APUSH 2017

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Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter Reformation

1500 movements refresh religion, Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther and John Calvin, break with Roman Catholic Church (church had drifted from spirituality, are selling indulgences which are remissions of sin), Henry VII breaks with RCC bc Pope does not grant him divorce, as a result he does not take the movement far enough so puritanism rises, Catholic Church spirituality refreshed, Jesuits result

Joint Stock Company

1500s, shareholders buy stocks of company, share the risk in exploration and trade, limited liability embraced where shareholders would be held responsible only for their specific shares

Dutch New Amsterdam

1600s dutch look to north america, expedition lead by henry hudson, funded by dutch east india company looking for passage to asia, explores NY, reports of fur timber and fertile lands generate interest and more exploration, dutch west india company founded, claim DE-Mass strip, most important settlement was new amsterdam established in 1624, peter minuit buys manhattan in 1626 for $24

Foundation of Jamestown and Starving Time

1607, english investor joint stock co, the Virginia Company, almost fail bc colonists are rich people not used to labor, wanted to find gold and silver, did not

House of Burgesses in Virginia

1619 by VA Co, all free men could vote at first then only wealthy men, when the power transferred from the company to the crown the king lets the HOB continue (1624), becomes more exclusive tho

Beaver Wars

1640-1701, fur trade conflict leads to violence, french have fur trade post on st. lawrence river allied with algonquian tribes, dutch have post in albany and are allied with iroquois, (huron stop iroquois from advancing their fur trade), tensions between iroquois and algonquians (including hurons) high by 1645, british take over dutch territory and ally with iroquois also, beaver wars end in 1701 with Great Peace of montreal, huron lose, iroquois also know they held balance of power between the british and the french

Navigation Acts

1650s-american revolution british passes acts to define colony as suppliers of raw materials and markets for british goods, parliament makes lots of enumerated goods that colonies can only ship to britain, tar pitch and trees, staple crops only go to england too, sold in england and then to other countries, colonies always have markets for their goods but not always the highest prices so it is good and bad for them, Wool Act 1699, Hat Act 1732, Iron Act 1750

Halfway Covenant

1662, showing conversion experience to gain membership had been v hard, initiative started to allow for partial membership for children of church members, baptized non voting members

New York

1664 english get this land, new york is commercial center, slavery in the local economy

King Philip's War

1675-1678, peace with natives until 1670s, Wampanoags lead by Massasoit developed good relations with pilgrims, new englanders are taking their lands, in 1675 3 wampanoags are executed, metacomet (massasoit's grandson) leads an attack and 1,000+ white people die, new englanders align with Mohawks, very deadly war for both sides


1681 charles gives grant to William Penn's father, Penn starts quaker settlement, charles wants them out

French and Indian Wars

1688-1763, four wars called the French and Indian Wars (King William's, Queen Anne's, King George's, French and Indian War) first three grow out of european conflict, intensify native disputes, wars increase bonds of colonies in NA and british since they need protection

Salem Witch Trials

1692 division in community, teen girls, people accused others of consorting with satan, class influence as community is split up

Great Migration and Growth of NE

20,000 come to mass by 1640, middle class, hard work, attract families unlike Jamestown, not looking for quick $

Spanish Leading Exploration

Christopher Columbus convinced spanish monarchy Isabella and Ferdinand to fund ventures, thought circumference of earth was smaller than believed and you could get to asia by going west, his ships the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria leave in 1492 and reach San Salvador in 6 weeks, call the Taino people there indians

Shoshone, Paiute, Ute Peoples

Great Basin native americans, lack of natural resources, droughts and heat, desert culture, seasonable mobility, basketmaking

Tobacco Economy

John Rolfe experimented with growing tobacco in 1612, addiction in europe, much profit, impacts chesapeake development, used lots of land, bad for soil, encroach on indians, established large scale cash crop system, labor

Great Plains Indians

Mississippi River to Rockies, stereotypical indians, horses, headdresses, buffalo hunting, Sioux, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Arapaho → mobile lifestyle (buffalo hunting on foot), Omaha, Osage, Wichita→ sedentary agrarian lives

