Apologetics logic review

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Example of a logical fallacy

1. Some mammals are cats. 2. All dogs are mammals 3. Therefore, some dogs are cats

What is a statement?

A particular kind of statement that makes a declaration that is either true false or nonsense

What is an argument?

A set of statements where one of them (the conclusion) is implied or supported by the others (premises).

It is raining outside

A statement supported by experience or observation. You see or hear it raining outside.

What is a self supporting statement?

A statement that has immediately apparent truth values

What is a supported statement?

A supportive statement cannot stand on their own. They must have outside information in order to determine the truth value.

What fallacy is this? I was assigned to a personal trainer at the gym, And he gave me a new workout program. But I don't have any confidence in his expertise, since he has obvious trouble controlling his own appetite.

Ad hominem

What fallacy is this? My opponent in tonight's debate has been divorced three times. Given his lack of character, I don't think we can really trust anything he has to say.

Ad hominem

What fallacy is this? Socrates' arguments about human excellence are rubbish. What could a man as ugly as he know about human excellence?

Ad hominem

What fallacy is this? Why should we trust Freud? He did enough cocaine to kill a small horse.

Ad hominem

What fallacy is this? You can't trust anything a Muslim says because they are responsible for the 9/11 attacks

Ad hominem

True by definition

All squares have four sides

Example of a statement that is true or false by definition

All triangles are three sided figures

What are the three TYPES of fallacies?

Ambiguity Presumption Relevance

When is an argument valid?

An argument is valid if and only if the conclusion is necessarily true given that the premises are true

Fallacies of Relevance

An argument whose conclusion is simply not relevant to its premise. This is a question of degree. Genetic fallacy, appeal to pity, ad hominem, appeal to fear, appeal to authority, appeal to ignorance, and Straw man.

logical fallacy

An error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid

What fallacy is this? Evolution must be true because Richard Dawkins, a highly accomplished physicist, said it was true

Appeal to authority

What fallacy is this? Well, my teacher said that drinking soda after six is a bad thing, so you're wrong and should not drink soda after six

Appeal to authority

What fallacy is this? Brad Pitt was seen wearing designer bobs sunglasses, so that must be the best sunglasses to wear.

Appeal to authority fallacy

What fallacy is this? Nobody is a better judge than public opinion.

Appeal to authority fallacy

What fallacy is this? Just write three words, God is dead or else you will have to defend the opposite and it is worth a third of your grade.

Appeal to fear

What fallacy is this? You must convict the defendant. If you do not, you might be her next victim.

Appeal to fear

What Chelsea is this? If we don't bail out the big auto maker, the US economy will collapse. Therefore, we need to bail out the auto makers.

Appeal to fear fallacy

What fallacy is this? You know, Professor Smith, I really need to get an a in this class. I'd like to stop by during your office hours later to discuss my grade. I'll be in your building anyways, visiting my father. He's your boss, by the way. And trust me, from experience, you sure don't want to make him mad. I'll see you later.

Appeal to fear fallacy

What fallacy is this? Obviously there must be life in outer space because no one has proved that there isn't

Appeal to ignorance

What fallacy is this? I guess I didn't get the job. They never called me back.

Appeal to ignorance fallacy

What fallacy is this? Since you haven't been able to prove your innocence, I just assume you're guilty.

Appeal to ignorance fallacy

What fallacy is this? Please give me the job. If you don't my parents will be mad at me and will make me do the dishes for six weeks

Appeal to pity

What fallacy is this? You must find my client innocent because their life has been so hard already, don't make it worse

Appeal to pity

What fallacy is this? Please don't fire Bob. I know that his presentation was late, unorganized, failed to communicate anything, and cost the company millions, but if you fire him, he won't make enough money to take me to the Super Bowl like he promised.

Appeal to pity fallacy

What fallacy is this? We must redistribute wealth. It just isn't fair that the 99% doesn't have all the benefits that the one percent has.

Appeal to pity fallacy

Fallacy of Ambiguity

Arguments that are faulty because they use words or phrases that are unclear or have more than one meeting. Equivocation and reification

What fallacy is this? Flowers are beautiful because they are pretty

Begging the question fallacy

What fallacy is this? Do you still have a shopping addiction?

Complex question Fallacy

What fallacy is this? Do you still cheat on tests?

Complex question fallacy

What fallacy is this? Why do you girls hate guys so much?

