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Roosevelt's fireside charts

(March 12). Roosevelt broadcasted the first of his ______, and 60 million people heard his reassuring words on their radios. His message: banks were once again safe for depositors'savings. On Monday morning the banks opened their doors, but instead of queuing to withdraw their savings, people were waiting outside to deposit their money. The bank runs were over; Roosevelt has reestablished people's confidence in their political leadership, their banks, even their economic system.


1920- First time a majority of Americans lived in urban areas; the city had become the focus of national experience. Growth in manufacturing and services helped propel urbanization. Africans Americans were forced by low wages and discrimination to seek the cheapest housing, newcomers squeezed into low-rent ghettos.

Herbet Hoover

1929-1933. Although he activated more of the federal government's resources than had any of his predecessors in an economic crisis, he opposed direct relief payments for the unemployed, and voters turned him out of office in 1932.

the Scottsboro Boys

9 African American Teenagers were riding a freight train were arrested and charged with roughing up some white hobos and throwing them off the train. 2 white women removed from the same train charged the boys of raping them. Medical evidence showed they were lying. Eight of the ____ were convicted of rape. After the failure of several appeals, the first defendant, Haywood Patterson, was condemned to die. A Supreme Court ruling intervened, however, on the ground that African Americans were systematically excluded from juries in Alabama. Patterson was found guilty again in 1936 and was given a 75 year jail sentence. 4 of the others were sentence to life imprisonment. Not until 1950 were all five let out of jail.

the radio and Hollywood movies


Marcus Garvery

A Jamaican immigrant who believed black should separate themselves from corrupt white society. Cultivated racial pride with mass meetings and parades. Promoted black-owned businesses. Negro World, his newspaper, refused to publish ads for hair straightening and skin-lightening cosmetics, and he set up the Black Star shipping line to help blacks to emigrate to Africa.

Father Charles Coughlin

A Roman Catholic priest whose weekly radio sermons offered a curious combination of anticommunism and anti-capitalism. In addition to criticizing the New Deal, _____ became increasingly anti-Semitic, telling his listeners that the cause of their woes was an international conspiracy of Jewish bankers.

Marvin Montgomery

A farmer who moved his family from Oklahoma to California during the Great Depression like many other families. His story represent the struggle of hundred of thousands of farmers and other workers.

the "Black Cabinet"

A group of influential African Americans who advised president Roosevelt to make sure African Americans would be included in the New Deal.

the Civilian Conservation Corps (March 31, 1933)

A job agency that ultimately put 2.5 million young men aged 18-25 to work planting trees, clearing camping areas and beaches, and building bridges, dams, reservoirs, fish ponds, and fire towers.

John L. Lewis

A leading industrial unionist and head of the United Mine workers, resigned as vice president of the AFL. He and other industrial unionists the formed the Committee of Industrial Organization.

Installment Plan

A payment plan that allows customers to make payments at set intervals over a period of time until the total debt is paid. Drove the new consumerism.

Dr. Francis E. Townsend

A public health officer in California, who was thrown out of work at 67 with only $100 in savings. Distributed by the plight of old people, ______ devised the Old Age Revolving Pensions plan, under which the government would pay monthly pensions of $200 to all citizens on condition that they spend the money in the same month they relieved it. He claimed his plan wouldn't only aid the aged but would cure the depression by pumping enormous purchasing power into the economy. The plan was fiscally impossible but recognized the real needs of elderly Americans.

National Origins Act of 1924 and the National Origins Act of 1927

Act which restricted immigration from any one nation to two percent of the number of people already in the U.S. of that national origin in 1890. Severely restricted immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, and excluded Asians entirely

The Sheppard-Towner Act

Actions by women's groups persuaded Congress to pass the ________, which allotted funds to states to set up maternity and pediatric clincs

women in the 1920s labor force

After the world war there was still steady employment. Sex-segregation persisted; most women took jobs that men seldom sought and vice versa. Their wages seldom exceeded half of those paid to men. For many women, employment outside the home represented an extension of family roles. Married women were seeking jobs more than ever. Minority women laborers were more common. Held mostly domestic jobs. Some educated worked in social work

the Indian Reorganization Act (June 18, 1934)

Aimed to reserve the increasing endlessness of Native Americans by restoring lands to tribal ownership and forbidding future division of Indian lands into individual parcels. Other provisions of the act enabled tribes to obtain loans for economic development.

