APN 102 Final exam

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parasitic worm infection

A person with an increased eosinophil count might be suffering from

withdrawal reflex

A reflex that protects limbs by removing them from painful stimuli is the


A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of blood functioning in

receptive field

the ability of each neuron in the skin to detect a stimulus in a given area

cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem, cerebellum

the brain can be divided into what four subdivisions?

medulla, pons, midbrain, reticular formation

the brainstem is composed of what four parts?

brain and Spinal cord

the central nervous system includes

frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital

the cerebrum is divided into what four major lobes?


the combination of hemoglobin and carbon dioxide is

8 cervical - 12 thoracic - 5 lumbar - 5 sacral - 1 coccygeal

the distribution of the spinal nerve pairs

cochlear duct

the endolymph fills what structure in the inner ear?


there are ___ enlargements of the spinal cord where nerves supplying the extremities enter and leave.


transports oxygen in the blood

central and peripheral

two major divisions of the nervous system

oval window

vibrations of what structure create waves within the perilymph of the cochlear tube?

sodium and potassium

what are the nutritional requirements for the nervous system's function?

thalamus and hypothalamus

what are the two major components of the diencephalon?

Sensory for pain

what is a function of cranial nerve five?

motor for eye movement

what is a function of the abducens nerve?

Sensory for taste

what is a function of the facial nerve?

sense of smell

what is olfaction?

infection of the middle ear

what is otitis media?

Central Nervous system

what is responsible for problem solving skills?

an infection of the outer ear

what is swimmer's ear?

cushion the brain, buoyancy, rinse metabolic waste

what is the function of CSF?

to amplify the vibration of the tympanic membrane

what is the function of the middle ear?


what is the function of the occipital lobe of the cereburm?

photoreceptors for non-color vision

what is the function of the rods in the retina?

the membrane at which the stapes contacts the vestibule

what is the oval window?


what kind of receptor are the hair cells on the basilar membrane?


what kind of receptor is the olfactory hair?


what kind of receptors are used for vision?


what part of the eye consists of these three regions: Choroid layer, ciliary body, and iris?

ciliary body

what part of the eye produces aqueous humor?

Auditory tube and Eustachian tube

what structure leads from the middle ear to the nasopharynx?

tarsal gland

what structure produces an oil to help lubricate the eye?


what type of equilibrium is perceived when a gymnast does somersaults?

dynamic equilibrium

what type of equilibrium is perceived when the head is rotating?

static equilibrium

what type of equilibrium is perceived when the head is stationary or moving straight


what type of neuron is the olfactory cell?

temporal lobe

where is the wernicke's area located?

Basal cells

which cell type in the taste bud is responsible for replacing cells as they die?

parkinson's disease

which condition is a degenerative disorder of the brain characterized by tremors and slow uncoordinated movements?


which lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for hearing?


which taste is described as meaty?


which taste is most concentrated on the tip of the tongue?

Vitamin K

Erythropoiesis does not require iron. vitamin B12. folate. vitamin K. All of these are required.

regulation of osmotic pressure

Functions of plasma proteins include


How much oxygen is generally transported in combination with hemoglobin in red blood cells?

regulation of pH

If a blood buffer is absent, what function of the blood would be compromised?


Immature red blood cell

bone marrow; blood vessels; spleen

In adults, red blood cells are made in one place, spend most of their lifespan in another, and most are finally destroyed in yet another place. Which choice lists these locations in the correct chronological order?

dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

List the 3 meninges in the correct order from most superficial layer to deepest layer

Malleus, Incus, Stapes

List the ossicles

The nervous system

Monitors internal and external stimuli transmits information in the form of action potentials interprets or assess information maintains homeostasis

the lower oxygen concentration seen at higher altitudes

Mr. Smith moved from a low altitude to a high altitude and experienced an increase in RBCs. Which of the following caused this increase? the lower temperature present at higher altitudes the lower oxygen concentration seen at higher altitudes the increased metabolic rate seen at higher altitudes the increased CO2 retention that occurs at high altitudes He exercised more.

inner ear

The bony labyrinth is in what section of the ear?

muscles of the arm and forearm

The brachial plexus supplies nerves that function to contract which of the following?


The cranial nerves that carry sensory messages for taste


WBC that migrates to lymphatic tissue

Lingual papillae

What are the bumps on the surface of the tongue called?

temperature regulation, sexual development, autonomic functions

What are the functions of the hypothalamus?

eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows

What are the structures that protect the eye?


What cranial nerve is the auditory nerve?

the production of blood cells

What is hemopoiesis?

Plasma with clotting factors removed

What is serum?

Mechanoreceptors for light touch

What is the function of tactile disc?

to perceive equilibrium

What is the function of the vestibular apparatus?

To form platelet plugs and release clotting factors

What is the function of thrombocytes?


What is the most abundant component of plasma?

Bipolar neurons of CN VIII- pons-midbrain-temproal lobe

What is the pathway for hearing?


What ocular disorder results in an increase in IO pressure?

Epidural space

What space, found between the vertebral wall and the dura mater, is the area for injecting anesthesia for childbirth?


What type of receptor detects pressure?


What type of receptor detects tissue injury?


