APUSH 16 & 17

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The cry used to rally Americans against Spain

"Remember the Maine"

The new social order of the Gilded Age:

A and B -Prompted public discussion of class differences and debate among workingmen and farmers over political economy -Ensured ongoing labor strife and deepening distrust between employees and employ

US Naval Officer who wrote The Influence of Seapower upon history and advocated for the buildup of the US Navy

Alfred Theyer Mayhan

The term "Gilded Age" describes all of the following EXCEPT:

An era where the scramble for wealth benefited all Americans equally

Dominated the steel industry

Andrew Carnegie

Republican presidential candidate William McKinley:

Argued in favor of the gold standard.

The Platt Amendment:

Authorized the United States to intervene militarily in Cuba.

Supporters of the Anti-Imperialist League:

Believed that American energies should be directed at home, not abroad.

African Americans that mainly served on the Western frontier and courageously served in the Spanish American War

Buffalo Soldiers

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller:

Built up giant corporations that dominated their respective markets

Which of the following statements about nineteenth-century Chinese immigrants to the United States is accurate?

By 1880, three-fourths of Chinese immigrants lived in California, where many worked on farms

William Jennings Bryan:

Called for the unrestricted mining of silver.

An economic system where businesses are privately owned


1882 legislation that prohibited the emigration of Chinese to the US

Chinese Exclusion Act

Which of the following was the reason for U.S, control over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?

Control of strategic gateways from which to project American naval and commercial power.

Made his fortune and railroads

Cornelius Vanderbilt

The group that was led by Jacob Coxey because of the Panic of 1893

Coxey's Army

The Civil Service Act of 1883:

Created a merit system for government workers

Filipino revolutionary and rebel who first aided the US in the Spanish American War and later turned on the US to fight in the Philippine War

Emilio Aguinaldo

In his Atlanta speech of 1895, Booker T. Washington:

Encouraged blacks to adjust to segregation.

The Interstate Commerce Commission was established in 1887 to:

Ensure that railroads charged farmers and merchants reasonable and fair rates

The Grange was an organization that:

Established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output

The nineteenth-century labor movement argued that:

Extremes of wealth and poverty threatened democracy

In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis:

Focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums

The question in Plessy v. Ferguson was largely based on the rights granted in the

Fourteenth Amendment.

Argued the existence of the frontier had given America a unique history

Frederick Jackson Turner

One significant economic impact of the second industrial revolution was:

Frequent and prolonged economic depressions

Controlled many aspects of his workers lives; his workers went on strike when he lowered their wages but refused to lower their rent

George Pullman

A time when some corporate leaders amassed staggering fortunes

Gilded Age

Why was William Tweed so popular with the city's immigrant poor?

He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes

Which was NOT part of the Populist platform?

Higher tariffs.

Buying up all like companies in order to eliminate the competition

Horizontal Integration

The practice of extending a nation's power over other lands or colonies


Thomas Edison:

Invented, among other things, a system for generating and distributing electricity

Made his fortune in oil

John D. Rockefeller

The S.o. State that proposed the Open Door Policy in China and called the Spanish American War a "splendid little war"

John Hay

Newspaper publisher of the New York World

Joseph Pulitzer

Reined of the Hawaiian Kingdom from 1874 until he died in 1891

King Kalakaua

The founder and the first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii who united the Hawaiian Islands

King Kamehameha

All of the following factors contributed to explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age EXCEPT:

Low tariffs

Asserted the right of the US to act against an outside power in the Western hemisphere

Monroe Doctrine

President William McKinley justified U.S. annexation of the Philippines on all of the following grounds EXCEPT the United States:

Needed to ensure that the Philippines became an independent democracy.