John Collier

Appointed by Roosevelt as commissioner of Indian Affairs. Founder of the American Indian Defense Association, who sought an end to the allotment policy established by the Dawes Servility Act of 887. Under Collier the Bureau of Indian Affairs also encouraged the perpetuation of Indian religions and cultures. One order stated, "The Cultural history of Indians is in all respects to be considered equal to that of any non-Indian groups

the Public Works Administration

Appropriated $3.3 billion for hiring the unemployed to build rods, sewage and water systems, public buildings, and a host of other projects The key purpose of the PWA was to pump federal money into economy.

the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (April 8, 1935)

Authorized the president to establish massive public works programs for the jobless. Established the Resettlement Administration, which resettled destitute families and organized rural homestead communities and suburban greenbelt towns for low-income workers. Rural Electrification Administration brought electricity to rural areas. The National Youth Administration, sponsored work-relief programs for young adults and part-time jobs for students.

the Radio

By 1929 over 10 million families owned radios which bombarded them with advertisements. Congress decided that radio should be a private enterprise, not a tax supported public service as it was in Great Britain. Thus, American programming focused on entertainment rather than o education because entertainment meant greater profits for advertisers.


Combinations of companies that controlled not only the the production of a product or service but also the marketing, distribution, and even financing.

Unemployed Councils

Communists encouraged the jobless to join _______. Led urban demonstrations, agitated for jobs and food, and sought to raise class conscious. On March 6, International Unemployment Day, hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans marched in New York, Chicago, and other cities. In 1931, the Communists lef a hunger march on Washington. In resisting efforts to evict jobless people, the _______ often clashes with local police

the recession of 1937-1939

Confident that the depression had largely been cured, Roosevelt began to order drastic cutbacks in government spending. At the same time the Federal Reserve Board tightened credit. The 2 actions sent the economy into a tail spin; unemployment climbed from 7.7 million in 1937 to 10.4 million in 1938.

the Bonus Expeditionary Force

Congress was considering a bill to authorize immediate issuance of $2.4 billion in bonuses promised to to First World War Veterans by Congress in 1924, but not due for payment until 1945. To lobby for the bill, 15'000 unemployed veterans and their families converged on the tense nation's capital. Camped on vacant lots and in empty government buildings.

the New Deal coalition

Consisted of the Urban masses, organized labor, the eleven states of the Confederacy, and the Nothern black states

1924 presidential election

Coolidge was given credit for a booming economy at home and no visible crises abroad. His candidacy was aided by a split within the Democratic Party. Election that consisted of Coolidge, Davis, and La Follette, Coolidge won handily

craft unions versus industrial unions

Craft unions had a tradition of hostility towards industrial unions. Craft unions consisted of skilled in workers in a particular trade. Industrial unions represented all the workers, skilled and unskilled, in a given industry. Competed over control over the labor union.

the Federal Farm Board

Created by Hoover. Supported crop prices by lending money to cooperatives to buy crops and keep them off the market. But the board soon found itself short of money, and unsold surpluses jammed warehouse.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Created in 1932 by Hoover and eventually empowered with $2 billion, the RFC was designed to make loans to banks, insurance companies, and railroads, and later to state and local governments. In theory, the RFC would lend money to large entities at the top of the economic systems, and benefits would filter down to people at the bottom. It didn't work; banks continued to collapse and small companies went into bankruptcy.

the Second New Deal

Denounced business leaders for placing their own selfish interests above national welfare. The first triumph of the ______ was the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Despite warnings from economists, Hoover signed the ______. The tariff raised duties by about 1/3 and further weakened the economy by making it even more difficult for foreign nations to sell their products and thus to earn dollars to pay back their debts to the United States and to buy American products.