Iroquois League of Peace

NY state, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas, Tuscaroras, come together and form a league, end infighting, founded in 1400s, powerful force, permanent settlements, farming, gathering, fishing, hunting, sister crops, matrilineal culture

Chinook People

Pacific Northwest, Washington and Oregon, foraging hunting fishing, settled communities, economic development, social stratification, shamans, warriors, and merchants live in isolation, 50 people longhouses

Portugal Leading Exploration

Prince Henry the Navigator encouraged exploration, searched for new routes to Asia to bypass Italian middlemen, moved down coast of Africa, Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1498

Spanish and Portuguese Ambitions

Spain dominates after the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 that cut the new world in a line through Brazil with the Spanish getting the more favorable western half, Spain settles in central and south america up to cali, Ponce de Leon gets to florida in 1513 and settles first permanent settlement in North America at St. Augustine FLA

Resistance to Slavery and Development of Maroons

africans who had escaped freedom and make communities, throughout the new world, preserve african traditions, medicinal herbs, dancing, drumming, Palmares maroon in Brazil 1600s, 30,000 residents, some also take over interior of jamaica

Town Meetings in NE

annual meetings, important decisions made by selectmen, citizen participation

Great Basin

area between Rocky mountains and Sierra Nevada mountains (Nevada area)

Racial Hierarchy and Native Americans

at first colonists wanted to keep peace with indians, later colonists just want their land and resources once they are more confident, violence followed (King Philip's War), racial hierarchy hardens

Jamestown and its American Indian Neighbors

bad relations, Algonquian people were lead by Powhatan (Pocahontas father), english began to raid them, violence, indians assault Jamestown in 1622

Sugar and Slavery in the West Indies

barbados is most profitable, by the english in 1630s, wealthy farmers were the ones that could grown sugar bc of high initial investment, no small farms, slaves are 75% of pop, brutal labor

Conquistadors and Native Defeat

brutal fighting as spanish dominate the americas, defeat of Aztecs (leader=Montezuma) by Hernan Cortes in 1518-1521 and the defeat of the Incas by Francisco Pizarro in 1532

Black Death and Decline of Feudalism

bubonic plague outbreak, huge population decline, weakens feudal system

Disease and Death

bubonic plague, influenza, cholera, scarlet fever, *smallpox*, 50-90% of natives die from disease from 1500-1650

New Jersey and Delaware

by the dutch then to the british, duke of york gave the land to George Carteret and Lord Berkeley of Stratton who started NJ, DE started by dutch in 1631, settlers dispute natives, 1638 swedes make a trade post in DE, 1651 dutch make a fort, Holland takes it over, 1651 duke of york gives it to Penn, part of PA until 1704

Puritan Beliefs and Practices

calvinism inspiration, individual salvation is based on divine plan not individual action, predestination, being central to one's calling on earth, value on community, help each other, individual sin bad for the whole group, original sin, humanity is tainted

#2 Queen Anne's War (1702-1713)

canada border and in the south, territory struggle as british gain control of newfoundland also acadia maine border, Wabanaki Confederacy joined the french, raid Deerfield which horrifies british colonists, Reverend John Williams is captured and he writes a story, in the south europeans had aligned with indians too and territory struggles continued, france wanted to claim Miss River basin from Robert de la Salle, British pushed west from carolina, Chickasaw were helping the british, Choctaw align with french, british and spanish dispute over florida border too, french and spanish align, this war hurts spanish, apache in FLA destroyed in british massacre in 1704, chickasaw survive french aided choctaw attacks with british help and become dependent on them

North Carolina

carolina founded 1663 by plant owners from barbados, english come to north carolina in 1670s, servants and middle class some, tensions cause a split in 1712

The Catawba

catawba tried to ensure survival by making themselves useful to the natives, peddlers, alcohol trade ruined them, long time contact ruined their traditions

Tobacco, Indigo, Rice, Sugar, and Slavery

colonies learn how to thrive in their land by 1700s, VA grows tobacco, lower south grows indigo and rice, west indies grow sugar

Tech Advances and Revolution in Navigation

compass, astrolabe, quadrant, hourglass, Portulanos are detailed maps, caravel ships are sturdy but maneuverable