Complex question fallacy

What are the parts of an argument?

Conclusion and premise

True by logical structure

Either the rays will win the World Series or they will not

What fallacy is this? I know magic is real because I see magic all the time

Fallacy of Equivocation

What fallacy is this? Either I will get first place or I will finish an embarrassing last place

Fallacy of bifurcation

What fallacy is this? Either you love brownie sundaes or you are not a human

Fallacy of bifurcation

What Chelsea is this? God exist because the Bible says so in the Bible is true because God says so

Fallacy of equivocation

What fallacy is this? Evolution is fact because we can observe evolution

Fallacy of equivocation

fallacy is this? The Bible is false because evolution is true

Fallacy of equivocation

What fallacy is this? All humans have arms. So, all humans can write with their hands

Fallacy of presumption

What fallacy is this? All my friends love dogs. Therefore, they should not get a cat.

Fallacy of presumption

What fallacy is this? My iPhone broke when I dropped it. Iphones must be very poorly made

Fallacy of presumption

What Chelsea is this? Even when Erica was singing, soccer was still calling her, making her want to go play

Fallacy of reification

What fallacy is this? Faith is like Wi-Fi, it's invisible, but it has the power to connect you to what you need. Just have faith and you will be a millionaire

False analogy fallacy

What fallacy is this? Why are you complaining about working 15 hour days, my computer works 24/7?

False analogy fallacy

What fallacy is this? Why do math when calculators can do it for you?

False analogy fallacy

What fallacy is this? An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

False cause fallacy

What fallacy is this? If you spill salt, then you have to throw it over your shoulder or you will have bad luck

False cause fallacy

What fallacy is this? On cold winter days, Ponce freeze. More people die in the winter so, clearly, frozen ponds are very dangerous.

False cause fallacy

What fallacy is this? When I get to go fishing, my parents are much less stressful.

False cause fallacy

What fallacy is this? When it gets cold, people get hurt from slipping and falling. Therefore, the cold makes people slip

False cause fallacy

Is it true that you need to have another person present to have a logical argument?

False, an argument is not a debate or yelling match it is a set of supported system

What fallacy is this? " you are only against gun control because your own guns"

Genetic fallacy

What fallacy is this? But that article is from Wikipedia, that means you can't believe it

Genetic fallacy

What fallacy is this? The Bible was written thousands of years ago by people who did not know everything we know today. Therefore we should ignore its teachings.

Genetic fallacy

What fallacy is this? The current chancellor of Germany was in the Hitler youth at age 3. With that sort of background, his so-called 'reform' plan must be a fascist program.

Genetic fallacy

How are hasty and sweeping different?

Hasty starts with specific applied to all Sweeping starts with general applied to specific; forgets exception

Why is begging the question difficult to spot?

It can be subtle Technically valid but doesn't prove anything

Example of a supported statement

It is snowing outside


Main point of an argument

What fallacy is this? Aaron: all Americans love burgers! Sara: I don't love burgers, I am a vegan. Aaron: Well, clearly you are not a real American

No true Scotsman fallacy

What fallacy is this? If you agree with socialism, then there is no way you were actually an American.

No true Scotsman fallacy

What fallacy is this? No reputable intellectual believes the Bible is trustworthy

No true Scotsman fallacy

begging the question

Often called circular reasoning, __ occurs when the believability of the evidence depends on the believability of the claim. Or the conclusion is incorporated into one of its premises


Personification; when someone attributes a concrete and often personal characteristic to a conceptual abstraction

Argument are made of...

Premises and conclusions

An argument may be considered bad and therefore ignored if.....

Premises are false and the conclusion doesn't follow logically from premises(error in reasoning)


Premises are true and conclusion follows rationally from them

What fallacy is this? That monster should not be set free because of his horrible, evil, and hateful acts.

Question begging epithet

What fallacy is this? The ruthless cannibalistic fish was charged for eating the very young and helpless baitfish child

Question begging epithet

What fallacy is this? The savage animal of a child climbed onto the desk and inflicted damage for two horrifying periods.

Question begging epithet

What fallacy is this? This rude man has viciously assaulted that sweet helpless woman.

Question begging epithet

Supported statement

Require research to be confirmed

What are three types of self supporting statements?

Self reports, statements which are true or false biological structure, and statements that are true or false by definition

What are two types of statements?