The automobile

During the 1920s automobile registrations soared from 8 million to 23 million. Mass production brought down prices, making cars more afforable even to some working-class families. They were consider the car a necessity rather than a luxury. City streets became cleaner, Women found new independence, families created homes on wheels. The car was the ultimate symbol of social equality.

Huey Long

Elected governor of Louisiana in 1928. At first supported the new deal but he began to believe that Roosevelt had fallen captive to big business. Long countered with the Share Our Wealth Society, which advocated the seizure by taxation of all incomes greater that $1 million and all inheritances of $5 million. With the resulting funds, the government would furnish each family a homestead allowance of $5,000 and an annual income of $2,000. Gained 7 millions members. Was assassinated.

the United Auto Workers' strike of 1936

Employed the tactic of the sit-down - rather than leave the plant, workers halted production but remained inside. Police were called, tear gas, threats of imprisonment but they stayed strong. Got recognition from GM, Chrysler and later Ford. Empower the sit-down strike.

Farmers' Holiday Association

Encouraged farmers to take a "holiday" - a strike that would keep farm products off the market until they commanded better proces

the League of Women Voters

Encouraged women to run for office but more extensively worked for laws that would improve conditions for working women, the mentally ill, and the urban poor

the Social Security Act (August 15, 1935)

Established old-age insurance under which workers who paid Social Security taxes out of their wage, matched by their employers, would receive retirement benefits beginning at 65. Also created several welfare programs, including a cooperative federal-state system of unemployment compensation and Aid to Dependent Children for needy single-parent families.

the National Industrial Recovery Act (June 16, 1933)

Established the Public Works Administration and the National Recovery Adminstration Established codes that set standards for production, prices and wages in several industries. Also, guaranteed workers' the right to unionize and to bargain collectively

the Congress of Industrial Organizations

Evolved into a pragmatic, bread-and-butter labor organization that brought together millions of workers, including numerous women and African Americans who never before had an opportunity to join a Union. By the end of the 1930s the CIO had succeeded in organizing most of the nation's mass-production industries.

The Taylor Grazing Act (June 28, 1934)

For year, use of public land had been largely unregulated, and overgrazing of cattle had cause severe soil erosion. The ____, which created the Grazing Service, established federal supervision of most of the remaining public domain, and it closed 80 million acres of grasslands to further settlement and use.

Marginal Workers

Generally, workers who are hired last because they are less qualified and work for minimum wage.

the National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act (July 5, 1935)

Granted workers the write to unionize and collectively with management. Also created a new National Labor Relations Board empowered to guarantee democratic union elections and to penalize unfair labor practices by employers, such as firing workers for union membership.

Charles Forbes and Harry Daugherty

Harding said "yes" often, appointing cronies who saw office holding as an invitation to personal gain. _______ if the Veterans Bureau went to federal prison, convicted of fraud and bribery in connection with government contracts. _______ was implicated in bribery and other fraudulent schemes; he escaped prosecution by refusing to testify against himself.

the Wealth Tax Act (August 30, 1935)

Helped achieve a slight redistribution of income by raising income taxes of the wealthy. It also imposed a new tax on excess business profits and increased taxes on inheritance, large gifts, and profits from the sale of property.

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Herbert Hoover reorganized the ________ and increased expenditures for health, education, and welfare. However, much of the money went to enlarge the bureaucracy rather than into Indian hands.


Herbert Hoover's approach to managing the economy. Firms and organizations in each economic sector would be asked to cooperate w/ each other in pursuit of efficiency, profit, and public good.

Calvin Coolidge

His administration reduced government debt, lowered income-tax rates (especially for the rich), and began construction of a national highway system.

1932 presidential campaign and election

Hoover blamed international events for the economic crisis but the nation didn't care. Was Impatient with his critics. Didn't offer the leadership when the times required it. Roosevelt was a well liked governor of New York. Served as assistant secretary of the navy under Woodrow Wilson and ran as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1920. Supported relief payments for the unemployed. Demanded that the federal government engage in centralized economic planing and experimentation to bring about recovery. Both campaigned as fiscal conservatives. More people went to the polls than in any elections since WWI. Roosevelt - 22.8 million votes and 42 states. Hover -15.8 million votes and 6 states.

