Appendicular skeleton quiz

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how many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?


3 arches of the foot


Bones of pelvic girdle:

2 hip bones alone.

Hand: 8 carpal bones: arranged in ___ irregular rows of _____ bones each from the carpals (wrist)

2, 4

The Pelvic Girdle is formed by _____ COXAL BONES commonly called the ________.

2, hip bones.

tarsals: ___ bones


The hand has ____ carpal bones.


the deep socket formed from the fusion of the ilium, ischium and pubis; name means "vinegar cup". This area receives the head of the femur.


is the enlarged end of the spine, connects with the clavicle at the ACROMIOCLAVICULAR JOINT


Radius is lateral (thumb side)

Anatomical position

The most important function of the bony pelivs is ______.

Bearing the weight of the upper body.

30 bones in the arm, forearm and hand.

Bones of the upper limbs

bears the body weight (In foot)

Calcaneus and talus

(collarbone); slender, doubly curved bone. Attaches to the manubrium (top of the sternum called the clavicular notch) and the scapula (at the acromion)to form the shoulder joint. It acts as a brace to hold the arm away and prevent shoulder dislocation.


points over the top of the shoulder and anchors some of the muscles of the arm

Coracoid process

Point of deltoid attachment

Deltoid tuberosity

CORONOID FOSSA (anterior) and OLECRANON FOSSA (posterior) work with MEDIAL & LATERAL


allows ulna to move freely when elbow is bent or extended.


Female vs male pelvis: -Inlet is larger and more circular -Shallower and bones are lighter and thinner -Ilia flare more laterally -Sacrum is shorter and less curved -Outlet is larger -Pubic arch is more rounded because the angle of the pubic arch is greater.

Female pelvis

receives the humerus

Glenoid cavity

allows blood vessels and sciatic nerve to pass

Greater sciatic notch

upper edge; this ends anteriorly in the ANTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPINE and posteriorly at the POSTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPINE

Iliac crest

connects posteriorly with the sacrum at the SACROILIAC JOINT. It is a large flaring bone that forms most of your hip bone.


Each hip bone is formed by the fusion of 3 bones:

Ilium, Ischium, and Pubis.

separates posteriorly the condyles.

Intercondylar fossa

superior to the tuberosity

Ischial spine

roughened area that receives body weight when you are sitting

Ischial tuberosity

"the sit-down bone"


Fusions of the pubis anteriorly and the ischium posteriorly forms a bar of bone enclosing the _______.

Obturator foramen

allows blood vessels and nerves to pass into the thigh.

Obturator foramen

distal end of the femur; forms a joint with the patella

Patellar surface

the fusion of pubic bones of each hip bones anteriorly at a cartilaginous joint

Pubic symphysis

most anterior part of coxal bone

Pubis (pubic bone)

Below the disc-shaped head of radius; where biceps muscles attach.

Radial tuberosity

both the proximal and distal ends where radius and ulna meet. Both bones are connected by INTEROSSEOUS MEMBRANE

Radioulnar joints

The bony pelvis protects _____, _____, & _____.

Reproductive organs, bladder, and part of large intestine.

The _____ and ______ form the bony pelvis.

Sacrum and coccyx

"shoulder blades", commonly called "wings".


Found at distal end of both bones

Styloid process

Articulate with forearm bones.

Trochlea and Capitulum

in anatomical position it is the medial bone


HUMERUS; proximal end fits into glenoid cavity; GREATER and LESSER tubercle are sites of muscle attachment


Carry our total body weight when we are erect. These bones are THICKER and STRONGER than those of the upper limbs.

bones of the lower limb

What two bones make up the pectoral girdle?

clavicle and scapula

(aka flat feet): weak arches

fallen arches

superior to the true pelvis; area medial to the flaring portions of the ilia

false pelvis

The femur slants medially as it runs downward. This brings the knees in line with the body's center of gravity. This is more noticeable in _______, as they have a wider pelvis.


proximal end has a ball-like head that articulates with the acetabulum of the hip


thin and stick-like; has NO part in forming the knee joint


tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges; 2 functions: supports our body weight and serves as a lever that propels our bodies forward


forms the outer part of the ankle

lateral malleolus

INTEROSSEOUS MEMBRANE: connects the tibia and fibula


Carpals are bound together by ____.


The appendicular skeleton consists of...

limbs, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle

distally located, forms the inner bulge of the ankle

medial malleolus

palm of the hand (heads of metacarpals are the knuckles) #'s 1-5, with the thumb #1


5; form the sole of the foot


INTERTROCHANTERIC LINE (anterior), INTERTROCHANTERIC CREST (posterior),GLUTEAL TUBEROSITY: located in the shaft. All of the following serve as sites for _________.

muscle attachment.

common fracture site especially in old age


14; forms the toes (big toe only has 2, while all other toes have distal, middle and proximal)


bones of the fingers; divided into distal, middle and proximal; the thumb only has 2, therefore is only proximal and distal


Marks the course of the radial nerve

radial groove

forearm: 2 bones:

radius and ulna

serves as a nerve passageway

suprascapular notch

thigh bone; this is the only bone in the thigh; heaviest, strongest bone in the body

thigh: femur

Distally, the LATERAL and MEDIAL CONDYLES articulate with the ________ below.


shinbone; larger and more medial; proximal end: MEDIAL and LATERAL CONDYLES separated by the INTERCONDYLAR EMINENCE; articulate with the femur to form the knee joint


a roughened area on the anterior tibial surface that allows the tendon to attach that connects to the patella

tibial tuberosity

lies inferior to the flaring parts

true pelvis

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