Fish and Lumber in New England

crops don't thrive for export, salted fish, livestock, timber, get molasses from sugar colonies and make rum, commercial centers in atlantic trade

Crusades and Trade Revival

crusades shake feudal system, war is religious with goal of getting the Holy Land, 1100s and 1200s, europeans want to circumnavigate Italy to get to Asia

Impact of the Renaissance

curiosity and exploration, mapmaking, universities and scholarly books, Gutenberg's printing press

Debates of Spain's Actions in the New World

debate about spanish behavior, Bartolome de las casas wrote a book called A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies in 1552, he paved the way for african slavery to replace encomienda system tho, later said all slavery was wrong tho, Juan Ginés de Sepulveda said that indians were inferior and were natural slaves, natural law

The Great Awakening

declining church, rise of enlightenment, in 1730s charismatic ministers try to awaken new passion for religion, started in great britain with George Whitefield, he came to NA and had revival meetings, leaders take more emotional and less cerebral approach to religion, Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, new message is that anyone can be saved and people could make choices in their life to affect the afterlife

Banishment of Anne Hutchinson

deeply religious, extreme puritan, said ministers not needed and people can talk directly to god, said puritan leaders were backsliding on idea of original sin, banished in 1638

Columbus Exchange Impact on Native Americans

disease, sugar, wheat, bananas, goats, cows, chickens, horses

Evolution of Governance in Colonial North America

distance, lax attitude to new world empire→ self gov in colonies, all became under the crown eventually, some legislation existed, governors depend on taxes from colonies so this "power of the purse" makes colonists feel that they govern themselves

Middle Colonies

diverse, cereal economy

Algonquian People

east coast US, great lakes, hunt fish and grow corn, colder regions no farming so fish


economic and political ideas, only a limited amount of wealth in the world, nations try to get as many precious metals as they can, try to get favorable balance of trade with export value being more than import value, colonies are a way to carry out mercantilism, source of raw materials, colonies should not manufacture bc then they are also markets, british impose navigation laws on american colonies to make sure they fulfill their role, not v enforced tho

#4 French and Indian War

eliminates french completely from NA, dooms indians

Evolution of Spanish America

empire controlled by crown after repartimiento, north is Viceroyalty of new spain, south is Viceroyalty of Peru, indians lived independently, priests aggressively push to make them catholic, they interweave it into their traditional religions, priests accepted that

Economy of New Amsterdam

few come at first, not much profit, company promised land to get more people, immigrant came as well as african slaves, thrives under peter stuyvesant, center for fur, king charles ii of britain wants the dutch wedge and takes it in 1664, charles give colony to Duke of York his brother james, formal transfer happens after second anglo dutch war

#3 King George's War (1744-1748)

fought in NY, MA, NH, Nova Scotia, siege by mass on french fort in Louisbourg in nova scotia, french and indians destroy saratoga NY, did not settle territorial disputes, in the treaty british agree to give fort of Louisbourg back to the french in return for Madras, India and the colonists are mad

Fur Trade in North American Interior

french dutch and english, have to be friendly with natives unlike on coast, fur trade pushed them into the interior of the continent tho, this sets up future conflict and indian-european alliances

Anglicanism and Enlightenment Thinking

from GB to NA, anglican church incorporates more enlightenment ideas, strife between high and low churches, high church is more conservative, supported by William Laud Archbishop of Canterbury, strict interpretation of dogma fueled the rise of puritanism in 1630s, low church is more liberal and reform minded, more latitude in faith and practice-- Latitudinarians, reject rigidity ie Harvard and John Leverett Jr.


from barbados, bring slavery, 1663 King Charles grant's land south of VA to 8 friends, proprietors set up barbados like system, north and south diverge in 1670s and 1680s, 1712 official split

Development of Self Government in Britain's New World Colonies

groundwork for future

French India Diplomacy

had few colonists so had to rely on indian diplomacy, learned their languages, exchanged gifts with them and adjust to their presence

Lax Enforcement of Mercantilism

hard to enforce navigation acts, cost and distance, smuggling, ie Boston Molasses smuggling