President's Organization on Unemployment Relief (POUR)

Hoover created the ___________ to generate private contributions for relief of the destitute. Proved ineffective.

"new lobbying"

Hundreds of organizations sought to convince federal and state legislators to support the interests.

homosexual culture

In nontraditional city neighborhoods, cheap rents and apparent tolerance of alternate lifestyles attracted gay men and lesbians who patronized dance halls, speakeasies, cafes, and other gathering place. Such establishments remained targets for police raids, however, demonstrating that homosexuals couldn't expect tolerance from the rest of society.

"Brain Trust"

In preparing for a national political platform, Roosevelt surrounded himself with a _______ of lawyers and university professors. These experts reasoned that bigness was unavoidable in the modern American economy. The cure for the nation's ills was to place large corporations, monopolies, and oligopolies under effective government regulation. Also agreed that it was essential to restore purchasing power to farmers, blue-collar workers, and the middle classes, and that they to do so was to cut production. If demand for a product remained constant and they supply was cut the price would rise. Producers would make higher profits, and workers would earn more.

the peer group and the socialization of children

In the 1920s, graded school classes sports, and clubs constantly brought together children of the same age, separating them from the company and influence of adults.

20th Amendment

Lame-duck amendment, ratified in 1933, shifted all future inaugurations to January 20th. Left the nation in trouble.

A. Philip Randolph

Leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters fought for the right of black workers. Proposed that black's march on Washington to demand equal access to jobs in defense industries. Anticipated future trends in the civil rights movement: it was all-black; it's tactic was direct action

the American Liberty League

Leaders of several major corporations joined with Al Smith, John W. Davis, and the disaffected Democrats to establish the ____. Members contended that the New Deal welfare payment were subverting individual initiative and self-reliance.

the Emergency Quota Act of 1921

Limited 3% annually the number of new immigrants of nationality based on 1910 census (favored northern over eastern European immigrants)

the American family of the 1920s

Lower birthrates and higher divorce rates. Housewives still worked long hours cleaning, cooking, and raising children, but machines now lightened some of their tasks, especially in middle class families. As daughters of working class status stayed in education longer there became a shortage of house staff.

home appliances and household management in the 1920s

Machines now lightened some of their tasks, especially in middle class families. Shortage of staff and appliances shifted the entire task of household management to the wife. They became the chief shopper, chief chauffeur, responsible for making sure the family spent their money wisely.

Warren G. Harding

Made notable appointments and backed some reforms.His administration helped streamline the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, supported anti-lynching legislation (rejected by Congress), and approved bills assisting farm cooperatives and liberalizing farm credit.

Charles A. Lindbergh

Made the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic. United the nation. Displays the impact of commercialism, new technology, and mass entertainment.

Mexican Immigrants

Migrated to work as agricultural laborers in the Southwest, but many also were drawn to growing cities. Like other immigrant groups, they generally lacked resources and skills, and men outnumbered women. Mexican crowded into low-rent districts plagued by poor sanitation, poor police protection, and poor schools.

Isaac Max Rubinow and Abraham Epstein

Persuaded voluntary associations, labor unions, and legislators to endorse the principle of old age assistance through pensions, insurance, and retirement homes. By 1933 almost every state provided at least minimal assistance to needy elderly people, and a path had been opened for a national program of old-age insurance

The National Woman Party

Pressed for an equal rights amendment, to ensure women;s equality with men under the law. However this undermined other groups that supported protective legislation to limit the hours and improve conditions for employed women

Growth of Surburbs

Prosperity and automobile transportation made the suburbs more accessible to those wishing to flee urban neighborhoods in the 1920s. Most suburbs were middle- and upper- class bedroom communities; some were industrial satellites. Suburbanites fought to preserve control over their own police, schools, and water and gas services. The suburb's independence choked off expansion by the central city and divided metropolitan areas in ways that would plague future generations. Automobiles and the dispersal of population spread the environmental problems of city life across the entire metropolitan area.