Policy demanded by S.o.State John Hay hoping to protect the Chinese market for US exports and maintain a sphere of influence in China

Open Door Policy

In 1891, an amendment to the Cuban Constitution that allowed the US to intervene in Cuban affairs and gave the US Guantanamo Bay

Platt Amendment

1896 Supreme Court case that established "separate but equal" and legalized segregation

Plessy v. Ferguson

Political group that called for bank regulation, government ownership of railroads, and unlimited coinage of silver

Populist Party

A country under the control and protection of another country like the US was over Cuba


1893 Hawaiian monarch who was overthrown when a group of American businessmen and sugar planters forced the abdication; Congress apologized in 1893

Queen Liliuokalani

How did the expansion of railroads accelerate the second industrial revolution in America?

Railroads created a true national market for U.S. goods

The most famous cavalry unit fighting in the Spanish American War under the leadership of Teddy Roosevelt

Rough Riders

Plessy v. Ferguson:

Sanctioned racial segregation.

Carnegie's idea that "those who can will help themselves" best describes the late nineteenth century idea of

Social Darwinism

A geographic area where an outside nation exerts economic or political influence like the US did in China

Sphere of Influence

In contrast to the expansion of the 1890s, U.S. interests in Alaska originated in a desire for:


Which statement about the Haymarket Affair is FALSE?

The Knights of Labor was directly responsible for the violence that took place at Haymarket.

The second industrial revolution was marked by:

The acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries

The argument made by Bryan in the above excerpt represents the culmination of Gilded Age debates about which of the following issues?

The currency issue

Farmers believed that their plight derived from all of the following EXCEPT:

The free and unlimited coinage of silver.

What conditions made profitable farming increasingly challenging during the Gilded Age?

The high rates railroads charged farmers to transport their crops

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

The railroad strike signaled the nation's shift from southern reconstruction to the question of labor and class tensions

Apart from the racial identity of victims, what typically triggered the lynch violence of southern white

The victim's alleged sexual conduct

Which statement about the Spanish-American War is true?

The war lasted only four months and resulted in less than 400 U.S. battle casualties.

American statesmen, a great conservationist, and a naturalist; Secretary of the Navy; leader of the Rough Riders in the Battle of San Juan Hill

Theodore Roosevelt

How did Populists hope to guarantee farmers inexpensive access to markets for their crops?

They called for public ownership of the railroads.

The wizard of Menlo Park

Thomas Edison

The battleship that exploded in Havana Harbor, sparking Congress to declare war on Spain, leading to the Spanish American War

USS Maine

Buying up companies that contribute to the production of a product in order to control all aspects of a business

Vertical Integration

The Supreme Court in Lochner v. New York:

Voided a state law establishing that bakers could work a maximum of sixty hours per week

Studied the cause of malaria and yellow fever and discovered it was caused by mosquitoes

Walter Reed

The Immigration Restriction League:

Wanted to bar immigrants who were illiterate.

The Knights of Labor:

Was an inclusive organization that advocated for a vast array of reforms

The Social Gospel:

Was another term for Social Darwinism.

The Philippine War:

Was far longer and bloodier than the Spanish-American War.

American expansionism after the 1890s:

Was largely driven by the desire for expanded overseas trade.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882:

Was the first time race was used to exclude an entire group of people from entering the United States.

Elections during the Gilded Age:

Were closely contested affairs

Crédit Mobiler and the Whiskey Ring:

Were indicative of the corruption in the Grant administration

An American orator and politician from Nebraska, ran unsuccessfully for president 3 times; gave famous Cross of Gold speech

William Jennings Bryan

25th President of the US; won the election of 1896 and was reelected in 1900; president during the Spanish American War and assassinated

William McKinley

Publisher of the New York Journal

William Randolph Hearst

Purchased Alaska and the Midway Islands

William Seward

By 1890, the majority of Americans:

Worked for wages

The last major Native American resistance in the West

Wounded Knee

Journalism that includes exaggeration of news events, scandals, and sensationalism

Yellow Journalism

Journalists who worked for newspapers like William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal, which

Yellow journalists.

Described President McKinley as a weak man and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd; one of the reasons we went to war against Spain

de Lome Letter

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