Contact, Disease, Warfare, and Collapse of the Huron

hurons make contact with champlain in early 1600s, 1609 hurons make alliance with the french, measles and smallpox kill them off (50%-75%), Beaver Wars hurt them more, Iroquois with guns from the dutch attack huron in 1649, Huron flee

Labor and Tobacco

immigrants enticed with 50 acre headright, many can't afford ship, indentured servant agreements, makes class of mistreated workers

Impact of Slave Trade

in 1500s slavery changes into more permanent status, children of slaves are now slaves also, this encourages rape as it used to be only about the dad but now it was about the mom, slaves are property without rights, generations taken from africa, introduction of european goods in africa undermined the economy

"Negro Plot of 1741"

in NY tension with slaves, fires in the city blamed on slaves, 150 arrested and 20 executed


last, british scared about spanish florida and need a buffer state, James Oglethorpe starts GA, philanthropists, wants to make a colony for the deserving poor, debtors etc, mandated military, royal plan is to have GA poor protect wealthy carolinians, this didn't' really work and many people just came from SC, 1752 Oglethorpe gives land to crown

Lower South and Colonies of West Indies

less people, cash crops, slaver

Transatlantic Print Culture

literacy high in 13 colonies, newspapers in most cities, John Peter Zenger makes MY Weekly Journal in 1733, Ben Franklin runs Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729, print things about european affairs then gets gradually more localized

Mass Bay Colony, City Upon a Hill

lots of puritans want out of england in 1620, King Charles' advisor Archbishop William Laud want them to leave anyway, grant mass bay charter, John Winthrop is leader, go to NA on Arbella, Winthrop gives speech where he says city upon a holl

Wheat, Indentured Servants, Redemptioners

middle colonies, growing cereal crops, used indentured servants and redemptioners, redemptioners are taken to america where they promise to pay for the trip on arrival through friends or work contracts, disadvantage compared to indentured servants bc they don't have details worked out before and can't negotiate

Immigration and Dissenting Denominations

most colonial churches are anglican or congregational in 1600s, established churches, funded by colonies, in 1750s more protestant dissenters rise, great awakening makes more baptist and methodists, immigrants bring over new religions (mostly lutheran and calvinist, amish in PA)

Chesapeake and Upper South

most populous, tobacco with indentured servants and slaves

Pueblo People

native people of the north american southwest, maize centered development, small town organization, 900 AD, aka Anasazi people, architecturally complex structural development e.g. Chaco Canyon New Mexico, climate changes causes dispersal- Great migration, dispersal leads to conflict, conflict makes them weak when europeans come

Impact of Columbian Exchange on Europe

new crops and livestock, corn, potato, sweet potato, cacao, tomatoes, supplement meager diets of peasantry, syphilis also brought to europe

"Praying Indians" in Puritan New England

new england natives aren't allowed to keep their culture as much as new spain natives were, some revolt, some coexist and convert to christianity, Puritan missionaries make praying towns for those converted indians, second class citizens

#1, King William's War (1688-1697)

new world manifestation of 9 years war in europe between french and some allied nations including the british, border dispute in north america between british and french as well as indian competition, iroquois confederacy dominates fur trade, challenged by the french, skirmishes between indians result, and violence grows in the east over new england new france borders too (maine and acadia), northern groups of indians had formed wabanaki confederacy to stop english encroachment, iroquois confederacy, tired of war, negotiates Grand Settlement of 1701 with France

Quakerism and "Holy Experiment"

non hierarchical, equals in eyes of god, friends, meetings, friendly with natives, religious toleration, dislike slavery

Metis of French Colonies

not enough french women, intermixing occurred, metis were the mixed individuals that resulted, women were cultural mediators and had important role in fur trade

Emulating the British

people in british colonies try to copy lives of british, schooling in GB, british goods, gives them a sense of civilization

Deism and Enlightenment

people move away from rigid puritanism and adopt form of deism, god is distant, god created the world and natural laws but he did not govern day to day activities, god is clockmakers, earth is clock that runs on its own mechanisms tho

