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In addition to banning ______, Georgia's trustees strictly regulated trade with the Indians in order to protect against wartime insurrection.

Africans, Catholics, and rum

Which of the following were excluded from Georgia by James Oglethorpe and the trustees who established the colony?

Africans, free or slave, whose presence might spark revolts rum, both on moral and practical grounds Catholics, for fear that they might align with the Spanish

Which of the following statements about the foundation of New Jersey are correct?

Cofounder Sir George Carteret named it after the isle of Jersey in the English Channel. New Jersey was established on lands in the Delaware Valley that had been part of New York. New Jersey's proprietors ceded control, and it became a crown colony, in 1702.

Which statements regarding New York in the 1600s are correct?

English landlords, Dutch patroons, fur traders, and the duke's political appointees vied for power. Like New York today, the colony governed by James, the duke of York, was an exceedingly diverse one. The colony included not only Dutch and English but also Germans, French, Scandinavians, and Africans.

True or false: Both the city of New Amsterdam and the Dutch colony of New Netherland were renamed "New York" after James, the duke of York, gained control of them.


Which of the following statements about William Penn and the profitability of the Pennsylvania colony are correct?

Factors in the colony's success included its climate and soil, Penn's planning, and his recruitment of settlers. In spite of his idealism in founding the colony, Penn also hoped to make a profit for himself and his family. Pennsylvania proved to be one of the most successful and profitable colonies in English North America.

From the Spanish colony in ______, Spanish traders and missionaries began moving northward into ______.

Florida; Georgia

Which of the following statements regarding the Carolina colony in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries are true?

In 1729, the king divided the region into two colonies, North Carolina and South Carolina. An influx of Barbadians and a flourishing rice trade heralded the rise of slavery in southern Carolina. Class, political, and economic differences created sharp divisions between northern and southern Carolina.

Which statements regarding the grant of land given by Charles II to William Penn are correct?

In order to pay off a debt, Charles granted Penn a large area between New York and Maryland. The king insisted that the colony be called Pennsylvania after Penn's late father. The colony's success was due in part to the region's mild climate and fertile soil.

Which of the following were strategies used by Carolina's proprietors to increase colonization?

Incentives included promises of political and religious freedoms. The proprietors hoped to draw settlers from existing American colonies as well as England. The proprietors adopted a headright system similar to that of Virginia and Maryland.

Which of the following statements about the establishment of the Carolina colony are true?

It was named after King Charles II. Like Maryland, it was part of the original Virginia grant. Charles II gave the proprietors enormous powers over their grant.

Though its founders had specific ideas in planning the Georgia colony, ultimately the colony's population included which of the following?

a small group of Jews, as well as religious refugees from Germany and Switzerland a relatively small number of debtors and released prisoners hundreds of poor English and Scottish tradesmen and artisans a smaller proportion of English settlers than any other American colony

A good example of the "middle grounds" in seventeenth-century America was the

area along the western borders of English settlement.

All of the following happened in Georgia in 1750 or 1751,

control of the colony was returned to the king. the prohibition of rum came to an end. the ban on slavery was removed.

By permitting a representative assembly for the colony's southern counties, Pennsylvania's 1701 Charter of Liberties had the unintended consequence of

creating a new colony, Delaware.

What did the Quakers have in common with the Puritans?

establishment of a religious refuge in North America

One of most important effects of the Stuart Restoration on America was

the resumption of colonization efforts.

James Oglethorpe's vision for Georgia ended in failure because

the strict rules governing life in the colony stifled its early development.

Richard White's The Middle Ground (1991) and works by other scholars with similar theses are important because they provide greater understanding of which of the following?

the ways in which whites and Indians worked together in shaping a new society the Indians' role as active participants in history, not simply victims or obstacles the means by which whites won control of North America from the Indians

Which of the following are considered the two primary motivations behind the establishment of the Georgia colony?

to provide a military buffer against Spanish territories to the south to create a refuge, and a chance at a new start, for the impoverished

After ______, Florida became an English colony and the Spanish colonial presence in the Southeast came to an end.

years of hostilities between Spanish and English forces

Which two of the following were incentives to colonization offered by the Carolina proprietors?

religious freedom for all Christians a measure of political freedom, with a representative assembly

Growing international demand for _____ led to increasing reliance on imported African slaves in the Caribbean by the late 17th century.


Frontier areas in which settlers and Indians vied for control, with neither side able to establish clear dominance, are described as

the "middle grounds."

New Jersey differed from New York in all of the following regards,

the absence of a natural harbor. lack of major cities. its lack of an important landowner class.

Which of the following statements about Florida after about 1700 are correct?

Constant fighting in the region had driven most Spanish settlers out of Florida. Intermarriage between Spanish settlers and natives or Africans was common. Their small numbers made Spaniards heavily reliant on natives and Africans.

Which of the following statements regarding the early government of New York are true?

Distrustful of parliaments because one had executed his father, James did not provide for a representative assembly. From the beginning, New York established local governments and religious freedoms. Prosperous and fast-growing, New York was also a highly fractious society, not unlike that of Carolina.

Which of the following statements about Pennsylvania's 1701 Charter of Liberties are correct?

Pennsylvania's representative assembly was unique among the English colonies for having only one house. The charter allowed for the colony's "lower counties" to establish their own assembly.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the area between the Carolinas and Florida was the site of which of the following?

Spanish-French tensions English-Spanish tensions Spanish efforts to build forts

Which of the following statements regarding Anthony Ashley Cooper are correct?

The Ashley and Cooper rivers, which converge in the city of Charleston, South Carolina, are named for him. Cooper rescued the failing Carolina venture by convincing his partners to finance migrations to the area. Cooper hired John Locke, whose ideas later formed the basis for the American Revolution, to write Carolina's constitution.

Which of the following are accurate examples of the ways in which colonial powers made use of Indians or slaves in their struggle to dominate the borderlands of the Southeast?

The English incited Florida Indians to attack Spanish missions. The Spanish offered freedom to Carolina slaves who converted to Catholicism. Spain used a regiment of freed English slaves to guard the borders of New Spain.

Which of the following best describes the driving force that shaped interactions between Great Britain and its colonies in North America and the Caribbean?

The mercantile system asserted that colonies existed for the economic benefit of the mother country.

Which of the following statements about the Quakers are correct?

They were also known as the Society of Friends, a group of religious dissenters. They became known as Quakers because they were encouraged to "tremble at the name of our Lord." Quakers believed that all people possessed an "Inner Light" that provided them with divine guidance.

Spanish missionaries and traders in the Southeast posed ______ to British colonial ambitions in North America.

a more direct threat than their compatriots in the Southwest

By 1770 slaves comprised about ______ of the non-Indian population of Georgia.


As head of a parliamentary committee investigating ______, James Oglethorpe became appalled by the plight of ______, and he founded Georgia partly to provide a refuge and new start for them.

prisons; honest debtors and other vulnerable people

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