The Federal Highway Act

Providing money for state roads. (There was a need for extensive construction of roads)

Dust Bowl

Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages. Strong winds caused enourmous dust storms

The Cable Act

Reversed the law under which an American woman who married a foreigner assumed her husband's citizenship; under the new law such a woman could retain U.S. citizenship

Roosevelt's first inaugural address

Roosevelt scored his first triumph as president, instilling hope and courage in the American people. He invoked, "the analogue of war," asserting that, if need be, "I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis - broad Executive power to wage war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe".


Roosevelt was a well liked governor of New York. Served as assistant secretary of the navy under Woodrow Wilson and running as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1920, he was stricken with Polio which didn't stop him. Supported relief payments for the unemployed. As governor he created jobs in publicly funded reforestation, land reclamation, and hydroelectric and power projects, and he endorsed old-age pension and protective legislation for labor unions

the 1936 presidential election

Roosevelt won by a landslie, easily defeating Governor Alf Landon of Kansas. 27.8 million votes to 16.7 million votes. Democrats also won majority congress. Some feared the collapse of the two party system.

the Emergency Banking Relief Bill (March 9, 1933)

Roosevelt's first measure, _____, passed sight unseen by unanimous House vote, approved 73 to 7 in the Senate, and signed into law by the President that evening. The new law provided for the reopening, under the Treasury Department license, of banks that were solvent and for the reorganization and management of those that were not. It also prohibited the hoarding and export of gold. It was a fundamentally conservative law that upheld the status quo and left the same bankers in charge.

The Tennessee Valley Authority

Roosevelt's plan for the Tennessee river. Its dams wouldn't only control floods but generate hydroelectric power as well. In constructing power facilities, the TVA would provide a yardstick for determining fair rates for privately produced electric power. Most important, the goal of the TVA was the enhancement of the economic well-being of the entire Tennessee River valley.

Teapot Dome scandal

Secretary of Interior Albert Fall had accepted bribes to lease oil-rich government property to private oil companies.


Shantytowns made by the homeless, where they lived in shacks made of everything from egg crates to discarded boards and bricks

Welfare Capitalism

Some large corporations countered the appeal of unions by offering pensions, profit sharing (which amounted to withholding wages for later distribution), and company-sponsored picnics and sporting events

the Memorial Day Massacre

Strikers looking for 8 hour work days from steel companies and sympathizers were picketing. Violence erupted, the police opened fire. 10 strikers were killed and 40 suffered gunshot wounds. Police were sometimes hired by companies.

the flapper

Symbolized independence and sexual freedom. Models of female behavior were eclipsed by movie temptresses. Many women were asserting a new social equality with men.

Coronado Coal Company v. United Mine Workers and Maple Floor Association v. United States

Taft ruled that a striking union, like a trust, could be prosecuted for illegal restraint of trade. Yet in ____, the Court decided that trade associations that had distributed anti-union information weren't acting in restraint of trade. Anti-union decisions

the First Hundred Days

Term coined after FDR's hugely productive first 100 days in office, during which legislature passed FDR's First New Deal acts, the Emergency Beer & Wine Act, and 21st Amendment, Emergency Beer and Wine Act (1933), 21st Amendment (1933). The nation rebounded from near collapse.

American Indian's citizenship status

The Dawes Act had conferred citizenship on all Indians who accepted allotments on land but not on those who remained on reservations. Also the government retained a measure of control over Indian citizens that it didn't excersize over other citizens.

1940 presidential election

The Republican Candidate Wendell Willkie criticized the new deal and the lack of military preparedness. Then said FDR was fear mongering. Didn't have a campaign issue. Won 22 million votes and 82 electoral votes. Roosevelt expanded military and naval contracts, led to a drop in unemployment. Promised to keep the U.S out of war. Won 27 million votes and 449 electoral votes.

the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union and the Harlem Tenants League

The S.T.F.U boycotted stores, and launched the "Jobs for Negroes" campaigns. The HTL fought rent increase and evictions.

the Federal Theater, Federal Arts, Federal Music, and Federal Writers Projects

The WPA also sponsored a multitude of cultural programs, which not only provided employment for artists, musicians, writers, and actors, but brought art in myriad forms to the people. Criticized as left wing propaganda. Goal of this "Popular Front" culture was to recover a tradition of American radicalism through remembering and celebrating artistically, the lives and labor or American plain folk.