When a person develops a sore throat, white blood cells are drawn to the area of infection by a process called

bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of hemoglobin.

When defective erythrocytes are broken down,

Taste cells

Which cell type in the taste bud is the chemoreceptor for taste?


Which cranial nerve is the olfactory nerve?


Which leukocytes become macrophages and phagocytize dead and dying tissue, microorganisms, and any other foreign matter or debris?


a myelin sheath is composed primarily of?

electric stimuli

a nerve conduction study assess the conduction of nervous impulses along peripheral nerves by using what?


erythropoietin is a product of the

nodes of ranvier

gaps or interruptions in the myelin sheath are called


has a distal portion that branches to form the presynaptic terminals

myelin sheath

insulates the axon

the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to various tissues

An increase in hemoglobin increases

may build up in the circulation and cause jaundice.

Bilirubin is found in white blood cells. may be reused in erythropoiesis. is formed from the globin groups of hemoglobin. is made from bile. may build up in the circulation and cause jaundice.

inability to understand language spoken to them

Brain damage to the Wernicke's area will result in the

parasympathetic division of the ANS

Digestion of food is regulated by the

subarachnoid space

During a spinal tap, cerebrospinal fluid is obtained from which of the following locations?


Each hemoglobin molecule transports ___ oxygen molecules

chromosome 11

On which chromosome is there a mutation that leads to sickle cell anemia?

Middle ear

Ossicles are part of what section of the ear?

is the liquid matrix of the blood.

Plasma is one of the formed elements. is the liquid matrix of the blood. transports waste products but not nutrients. accounts for less than half of the blood volume. is serum plus formed elements.

the liquid portion of blood, the cells

Plasma is ____ while formed elements are ____.

All of the above

Platelets are also known as thrombocytes. are actually fragments of cells. play a role in preventing blood loss. can become sticky when exposed to connective tissue All of the above

increased bilirubin in his circulatory system.

Randolf was suffering from severe hepatitis. His skin appeared to be jaundiced. That color change was due to


T/F Rupture of a red blood cell is called hematopoiesis.

transmits impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscle

The motor (efferent) division of the peripheral nervous system

Golgi tendon reflex

The reflex that prevents excessive tension in a muscle is the

conveys action potentials to the CNS

The sensory (afferent) division of the peripheral nervous system

muscle spindle

The sensory receptor of the stretch reflex is the


The total blood volume is ___ plasma

12, 31

There are ____ pairs of cranial nerves and ____ pairs of spinal nerves.

Tactile corpuscles, hair receptors, lamellar corpuscles

Types of mechanoreceptors

delivery of oxygen to tissue cells

Which of the following functions is associated with the blood? delivery of oxygen to tissue cells transport of digestive enzymes to the small intestine maintenance of DNA content of egg cells transport of neurotransmitters across synapses electrical stimulation of the heart

both vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency anemia

Which of the following is (are) associated with decreased hematopoiesis? hemorrhage vitamin B12 deficiency iron deficiency anemia restricted blood flow to the kidney both vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency anemia

Sickle-shaped red blood cells are less likely to rupture.

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of sickle-cell anemia? Red blood cells take on the sickle shape when oxygen levels are low. Sickle-shaped red blood cells can become lodged in capillaries. Tissue damage from decreased blood supply. Sickle-shaped red blood cells are less likely to rupture.


Which of the following is NOT a form of hemoglobin found in the developing human? adult embryonic adolescent fetal

held in the depression of a red blood cell

Which of the following is NOT a method of carbon dioxide transport in the blood? combined with hemoglobin dissolved in the plasma as bicarbonate ions in the plasma held in the depression of a red blood cell


Which of the following is a stage of hemostasis? coagulation erythropoiesis platelet formation vascular dilation agglutination


Which of the following plasma proteins is most abundant? albumin globulins fibrinogen immunoglobulins hemoglobin

globulin - transport and immunity

Which plasma protein is correctly matched to its function? fibrinogen - transport of fatty acids albumin - helps to fight infection globulin - transport and immunity globulin - blood clotting

Salty and sour

Which tastes are most concentrated on the lateral sides of the tongue?


Which type of material is NOT transported by the blood? blood gases nutrients lactic acid neurotransmitters hormones


___ is needed to produce hemoglobin


blood is a type of ___ tissue

hemoglobin in their cytoplasm

mature erythrocytes contain

blood-brain barrier

protects neurons from toxic substances in the blood

central nervous system

the site for processing information

tympanic membrane

sound waves hit what structure causing vibrations?

stretch reflex

structurally the simplest reflex is the

foramen magnum

the spinal cord begins at the


the spinal cord ends at the

action potential

the flow of electricity along an axon of a neuron in one direction is called an


the hair cells in the cochlear duct have what type of neurons at their base?


the input part of the neuron


the junction of a neuron with another cell is a


the most numerous of the leukocytes is the


the oxygenated form of hemoglobin is called

Cranial nerve - medulla- pons- midbrain- thalamus-parietal lobe

the pathway for taste

cranial and spinal nerves

the peripheral nervous system includes the

Outer ear

the pinna and auditory canal are part of what section of the ear?


the saccule and utricle are used to perceive what kind of equilibrium?

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