Self supporting and supported

What fallacy is this? If I fail this math test then I won't get an A in this class. That means that I won't get into any good colleges, engineering programs will reject me and my dreams of becoming an engineer will never come true

Slippery slope fallacy

What fallacy is this? If we let just anyone referee a soccer game, then we will have crazy people making terrible calls, players Will be angry and will break all the rules, most of the players will end up with broken bones, and the whole field will break out into fist fights ending the sport of soccer as we know it

Slippery slope fallacy

What fallacy is this? If you don't go to college, you won't get a good job, and if you don't get a good job you will end up homeless. Therefore, if you don't want to be homeless you should go to college.

Slippery slope fallacy

What fallacy is this? I can't believe you watch Fox News and believe it's true. You can't trust biased reporters. You should watch CNN, like me. You can trust them.

Special pleading Fallacy

What fallacy is this? Stop judging other people, you judge mental lunatic

Special pleading fallacy

What fallacy is this? YOU SHOULDN'T YELL AT PEOPLE!!!

Special pleading fallacy

What is a self report?

Statements Made by a person concerning his desire, beliefs, or feelings. We usually assume that these statements are true.


Statements offered as reasons to support a conclusion, can be true or false

What is a self report?

Statements that declare values, desires, beliefs, and feelings

What is a premise?

Statements that support or implied the conclusion

What fallacy is this? Creationists claim you must believe in a six day creation to be saved, but the Bible teaches nothing of the kind. Therefore they are wrong.

Strawman fallacy

What fallacy is this? How can you believe in creation? The fact that you reject all science, and believe that some old magical man randomly picked earth to have his "kingdom" is just absurd. Especially considering that you believe that your special book, the Bible, appeared fully completed, from the magical old man. It is obvious that the Bible was written by men and that science proves that there are laws that govern the universe, not the random whims of an old magical man.

Strawman fallacy

What is a conclusion?

The main point of the argument

Example of a statement that is true or false logical structure

The raise will win the World Series or they will not.

When you encounter an argument what is the first thing to check?

The validity of the argument

What is a statement that is true or false by definition?

These are statements that must be true or false because of the definitions of the words in the sentence

What do the laws of logic describe?

They describe the "correct chain of reasoning" from premises to conclusion

What do the laws of logic tell us

They tell us what conclusions we may legitimately draw from any given premises

What is a statement that is true or false by logical structure?

This is a statement that can be either true or false simply by the way the sentence is put together

Initially we assume premises are....

True to check the validity of the argument

A statement can have what kind of truth value?

True, false, or nonsense

False analogy

When a comparison is made between two things that are alike in only trivial ways that are not relevant to the conclusion

Slippery Slope

When a person claims that a particular course of action will start a chain reaction, inevitably leading to an undesirable result, while overlooking other factors that would prevent such a result.

Strawman Fallacy

When a person miss represents the position of his opponent and then argues against this counterfeit position

Appeal to Ignorance

When a position is claimed to be true simply because it's not been proven false

Complex Question

When a question contains an unproven assumption. This is the interrogative form of begging the question

Fallacies of presumption

When an argument contains one or more unproven or unfounded assumptions. Hasty generalization, sweeping generalization, bifurcation, begging the question, question begging epithet, complex question, no true Scotsman, special pleading, false analogy, false cause, and slippery slope.

ad hominem

When an argument is directed against a person rather than his or her position

Genetic Fallacy

When an idea is argue to be false based on its origin rather than for logical reasons

Sweeping generalization

When someone applies a generalization to a situation where it does not apply

appeal to pity fallacy

When someone argues for a position on the basis of feeling sorry for the person rather than logical reasons

Appeal to Fear

When someone argues for a position on the basis that harm will come to you if you are not convinced

appeal to authority fallacy

When someone argues that a claim must be true simply because someone or some group says so

No True Scotsman

When someone attempts to protect his claim from a counter argument by defining a term in a biased way.

False cause

When someone concludes an incorrect cause-and-effect relationship between two events

Hasty Generalization

When someone draws a general inference from too few specific instsn

Question-Begging Epithet

When someone imports biased or emotional language to support a conclusion that is logically unproven

Equivocation Fallacy

When the meaning of a word is shifted in the course of an argument

Special Pleading

When the speaker applies a double standard to his opponent that he does not apply to himself


When two propositions are presented as if they were mutually exclusive and the only two possibilities when in fact they're not


Whether it is true or false

Do not confuse truth with validity

You need to see if the argument is valid

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