Plymouth and Mayflower Compact

pilgrims leave england in 1608 to escape religious climate, go to Holland but don't like their materialism, William Bradford gets permission to lead voyage to new world, 100+ board the mayflower in 1620 and land in Plymouth Rock, drew up Mayflower compact, government of consenting governed, struggles at first

Economic Impact of Conquest

position of many spanish declined during period of conquest, influx of silver and gold sets of inflation, taxes went up a lot to fund exploration and empire protection, spain went into debt

Impact of Exploration and Conquest of Europe

precious metals transform the economy, feudalism→ capitalism, new crops and livestock help Euros

Origins of Puritanism

protestant reformation, Luther and Calvin, King Henry does not go far enough and "halfway reformation" leads to puritanism

Pueblo Revolt

pueblo people resent spanish by late 1600s, encomienda system forced them into labor, their religion was outlawed, Pueblo Revolt/Pope's Rebellion occurs in 1680, centered in santa fe, were attacks on priests and spaniards, as a result of uprising spanish authorities appoint public defender to defend the natives and let them continue their cultural practices, each pueblo family gets land

Development of White Superiority

racism used to justify subjugation, come from ideas about purebloods

New England Colonies

religious rather than economy, puritan

Roger Williams and Rhode Island

rigid religious conformity in puritanism, conflict arose, Roger Williams was puritan minister but concerned about mistreatment of indians and involvement of church in civil government, said governing would distract from religion, fled and started RI in 1636

Trade, Competition over Resources, And Conflict in North America

rival conflict among europeans and also between colonists and indians, resources especially fur

Native American Resistance in New Spain

some fled which led to pressure elsewhere, violent and passive resistance, Guale in St. Augustine revolted in 1597


some in mass want to leave heavy handed rule of Winthrope, Rev Thomas Hooker disagreed about church membership, thinks new members just have to live a godly life while winthrop said they had to prove conversion experience, Hooker founded Hartford in 1636, Fundamental Orders of Conn adopted in 1639, 1662 New Haven joins

New Hampshire

some move north, fishing, mass takes the land until 1679

Adaptation in New Spain

some natives adopt christianity and changed it a little, some were full catholic

Silver and Encomienda

spanish want system to extract gold and silver, settlers get land and can force labor from locals, like old feudal system, settlers have free hand as long as % of metals sent to spain, brutal exploitation, critics like Bartolomé de Las Casas spark spanish issuing repartimiento in 1549 which reformed the governing of the new world

Casta System

superiority of pure blood spanish but there was also intermixing, spanish are outnumbered, casta is mixed race, peninsulares are the ones born in spain and creoles are born in the new world, they are at the top of the social structure,below them were the mestizo who were the children of spanish men and indian women, below hem were mulattos, children of spanish and africans, indians and africans are at the bottom

France's New World Empire

thinly populated, canada and great lakes, nola, Samuel de Champlain establishes Nova Scotia and Quebec in 1605/8, montreal in 1641


tobacco, servants and slaves, first proprietary colony by the english as they move from granting charters to joint stock co.s to granting proprietors (owners) land so they would be more accountable to the monarch, George Calvert was original MD proprietor but he died so Cecilius Calvert was the proprietor, catholic toleration

Dutch Presence in the Americas

trading outposts not settlements, forts and settlements in Guyana in 1590, Caribbean posts 1600s, are victims to competition of other euros, Treaty of Breda gives colony of Suriname to the dutch from the british after anglo dutch war 1665-1667 and they relinquish control of new amsterdam and focus on sugar in suriname

Trade Networks

triangle trade, manufactured goods from england to africa and americas (guns, shoes and more) slaves sent to america on middle passage, new world colonies grow food for europe, caribbean sends raw materials like sugar to europe and north america

Pequot War (1634-1638)

violent conflict with natives in new england, Mass Bay and Plymouth colonies work with Narragansett and Mohegan people to defeat Pequots

Juan de Oñate and the Acoma Pueblo People

western new spain, violence with pueblos, conquistador juan de oñate mes acoma resistance when he demanded supplies, they attack and kill some settlers, oñate fires cannons at them and cuts of feet of survivors and enslaves them

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