National Bank Holiday

The day after his inaugural address, Roosevelt declared a four day _____ and summoned Congress to an emergency session, beginning March 9, that would launch the new deal.

the Agricultural Adjustment Act (May 12, 1933)

The government would pay farmers to reduce their acreage or plow under crops. Farmers would receive payments based on parity. In paying price supports, the government was making up the difference between the current prices for farm products and the income that farmers needed to survive.The subsidies would be funded by taxes levied on the processors of agricultural commodities.

McNary-Haugen bills

These bills would establish a complex system whereby the government would buy surplus farm products and either hold them until prices rose or sell them abroad. Farmers argued that they deserved as much government protection as manufacturers got. Coolidge vetoed the bills as improper government interference in the market economy.

The banking crisis

Throughout the U.S, depositors lined in front of banks to withdraw their savings. Banks with insufficient funds on hand to pay depositors had to close their doors and declare themselves insolvent. In February, Michigan and Maryland suspended banking operations, and by early March 36 other states, including New York, had declared bank holidays.

the Bureau of Reclamation

Transformed the west with huge water and public power projects

the Works Progress Administration

Ultimately employed more than 8.5 million people and built 650,000 miles of highways and roads, 125,000 public buildings, and 8,000 parks, as well as numerous bridges, reservoirs, irrigation systems, sewage treatment plants, and playgrounds and swimming pools. Among its construction projects, the ___ built or renovated 5,900 schools, 2,500 hospitals, and 1000 airfield. Also operated nurseries for preschool children, and it established school in which 1.5 million adults were taught to read and write.

National Recovery Adminstration

Under ___ auspices, competing businesses with each other, as well as with representatives of workers and consumers, to draft codes of fair competition, which limited production and established prices.

Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Company and Adkins v. Children's Hospital

Voided restrictions on child labor Overturned a minimum-wage law affecting women because it infringed on the liberty of contract

Ku Klux Klan

Vowed to protect female purity as well as racial purity. Revived the hoods, intimidating tactics, and mystical terminology of its forerunner. Broader membership and objects. Targeted a variety of racial and religious groups. "Native white, Protestant supremacy." Revival was undermined by scandal and couldn't compete in the pluralistic society.

Roosevelt's court-packing plan

Wanted the authority to add a federal judge whenever an incumbent failed to retire within six months of reaching age 70; the president also wanted the power to name up to 50 additional federal judges, including 6 to the Supreme Court. Liberals and conservatives opposed his plan.

Marian Anderson

Was barred from preforming in Washington's Constitution Hall by its owners, the Daughters of the American Revolution, Eleanor Roosevelt arranged for Anderson to sing at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday

Gabriel Over the White House

When Judson Hammond is elected United States president during the Great Depression, he's seen by many as a hands-off type. After an astounding recovery from a car accident, however, Hammond awakes a changed man. Instituting sweeping, radical changes to the government -- including the dissolution of Congress and the revoking of the Constitution -- Hammond somehow manages to bring order to the country through dictatorship, along with world peace.

the Indian Rights Association, the Indian Defense Association, and the General Federation of Women's clubs

Worked to obtain justice and social services, including better education and return of tribal lands. But Native Americans were treated by the general population like other minorities as objects of discrimination who were expected to assimilate

Puerto Rican immigrants

_______ hand been a U.S possession since 1898, and its natives were granted U.D. citizenship in 1917. A shift in the island economy from sugar to coffee production created a surplus of workers. Attracted by contracts from employers seeking cheap labor, most _______ migrants moved to NYC, where they created barrios in Brooklyn and Manhattan and found jobs in manufacturing, and in hotels, restaurants, and domestic service.

NLRB v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.

federal government has constitutional authority, under interstate commerce clause, to regulate production in a state

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