mau Mau, another ethnic group in congo that hated Tutus. Armies from Angola, Nambia, Zimbabwe, and other neighboring countries came to Kabila aid. Kabila was assasinated and suceeded by his son, who negotiated an accord with rebels the following year. Conflict among countries many ethnicities still continued, and casualties have mounted


in some places, ethnic competition has led to even more extreme actions than ethnic cleansing, including genocide genocide is mass killing of group of people in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence.

Ethnic diversity in Western Asia

lack of correspondence between territory once occupied by ethnicity and nationalities is especially severe in werstern asia. four nationalities in this region - Iraqi, Iranian, Afghani, and Pakistani - encompass dozens of ethnicities, most of them inhabiting more than one of the regions countries.

Ethnic Diversity in Pakistan

most numerous ethnicity in Punjabi, but border area is mostly Baluchi and Pashtun. Punjabi has been most numerous ethnicity since ancient times in what is now Pakistan. As with neighboring Pashtun, Punjabi converted to islam after captured by Muslim. Punjabi remained remained sunni muslim rather than covert to shiite islam like thier neighbors the Pastun. Fighting between Pakistans army and supporters of Taliban forced, pakistanis to leave their homes and move into camps. , where they were fed by international relief organizations.

Ethnic diversity in Iran

most numerous ethnicity is Persian; Azeri and Baluchi are minority. Persian constitute worlds largest ethnic group that adheres to Shiite islam. Persians believe to be descended of Indo Euro tribes began migrating to central asia into what is now iran. Persian empire extended from present day iran west as far as Egypt during 5 and 4 century. After Muslim army conquered Persia most persians converted to Sunni Islam. Conversion to Shiite came primary in 15th century

Removing hats and singing national anthem example of


nationality vs race vs ethnicity

nationality identifies citizens of USA, including those born in the country and those who immigrated and became citizens ethnicity identifies groups w distinct ancestry and cultural traits like african americans, hispanic, etc race distinguishes blacks and other persons of color from white


politicians and govt try to instill loyalty through nationalism, which is loyalty and devotion to a nationality. Emphasizes culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations. States forster this by promoting symbols of country like flags and songs. Can have a negative impact. Sense of unity is sometimes achieved through creation of negative images of other nation states. important example of centripetal force, which is an attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for the state.

ethnicity vs. nationality

they are distinct but both describe a group of people with shared traits nationality is the identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country They are similar concepts in that membership in both is defined through shared cultural values. (these values of ethnicity are language religion and material culture but for nationality it is voting, passport obtaining, and performing civic duties

Ethnic Diversity in Sri Lanka

three principal ethnicities, Sinhalese (74% - later converted to Buddhism; occupied southern island), Tamil (16% - occupied northern island), and Moors (10% - ethnic arabs; adhere to Islam but don't speak Sinhalese or Tamil). War between Tamil and Sinhalese erupted and continued. dispute between these two largest Sri L ethnicity went far back but was suppressed w euro control. Tamil felt discrimination from Sinhalese govt; Tamil's lost the war, and feared future of Sri Lanka as multinational state was jeopardized. Sinhalese made Buddhism sole religion and Sinhala sole language. Tamil's fear military defeats hurts their ethnic identity

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